The masked villainess, the Winter Soldier, the Falcon and the autobahn

This one is really brand-new.

In the new Marvel series “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier” we have a masked villainess!

As soon I saw her in the very first trailer I had this show on my radar. Well, I would watch it without her as well….but she certainly is a big Bonus! 😉

The two heroes follow some bad guys who are escaping on two trucks with a hostage.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

…sorry, had to remove it… are too late…

Watch the video before you continue!

Damn, I really LOVE how she plays it in the beginning. She plays the terrified hostage but drops that disguise as she punches him right out of the truck.

I like how she then puts on the mask and thereby completes her transformation into the villainess.

I don’t really know so far if she is supposed to have a secret identity as she just has her civilian name on IMDB, it rather seems that the mask is “just” protecting her face during combat.

The good guys know her identity practically from the beginning.

I really like the fact that the scene takes place near Munich on the autobahn (technically more like an approach road to the autobahn).

The action scene works really well and shows the big budget of the show in parts. With 25 million dollars for a single episode….you can “easily” create such scenes in a TV show.

This scene can be found in episode 2.

Looking forward to the next episodes and to more scenes with her in action!

What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!

Barbara – A Batgirl fan film [Indiegogo campaign]

Today I wanna present another Fan film project that is now on Indiegogo:

Barbara – A Batgirl fan film

The team behind this project has already done two fan films:


So, with their third fan film, they wanna focus on Batgirl!

Batgirl is my favorite character from the comics and I am always interested in anything with her.

Check out the trailer for the fan film:

Well, it’s “just” a teaser trailer, but I am already verrry interested as they chose the right costume for her!

The cowl from the Batman Arkham video games is my favorite and the actress just looks great with it. 🙂

So, I really hope that this fan film will be done!

Check out the Indiegogo page:

Barbara – A Batgirl fan film

Also in the movie: Joker, Batman, Riddler, Victor Zsasz, Nightwing, Robin, and Scarecrow!

They are planning for a movie with about 25 minutes of running time.

I already backed the project and hope that others will do the same 😉

Wallis Day cast as the new Kate Kane [Batwoman TV show] + Update, March 25

I was thinking about writing about the BIG casting news in my post from Monday that you will find below this one, but I wanted to give you a bigger chance to watch the episode before hearing the news 😉

And also, this deserves an extra post!

As the news got out last year that Ruby Rose was leaving the show….new names for her recast quickly popped up.

A name that was mentioned pretty often: Wallis Day.

Last year I made a post about the possible recast actresses and she was the first I mentioned in it.


Check out my post from last year:

And here is the news about Wallis Day:

(Left: Wallis Day in her role in Krypton – Right: Ruby Rose as Batwoman)

Some more pictures of Wallis:

(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)


I am very thrilled about this recast as I thought from day one that Kate Kane would be recast and return to the show at one point.

I expected her to re-appear near the end of season 2. Well, now she already is in the show in the middle of season 2.

But the question is: How long will it take her to escape that basement/sewer dungeon? How long will it take the others to realize that she is still alive?

So, I think it will take a while to see the new Kate be reunited with her loved ones after all. And they will certainly be much surprised to see how she had changed.

There are now so many questions that puzzle me. Why is she there? Who put her there and keeps her locked away? What kind of injuries did she suffer? Are these injuries from the plane crash? Is the one who is responsible for the plane crash the same one who keeps her locked away? etc.

I hope we will see Wallis Day in the next episode, even I do think she might have these bandages on for a while….after all, she seemed to have gotten some facial surgery as she now looks different.

I will watch now (at least) some episodes of Krypton as I never have seen Wallis Day in anything, except short video clips.

UPDATE, March 25:

We finally know who will play Black Mask just some days before the first episode with him airs!

Peter Outerbridge will play the masked evil mastermind!

(click to enlarge)

I know him mostly from “Nikita” and “The Expanse”, but I have seen some other shows and movies with him as well.

Looking forward to see him in the role! Especially as he might be THE big villain for the rest of the season.

Batwoman, season 2, episode 8 “I Survived Much Worse” [Review]

Check out the very short review on Batwoman – Season 2 – Episodes 7-12!

Check out the detailed review incl. pictures and my Batwoman cuts on Batwoman – Season 2 – Episode 8!

You can watch the episodes LIVE on the CW (Sundays at 8 PM) or watch it also for FREE on the CW website (link) and on the CW app, starting Mondays after an episode has been aired on Sunday!

Some screenshots:

(click to enlarge – more pictures on the page of episode 8, link above)

Have you seen it already?

What do you think about it?

Leave a comment here or on the page of the episode!

Batwoman, season 2, episode 7 “It’s Best You Stop Digging” [Review]

Check out the very short review on Batwoman – Season 2 – Episodes 7-12!

Check out the detailed review incl. pictures and my Batwoman cuts on Batwoman – Season 2 – Episode 7!

You can watch the episodes LIVE on the CW (Sundays at 8 PM) or watch it also for FREE on the CW website (link) and on the CW app, starting Mondays after an episode has been aired on Sunday!

Some screenshots:

(click to enlarge – more pictures on the page of episode 7, link above)

Have you seen it already?

What do you think about it?

Leave a comment here or on the page of the episode!

Catwoman, Batgirl, Poison Ivy and Batman in one movie [Batman: Hush]

Time for a post about Catwoman (and Batgirl) for a change!

I know this movie for quite some time but didn’t post about it yet. Normally I wanna post every scene with a masked, female character from a movie or TV episode.

If I would do that here I would need to practically post half the movie, which would be highly problematic 😉

So, in this case, I wanna post just my favorite scene.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

The Catwoman VS Batman storylines were always interesting for me. I just love their relationship as they are so attracted to each other, but at the same time, they stand on different sides of the law. Catwoman isn’t a black or white character like most ones. She often is a criminal but has her moral principles and even fights alongside the good guys from time to time.

The “Batman: Hush” storyline is a rather famous one and is a favorite of some of the hardcore comic fans. This movie is quite different in regards to the story, and some of these fans don’t like that. I know these comics, but I don’t really mind getting something different with this movie.

The movie has a LOT of Catwoman scenes in it, so I am already very happy for that fact alone. Plus you can also see Batgirl in it, also it is “just” the Batgirl Burnside version which I don’t like that much, due to her costume and cowl. The cowl is basically just a helmet that isn’t attached to anything or secured with a chinstrap. Ok, that’s at least better than the last comic book version where she only had a tiny eye mask….but I better don’t get started on that one 😉

I like this Catwoman version, and it’s also good that she actually is wearing her goggles so she is disguised pretty well. The fight with Batgirl here could have been (a lot) longer for my taste, but well, I get that it wouldn’t fit at that point as Batman is badly wounded and needs help.

Poison Ivy has an interesting role in this one and there are quite a lot of other villains and heroes to be found in the movie.

I really like how the thug tries to unmask Batman but gets zapped while trying. A masked heroine could use such a defense mechanism as well 😉

I recommend that you check out the whole movie, especially if you like to see masked women such as Catwoman and Batgirl 😉

Here is the IMDB page to the movie:


What do you think of that scene and the movie?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

New promo poster, some behind the scenes pictures + trailer for episode 7 [Batwoman]

There wasn’t a new Batwoman episode last Sunday as the CW was airing the Critics Choice Awards.

Episode 7 “It’s Best You Stop Digging” will be aired next Sunday (March 14).

Today I wanna make a quick post as I forgot to post the newest, really cool promo poster!

Also, I will post some “behind the scenes” pictures I found over the last 2 weeks.

The new promo poster:

(click to enlarge)

A cool poster for sure! As all the other ones were pretty dark, it’s good to have one which has a much brighter tone.

Still looking for an image with a higher resolution than this one (1080×1350) of this poster as it would look really cool on a wall.

Here are some behind the scenes pictures:

(click to enlarge)

Also, I wanna put the trailer for the next episode in here, as he

Spoiler title
spoilers some….action….that is related to this blog. 😉

But be WARNED, if you want to be surprised, don’t watch this teaser.

Don’t read any further until you have seen the trailer!

Yeah, I know that Batwoman/Ryan is desperate to get to kill Alice as she thinks she will die soon because of her Kryptonite wound.

But Alice really finds out the secret identity of Batwoman way too easy for my taste. In season 1 she noticed her sister’s eyes under the cowl in episode 2. Here the new Batwoman unmasks herself willingly to get her personal revenge on Alice.

In season 1 Alice had her reasons to not let everyone know that Kate is Batwoman as she wanted to destroy Batwoman and at the same time wanted to keep her sister Kate safe.

But now, with Ryan the situation is different. Alice won’t be killed in the episode, that’s 99,99999999% sure. So, Alice could easily use her knowledge of Batwoman’s secret identity to her advantage at any time. For example, she could easily blackmail Batwoman to expose her secret identity if she would come after Alice again…

I wonder how that will play out. And I surely don’t want that her secret identity to get exposed to the public as that would be the end for Ryan ….and maybe even her team?

3 masked heroines in Black Lightning (Grace, Lightning, Blackbird)

I was watching the latest Black Lightning episode and wasn’t really thrilled about it as there wasn’t much action in it and not anyone in costume in the whole episode.

But then, right before the end…. a really cool scene developed!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Yeah, it’s only a rather short action scene and there is “mask action”….but to have 3 masked women in one picture is already a great feature! 🙂

I really like Blackbird’s mask as it is designed very well for me and also disguises her identity really well in combination with that hood.

Would love to see someone yanking that mask off her face at one point!

I never was thrilled about Thunder’s mask as it is only an eye mask that practically covers nothing. And it also didn’t help that the character has now this short haircut.

Grace looks really good with that leather mask that she debuted in this episode. I hope that she will have more appearances alongside Blackbird in this final season!


And of course, you can find more scenes with masked heroines in practically every episode of Black Lightning, starting in season 2.

I posted “just” the highlights on this blog so far.

This is the episode in which you can find the scene:


What do you think about the scene and these masked women?

Leave your comment below!

Batwoman, season 2, episode 6 “Do Not Resuscitate” [Review]

Check out the very short review on Batwoman – Season 2 – Episodes 1-6!

Check out the detailed review incl. pictures and my Batwoman cuts on Batwoman – Season 2 – Episode 6!

You can watch the episodes LIVE on the CW (Sundays at 8 PM) or watch it also for FREE on the CW website (link) and on the CW app, starting Mondays after an episode has been aired on Sunday!

Some screenshots:

(click to enlarge – more pictures on the page of episode 6, link above)

Have you seen it already?

What do you think about it?

Leave a comment here or on the page of the episode!

Female, masked burglar VS male burglar – Round 2

Time for Round 2 in this match!

You can find the 1st round here if you haven’t seen it already:

After their first encounter, our female burglar now is again looking for precious diamonds!

And again, the hero of the show is just waiting for her….


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Watch the video before you go on!

Really good stuff!

I mean she is in two scenes, does unmask herself once, and is unmasked twice! So, this episode really delivers! 🙂

Even the unmasking is shot very quick here.

I think it’s a little odd that she escapes the building first and seemingly waits on that container to then knock down the guard as he is threatened.

Why wasn’t she focused on escaping as quickly as possible? Was she waiting for him? Seemingly not as she runs away from him.

However I really love their relationship as they know each other, he wants to stop her, but she has a strong motivation to get these diamonds anyway.

Sadly this was the last scene of her as a masked burglar. Will watch the whole episode the next few days to get the full picture of what is going on.

The only thing that was missing was a close combat with a security guard who would then yank on her mask before she barely escapes the unmasking attempt 😉

Here is the episode and show name for you:


What do you think of this scene?

Leave your comment below!



Another Batwoman episode will be shown today on the CW!


Batwoman, season 2, episode 5 “Gore on Canvas” [Review]

*EDIT February 23*

Pictures and videos were added!

Check out the very short review on Batwoman – Season 2 – Episodes 1-6!

Check out the detailed review incl. pictures and my Batwoman cuts on Batwoman – Season 2 – Episode 5!

You can watch the episodes LIVE on the CW (Sundays at 8 PM) or watch it also for FREE on the CW website (link) and on the CW app, starting Mondays after an episode has been aired on Sunday!

Some screenshots:


(click to enlarge – more pictures on the page of episode 5, link above)

Have you seen it already?

What do you think about it?

Leave a comment here or on the page of the episode!

Female, masked burglar VS male burglar – Round 1

This episode of a TV show has some really great scenes! Another one that I discovered through a great compilation video with masked women.

In this episode we have two really good scenes, today I wanna present the first one to you.

So, you may guess what I might be posting next week on Sunday 😉

So, let’s start with some pictures for a preview:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Some story-snippets: They two meet earlier in the museum where he witnessed her snooping around. So he had a strong hunch about who he would find under that mask. 😉

I love that he uses the moment of surprise to immediately unmask her, clearly catching her off guard. I think they cheated a little with the unmasking.

The whole time her mask was fitting pretty tightly. But as they cut to his hand grabbing onto her mask, the mask is rather loose and much less fitting.

I guess they “prepared” the mask so the unmasking was easier to be done.

However, I enjoy that he goes for her mask and the lines they exchange. I like how she gets away by choosing the better escape route. She runs into a guard, which could be a big problem, especially as she isn’t masked anymore!

But it’s pretty dark and she is moving quickly to get him out of the way. I’m sure that he didn’t get a good look at her face.

The other scene with both of them is even better and longer….so stay tuned for the next video!

For now, I won’t post the name of the show…but I will when I post the other scene next week.

So, what do you think about that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!



“Round 2” can now be found here:


Batwoman, season 2, episode 4 “Fair Skin, Blue Eyes” [Review]

Check out the very short review on Batwoman – Season 2 – Episodes 1-6!

Check out the detailed review incl. pictures and my Batwoman cuts on Batwoman – Season 2 – Episode 4!

You can watch the episodes LIVE on the CW (Sundays at 8 PM) or watch it also for FREE on the CW website (link) and on the CW app, starting Mondays after an episode has been aired on Sunday!

Some screenshots:

(click to enlarge – more pictures on the page of episode 4, link above)

Have you seen it already?

What do you think about it?

Leave a comment here or on the page of the episode!

The post is a little later as usual, but I had a rather unusual thing to do yesterday, so I didn’t have enough time to write the review on Monday evening as usual.

Masked, female burglars in wetsuits! [Hall of Fame] [quality Upgrade]

This one is very special to me!

Actually, this movie was featured in one of the earliest posts on this blog back in 2013.

Some weeks ago I still thought that it actually still was on the blog, but it wasn’t anymore….and honestly, I am not sure what exactly happened.

However, I was planning to make a new post about it. A nice guy recommended me a store that actually has a DVD of this rare movie quite a long time ago.

Finally, I bought the DVD, even it was rather expensive in total, but hey….I just had to have this one in the best quality available.

So, why this movie is so interesting?

Because it’s about a gang of female robbers! They are wearing full masks in two rather short scenes and then are running around in sexy smoothskin wetsuits and masks for nearly 20 minutes!

So again, it would partially fit my Frogwoman blog as well, and I will make a post on it as well, with an additional short scene. More on that later.

So, let’s start this post with the two scenes where you can see the original team of 3 women!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Yeah, two good scenes with effectively masked women! Really well disguised!

As later on, they are dressing like men to fool anyone who might see them. In a later video, you see who they even hide their “twins”.

The unmaskings are rather disappointing for me since they are cheating big time! I guess the director or someone else was concerned that their hair would look messy if they just pull these masks off. So they got their hair done nicely and held their masks close to their faces and removed them from then on so it would look more or less like they would pull the masks off their heads in that scene. 🙁

I certainly wouldn’t have done it and would have shown their unmaskings without any cuts or tricks.

Perhaps some folks might have been surprised that there are women under these masks, even I think you certainly can see that in close-ups on their masked faces, that these aren’t men…if you look at the “exposed” eye sections.


So, I divided the long hotel robbery scene into 4 videos to keep these short.

That way the chances are better that they can stay on Youtube.

3 more women have joined the team to make the big heist that they have planned.

A big hotel on a rather remote island is their target!


(click to enlarge)

And here are the videos:

Well, that was quite a robbery! I just love the idea to have 6 women in wetsuits and (modified) scuba masks robbing a hotel!

The preparations pay off and the job goes pretty smoothly for the most part.

Of course, my highlight is the ending where the two guys sneak up on her and then try to unmask her! That is so sexy. The way she desperately struggles to keep her mask on is really well done.

She knows exactly that she would be finished if they manage to yank that scuba mask off. Yeah, she would still have her hood on, but they would see a face that they then could describe to the cops.

Of course, the scene should be a little longer, but ok, it’s a rather AWESOME scene anyhow 🙂

Luckily they are wearing sexy black wetsuits that are appropriate for such a nightly action.

You can find an additional scene on my other blog!

Check it out on Frogwoman org:

Extra scene – Masked, female burglars in wetsuits!

Here is the title of this movie:


Here is the german poster to this movie I just found today:

Well… great is that???!!!

Ok, the poster maker took a LOT of liberties as they are wearing completely different wetsuits, doesn’t look anything like these girls, don’t use spear guns, and so on.

But damn, it’s a very attractive poster for sure 🙂

So, if you want the DVD of this movie, I can recommend the site where I got it.

I had to pay 19 Pounds incl. postage, but it was surely worth it!

Link: Wanna get the full movie in good quality? Buy the DVD!

What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!

The masked female killer gets ….UNMASKED!

Another one I was pointed at through an epic Youtube video! Again, thanks to the guy for making this compilation 🙂

In this scene, we have a young guy who is suspected to be a (masked) killer.

But as you might guess, the one under the mask….isn’t a man as I would post about it otherwise 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Ok, what do I like and dislike about this one?

And yes, that’s the only scene where you can see the masked killer which lasts longer than a split-second 🙁

I really dislike that she isn’t more “visible” in the movie. I would love real fight scenes with her. More suspense before the unmasking.

And they really screw up the unmasking. Why doesn’t she defend her mask? Why don’t we get to see a little more of her before his hand reaches her mask?

That is done way too quickly!

This is how you NOT do an unmasking! Especially with such a hot woman underneath the mask.

I do like that Christopher Walken shows up in the scene! He is great all the time, even in here as he shots the knife out of her hands in a way too cool fashion 😆

Also, as you can see in the first picture, he seemingly tries to unmask her in the struggle! It’s only a split second and I nearly missed it as I watched it as it is so horribly cut.

But nonetheless, it’s great that he goes for the mask!

Wanna know from which movie this is?


What do you think about that scene?

Leave a comment below!