This page is dedicated to presenting the fetish stories that I wrote for this Blog!
They combine fetish stories with masked women and some sexual content 😉
A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale
Catwoman – The masked scuba thief
The rising star and her darkest secret (no preview available)
+ a NEW, naughty Fetish Story with 8 pages, written by me!
Story: In this one, a highly famous (fictional) celebrity enjoys having anonymous latex sex in a full black latex catsuit and mask. But now an evil latex man gets curious to see who is hiding underneath that mask.
It involves a lot of unmasking action, latex, and some dark moments as well.
By using the links above you can read the original posts with the links to the Preview versions included!
If you join the VIP-club, you can read the FULL versions of the stories AND watch the monthly videos!
More info can be found in the VIP post on the first day of each month.