A new, interesting video from Bluestone is now available to buy!
In this new installment of the Teen Bat series a new Bat has her debut mission….and of course….she runs into trouble! 😉
Check out the preview images for starters:
(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)
And here is the trailer:
(click on the arrows to enlarge to full size)
I watched the video and really enjoyed it!
The new actress does a good job and plays the heroine much better in comparison to most fetish productions.
She looks quite stunning in her costume with the boots, pantyhose and the rather big cleavage!
I’m not the biggest fan of her eye mask, but at least it’s one of the bigger versions that actually hide a little more of her face than the usual alibi eye masks.
As you can see on the images she gets unmasked. But, I was surprised how that in this video there is actually quite a struggle as he starts to yank on her mask.
Mostly the mask comes off easily as the producers often don’t really care about the unmasking (sadly).
In this one she actually struggles and tries to keep her mask on to preserve her precious secret identity! And this struggle is quite long! 🙂
I love that scene as it shows that she actually cares about her mask. An aspect that many other videos of this genre don’t have.
Here are the links to get one of the 3 versions of this new episode of Teen Bat:
There are several reasons I started to go on these Con’s.
– I wanna see some stars from the movies and TV.
– I like to see all the cosplayers, the artists and the merchandise stalls.
– And I wanna see some masked women like Batgirls, Catwomen, Batwomen, Spider-girls and so on.
….well….the first two worked very good. As I love the Gotham TV show it was a great joy to see so many of the cast in one place. And the other stars were interesting as well!
There were a lot of great cosplays and I found some good stuff at the merchandise stalls as well.
But masked women? Well, yes…but not ONE of real interest to me. There were some “masked” Star wars girls (well, only masked by a lot of face paint). There were a Catwoman, a Batgirl and a Huntress…but all with pretty cheap costumes. There was a Speedy (from Arrow, with an eye mask).
And quite some Spider-girls and Gwens…..but ALL without a mask! I guess they all thought….”they can’t see my pretty face when I’m wearing a mask”. Well, that’s true, but in my opinion running around with the mask would be the right thing to do as it is the “normal” costume (for Spider-Girl/Gwen). I never saw a Batman without a cowl on all these comic cons.
But I know this from Instagram, there a quite a lot of Spider-girl/gwen cosplayers who present most …or all pictures without the mask.
Sometimes I think that is an ego-think…
And somehow I didn’t want to ask them to put on their masks, so I could make a picture 😉
Ok, time for a video for you folks:
It wasn’t as crowded as on the last 2 cons in december.
Perhaps many folks are happy with one con a year (and only 4 months since the last one). But there will be 2 again next year.
Let’s see if enough folks will come to keep that up.
Some pictures I made:
DeLorean (Back to the Future)
K.I.T.T. (Knight Rider)
K.I.T.T. (Knight Rider)
Marine VS ?
Tom Noonan (Last Action Hero, Hell On Wheels)
Fall guy
All in all it was a fun day to remember, even I did not see really good cosplays with masked women. Perhaps next december.
Or I need to find a con were it is all about DC comics…and not to far away. One day I would like to attend the big comic con in San Diego.
Feel welcome to leave your comments below!
Did you ever visit such a con? Did you like it?
By the way:
It is still time to see the VIP-club videos from April!
Join now, support this blog and get some great extra videos (and 2 fetish stories)!
WOW, that’s so FUCKING GREAT! ?
Short version: In the next crossover event of the CW shows (The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow) Batwoman AND Gotham City will be introduced!!!! That will be aired in december.
That will bring up great possibilities in the future.:
Perhaps characters like Catwoman and Batgirl as well? Perhaps an own Batwoman Show?
Oh man, this news makes me happy….very, very happy!
I hope they don’t screw up the costume. I want that Batwoman mask from the comics. A big mask that hides her little secret perfectly.
Well, since her mask wasn’t changed in the years in the comics, I hope they just took that version.
Hey folks! Just a post about my motivation for this blog:
*EDIT*: That is not supposed to be a rant for the “feedback” situation right now (that has been worse in the past), it is just some sort of reminder for the 98% that doesn’t give any feedback at all. Perhaps we can reduce that to 96% ;-), that would be a victory already.
Why do I run this blog (and these two sister blogs), what is my motivation? Because it takes a lot of time to make the post, edit the videos and most important: It takes much time to know about these interesting scenes in the first place! Sometimes I get recommendations and find stuff online, BUT it is a lot of research! And that takes time….and a lot of it! There isn’t a lexicon with links to all the great scenes….
Well, what motivates my to run this blog (and the youtube channel)?
– Feedback on the posts/videos (getting in touch with folks with the same interests)
—-You can comment here on the site with the comment function at the bottom of each post
—-You can comment on youtube, leave a “like” and subscribe to my channel there (Maskripper on youtube)
—-You can contact me more directly by using the contact page (check the menu for that page)
– Recommendations for scenes I don’t know
—- That way I learn about new stuff (for me at least), and that is very satisfying! I do know many, many scenes/movies/TV-series, but there are always scenes that I don’t know yet.
Well, it is a donation for this blog. And that makes me happy too. It isn’t much that comes out of it, but if 3 or 4 folks donate something each month, that is already a lot for me.
And if you donate, you will get access to the VIP club where you can see videos, that I can’t post on the “normal” blog.
In know it is tough to recommend me stuff, and not everyone has a paypal account or money to donate.
But to subscribe to my youtube channel and click on “like” if you actually like the video, that is rather easy! And it doesn’t take much time…
Let’s see if nobody would give feedback, recommend or donate anything….well, there would be no reason to spend that much time in keep running the sites and youtube channels.
So, I just wanna encourage the folks, who did nothing of that….. to be a little active! Don’t just lurk around the internet….
I started to re-upload videos from the last months to this channel. All these videos should be safe. Videos that could be problematic by any chance, will get moved to google drive.
January 23rd-30th: re-uploaded all videos back to January 2016
January 31st-February 5th: re-uploaded all videos back to June 2014
February 6th: re-uploaded all videos back to April 2014
February 7th: re-uploaded all videos back to January 2014
February 8th: re-uploaded all videos back to November 2013 (only 4 more months)
February 9th: re-uploaded all videos back to September 2013 (only 2 more months)
*EDIT* February 11th: re-uploaded all videos back to July 2013 (all video are back!)
Feel free to subscribe to the channel. There are many public videos on it already 😉
As some of you may have already noticed, my youtube channel got terminated! What happened?
Well, I got two warnings for “nudity and/or sexual” content regarding videos for the maskripper blog. These warnings last 3 months.
I was very carefull (I thought) with these videos not to show nudity. For many weeks nothing happened. The first of these two strikes/warnings would have been gone in just 5 days….
But yesterday, I received the 3rd and final warning. Now my youtube channel is gone. I’m still not 100% sure why I received these warnings, but it seems that even a harmless unmasking scene or a fight scene may already be some sort of sexual content in the eyes of the youtube folks. Even if you don’t show skin. I guess I should have been more carefull and deleted every video where a woman is in any kind of peril to be on the safe side.
But where to start? Youtube never had a problem with all these scuba video where women were drowning or people tried to drown a woman. You can only guess were the line is that says, that is ok and that is not ok. Very frustrating…..
I don’t know if youtube checks videos on their own, or they just act if someone reports the video. All the warnings I got were for videos that were unlisted on youtube. That means that normally only people who visit my blog can see them….. Perhaps someone wanted my youtube channel dead, I don’t know.
Not hard to guess, that I’m pretty……sad/annoyed/angry/mad about this termination. The channel had around 250 listed and unlisted videos. It was a lot of work to upload all that stuff. Without my youtube channel both blogs are heavily “damaged”. Ok, all the articles, pictures and “foreign” youtube videos are still there, but most of the posts have lost their main piece.
For starters I have two new youtube channels for the VIP videos of Maskripper and Frogwoman of this month. So, in the future, each blog will have their own channel.
But I don’t know how to proceed. Uploading all these videos again is a huge pile of work with tags, descriptions, a good front image, the uploading itself, the linking etc. etc.
If I do that, it may be a good thing in the long run to have these two new channels with their own identity and name. Much better than just the one old channel with that unfitting name.
But, I already started to re-upload the videos to the new channels. The blog will go on…
I will be attending the german comic con in Dortmund next week (december 10th). I am really looking forward to it! Never been to one, and comic cons in germany are still a pretty “new” thing. I hope to see some well-made cosplays. Especially from masked heroines like Batgirl, Batwoman, Catwoman, Spider-girl, Spider-gwen and so on. I will take my little amateur camera with me and take some pictures and videos.