Masked female vigilante Titania in a kids TV show – 2 different masks

I read about this one on the superheroine forum. Thanks to the guy who posted about it there!

We have a masked female vigilante in long-running Canadian kid’s TV shows (from Quebec – so with French Audio).

I have seen rather little… so far, hopefully, there is some more good material in it.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

Ok, that first mask/wig combo is seemingly her standard disguise from what I read and have seen.

She changed into that cowl for some reason in one episode… but that seems to be the only time… as far as I know.

Yeah, my main issue, of course, is that it is a kids’ TV show. So, there won’t be any real action or peril involving our masked heroine.

(even the bearhug scene is quite perilous for a kid’s TV show)

Also, even though I had French in school (briefly) I don’t understand most of the audio as my little knowledge of French has evaporated over the last 20+ years.

She seems to be one of several masked heroes in this one, so… very often… you won’t even see her on screen.

The costume is too colorful for my taste, but it’s pretty solid overall. I mean you don’t find many heroines in such a spandex outfit on TV 😉

I especially like both of her masks from these scenes. In both of them, she is disguised really well, which is rather unusual…

In the link below you can find hundreds of episodes of this TV show.

I don’t know if it would be worth it to dig through all of those… but perhaps I might give it a try… at least.

Wanna know the name of the TV show?


(scenes from episodes 1 and 3 of season 1)


Here you can watch A LOT of the episodes of this show:

What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

Catwoman gets arrested and UNMASKED by the police!

Yeah, I know the headline reveals the outcome… but I just couldn’t resist!

The headline does sound awesome!

Will the scene be as awesome as well?

Check out this new scene from a very new TV show!


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

Ok, let’s start with the things I love about this one.

Catwoman does get unmasked by the police and they immediately recognize her!

That is indeed awesome!

It’s not a (forced) self-masking but she gets unmasked by someone else and her secret identity is ruined.

That is very thrilling for me and I did make several cuts of this scene incl. a 2-second cut of the actual unmasking 😉

I know that is an iconic Catwoman outfit from the comics and it fits the style of the TV show.

Of course, you can say that her costume is completely…. insane and “unrealistic”.

I mean she shows off 95% of her legs and is wearing high heels… maybe not the best choice for a cat burglar 😉

Very flashy and even more impractical.

I do like the look, but I prefer a Catwoman in a full black suit and cowl.

And speaking of cowl… here her mask is more like a helmet as it isn’t secured by a chin strap.

And I certainly do HATE that!

The unmasking itself is animated well enough, but there a quite some aspects that I didn’t like about it.

It’s Catwomans first encounter with Batman and she immediately gets unmasked and arrested?!?! Well, her crime career here is quite an epic fail 😆

And it’s not the only time she gets arrested in this episode with around 25 minutes of runtime 🙁

She gets unmasked while being tied up… also rather uncool for me.

But worst of all: There isn’t a real reaction from her!

She gets unmasked and arrested by the police! That will kill her criminal career very early on.

And she looks as if she would get a parking ticket with a mixture of “slightly annoyed” and “slightly bored”?

That totally killed the possible impact of the situation.

No….. “NO, don’t do that!” … no pleading or a try to escape that unmasking?

She just looks like “Ah well, it was worth a try… tomorrow I will do something else….”

That is all quite annoying for me.

A great scene…. 🙂

…and also a really bad scene 🙁

Have seen 4 episodes of the show so far.

So far so good, will finish it in the next days.

Hopefully, another masked woman will show up… but I’m not counting on it.

Wanna know the TV show and episode title?


What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

Meanwhile on my other blog…

For some time now, I have created videos for my other blog

Today I wanna make a post here, as a certain video is relevant to this blog as well!

In this video, a certain female thief wants to retrieve some stolen diamonds.

But a greedy female Cop wants to get her hands on them too!

And a female vigilante wants to catch the thief….

So, you have Catwoman and Batgirl in an underwater fight!

How about some pictures?

A trailer:

The music in the trailer is from “Batman Returns”.

(There is music in the video as well, but only in the intro and outro)

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button of the video on YouTube! 😉

Much more info on the video can be found here:

And to be perfectly honest:

There are no secret identity aspects in that video, no unmasking or such things.

But if you like masked women in rubber wetsuits who wrestle underwater…. then you will enjoy the video 😉

Do you wanna watch the whole video?

Well, you could join the VIP club on, but that probably wouldn’t make much sense for you as the other videos there don’t contain masked women 😉

Unless you count a scuba mask as a mask (in terms of a disguise).


So, right here on the blog, you get an alternative method to get the video:

You need a PayPal account and/or a credit card.

Send 4 Euro with PayPal to

… and you will receive an email with a link to watch/download the video (around 700 MB/1080p).

Please let me know that you want “Video 32”.

I will send it to your PayPal address …unless you provide an alternative to that.


Use the contact form on this page.

More Batgirl and a glimpse of Catwoman and Batman [Birds of Prey][Hall of Fame]

After I upgraded the existing posts last week it’s time to make a post about the exciting scenes I haven’t even posted about …so far.

I’m talking about the “Birds of Prey” TV show.


As I mentioned… there are only a few Batgirl scenes in it as Barbara Gordon is actually Oracle in this show… for most of the time.

But there are some interesting flashbacks in the show’s very first episode.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Well, I think the Catwoman costume is ok. I mean it was just meant to be on screen for some seconds so they didn’t put up a really big effort or budget to make a great one.

But it’s so sad that there once was such a Catwoman and such a Batgirl in Gotham and the show actually starts later on without them. 🙁  #scriptcrime

These two (and more) during a full TV show? That would be insanely awesome… maybe one day…

But it’s nice that we get some more Batgirl footage in this one, even the fight in the hallway is cut pretty badly so it’s hard to see much.

The highlight is actually the scene where Batgirl slams into the wall.

If you check that in slow-motion you can actually see how her cowl lifts up quite a lot and she is in danger of getting unmasked! #stuntwoman

Well, as I mentioned in the post where she actually was unmasked…. it is incredibly dangerous to run around with such an unsecured mask.

But I guess it wouldn’t have made much difference in this case as the Joker already knows that Barbara is Batgirl as he shows up at her apartment … #uncool

And it’s a nice bonus to have that self-unmasking in another flashback scene as well!

Well… pretty insane/irresponsible to unmask herself in a public place like that… even at night.

Perhaps she was aware that this was only happening in that mind-control game? Hard to say…

I like how her bat symbol is the only flashing color in that scene… very iconic/symbolic.

Wanna know from which episode this scene is?


What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

More from this TV show?

Check out the other Batgirl and Lady Shiva scenes in the Hall of Fame:

Batgirl unmasked by Lady Shiva! – [Hall of Fame][Upgrade]

In the early days of the blog, I made this post.

It’s time for a proper upgrade as there is so little text in these old posts!

This is one of my favorite scenes that I have watched a hundred times, so it’s time to make a proper upgrade post.

Also, the video is on my pretty small Dailymotion channel, so many of you may have never seen the video or that old post.

In this TV show, Barbara Gordon is Oracle and is bound to a wheelchair.

As her old enemy, Lady Shiva re-appears in Gotham Barbara feels the need to put on her old (GREAT) Batgirl costume and can (shortly) walk again with the help of an experimental device.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

This Batgirl costume (alongside the nearly identical one from “Batman and Robin”) is SO AWESOME for me!

The mixture with the (mostly) black leather and rubber is sexy as hell and I love every second Dina Meyer is in it (and Alicia Silverstone).

If I would live in that Gotham City I would become a criminal in no time or …even better… a cop who wants to arrest the vigilante. #BlackScorpionvibes

Or I would need to be rescued from evil criminals suspectingly often 😉

The cowl is nice but basically my only issue about the whole outfit.

It is cut open very high at the back of the head and …more problematic… has no chin strap and no neck coverage.

So unmasking her is way too easy as this video demonstrates.

Also, the cowl could simply fall off in a hectic fight… and that shouldn’t be possible.

It’s a fantastic tread that here we also have a second masked woman in the scene… Lady Shiva.

And damn… her mask is AWESOME and the costume is quite good as well.

It’s a shame that Batgirl here goes down so easily as that device is failing quickly. 🙁

An epic unmasking battle with these two where Batgirl isn’t paralyzed and is wearing a properly secured/upgraded cowl… is basically my holy grail.

Also a whole TV show with such a Batgirl as the lead character…. would be even more insanely-awesome-fantastic 😉

In this show Batgirl is just in one episode and some black and white mini flashbacks.

I do love that Shiva here immediately goes for Batgirl’s mask as soon she realizes that Batgirl is helpless!

That’s how a villain(ess) should do it! She has the opportunity to find out who Batgirl is and takes it. Perfect!

Not like most of the other villains who just run off and aren’t interested at all to find out who is hiding behind that mask.

Now the helpless Barbara Gordon is lying in front of her and she is ready to finish her off to get her revenge (most likely).

Then Huntress, who is sadly never wearing a mask or even a costume, shows up right in time to save Barbara.

She was too late to save Batgirl from the unmasking though. #timing

Due to the fact that Huntress isn’t wearing a mask, Lady Shiva recognizes Helena and runs off as she doesn’t wanna fight against her.

Or maybe she was afraid to lose and then be unmasked as well? 😉

All in all just an awesome scene!

Here, as a little bonus… two (edited) pictures of the “exposed” Barbara:


Wanna know from which episode this scene is?


What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

More from this TV show?

Check out the other Batgirl and Lady Shiva scenes in the Hall of Fame:

*Also updated the other Batgirl posts that are linked there*



Batgirl: Scales of Justice [Fan Film]

Today I wanna present a Batgirl fan film that just premiered this week.

I watched it yesterday and I think it deserves to be the topic of the weekly post here.

And this is a Batgirl film that wasn’t canceled! 😉

At least not yet… don’t know if DC/Warner will let it stay on YouTube or not.

In the past the fantastic “Batgirl: Spoiled” series was stopped after the second episode for example, even these episodes are still available on YouTube.

(That’s why I save every video I think is really good and that I wanna rewatch)

If you have a little over 30 minutes… watch it!


Official Synopsis: Following the murder of Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon must choose between her life and her aspirations of finding and killing The Joker, Jason’s murderer.


Preview pics:

(click to enlarge)

Here is the video (not my upload):

Watch the film and then continue!

Wow, that was a dark ending… not really surprising… if you know the comics.

Personally, I don’t like that aspect of the “Killing Joke” as it is such a trauma for Barbara and banned her from being Batgirl for a long time.

I think the movie is shot really well and the acting is quite good as well.

I mean it’s a fan film that was crowdfunded with a little over 2.000$ and is over 30 minutes long, quite a length for such a film.

Her costume is just okay… but I really like the Batgirl cowl they used. A quality cowl, especially if you just have such kind of budget.

Kendall Felix, who plays Barbara and Batgirl, also directed and wrote this film.

The short fight scenes here aren’t really exciting, but that is …again… a money issue I would say.

Not surprisingly… Batgirl has quite a lot of screen time here, but also Barbara as well.

I like the self-unmasking and the re-masking in this one.

Also that she tosses her cowl on the ground as she enters the apartment in the end.

Even that meant that she was standing unmasked in the hallway… quite risky. 😉

Funny that this fan film also has the trope of heroes standing around unmasked on rooftops at night.

I wouldn’t recommend that….

Another plus point is the music in this one, very fitting with a heroic tune as soon as the movie title appears.

What do you think of the movie?

Feel free to leave a comment!

Also, you should leave a LIKE on the video.

I certainly would like more fan films like that!

The Flash, Red Death and…. Batwoman!

I’m not particularly thrilled about most of the episodes from the latest Flash seasons… but this one …. this one is different 🙂

The Batwoman TV show had an unsatisfying ending as it ended as a normal season would end. And a few weeks later it was announced that there wouldn’t be another season at all.

But luckily, Batwoman now returned… even if it was only for a scene in the Flash show.

And she isn’t the only masked woman in this scene 🙂


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

It felt really good for me to get this final appearance from Batwoman/Ryan one year after the Batwoman show ended pretty abruptly.

Also cool that a Ryan Wilder from another dimension is Red Death here, the masked villainess.

She also appeared in the two previous episodes but sadly she unmasks herself very quickly so there is no suspense about who she really is.

Somehow funny how she carried her self-unmasking fetish over to a new masked character 😆 …. 🙁

Sadly her mask is a high-tech thingy and these self-unmaskings are really lame.

Would have been so great if that would have been a normal rubber cowl and they would find out who she is by unmasking her.

But… as often… that seems to be a big taboo.

Flash gets actually captured and tied up by the villains in a previous episode and one actually wants to unmask him.

But then another mentions that the Flash cowl would electrocute everyone who would try that… and then the topic is off the table completely 🙁

Of course, I hoped here that Red Death would rip apart Batwoman’s rubber cowl in order to show her dominance… but no luck 😆

At least Red Death gets unmasked here, even if it is so quick that is hard to see… and they cheated with the unmasking of course….

I am very glad though about this fight as it’s quite rare to have a fight with two masked women!

Later this month I will re-watch the last season of Batwoman as one year has passed since the last episode was aired.

Damn… I really miss having a TV show with a masked woman as the lead character….

Wanna know from which episode this scene is?


What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment here or on the Youtube video!

Batgirl … unmasked by Poison Ivy! [Masks off #44]

After the last years provided very little when it comes to interesting female unmasking scenes… this one clearly stands out and is pretttttty good!

Glad that someone posted about it on a certain forum 🙂

Check out the important pages:

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(use the arrows to navigate through the 4 pages)

Check out the pages before you continue!

Well, quite a good unmasking 🙂 , and a nice surprise for Ivy!

Ok, as mostly I do have some issues, let’s start with those:

It’s a little shame that she doesn’t fit back or at least says something before she gets unmasked.

It would have been great if the unmasking would have been shown with more panels.

Also, it always annoys me that the mask seemingly goes off that easy, I mean the cowl shouldn’t go off like that with a quick yank.

The material below the chin should prevent that. Here it looks like that material just ripped very easily as there is such a gap in it.

But ok, enough nitpicking… it’s so rare that you see Batgirl getting unmasked by a villain! And here it is not just any villain, it’s Poison Ivy!

Glad that Poison Ivy immediately recognizes Daphne and is so shocked about the reveal. She is shocked much more than Daphne… which tells a little bit that Daphne is just pretending to be THE Batgirl.

Normally Batgirl should be completely devastated if she gets unmasked like that… after all this could be the end of her crime-fighting career.


And there is actually more… earlier in the comic:

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Check out the pages before you continue!

A nice masking as Daphne puts on the cowl, even though we basically only see the end result.

But I do love that Poison Ivy is disguised as a Police Officer by wearing a full face mask!

Damn, I really wanna see a much slower unmasking with such a mask one day.

Would have been great if Batman grabs into that mask and would rip out the lower part over her real mouth for example.

Or her mask gets more accidentally damaged during a tussle and he then would realize that it is a mask and would do everything to fully unmask her.

However, quite a great issue in that a new Batgirl shows up, Poison Ivy gets unmasked and then Poison Ivy unmasks “Batgirl”!

Finally some really good new material 🙂

All that happens in:

The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries 002

What do you think about it?

Leave your comment below!

Catwoman … unmasked by the police… once again! [Masks off #43]

Sounds great, doesn’t it?

The headline is correct, but there is actually a catch to it… but see for yourself:

Catwoman 50 (2022)
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(use the arrows to navigate through the pages)

SPOILERS ahead, check out the pictures first before you continue!

By the way, I don’t like her cat ears pointing backward in some panels, but that’s just a detail.

Now to the much more annoying aspect:

Catwoman gets caught and unmasked by the police and they don’t show that?????


I mean the cover is promising and the panel with the result of her arrest is great as well as she is tied up and unmasked.

BUT, they don’t show how the police pick her up, tie her up and pull down her mask!

What a wasted opportunity 🙁

So, we have to use our imagination to visualize her unmasking.

And that time jump is really annoying. I mean Batman escaped, but couldn’t take her with him? She gets found without a scratch?

What happened to her?

Really odd.

Well, perhaps they thought they couldn’t top this epic unmasking:


Still, I really like this comic, finally a new one with some material for our fetish.

Sadly her secret identity isn’t so secret for quite a while now. I hate that so many know who Catwoman is….

Looking forward to seeing how she will escape from that prison!


By the way: I will post about one more comic in the next weeks.

What do you think about that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

Update on the “Gotham Knights” video game

Well, the game got a review from my favorite gaming site/PC magazine and it got a 70 (out of 100).
That isn’t totally bad… but far away from anything the older games from the Arkham series had reached.
Seemingly the story of the game goes fully downhill after half the game and the fights are done much worse in this one in comparison.
Plus the game seems to have some technical issues.
Glad that I waited for the test instead of getting too hyped over it.

I will buy that game when it is much cheaper. Until then they can patch it up and hopefully improve at least some technical issues.
So, all the Batgirl action with all those different costumes will have to wait…. at least for me.

Pretty disappointing.

Two more Batgirl pictures with different costumes/cowls:

(click to enlarge)


Stargirl, Season 3, episode 6 [short review]

Finally, we have a decent fight scene with Wildcat and Cindy in this one!

Well, to be more precise….more like Wildcat VS Cindy in this one 🙂

Quite odd how seemingly no one calls the cops in this town, no matter what happens in the neighborhood 😆

Again all the vigilante VS villain action happens without any civilians noticing it.

But ok, that’s just an odd habit of this show.

What is important is that Wildcat had a nice screen time and a good fight scene!

(click to enlarge)

The mysterious big villain still is in the shadows and you can only guess what he/she is up to.

It’s time for some action with him/her! I hope the villain will show up really soon so the heroes can battle him/her.

But back to the fight scene in this one. I really enjoyed the fight between Wildcat and Cindy.

A was rooting for Cindy a little bit as I was hoping she would unmask Wildcat… or at least try to unmask her.

Yes, she knows who Wildcat is… but it would show her dominance, and more importantly, it would leave Yolanda rather helpless since the Wildcat mask gives her her power.

Hopefully, some villain will go for it in the future 😉

7 more episodes to go this season, hopefully, the season will now move on with more action.

Episode 6 was promising in that regard.

Gotham Knights [Videogame]

Time to make a post here about “Gotham Knights”, not the CW TV show, but the video game!

The game will actually finally be released on October 21…. this October, which means it’s only 2 weeks away.

The standard Batgirl costume here isn’t so great.

A purple, unsexy costume and that…. “mask” …..

…..BUT….. I recently read that there will be over 50(!!!) different costumes and suit modifications for the 4 heroes…in total.

So… that leaves at least a dozen costumes and modifications for Batgirl! 🙂


I collected some images from different costumes and masks for you guys:

(click to enlarge)

Well, for some reason I am now much more motivated to play this game 😉

I am very curious to see all the different costumes and cowls for her!

Damn, how great would it be if there would be a cutscene after she is defeated where the goons rip her cowl apart and unmask her 😉

But, I guess, that will stay a dream.


And here is a trailer with Batgirl in action (in the 2nd half with interesting costumes):

Well, I’m not sure if I will buy that for full price when it comes out… but I will buy it sooner or later.

I enjoyed the Arkham games and looking forward to this.

Hopefully, it will be …at least.. a solid game.

But when I can play with Batgirl and all these suits… that’s already a great reason to buy the game 😉

Stargirl, Season 3, episode 1 [short review]

Stargirl is finally back!

Episode 1 of season 3 was a classic season opener for me. Much story to tell, little action.

And that means that Stargirl and co only had VERY limited screen time in this one. Two relatively short scenes with little action.

Certainly an interesting episode, but regarding material for this blog…. there was very little there.

On the good side, there were up to 4(!) masked women in these two short scenes! 🙂

(click to enlarge)

Minor Spoilers ahead…

Storywise, I am not sure about the idea that all the JSA and Injustice League are now working together.

Not surprisingly characters like hourglass and Wildcat are not happy about working together with former villains and villainesses.

It’s a rather safe bet that it won’t work for too long 😉

Sadly, they all know each other’s …not so secret…secret identities so it would be SO easy for the bad guys to get the upper hand, but I think they won’t exploit that at all :-(.

Interestingly there were newspaper reports in this one about strange sightings that were caused by Stargirl.

Perhaps the public will FINALLY be aware that there are masked heroes and villains running around their city.

Then the masks would actually be really useful again as …so far… the heroes and villains only battled each other… while the normal people were not aware that these folks even exist.

And that would open some interesting possibilities….

Looking forward to the new episodes and ….hopefully…. there will be much more action with the many masked ladies of this show!

Same woman…. different mask and costume! [The Flash]

Last week I posted about a masked thief that wasn’t really a criminal.

This time I wanna put the focus on her again as she wants to put her power to good use… and therefore she gets a new costume and cowl!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

I decided to show her unmasked face in the pictures above as she already was seen unmasked in my post from last week.

Ok, as always, I am annoyed about how careless these guys and girls are with their secret identities as they unmask in public way too often.

She even runs around without a mask in the beginning. Yes, she has super speed so no one can identify her while she is running….I guess.

But some back alley isn’t exactly a safe place to run around in costume…without a mask! Especially during the day. At any time somebody could show up and could see their exposed faces!

Also, as I mentioned before, I HATE this “magic” masks a LOT! It’s a complete, insane fantasy that that might ever work.

But for the movie folks, it’s a very easy and convenient way to have a quick unmasking, without hassling with an actual mask that might be difficult to remove. And Barry’s hair just looks perfect after the “unmasking” 😆

I really like her costume a lot! It basically looks like a smooth skin wetsuit with some extras. The black fabric looks really great and I think that it is very sexy.

Her mask is sadly (but logically) from the same lame fabric as the Flash mask, it’s ok…but nothing like the great rubber cowl he wore in earlier seasons.

BUT… it covers her face well enough and it’s a solid disguise and I would love to have her around in much more episodes, but after the ending of season 8, that doesn’t seem to happen…and well season 9 will be the last one anyhow.

Seeing a woman in such a costume and cowl in this show was a real treat for me and was a great way to end the season after it had quite a lot of boring episodes in the mid-section.

My version of a Flash TV show would be like this:

A woman as the Flash

A woman that is taller than “Fast Track” and is a little curvier in a certain region…

Use that costume, but add a massive rubber cowl to it. (like Flash had in early seasons)

And there is NO damn magic way for her to mask or unmask!

Also, there would be some villains who are actually interested in her secret identity!

And they would actually try to find out who she is by trying to remove her mask! (Yes, that is actually a possibility…. looking at you… Batwoman TV show)

She wouldn’t self-unmask every 5 minutes 😉

Adding some sexy villainesses (some masked) to it.

Use very little fantasy and magic. The Flash has her superpowers but only very few villains would have some. The villains would have their ways to sabotage her powers and would rely on some gadgets.

These scenes were from this episode:


(she also appears in costume in the episode after that)

Ok, enough from me…

What do you think about her costume?

Leave a comment!

Catwoman unmasked by the police! ….and it’s not who you think ;-) – [Masks off #42]

Sorry, for not posting last weekend, but here is a mid-week post to make up for it.

Thanks to a nice member of the best unmasking forum in the world, I learned about a certain scene in a comic book.

And I have to say… it has become one of my favorite unmaskings in a comic book!

I think I knew most of the really good unmaskings by now, but this one has somehow slipped below my radar.

Let’s check it out:

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Watch the pages before you go on!

Well, I love it! The fight with Batman is a nice start, always very sexy material, and the fact that he knocks her out….for just some seconds(?) to deliver her to the cops is quite unusual.

But well, after all, this is a very unusual storyline and many things are very different from the “normal” Batman world.

I love how he orders the cops to unmask her! Pure gold 🙂

A little odd that he leaves that to them, as I would have gladly done the job myself… if I would be Batman.

Of course, it would be nice to have the unmasking in more detail…in more panels…but ok.

However, the result is fantastic! Her mask yanked away to her forehead and the expression on her face…wow! She knows that she is screwed big time!

The cops and Batman now know who she is. They know who the famous cat burglar is and her career is pretty much over!

The big surprise here is that Catwoman is actually NOT Selina Kyle but Vikki Vale, and it makes it even better, especially when she is “interviewed” by Dr. Crane a few pages later on.

After she is injected with a truth serum she admits how she loves “the excitement, the danger, the fun” when she is Catwoman!

They should have added how much she loves to run around in that tight costume and mask and how much it turns her on 😉 . But that would have been too much for the censors 😆

A great fantasy to have a star reporter running around as Catwoman at night! A respected and famous member of society during the day and a wanted criminal at night, certainly a great mixture 🙂

And that makes the unmasking even better!

Of course, I would prefer her not to be handcuffed and to say something like “NO!” or “Not my mask!” or “Don’t you dare!”… but these are only small issues.

All in all, I am very happy to now know this “unmasking gem”.

These pages are from the comic:

Shadow Of The Bat – Annual #2

What do you think about these pages?

Leave a comment!