After last week’s episode was my least favorite one of the season, episode 9 was MUCH more interesting!
Finally, we have a pretty long scene with Wildcat and Dr. Mid-Nite.
And also with good action in it!
(click to enlarge)
Not exactly the hottest match as Wildcat was fighting against “Grandma Freeze” as I call her, but with some nice perilous moments included.
Ironically Stargirl is again missing from her own show as “only” Courtney is in that house as the action unfolds.
I am very curious to see how the show is going on forward after this episode, there are 4 episodes left and it’s time that we can see the plan of the bad guy.
And what will happen to Snakegirl aka Cindy?
Also, Rick is out of control right now, and that has to be fixed.
It was nice that Dr. Mid-Nite finally had her first real fight after she discovered the combat mode of her goggles.
The end of this season will also be the end of the show as it was revealed that there won’t be a season 4.
During season 1 this news would have been very sad, but by now it doesn’t have much of an impact on me.
I hope that shows with a masked female lead will be done in the future on another network (and studio).
The Arrowverse is on a decline for a while now and will end with the last season of the Flash.
So I hope for more masked ladies on TV and in the movies in the future 😉
Last week I posted about a masked thief that wasn’t really a criminal.
This time I wanna put the focus on her again as she wants to put her power to good use… and therefore she gets a new costume and cowl!
Well…. nice new costume!
And a real cowl!
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
I decided to show her unmasked face in the pictures above as she already was seen unmasked in my post from last week.
Ok, as always, I am annoyed about how careless these guys and girls are with their secret identities as they unmask in public way too often.
She even runs around without a mask in the beginning. Yes, she has super speed so no one can identify her while she is running….I guess.
But some back alley isn’t exactly a safe place to run around in costume…without a mask! Especially during the day. At any time somebody could show up and could see their exposed faces!
Also, as I mentioned before, I HATE this “magic” masks a LOT! It’s a complete, insane fantasy that that might ever work.
But for the movie folks, it’s a very easy and convenient way to have a quick unmasking, without hassling with an actual mask that might be difficult to remove. And Barry’s hair just looks perfect after the “unmasking” 😆
I really like her costume a lot! It basically looks like a smooth skin wetsuit with some extras. The black fabric looks really great and I think that it is very sexy.
Her mask is sadly (but logically) from the same lame fabric as the Flash mask, it’s ok…but nothing like the great rubber cowl he wore in earlier seasons.
BUT… it covers her face well enough and it’s a solid disguise and I would love to have her around in much more episodes, but after the ending of season 8, that doesn’t seem to happen…and well season 9 will be the last one anyhow.
Seeing a woman in such a costume and cowl in this show was a real treat for me and was a great way to end the season after it had quite a lot of boring episodes in the mid-section.
My version of a Flash TV show would be like this:
A woman as the Flash
A woman that is taller than “Fast Track” and is a little curvier in a certain region…
Use that costume, but add a massive rubber cowl to it. (like Flash had in early seasons)
And there is NO damn magic way for her to mask or unmask!
Also, there would be some villains who are actually interested in her secret identity!
And they would actually try to find out who she is by trying to remove her mask! (Yes, that is actually a possibility…. looking at you… Batwoman TV show)
She wouldn’t self-unmask every 5 minutes 😉
Adding some sexy villainesses (some masked) to it.
Use very little fantasy and magic. The Flash has her superpowers but only very few villains would have some. The villains would have their ways to sabotage her powers and would rely on some gadgets.
Well, I’m very sad about it, but not as devastated as I should/could be.
That sentence might not make much sense at first …but I will explain it later.
This will become a rather long post, but I need to write a lot right now.
During seasons 1 and 2 we got news of early renewals for another season.
During season 3 there was no such news, which already took a further impact on how much I enjoyed the episodes in the 2nd half of the season.
Then there was the news that the CW is for sale, which was rather bad than good news for the show in my opinion.
Hard to say if the show would have gotten a new season without that sale…. maybe we get info about that in the next weeks.
Then other shows like Flash or “Superman & Lois” got renewed… but still no news on Batwoman and other CW shows like Legends of Tomorrow.
To be honest, I thought the chances that the show got another season were less than 50% and I tried to convince myself of that.
Why? Because I was preparing myself for the day the bad news would pop up. In this way, I wanted to soften the impact of the news on me.
Well, I must say…it worked, even I always did hope that the show would at least get a final season 4 to wrap up the show like other CW shows like Arrow and Supergirl.
I mean the seasons were already cut down from 20 (season 1) to 18 (season 2) to 13 (season 3) episodes even I think Covid and resulting schedule problems played a big part in that.
A final fourth season with 10-13 episodes would have been the proper ending to the show.
But now, the show just ends without a proper ending, without a final season, which is very disappointing.
Legends of Tomorrow also don’t get a final season by the way. But I don’t care very much about that as I stopped watching during season 6.
In addition that I anticipated the bad news, I must admit that my enthusiasm for this show slowly declined over the last seasons.
I mean from the start I was a HUGE fan of the show and did my best to push the show. I bought magazines with Batwoman on the cover, bought posters, mugs, figurines, a countdown clock, the Blu-ray sets, and created a season 1 memory card game. I created a special mixed drink that I drank at the beginning of every episode. I wrote posts on this blog, and spend endless hours writing reviews here.
I defended the show against all those trolls on “social” media which was a very energy-draining thing, especially in season 1, as didn’t know how to handle it in a good way.
I always tried to spread good vibes.
But from the start, the show always had its problems. The first trailer was VERY bad for the reputation of the show and activated all these hateful cellar troll-creatures.
In retrospect, it was a bad decision to choose Ruby Rose as Batwoman.
She is too small for the role, not muscular enough, and well…. not really a good actress.
I know I defended her prior to and during season 1, but my view changed as she is seemingly quite a diva with some issues.
I think it almost killed the show after season 1 as she was fired from the show and I am angry about it.
I guess we will never get the full truth, but I think she wasn’t the right one to handle such a lead job on a TV show.
Then the decision was made to replace Kate Kane with Ryan Wilder. Surely that generated new fans as well, but I think that this decision had a bad impact on the ratings in the end, even though it is very difficult to compare numbers from older years with new ones.
Many hardcore Batwoman comic fans and hardcore Kate Kane fans were lost as an audience.
The show always focused a lot on “representation”. I mean you had a lesbian as the lead character of a superhero show, that was totally new and provoking for …certain “people”.
In seasons 2 and 3 they even increased that focus. Now it was “even” a newly created lesbian lead character of color.
That was a quite courageous decision that challenged the trolls even more.
Don’t get me wrong, I think representation is very important and the show had a great influence on that, I also think it changed things for the better.
But I think that it shouldn’t be the primary focus of a superhero TV show.
More or less this show was ….mainly…. about representation, drama, and relationships.
Yes, it also had superhero elements, action scenes, and thriller elements, but not as the main focus.
And I do think that was a mistake.
My main interests in this show were always the aspect of having a masked woman as the lead character of the show, having great action scenes in it, and having thrilling storylines in it.
Most of the storylines were good/entertaining for me, but the show had too few action scenes in it, maybe because of the budget.
In season 1 we had some nice secret identity issues that are always very interesting for me. There was a nice forced self unmasking and a great “close call” as a thug pulled on Batwoman’s wig.
Season 2 had only little secret identity issues and I was already annoyed with how folks always told the next bad guy how Batwoman is.
Season 3 had even fewer secret identity issues and practically no interesting scenes in that aspect. Very disappointing.
I mean, I’m already very thrilled to even see a masked character like Batwoman on-screen….don’t get me wrong.
I would even watch an episode where she would keep watching paint dry for 40 minutes as long she is in costume and cowl 😉
The new afro wig was also a negative aspect for me from season 2 on. Rather unsexy.
Even I have to say that Javicia filled out the costume much better than Ruby did. The suit got sexier and Javicia is shaped and trained much better than Ruby.
Before the show, I had big hopes for great unmasking scenes, unmasking attempts, and secret identity issues.
In that regard, the show did disappoint me more and more …over the years.
I mean, 51 episodes were made in total… and how many villains tried to find out who Batwoman is by trying to unmask her (by trying to remove the cowl)?
Well…. 0(!!!!). Again… in 51 episodes! Quite frustrating for me.
Yeah, the show had some very interesting scenes…as I mentioned….but way too little in total.
And, as mentioned there were too few action scenes in this show. In a superhero TV show, I want to see MORE of that!
Even I know they are hard to make and do cost serious money. More money as having the characters chat about their feelings in length.
Ok, that was a little harsh and exaggerated, but I’m frustrated right now….
Don’t get me wrong… I am very thankful that this show exists!
Yeah, it did cause me a lot of “work”, a lot of trouble, and time (reviews, posting, fighting trolls) …but it GAVE me a LOT in return as well!
This post is already long enough and so I need to come to an end, even though there is much more to say.
THANKS to everyone involved in this show! I am very thankful for all the work you folks put into the show!
I waited a LONG time to have another TV show centered on a masked female character as there are so few.
I hope that there will be another Batwoman TV show in the future. Maybe another company can make one with a different focus and more money involved.
I read rumors about HBO Max planning to remake/reboot certain Arrowverse shows, but don’t know if that might happen or not.
As I mentioned, Legends of Tomorrow is also not getting a new season…which means the Arrowverse is basically dead by now.
The Flash is now the last show of the old Arrowverse and there are rumors that the new season 9 will be the last one.
Sadly the decline of the CW superhero shows isn’t a new thing.
I mean Supergirl was getting worse and worse after season 4.
The last time I was really excited about the Flash was in season 5 or 6… I guess.
I stopped watching Legend of Tomorrow in season 6.
Arrow was getting worse after season 4 for me, even it still was entertaining enough.
Black Lightning was ok until it ended after season 4.
“Superman and Lois” and Stargirl are still there, will be interesting to see how long they will run.
In the meantime, there are luckily other TV shows with masked women on the horizon.
Season 3 of Stargirl will be aired this summer.
“Knights of Gotham” will hopefully get a season order after they are filming the pilot right now.
Also, the CW will have a show with a female Zorro in the near future. (#Queen of Swords reloaded?)
Later on this day I will make my special Batwoman drink and pause a moment to remember these 3 seasons…
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
THANKS to everyone involved, it was a fun ride while it lasted!
Duela, Carrie Kelley, and Turner Hayes will be played by Olivia Rose Keegan, Navia Robinson, and Oscar Morgan (left to right)
And Carrie Kelley is in the comics a sidekick of Batman and is wearing big, colored glasses…I guess as a disguise…but well, it’s certainly not a mask for me:
Honestly, I didn’t know any of these actors until now, but looking forward to seeing what they can bring to the screen!
There are also rumors that Stephanie Brown will be in the show as well….and she is the heroine “Spoiler” in the comics (mostly)!
(click to enlarge)
It would be SO great if she would be in the show! I especially love the full-face version of her mask…. but I think the chances they would use such a mask are verrrrry slim.
But the ninja-style mask is very interesting as well for me.
And the show has a LOT of potential for even more masked women in it! I mean perhaps even Batgirl could be in it!
But as they are making that Batgirl movie, I doubt that she also will appear in this TV show 🙁
I am looking forward to reading and seeing much more about this show as the potential is really BIG!
And my hope is that this show will get a green light for a season order and then season 4 of Batwoman will also be aired in the fall later in the year! That would be perfect!
In the worst case, this show wouldn’t get a season order and Batwoman would be canceled…. that would be quite a disaster for me.
You can watch the episodes LIVE on the CW (Wednesdays at 9 PM) or watch it also for FREE on the CW website (link) and on the CW app, starting Thursdays after an episode has been aired on Wednesday!
Some screenshots:
(click on the image to enlarge it – more pictures on the page of the detailed review)
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Check out the detailed review incl. pictures and my Batwoman cuts on Batwoman – Season 3 – Episode 10!
You can watch the episodes LIVE on the CW (Wednesdays at 9 PM) or watch it also for FREE on the CW website (link) and on the CW app, starting Thursdays after an episode has been aired on Wednesday!
Some screenshots:
(click on the image to enlarge it – more pictures on the page of the detailed review)
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Check out the detailed review incl. pictures and my Batwoman cuts on Batwoman – Season 3 – Episode 9!
You can watch the episodes LIVE on the CW (Wednesdays at 9 PM) or watch it also for FREE on the CW website (link) and on the CW app, starting Thursdays after an episode has been aired on Wednesday!
Some screenshots:
(click on the image to enlarge it – more pictures on the page of the detailed review)
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You can watch the episodes LIVE on the CW (Wednesdays at 9 PM) or watch it also for FREE on the CW website (link) and on the CW app, starting Thursdays after an episode has been aired on Wednesday!
Some screenshots:
(click on the image to enlarge it – more pictures on the page of the detailed review)
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Just a quick post about the final fifth episode of the Armageddon event (Flash, season 8, episode 5).
Well, the bad news is…… Batwoman/Ryan didn’t return to Central City for another appearance, so she was only in (the last moments of) episode 3 and in episode 4.
The good news is that (new) Green Arrow finally showed up.
Here are some pictures:
(click to enlarge)
She had some nice scenes but without any secret identity issues at all, as they (team Flash) know who she is under her tiny mask and the villains don’t care (at least the hood adds a bit extra disguise).
I’m still a little sad that she didn’t get her own show as they canceled the Spin-off with her and the canaries.
So I guess this may have been her last appearance as Green Arrow unless she will make appearances in other future crossovers. 🙁
All in all the Armageddon event was …well….nice. Entertaining with some odd story aspects here and there.
Lately, they come up with way too many convenient crazy sci-fi gadgets whenever they are needed. There is basically no problem they won’t have some sort of gadget for.
The Flash is now on break until March 9.
Batwoman will return on January 12 and I’m very much looking forward to it!
Some more news:
Three writers of the Batwoman production are developing a “Gotham Knights” TV show!
Right now I’m careful as we know only little and I am afraid as hell that they will have a Batgirl in a Burnside costume with an eye mask or that “helmet” thingy (aka cowl without a chinstrap).
But it does sound really great to have another TV show that will have masked female vigilantes and villainesses in it!
Already there are speculations that this TV show might be some sort of successor when the Batwoman TV show would end.
If that really is the case it would be good to have some sort of replacement like this new show, and I (and others) would have something to look forward to.
But right now, in the middle of season 3 of Batwoman, there is no news about a 4th season….so far.
Perhaps they will make the 4th season and then Gotham Knights would be the next show after the 4th season has been aired.
A quick post about Batwoman/Ryan Wilder’s appearance in the Flash Armageddon event.
Minor Spoilers ahead!
Minor Spoilers ahead!
As you may know by now this event takes place in the first 5 episodes of season 8 of The Flash.
Ryan first briefly appears in the last moments of episode 3.
This week, episode 4 aired and finally, we get some real screentime of both.
Yeah, Batwoman is only there for a short action scene, but at least something. Later on, Ryan appears in a short scene with Iris as well, but that’s it for this episode.
Some pictures:
(click to enlarge)
These scenes play 10 years in the future, or to be more precise….in A possible future.
So, it’s hard to say how serious to take all of it….at least for me.
In this future, Ryan and Sophie wanna adopt a child which is a possible hint that they might end up together like some folks including me, are thinking.
But well, as I said, it is A possible future….so hard to say how this episode can be seen as an indicator of how things will develop.
It’s a fun episode and as there is one more episode to go….I hope that Batwoman will return for that!
So far, the (new) Arrow hasn’t shown up so I am thrilled for her appearance in the next episode.
Here is a Batwoman poster for the Armageddon event:
You can watch the episodes LIVE on the CW (Wednesdays at 9 PM) or watch it also for FREE on the CW website (link) and on the CW app, starting Thursdays after an episode has been aired on Wednesday!
Some screenshots:
(click on the image to enlarge it – more pictures on the page of the detailed review)
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You can watch the episodes LIVE on the CW (Wednesdays at 9 PM) or watch it also for FREE on the CW website (link) and on the CW app, starting Thursdays after an episode has been aired on Wednesday!
Some screenshots:
(click to enlarge – more pictures on the page of episode 6, link above)
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Some more news:
Episode 7, which will air next Wednesday (24) will actually already be the mid-season finale!
From what I read the show will then return on January 12 and will have only 13 episodes in total as was confirmed from some sources.
I hope that there will be some good news about the 4th season soon!
And the CW released this promo picture of Poison Mary:
Wow, she looks great! Interestingly the left plant has caught a bat 😉
Can’t wait to see Poison Mary and Poison Ivy united!
I would bet that the cliffhanger at the end of the next episode shows Poison Ivy for the first time….
Watched the first episode of Armageddon, but so far Batwoman wasn’t in it.
You can watch the episodes LIVE on the CW (Wednesdays at 9 PM) or watch it also for FREE on the CW website (link) and on the CW app, starting Thursdays after an episode has been aired on Wednesday!
Some screenshots:
(click to enlarge – more pictures on the page of episode 5, link above)
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