Batgirl …and Batman and Robin…. VS vampires!

I stumbled upon this one perhaps a year ago and have wanted to post about it ever since.

But I had trouble getting the footage.

Luckily that changed today 😉

So… we have Batgirl… and Batman and Robin… VS…. vampires!



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, most of you don’t understand German (it’s an Austrian TV show) … so let me provide some background info and explain some aspects.

*EDIT* You can try the automatic subtitles of course on YouTube. Not the best job, but much better than understanding nothing.

In the reality of this comedy/horror TV show… there are creatures with powers… and there are (also) vampires.

This event here is a masquerade ball hosted by the vampires. And our heroes are there in these costumes to blend in.

So… yeah, no more Batgirl scenes in other episodes of this show.

Our heroes want to stop the plan of the evil vampire leader.

I really like her Batgirl costume which is very much like the 60’s TV show costume of Batgirl that Yvonne Craig was wearing.

She is even wearing a red wig.

Yeah, I prefer Batgirl in a black rubber suit… but this one is good as well.

Especially as it has a solid cowl that disguises her well.

Sadly the character here doesn’t have any secret identity.

The vampires immediately recognize her as the cowl doesn’t “work” here in the reality of this TV show.

Which is quite ….odd….. as much lesser disguises (in terms of face coverage) work in 99% of the movies/TV shows.

It’s a shame that her unmasking happens off-screen… but at least we get to see her in costume and without her mask for some time.

This video has most of the Batgirl scenes from the episode, I only left out some lame(r) ones so the video had better chances to stay up on YouTube.

All in all I really love the scenes with her, even without an unmasking and secret identity peril.

My highlights are the scene were the goon pulls on her hair (or cowl?) and the campy fight scenes with the fitting music 🙂

And you certainly won’t find many scenes with such a lovely Batgirl in mainstream movies/TV shows… outside season 3 of the 60s Batman TV show.

Wanna know the name of the TV show?


(last episode of season 1)

What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

Meanwhile on my other blog…

For some time now, I have created videos for my other blog

Today I wanna make a post here, as a certain video is relevant to this blog as well!

In this video, a certain female thief wants to retrieve some stolen diamonds.

But a greedy female Cop wants to get her hands on them too!

And a female vigilante wants to catch the thief….

So, you have Catwoman and Batgirl in an underwater fight!

How about some pictures?

A trailer:

The music in the trailer is from “Batman Returns”.

(There is music in the video as well, but only in the intro and outro)

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button of the video on YouTube! 😉

Much more info on the video can be found here:

And to be perfectly honest:

There are no secret identity aspects in that video, no unmasking or such things.

But if you like masked women in rubber wetsuits who wrestle underwater…. then you will enjoy the video 😉

Do you wanna watch the whole video?

Well, you could join the VIP club on, but that probably wouldn’t make much sense for you as the other videos there don’t contain masked women 😉

Unless you count a scuba mask as a mask (in terms of a disguise).


So, right here on the blog, you get an alternative method to get the video:

You need a PayPal account and/or a credit card.

Send 4 Euro with PayPal to

… and you will receive an email with a link to watch/download the video (around 700 MB/1080p).

Please let me know that you want “Video 32”.

I will send it to your PayPal address …unless you provide an alternative to that.


Use the contact form on this page.

More Batgirl and a glimpse of Catwoman and Batman [Birds of Prey][Hall of Fame]

After I upgraded the existing posts last week it’s time to make a post about the exciting scenes I haven’t even posted about …so far.

I’m talking about the “Birds of Prey” TV show.


As I mentioned… there are only a few Batgirl scenes in it as Barbara Gordon is actually Oracle in this show… for most of the time.

But there are some interesting flashbacks in the show’s very first episode.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Well, I think the Catwoman costume is ok. I mean it was just meant to be on screen for some seconds so they didn’t put up a really big effort or budget to make a great one.

But it’s so sad that there once was such a Catwoman and such a Batgirl in Gotham and the show actually starts later on without them. 🙁  #scriptcrime

These two (and more) during a full TV show? That would be insanely awesome… maybe one day…

But it’s nice that we get some more Batgirl footage in this one, even the fight in the hallway is cut pretty badly so it’s hard to see much.

The highlight is actually the scene where Batgirl slams into the wall.

If you check that in slow-motion you can actually see how her cowl lifts up quite a lot and she is in danger of getting unmasked! #stuntwoman

Well, as I mentioned in the post where she actually was unmasked…. it is incredibly dangerous to run around with such an unsecured mask.

But I guess it wouldn’t have made much difference in this case as the Joker already knows that Barbara is Batgirl as he shows up at her apartment … #uncool

And it’s a nice bonus to have that self-unmasking in another flashback scene as well!

Well… pretty insane/irresponsible to unmask herself in a public place like that… even at night.

Perhaps she was aware that this was only happening in that mind-control game? Hard to say…

I like how her bat symbol is the only flashing color in that scene… very iconic/symbolic.

Wanna know from which episode this scene is?


What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

More from this TV show?

Check out the other Batgirl and Lady Shiva scenes in the Hall of Fame:

Batgirl unmasked by Lady Shiva! – [Hall of Fame][Upgrade]

In the early days of the blog, I made this post.

It’s time for a proper upgrade as there is so little text in these old posts!

This is one of my favorite scenes that I have watched a hundred times, so it’s time to make a proper upgrade post.

Also, the video is on my pretty small Dailymotion channel, so many of you may have never seen the video or that old post.

In this TV show, Barbara Gordon is Oracle and is bound to a wheelchair.

As her old enemy, Lady Shiva re-appears in Gotham Barbara feels the need to put on her old (GREAT) Batgirl costume and can (shortly) walk again with the help of an experimental device.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

This Batgirl costume (alongside the nearly identical one from “Batman and Robin”) is SO AWESOME for me!

The mixture with the (mostly) black leather and rubber is sexy as hell and I love every second Dina Meyer is in it (and Alicia Silverstone).

If I would live in that Gotham City I would become a criminal in no time or …even better… a cop who wants to arrest the vigilante. #BlackScorpionvibes

Or I would need to be rescued from evil criminals suspectingly often 😉

The cowl is nice but basically my only issue about the whole outfit.

It is cut open very high at the back of the head and …more problematic… has no chin strap and no neck coverage.

So unmasking her is way too easy as this video demonstrates.

Also, the cowl could simply fall off in a hectic fight… and that shouldn’t be possible.

It’s a fantastic tread that here we also have a second masked woman in the scene… Lady Shiva.

And damn… her mask is AWESOME and the costume is quite good as well.

It’s a shame that Batgirl here goes down so easily as that device is failing quickly. 🙁

An epic unmasking battle with these two where Batgirl isn’t paralyzed and is wearing a properly secured/upgraded cowl… is basically my holy grail.

Also a whole TV show with such a Batgirl as the lead character…. would be even more insanely-awesome-fantastic 😉

In this show Batgirl is just in one episode and some black and white mini flashbacks.

I do love that Shiva here immediately goes for Batgirl’s mask as soon she realizes that Batgirl is helpless!

That’s how a villain(ess) should do it! She has the opportunity to find out who Batgirl is and takes it. Perfect!

Not like most of the other villains who just run off and aren’t interested at all to find out who is hiding behind that mask.

Now the helpless Barbara Gordon is lying in front of her and she is ready to finish her off to get her revenge (most likely).

Then Huntress, who is sadly never wearing a mask or even a costume, shows up right in time to save Barbara.

She was too late to save Batgirl from the unmasking though. #timing

Due to the fact that Huntress isn’t wearing a mask, Lady Shiva recognizes Helena and runs off as she doesn’t wanna fight against her.

Or maybe she was afraid to lose and then be unmasked as well? 😉

All in all just an awesome scene!

Here, as a little bonus… two (edited) pictures of the “exposed” Barbara:


Wanna know from which episode this scene is?


What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

More from this TV show?

Check out the other Batgirl and Lady Shiva scenes in the Hall of Fame:

*Also updated the other Batgirl posts that are linked there*



Batgirl: Scales of Justice [Fan Film]

Today I wanna present a Batgirl fan film that just premiered this week.

I watched it yesterday and I think it deserves to be the topic of the weekly post here.

And this is a Batgirl film that wasn’t canceled! 😉

At least not yet… don’t know if DC/Warner will let it stay on YouTube or not.

In the past the fantastic “Batgirl: Spoiled” series was stopped after the second episode for example, even these episodes are still available on YouTube.

(That’s why I save every video I think is really good and that I wanna rewatch)

If you have a little over 30 minutes… watch it!


Official Synopsis: Following the murder of Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon must choose between her life and her aspirations of finding and killing The Joker, Jason’s murderer.


Preview pics:

(click to enlarge)

Here is the video (not my upload):

Watch the film and then continue!

Wow, that was a dark ending… not really surprising… if you know the comics.

Personally, I don’t like that aspect of the “Killing Joke” as it is such a trauma for Barbara and banned her from being Batgirl for a long time.

I think the movie is shot really well and the acting is quite good as well.

I mean it’s a fan film that was crowdfunded with a little over 2.000$ and is over 30 minutes long, quite a length for such a film.

Her costume is just okay… but I really like the Batgirl cowl they used. A quality cowl, especially if you just have such kind of budget.

Kendall Felix, who plays Barbara and Batgirl, also directed and wrote this film.

The short fight scenes here aren’t really exciting, but that is …again… a money issue I would say.

Not surprisingly… Batgirl has quite a lot of screen time here, but also Barbara as well.

I like the self-unmasking and the re-masking in this one.

Also that she tosses her cowl on the ground as she enters the apartment in the end.

Even that meant that she was standing unmasked in the hallway… quite risky. 😉

Funny that this fan film also has the trope of heroes standing around unmasked on rooftops at night.

I wouldn’t recommend that….

Another plus point is the music in this one, very fitting with a heroic tune as soon as the movie title appears.

What do you think of the movie?

Feel free to leave a comment!

Also, you should leave a LIKE on the video.

I certainly would like more fan films like that!

Batgirl rips her own mask! [Masks off! #45]

As I checked some new comics I stumbled upon this one.

Don’t really like the art style, but one panel is really interesting 🙂

Batgirls 15
« of 6 »

(use the arrows to navigate through the pages)

Check out these pages before you continue!

I really love this full-face Batgirl mask that Cassandra Cain is wearing.

It’s a modified cowl version where the previous openings have been “closed”.

This version is a perfect disguise and leaves a LOT of opportunities for mask damage 🙂

Spoiler here got kidnapped by her own crazy father and sadly that unmasking isn’t shown…. damn!

But luckily Batgirl arrives so we get some nice action.

I love how she rips open her own mask as she rips out the piece over her mouth/lower face!

She is still masked very well so that the crazy guy can’t see enough of her face.

What is quite weird and interesting is that Batgirl’s mask is suddenly complete again as they are leaving!?!

So, what has happened? Did she pull out a reserve mask? And if yes… why?

Or did she stitch the mask back together in a hurry? 😆

Pretty sure that is more of a continuation error here of the artist, but don’t know for sure.

A good little scene as you don’t see many scenes where a masked heroine is damaging her own mask!

Quite a shocker at first that Spoiler gets killed, but conveniently Batgirl has a Lazarus serum.


The pages are from this comic:

Batgirls 015

What do you think of that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

Batgirl … unmasked by Poison Ivy! [Masks off #44]

After the last years provided very little when it comes to interesting female unmasking scenes… this one clearly stands out and is pretttttty good!

Glad that someone posted about it on a certain forum 🙂

Check out the important pages:

« of 4 »

(use the arrows to navigate through the 4 pages)

Check out the pages before you continue!

Well, quite a good unmasking 🙂 , and a nice surprise for Ivy!

Ok, as mostly I do have some issues, let’s start with those:

It’s a little shame that she doesn’t fit back or at least says something before she gets unmasked.

It would have been great if the unmasking would have been shown with more panels.

Also, it always annoys me that the mask seemingly goes off that easy, I mean the cowl shouldn’t go off like that with a quick yank.

The material below the chin should prevent that. Here it looks like that material just ripped very easily as there is such a gap in it.

But ok, enough nitpicking… it’s so rare that you see Batgirl getting unmasked by a villain! And here it is not just any villain, it’s Poison Ivy!

Glad that Poison Ivy immediately recognizes Daphne and is so shocked about the reveal. She is shocked much more than Daphne… which tells a little bit that Daphne is just pretending to be THE Batgirl.

Normally Batgirl should be completely devastated if she gets unmasked like that… after all this could be the end of her crime-fighting career.


And there is actually more… earlier in the comic:

« of 3 »

Check out the pages before you continue!

A nice masking as Daphne puts on the cowl, even though we basically only see the end result.

But I do love that Poison Ivy is disguised as a Police Officer by wearing a full face mask!

Damn, I really wanna see a much slower unmasking with such a mask one day.

Would have been great if Batman grabs into that mask and would rip out the lower part over her real mouth for example.

Or her mask gets more accidentally damaged during a tussle and he then would realize that it is a mask and would do everything to fully unmask her.

However, quite a great issue in that a new Batgirl shows up, Poison Ivy gets unmasked and then Poison Ivy unmasks “Batgirl”!

Finally some really good new material 🙂

All that happens in:

The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries 002

What do you think about it?

Leave your comment below!

Update on the “Gotham Knights” video game

Well, the game got a review from my favorite gaming site/PC magazine and it got a 70 (out of 100).
That isn’t totally bad… but far away from anything the older games from the Arkham series had reached.
Seemingly the story of the game goes fully downhill after half the game and the fights are done much worse in this one in comparison.
Plus the game seems to have some technical issues.
Glad that I waited for the test instead of getting too hyped over it.

I will buy that game when it is much cheaper. Until then they can patch it up and hopefully improve at least some technical issues.
So, all the Batgirl action with all those different costumes will have to wait…. at least for me.

Pretty disappointing.

Two more Batgirl pictures with different costumes/cowls:

(click to enlarge)


Gotham Knights [Videogame]

Time to make a post here about “Gotham Knights”, not the CW TV show, but the video game!

The game will actually finally be released on October 21…. this October, which means it’s only 2 weeks away.

The standard Batgirl costume here isn’t so great.

A purple, unsexy costume and that…. “mask” …..

…..BUT….. I recently read that there will be over 50(!!!) different costumes and suit modifications for the 4 heroes…in total.

So… that leaves at least a dozen costumes and modifications for Batgirl! 🙂


I collected some images from different costumes and masks for you guys:

(click to enlarge)

Well, for some reason I am now much more motivated to play this game 😉

I am very curious to see all the different costumes and cowls for her!

Damn, how great would it be if there would be a cutscene after she is defeated where the goons rip her cowl apart and unmask her 😉

But, I guess, that will stay a dream.


And here is a trailer with Batgirl in action (in the 2nd half with interesting costumes):

Well, I’m not sure if I will buy that for full price when it comes out… but I will buy it sooner or later.

I enjoyed the Arkham games and looking forward to this.

Hopefully, it will be …at least.. a solid game.

But when I can play with Batgirl and all these suits… that’s already a great reason to buy the game 😉

Batgirl movie axed by mor__s at Warner Brothers

[1st post for today]

It’s certainly not a good year for the female Bats in TV and movies…

First, the Batwoman TV show got canceled after 3 seasons.

And now, more really bad news… the Batgirl movie, which was already filmed…. gets axed by Warner Brothers.

Check out these two posts to be fully informed:

Well, it seems there are little to no chances that it will ever be released on any platform.

And that really sucks big time! Yeah, the costume was just….ok…. but I was VERY curious about seeing Batgirl in her first own movie!

Even IF the movie is bad, it would be much better for me as to have no movie at all.

And it’s hard for me to understand why they wouldn’t release it at all and just accept all the money they invested in the movie.

Now they get NOTHING, and if that’s ok for them….. I don’t get it.

Can’t imagine how furious the actors and all involved are (even though they got their money).

I am really sad about all this…

Hopefully, it will see the light of day …one day….nonetheless.

Updates: Gotham Knights, Stargirl, Batgirl movie

Some news for upcoming TV shows and the Batgirl movie!

Yesterday the CW had its “Upfronts” day where they presented the schedule for the upcoming TV seasons.



The 3rd season of Stargirl will debut in the fall, on Wednesdays at 8 PM.

So far it was supposed to be aired in the Summer, but as it is May already I already thought that that might not happen.

Ok, a little more waiting time on this season….

No news on a possible 4th season yet.


Gotham Knights

Yeah, as I mentioned season 1 was ordered…but…. it won’t be shown this year…but in 2023.

Quite a bummer and I don’t get it. The pilot is already filmed and until a fall release they would still have enough time to film more episodes… but for some reason…that won’t happen.

However, is a picture of the cast from the Upfronts event:

(click to enlarge)

Yeah, some beauties in that picture. And somebody is freezing a little or quite a lot excited 😉

And here is the first official poster:

(click to enlarge)

Wow, that is really…. lame… as it shows nothing.

Oddly enough Stephanie Brown isn’t even on it. And no costumes, just some young folks in lame clothes.

I hope the next promo material is a LOT more interesting.

Seemingly a teaser was shown at the event, but so far it isn’t available to the public.


Also, a synopsis with spoilers was released, if you wanna read it:



Batgirl movie

The original plan was to make a “less expensive” movie to release it to HBO Max directly.

Now there are rumors that it might get a cinema release after the budget was upgraded.

Well, I hope that this movie will be good and that they make enough money with it so that more DC movies with a masked heroine in the lead will be made in the future!

Batgirl gassed by a villain and Batgirl gets into… close contact…. with Batman!

I have seen this one as it came out in …. mid-2016?! Damn, nearly 6 years ago already.

Somehow I didn’t make a post back then as it seemed very difficult for me as this movie has so many minutes of a certain masked heroine!

But, as with the Catwoman: Hunted movie I will focus on 2 selected scenes.

I certainly recommend you to watch the whole movie.


Preview, scene 1:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

WATCH the video before you continue! SPOILERS ahead!

Well, Batgirl was pretty lucky here! She managed to stay conscious long enough to lock herself “away”.

Otherwise, this guy could have done quite a lot to her….

However, I really like this peril scene as he uses that odd knockout gas that takes some time to work.

It’s also odd that he sprays that stuff in his own direction also, as his face is right next to hers… but it has not the slightest effect on him, even he was (less) exposed to it, but ok, no big aspect.

The way he presses himself onto her is quite…..sexual….I was surprised that they would have that scene in it.

Batgirl was also lucky that he didn’t go immediately for her mask as she was pretty helpless (picture 3).

But he missed the chance to unmask her…


And I got one more scene for you!

Preview, scene 2:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

WATCH the video before you continue! SPOILERS ahead!

Well, luckily I didn’t know about that scene before I watched this movie!

I was really surprised BIG time by this scene…I mean Batgirl having sex with Batman???!

I mean ok, the whole movie is rather for adults than for kids…but holy Batsex, I didn’t think I would ever see that!

Even they only show the …foreplay, but it’s crystal clear what happens/will happen.

Can only guess if Barbara (as Batgirl unmasked herself) has then sex with Batman or Bruce…

But well, I can’t blame them 😉


Two things were quite odd about this scene. First, it’s another example of how careless many masked heroes and heroines get when they are on rooftops.

She unmasks herself on that rooftop! Ok, perhaps there is no tall building nearby, but that is very risky! What if someone sees that through a binocular and sees how Batgirl yanks off her mask (and other things? Very dangerous for her secret identity! And why does she unmask herself in the first place? She could have sex with Batman or Bruce with her mask on.

Also, her mask/cowl seems to be connected to her cape as it comes off (way too easily) as she yanks her cape away. Some more frames of her cowl leaving her face would have been great!

It looks quite sloppy this way from the animators.

However, it’s a pretty great scene and was surely a big surprise as I watched that movie back then.

I will re-watch the movie in the next weeks.

Here is the IMDB link to the movie:

IMDB link

What do you think of these scenes?

Feel welcome to leave your comment!

The Batgirl costume….revealed! [Batgirl movie, HBO Max, 2022]

OK, this news can’t wait, so I wanna post it today!

From Batwoman now to Batgirl, to be more precise to the Batgirl movie that will come out later this year!

I posted about the casting of Leslie Grace (point 3) and now the costume got revealed!

Here it is:

(click to enlarge to full size)

Ok, my biggest fear is gone now. They are using a cowl and not an eye mask.

The cowl looks really good but doesn’t seem to have a chin strap unless it’s hidden in the shadows.

So basically she is wearing a helmet 😉

The long red wig(?) looks also really good and her face looks great under the cowl (and without a cowl as well).

Now on to the costume. Ok, I do like leather, but I would have preferred a black costume over this.

Overall I do like the costume. After Catwoman in “The Batman” and the costume disaster in the “Birds of Prey” movie, this is certainly a better one.

I hope Leslie can play the role well and that the script will be good.

And the hardcore comic fans will notice that this costume is very accurate to the one in the comics.

Not a plus point for me as I would have wished they would have chosen the costume from the Arkham video games.

Looking forward to more news and hopefully some first teaser trailer in the next months!

Batwoman in the Flash Armageddon event – Update 2 + a “Gotham Knights” TV show will be made!

Just a quick post about the final fifth episode of the Armageddon event (Flash, season 8, episode 5).

Well, the bad news is…… Batwoman/Ryan didn’t return to Central City for another appearance, so she was only in (the last moments of) episode 3 and in episode 4.

The good news is that (new) Green Arrow finally showed up.

Here are some pictures:

(click to enlarge)

She had some nice scenes but without any secret identity issues at all, as they (team Flash) know who she is under her tiny mask and the villains don’t care (at least the hood adds a bit extra disguise).

I’m still a little sad that she didn’t get her own show as they canceled the Spin-off with her and the canaries.

So I guess this may have been her last appearance as Green Arrow unless she will make appearances in other future crossovers. 🙁

All in all the Armageddon event was …well….nice. Entertaining with some odd story aspects here and there.

Lately, they come up with way too many convenient crazy sci-fi gadgets whenever they are needed. There is basically no problem they won’t have some sort of gadget for.

The Flash is now on break until March 9.

Batwoman will return on January 12 and I’m very much looking forward to it!


Some more news:

Three writers of the Batwoman production are developing a “Gotham Knights” TV show!

Right now I’m careful as we know only little and I am afraid as hell that they will have a Batgirl in a Burnside costume with an eye mask or that “helmet” thingy (aka cowl without a chinstrap).

But it does sound really great to have another TV show that will have masked female vigilantes and villainesses in it!

Already there are speculations that this TV show might be some sort of successor when the Batwoman TV show would end.

If that really is the case it would be good to have some sort of replacement like this new show, and I (and others) would have something to look forward to.

But right now, in the middle of season 3 of Batwoman, there is no news about a 4th season….so far.

Perhaps they will make the 4th season and then Gotham Knights would be the next show after the 4th season has been aired.

Or both shows will run simultaneously at the CW.

Hopefully, there will be news soon.

Masked thief in action?!?

I was thrilled as I heard that Barbara Gordon would be in season 3 of “Titans” and that Gotham would be the setting during that season.

Of course, I had hoped that then Batgirl would be in the show….but the plot takes place years after she quit being Batgirl as she was severely injured and actually lost a leg(!), unlike in the comics.

That news pretty much killed a lot of my anticipation towards the season, but I decided to watch it anyhow.

And that was a good decision as I enjoyed the 7 episodes that have been aired so far.

In one of these episodes, we get 2 scenes that are very well suited for this blog!


(click to enlarge)

And here are the videos:

Watch the videos before you continue!

Well, that was a NICE surprise! Barbara Gordon as a masked thief 🙂

A little disappointing that she unmasked herself, but well, still a really good scene.

I like how she makes fun of Robin and fights him with just one hand.

The second scene is also good as she gets in real trouble there! Of course, I hoped the villainess would reach for the mask or a punch would unmask Barbara as her mask isn’t exactly well secured.

These scenes are placed before she actually became Batgirl.

I do HOPE that we get more flashbacks of her….would love to see her in the Batgirl costume, even it may “only” be the one with an eye mask.

Feel welcome to leave a comment!