The 4 women who became masked burglars – Part 1 – Testing …and the first heist

This one was recommended to me a while back, thanks for that! 🙂

It’s time to make a post about it!

Today I wanna present the first two scenes, next week I will present the big, final heist.

The audio is Dutch, and most of you won’t understand that… so I included the subtitles that were embedded in the movie file.
Unfortunately, they are not in sync with the movie here… but as the text comes some seconds late… you get what they are saying… after all.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

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Watch the video before you continue!

I “like” how they rob the bank.

They use one of their own as the “hostage.” This is very thoughtful, as no outsider gets terrorized, and the hostage knows exactly what to do.

They are fully masked, use a tape recording for the instructions, and take care of the camera.

A good heist scene with three masked women (and their accomplices).

Well, this was rather the warm-up for the big heist that I will present next week 😉


Here it is:

Wanna know the name of the movie?


What do you think about these scenes?

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A masked female burglar screws up… BIG time!

Thanks to the guy who recommended this one to me! 🙂

In this one we have 3 masked burglars who wanna steal some weapons… but things go sideways.

One of them is a woman, and she will do something… quite… “special”



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Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

Well, I watched the bit with the unmasking several times and I’m still not sure what exactly happened… and WHY she did what she did.

Ok, it seems that she wants to put away the ammunition that was handed to her.

Seemingly she and the others didn’t have a bag or so for it… WHAT?

I guess she tries to put it into her suit, ok… that would work somehow.

But she has problems and yanks off her mask! WHY?!?

To use the mask as a bag? Or was the mask somehow annoying to her?

Hard to say… but she SCREWED UP big time! Her brain was totally on auto-pilot… to put it nicely.

I love her face when she realized what she had done and that the guy was now watching her exposed face!

She is screwed big time… the witness runs away and gets shot. Not very clever, but ok, I guess they most likely would killed him anyway.

So, her secret (identity) is intact again… but ironically the toilet guy then gets a glimpse of her unmasked face as well.

I don’t know why she didn’t put her mask back on again… but ok… she thinks there is no one else.

But that is always a very dangerous thing to think!

Keep your mask on… all the time… until you are 100% safe.

A rule many TV and movie burglars have problems following.

Wanna know the name of the TV show?


The episode itself isn’t listed on IMDB, but it’s called “Nathalie” and was aired on September 24, 2016

What do you think about these scenes?

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The masked female burglar …and the revolving door of doom

Thanks a lot to the nice guy who anonymously recommended that one.

This movie features a masked woman in two rather long scenes. I guess she runs around as a burglar for nearly 20 minutes or so in total!

Both scenes are quite long so I had to make the decision of what to show here on the blog.

The 2nd scene is much more thrilling so I will focus on that one.

We have a masked woman and two guys who break into a company to get something from a safe.

But things… go wrong… 😉



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Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

I had to cut down the scene a bit, so the video wouldn’t get too long.

Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, most of us won’t understand the French audio, but it’s easy enough to understand what is going on.

Would have loved to watch the whole movie before she gets trapped… but due to the French audio … I didn’t.

Even I could have done that … with some weird automatic subtitles from YouTube 😆

But I think the scene is quite thrilling!

A masked woman trying to escape a trap with the police closing in… a great scenario!

Ok, they could have made more of it and shown it (much) longer how she frantically tries to escape.

I don’t know how stable such revolver doors are… so I don’t know if they could have tried the glass.

I guess that’s very tough without tools and the sirens closing in on them.

Also, the scene is quite unique in how there are so many cops… armed to the teeth… surrounding that one masked woman.

She realized it was completely pointless to put up any resistance and even unmasked herself rather immediately.

I love how she and the police guy react to the unmasking. He is shocked as he knows the woman under the mask and she is just defeated.

A good pay-off even for a (forced) self-unmasking. 🙂

The movie is a comedy and a crime movie and in the end, she gets away with the break-in, I think it was for a good cause after all.

But you can check out the whole movie if you want… a link can be found below!

Wanna know the movie title?


… and actually, you can find the whole movie on YouTube… at least for now:

Full movie on YouTube

What do you think about these scenes?

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A masked female burglar wants to get some goods from a safe

So, time for another scene with a masked woman!

In this case, we have a masked female burglar who wants some stuff from a safe.

Will she get what she wants and get away from the guards?



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Here is the video:

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Watch the video before you continue!

Well, I guess that may be the most unfitting mask I have ever seen on a woman 😆

Looks like she needs a size S or M but choose a XXXXL mask for her heist.

Maybe it was a practical thing for the filming to not “ruin” her hair and/or have a very easy unmasking?

Or maybe she as a burglar chooses it to even disguise her better.

Anyhow, seems like that mask just could have been blown off by a slight breeze.

Not a very sexy mask, but surely an effective disguise.

I don’t get why she takes off that mask in the room with the safe, as it is risky… even if it is a closed space.

Maybe it was the old “we must present her pretty face as often as possible” trope from the producers…

But at least she quickly re-masks as the alarm goes off.

A shame the guards weren’t even able to find her… so, as often… no fight scene with the masked woman 🙁

I wish these guards in most movies would be a little more competent…

That is the only scene with her in a mask in the movie.

Wanna know from which movie this is?


What do you think about this scene?

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A guy catches a masked female thief at his home!

Thanks to the nice guy who recommended me this one!

Here we have a totally normal situation…

You sit on your bed, reading, as you hear noises and investigate.

You catch a masked female burglar all in black leather with a nylon mask in your home!

Yeah, that happens once or twice a week for me too… 😉


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Yeah, I had to stop the video there… as YouTube would have had a problem with the following scene 😉

Ok, maybe that hasn’t happened to me …. at least not yet… 🙁

But certainly, this is a great fantasy setting! Damn, I wouldn’t “mind” if such a burglar would show up at my place!

Ok, as much as I love to see nylon on women’s legs, I am not the biggest fan of masks made out of nylon.

They make a rather ugly face and they aren’t very effective as well.

And that hat is good in terms of making her a bit less “suspicious” while she is outside his home… but yeah, not very stylish or sexy.

It’s cool that he immediately goes for her mask to see the exposed face of the burglar, even she could have put up at least a little struggle.

But at least she doesn’t unmask herself 🙂

I don’t really know the backstory behind this, but it seems that the movie is just a loose bunch of episodic scenes.

All in all a good scene with a great fantasy coming to life!

Wanna know from which movie this is?


What do you think about this scene?

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A cruise ship …and a masked female jewel thief

So, it’s finally time for a new post.

Thanks a lot to the nice guy for the recommendation on this scene!

In this one, we have a masked female jewel thief on a cruise ship!


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Here is the video:

Well, that’s a really nice setting for sure! You don’t see many scenes with masked women on ships 😉

The setting is quite dangerous for a burglar as she (normally) can’t escape the ship soon afterward, so she must be sure not to be seen or followed.

The lighting in the cabin is very dark and it’s hard to get a good look at her until the final reveal, but well… that makes a lot of sense.

Damn, I would have loved a chase with some passengers or crew members trying to catch her, trying to unmask her. But no luck…

But the scene here is very nice. It’s right at the beginning of the episode and no one in the audience can possibly know who is hiding under that mask.

The reveal is done nicely, I like how she unmasks herself and is watching her new necklace in the mirror.

Sadly, she doesn’t appear again in her mask again in the episode 🙁

Wanna know where you can find this scene?


Masked highwayWOman in action! #2

Ok, one more scene from this episode of Dr. Who!

The other scene that I posted can be found here:

In another scene, they are sneaking around a mansion, but since they don’t get caught there is no action.

In this short one, we have at least a little action and tension 🙂

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Here is the video:

At least a little tussle.

Of course, I hoped that he would go for the mask…. but well, no luck.

But I always do enjoy the tension when such a masked woman is threatened like this.

He has the gun pointed at her, he could force her to unmask herself and her secret identity is always in danger if a fight breaks loose.

In this scene, she is less masked since she isn’t wearing the scarf around her lower face.

But sadly her secret identity isn’t really an issue in this episode.

This always frustrates me since it should be rather normal to get a little …curious…. when you see a masked woman 😉

If you wanna know the exact episode:


What do you think of that scene?

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A masked female agent on a burglary

Thanks a lot to the guy who recommended me this one!

In this one, two masked agents break into a house to retrieve some valuable data.

But things don’t go as planned….


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And here is the video:

It isn’t allowed to embed this video on another website and it was blocked in some nordic countries.

So that link above will lead you to Youtube to watch it here..

Alternative link for folks from certain nordic countries:


A good disguise and quite a dramatic turn of events.

I think she overreacted big time, I mean her partner was beaten with a bat, ok, but that’s no reason to shoot someone.

And if she shoots it doesn’t need to be a deadly shot.

Ok, it was pretty dark… but that boy with his bright shirt was still visible well enough…

All in all a solid scene.

Later in the movie, we have terrorists in gas masks. There is also one female terrorist, but she is infiltrating the event as a waitress and the only terrorist that doesn’t wear a gas mask at any time.

DAMN! A missed opportunity….


Wanna know the title of the movie?


What do you think of that scene?

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A bank robbery with 11(!) masked, female bank robbers

Thanks to the nice guy who recommended me this one!

This one is highly unusual…in many ways.

First of all, it is from an Iranian TV show, and thereby the first scene I watched from that country…and I think it’s the same for most of you here as well.

I thought about presenting it here at all, but in the end, the filmmakers are not responsible for the actions of the government, so I decided to make a post.

Especially it offers quite a lot.

Let’s start with some pictures:

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Here is the video:


Ok, a real rollercoaster ride for me.

Let’s start with the bad aspects. It’s a soap opera with a language I don’t understand. So, I don’t have any connection to these characters. Who are they? What do they want? Why are they doing this? That certainly “damages” the impact of the scene quite a big time as they are just random people to me.

How great would it be if I would actually know these women and would really care about them?

Also, that weird nightmare scene with the bad CGI looks just awful.

On the bright side, we have 11(!) women who mask themselves rob a bank, and then unmask themselves afterward!!! The quantity of masks and unmaskings is just awesome. Never seen anything like that.

I also like that they really take their disguises very seriously, most of them are wearing more than one mask or piece of disguise.

The self unmasking in the end is very nice! Of course, I would have wished for some security guards who would be curious to take a peek under these masks…. 😉

I don’t get why they need 11 women to rob that place as normally you have something like 3-5 in most movies.

But ok, I am sure these 11 are connected by some background story….

Wanna know from which TV show this is?


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A female burglar and a female killer…… masked with fencing masks!

This one was really GREAT recommendation I got some weeks/months ago!

And finally, it’s time to present this one here…

Honestly, I would recommend that you watch the whole movie if you get the chance.

It has around just 80 minutes and most of the time you have one or two masked women in this one!!!

Such a “masked woman” screentime is just fantastic.

So, I had a pretty hard time editing videos for this one as I would upload a really big part of the movie if I would upload all the scenes with a masked woman in this one.

So, I focus on the two best scenes in the movie.

And if you can’t see the movie or wanna re-watch the best scenes…here you go:

Preview, scene 1:

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Here is the scene:


Watch the video before you continue!

Ok, let’s start with the maskS! Then actually she is wearing some sort of ski mask or so underneath the fencing mask.

She really takes her secret identity very seriously and I love that!

And damn, all that talk about her mask and that she can’t take off her mask but the kid is demanding it……it’s just fantastic for me!

In terms of “mask talk”, this scene deserves a Maskripper Oscar 😉 …. and I will actually make a “Hall of Fame” entry for it in the next few days.

In this scene, I am on the burglar’s side as she keeps her end of the bargain and unmasks herself….unlike the cheaty little girl.

But the girl did a good job in talking the masked lady into unmasking herself, pretty clever….now she knows how the woman looks without her mask(s).

All in all a great scene!


But I do have another one for you folks…..

Preview, scene 2:

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Here is scene 2:


Watch the video before you continue!

Well, another fine scene, not as good as the first one, but another nice reveal!

Sadly he is no challenge to her at all after she was stabbed (understandably).

It’s a shame that he never had a real chance to attack her and go for the mask.

But I do like how she unmasks herself and looks at him before he dies.

And the fencing mask is very interesting, you can see her face with the right lighting, but not fully. Never saw fencing masks being used like that in a movie or TV show.

 Again, I recommend watching the whole movie as you only then can understand the background story behind all of that. And you also get more minutes of the masked ladies 😉

I did find two interesting posters for this one:

(click to enlarge)

I especially like the one on the left. Sexy Bella Thorne in leather + two masked leather-clad persons in the background.

It’s a little odd that both folks in the background look like women….if you ask me. One of the burglars is a guy, so is he not on the poster? That would mean that Bella Thorne is on that picture twice! Once in the foreground without a mask and once in the background with a mask and slightly different clothes.

Quite odd, but I am 90% sure that there are three women on it.

And even more oddly, Bella Thorne is twice on the other poster as well! And the guy isn’t there as well.

Really, really odd!

And the wound on the woman looks quite fake and she doesn’t get a wound like that in the movie….even she does get hurt on that side of the face.

Here is the IMDB link:


What do you think of these scenes?

Have you seen the movie?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

Masked thief in action?!?

I was thrilled as I heard that Barbara Gordon would be in season 3 of “Titans” and that Gotham would be the setting during that season.

Of course, I had hoped that then Batgirl would be in the show….but the plot takes place years after she quit being Batgirl as she was severely injured and actually lost a leg(!), unlike in the comics.

That news pretty much killed a lot of my anticipation towards the season, but I decided to watch it anyhow.

And that was a good decision as I enjoyed the 7 episodes that have been aired so far.

In one of these episodes, we get 2 scenes that are very well suited for this blog!


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And here are the videos:

Watch the videos before you continue!

Well, that was a NICE surprise! Barbara Gordon as a masked thief 🙂

A little disappointing that she unmasked herself, but well, still a really good scene.

I like how she makes fun of Robin and fights him with just one hand.

The second scene is also good as she gets in real trouble there! Of course, I hoped the villainess would reach for the mask or a punch would unmask Barbara as her mask isn’t exactly well secured.

These scenes are placed before she actually became Batgirl.

I do HOPE that we get more flashbacks of her….would love to see her in the Batgirl costume, even it may “only” be the one with an eye mask.

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

Masked, female burglars in wetsuits! [Hall of Fame] [quality Upgrade]

This one is very special to me!

Actually, this movie was featured in one of the earliest posts on this blog back in 2013.

Some weeks ago I still thought that it actually still was on the blog, but it wasn’t anymore….and honestly, I am not sure what exactly happened.

However, I was planning to make a new post about it. A nice guy recommended me a store that actually has a DVD of this rare movie quite a long time ago.

Finally, I bought the DVD, even it was rather expensive in total, but hey….I just had to have this one in the best quality available.

So, why this movie is so interesting?

Because it’s about a gang of female robbers! They are wearing full masks in two rather short scenes and then are running around in sexy smoothskin wetsuits and masks for nearly 20 minutes!

So again, it would partially fit my Frogwoman blog as well, and I will make a post on it as well, with an additional short scene. More on that later.

So, let’s start this post with the two scenes where you can see the original team of 3 women!


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And here is the video:

Yeah, two good scenes with effectively masked women! Really well disguised!

As later on, they are dressing like men to fool anyone who might see them. In a later video, you see who they even hide their “twins”.

The unmaskings are rather disappointing for me since they are cheating big time! I guess the director or someone else was concerned that their hair would look messy if they just pull these masks off. So they got their hair done nicely and held their masks close to their faces and removed them from then on so it would look more or less like they would pull the masks off their heads in that scene. 🙁

I certainly wouldn’t have done it and would have shown their unmaskings without any cuts or tricks.

Perhaps some folks might have been surprised that there are women under these masks, even I think you certainly can see that in close-ups on their masked faces, that these aren’t men…if you look at the “exposed” eye sections.


So, I divided the long hotel robbery scene into 4 videos to keep these short.

That way the chances are better that they can stay on Youtube.

3 more women have joined the team to make the big heist that they have planned.

A big hotel on a rather remote island is their target!


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And here are the videos:

Well, that was quite a robbery! I just love the idea to have 6 women in wetsuits and (modified) scuba masks robbing a hotel!

The preparations pay off and the job goes pretty smoothly for the most part.

Of course, my highlight is the ending where the two guys sneak up on her and then try to unmask her! That is so sexy. The way she desperately struggles to keep her mask on is really well done.

She knows exactly that she would be finished if they manage to yank that scuba mask off. Yeah, she would still have her hood on, but they would see a face that they then could describe to the cops.

Of course, the scene should be a little longer, but ok, it’s a rather AWESOME scene anyhow 🙂

Luckily they are wearing sexy black wetsuits that are appropriate for such a nightly action.

You can find an additional scene on my other blog!

Check it out on Frogwoman org:

Extra scene – Masked, female burglars in wetsuits!

Here is the title of this movie:


Here is the german poster to this movie I just found today:

Well… great is that???!!!

Ok, the poster maker took a LOT of liberties as they are wearing completely different wetsuits, doesn’t look anything like these girls, don’t use spear guns, and so on.

But damn, it’s a very attractive poster for sure 🙂

So, if you want the DVD of this movie, I can recommend the site where I got it.

I had to pay 19 Pounds incl. postage, but it was surely worth it!

Link: Wanna get the full movie in good quality? Buy the DVD!

What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!

The nightly visit ….by a masked woman!

How about a nightly visit by a masked woman? Sounds good? Pretty much a dream coming true!

Thanks to the friendly user who recommended it!

In this scene we have a rather old couple, getting ready to sleep. But suddenly two masked folks enter their home…what is going on?


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And here is the video:

Well, certainly not the worst night for him 😉

Damn, many would pay to get such a nightly visitor! Ok, perhaps having that the guy taking pictures to blackmail you afterwards…

Sadly, a rather short scene….but with a nice unmasking and other interesting reveals. 🙂

Wanna know from which episode this scene was taken?

Here you go:


What do you think of this scene?

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P.S.: Please consider joining the VIP-club on this site if you want this blog to continue.

Masked female burglar VS Diana Prince/Wonder Woman

Time for a new video, folks! I edited a nice clip, where Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman returns home. But as she enters her apartment, she’s not alone anymore!

A masked female burglar has ransacked the place… can Diana Prince manage the situation?

Can she catch the burglar? Can she unmask her?


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And here is the video:

A great scene, with a nice struggle!

And I like the outcome, pretty unusual 😉

If you wanna know from which episode this comes from:



Female masked art thief

Thanks to “Momi Akashi”, who pointed me to the video (Thanks man!), I present another female masked thief in a short scene incl. a fight with another woman 😉


So, and here you can watch the whole video! Does our masked thief get away? Can she keep her mask on?

If you wonder from which movie/series that is from:

LINK: The title of the show/movie

Good scene, a little too short in my opinion… but I love stuff like that!