The 4 women who became masked burglars – Part 2 – The final heist

This one was recommended to me a while back, thanks again for that! 🙂

Last week I presented the first two scenes…

….today I wanna present the big, final heist.

The audio is Dutch, and most of you won’t understand that… but I decided against the subtitles this time, as they were even more out of synch than before.

Hopefully, you can use the automatically generated subtitles on YouTube.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

Well, an interesting aspect is that two groups of burglars appear at the same time 😆

I like this competition, especially as the one guy pulled one of the masked women to him and threatened her.

I hoped he might go for the mask… but no luck. Still, I love that tension in a scene like that 🙂

In my version the 5 would have a struggle and would try to unmask each other… or the police would corner the masked women, trying to unmask them.

But if I understood it right the 3 women and the 2 men already knew each other, and that’s why the men pulled down their masks in that scene already.

Ok, I don’t like how careless the women then get with their masks as they present their unmasked faces for so long…. really uncool.

Don’t know why they targeted that grocery store… maybe it seemed like an easy target… or that had a lot of cash on that particular day for some reason.

But all in all, it’s a good scene for sure! I mean three women in full face masks + some action…. good stuff!

Wanna know the name of the movie?


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The 4 women who became masked burglars – Part 1 – Testing …and the first heist

This one was recommended to me a while back, thanks for that! 🙂

It’s time to make a post about it!

Today I wanna present the first two scenes, next week I will present the big, final heist.

The audio is Dutch, and most of you won’t understand that… so I included the subtitles that were embedded in the movie file.
Unfortunately, they are not in sync with the movie here… but as the text comes some seconds late… you get what they are saying… after all.


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Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

I “like” how they rob the bank.

They use one of their own as the “hostage.” This is very thoughtful, as no outsider gets terrorized, and the hostage knows exactly what to do.

They are fully masked, use a tape recording for the instructions, and take care of the camera.

A good heist scene with three masked women (and their accomplices).

Well, this was rather the warm-up for the big heist that I will present next week 😉


Here it is:

Wanna know the name of the movie?


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2 masked female burglars and their special way to get some cash

This one was recommended to me just some days ago, thanks for that! 🙂

This TV show has produced quite a lot of scenes in terms of masked women (incl. gas masks) 🙂

So, it’s time for another scene from it!



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

I added the second scene without masks… so you would see them unmasked as well (…and their ending).

Damn, that camera work is …. really uncool.

A shaky cam and they cut away from them every second 🙁

(which also made it difficult to get solid screenshots at least)

I guess that is supposed to make a thrilling scene… but in this case, it doesn’t work as I would have liked to see them for more than one second at a time.

Still, their way of entry is badass and they look great in their masks and leather jackets!

A shame that no one unmasked them or got close enough to (at least) try to unmask them.

It seems really crazy that they show their faces at the second heist in broad daylight… but I guess the good guys found out about their identities in the meantime.

It wasn’t the smartest movie of the blonde to pull her second gun while a gun was pointed at her… but I guess she preferred death over prison.

Wanna know the name of the episode/TV show?


What do you think about these scenes?

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The 3 masked female assassins … and the crappy CGI monster!

This one was recommended to me on YouTube, thanks for that! 🙂

The movie itself is really really really bad with a budget of maybe 9.99$ and an impressive IMDB score of 2.1 (!).

But…. it has 3 masked women in it who are masked for most of the movie. 🙂


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Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, the masks aren’t exactly interesting or sexy… but in terms of a good disguise… they work perfectly.

And having 3 of these masked women is a bonus as well.

Sadly their identity isn’t a real issue here and even the self-masking had a bad cut as they cut away from her frontal face view for a moment.

If I remember right one of the other two gets unmasked as she gets killed but only the result is shown… as she suddenly lays there …dead and unmasked.

But I like that they were the masks for so long as that builds up some tension.

A shame that there were no attempts to unmask them or any scenes with mask damage in the flick.

Wanna know the name of the movie?


A really evil trick to use that film title to fool some folks into watching this one …instead of the real one 😆

What do you think about these scenes?

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A masked henchWOman in 2 scenes… incl. 2 unmaskings

The second season of this show finally aired right after Christmas and I watched it right away.

And yeah… it actually has some unmaskings in it!

Here I wanna present the best two…


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Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

So, she is wearing two masks! A nice combo 🙂

There are more unmasking scenes with her in the season… but “only” self-unmaskings without witnesses.

The first scene is already nice as she is ordered to unmask.

Yeah, there’s no resistance here as that is her boss, and she doesn’t have a secret identity toward him.

It’s still a nice reveal when she pulls down both masks.

The second scene is thrilling, even the unmasking is way too quick.

On the other hand, I like that the two immediately go for her masks as soon as she can’t fight back anymore.

The fight is well done, even if it is short as she is overpowered rather soon by the two.

And these two are really something… quite an intense scene! #psychos

Well played by all three of them…

Wanna know the name of the TV show?


(scenes from episodes 4 and 5 of season 2)

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2 masked female assassins and a psycho with scythes!

Remember this scene from last month?

Well, the show has another scene with a masked woman!

To be more precise… 2 masked women… with two “masks” each!

So, I wanna post it here as well….



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Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

It is interesting how clean the clothes can be after a blood bath in an elevator 😆

Yeah, the two women are only in these masks for a short time and the unmasking is done rather bad.

But still…. it’s two hot women who are wearing a mask and a (creepy) helmet. Quite a combo!

Sadly, the two never wear those again and play only minor characters without further good scenes.

The assassins in a video of mine would be a lot more protective of their secret identities.

There would be a fight where the visor gets smashed and the helmet yanked off after a struggle.

And then the struggle for the mask would begin….. 😉

Wanna know the name of the TV show?


(the scenes in the video are from episodes 11 and 12)

What do you think about these scenes?

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Masked female cop in black leather VS 3 bad guys

As I don’t have much time tomorrow… you will get a post one day early!

I watched this movie some months ago and forgot to post about that one scene.

This movie introduces one of the main characters of the movie with this scene.

We have some lowlives who have taken some kids as hostages in a school.

A mysterious cop in black leather on a motorcycle arrives and takes action!



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Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

Well, certainly she looks great in that black leather outfit!

The reveal is also made well as the audience …especially back then in the 80s… doesn’t expect to find a woman under that helmet as her face is hidden, she doesn’t talk at all before the unmasking and no one addresses her specifically as a female.

That disguise worked perfectly for that and was very practical as that helmet also protected her during the action.

Sadly she isn’t a masked female vigilante, even that might work as well 😉

Love the ending where the idiot thinks that she is out of bullets and attacks her 😆

Wanna know the movie title?


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The masked female burglar …and the revolving door of doom

Thanks a lot to the nice guy who anonymously recommended that one.

This movie features a masked woman in two rather long scenes. I guess she runs around as a burglar for nearly 20 minutes or so in total!

Both scenes are quite long so I had to make the decision of what to show here on the blog.

The 2nd scene is much more thrilling so I will focus on that one.

We have a masked woman and two guys who break into a company to get something from a safe.

But things… go wrong… 😉



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Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

I had to cut down the scene a bit, so the video wouldn’t get too long.

Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, most of us won’t understand the French audio, but it’s easy enough to understand what is going on.

Would have loved to watch the whole movie before she gets trapped… but due to the French audio … I didn’t.

Even I could have done that … with some weird automatic subtitles from YouTube 😆

But I think the scene is quite thrilling!

A masked woman trying to escape a trap with the police closing in… a great scenario!

Ok, they could have made more of it and shown it (much) longer how she frantically tries to escape.

I don’t know how stable such revolver doors are… so I don’t know if they could have tried the glass.

I guess that’s very tough without tools and the sirens closing in on them.

Also, the scene is quite unique in how there are so many cops… armed to the teeth… surrounding that one masked woman.

She realized it was completely pointless to put up any resistance and even unmasked herself rather immediately.

I love how she and the police guy react to the unmasking. He is shocked as he knows the woman under the mask and she is just defeated.

A good pay-off even for a (forced) self-unmasking. 🙂

The movie is a comedy and a crime movie and in the end, she gets away with the break-in, I think it was for a good cause after all.

But you can check out the whole movie if you want… a link can be found below!

Wanna know the movie title?


… and actually, you can find the whole movie on YouTube… at least for now:

Full movie on YouTube

What do you think about these scenes?

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The female scuba diver who feeds fish… and the masked killer!

I have known about this one for ages, and I remember the scuba scene in the tank.

What I didn’t remember was… that the crazy killer was actually a woman! Thanks to a guy who recommended this one and gave that crucial information.

And that’s why I had to post it here.

Of course, I could have posted it on my other blog… because of the scuba scene.

But I think it fits much better here in this case.

We have a female scuba diver and a masked killer who has evil plans….



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Here is the video:


Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

I had to cut the video in the middle for YouTube as it gets rather… violent.

And I don’t want the video to be banned from YouTube or get the age restriction which would limit the views big time.

But if you want the longer version for adults… you can get it here:


Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, the actual murder is pretty cheezy and cheap ….with some weird cuts and crappy music.

But there is a scuba scene … and a masked woman in one video… so I can’t complain that much 😉

It’s odd how the killer suddenly appeared from the locker and was outside making noise only some seconds earlier.

The scuba scene is short but a nice addition and unusual.

It’s also quite odd how she gets rid of her scuba gear and just drops it here and there… that is quite sloppy and careless of her 😆

In my version, the killer would have had a black wetsuit with a full hood and killed her underwater.

Even that would have worked only for this kill.

She does do some more killing throughout the movie but the video was already long enough and the other scenes don’t add that much.

The reveal is done pretty cool…. even a dramatic unmasking by someone else would have been cooler.

Wanna know the movie title?


What do you think about these scenes?

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How to… NOT… break into an apartment …as a masked woman! [Blog exclusive]

So it’s time for a rather short scene I stumbled upon some weeks ago.

We have a man and a woman (the good guys) who want to break into an apartment.


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Here is the video:

A masked woman and a guy break into an apartment

The video wasn’t welcome on YouTube, even in a short(er) version.

You can watch and also download the scenes there.

Ok, her logic on when to be masked is really…. something 😆

She shows up in his car without the mask fully in place, which makes sense as she would attract a lot of attention by running around in public in such a mask.

Then she pulls the mask then fully in place, ok… a bit risky as someone could see them…. but ok.

Then she runs around in her mask but takes it off as soon they reach the house. Why? WHY????????

The two are still in public; anyone (who is still awake) could see them outside that house and breaking into it.

Why he isn’t wearing a mask at any point is another thing.

But why does she unmask at that point? Makes no sense.

But I guess the old… “Oh no, we can’t hide the face of the actress for more than 10 seconds” trope. (slightly exaggerated)

But it’s a nice, short scene as we get a “masking” and an unmasking here… even if it’s only a self-unmasking.

Here is the IMDB page of the episode/show:


What do you think about these scenes?

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The crazy masked villainess ….who likes knives …a lot!

This one is a very fresh recommendation… thanks for it!

Here we have a man who is tied up… and a mysteriously masked villainess.

What will happen? And who is under that mask?


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Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

I had to end the video right there as that would have been problematic for YouTube as it gets rather… graphic.

If you live in South or Central America and can’t see the video on YouTube as it was blocked there:


Watch the video before you continue!

I included the scene where she puts on lipstick and then goes to the locker to pick up her mask to build up some tension.

I don’t understand why she is doing it, but it’s a good reveal when she unmasks herself.

It would have been so great if he had ripped it off as she was cursing and protesting.

I haven’t watched the full movie, but as it seems there isn’t another scene with a masked woman, but I will check more thoroughly.

The mask itself isn’t that attractive, but it’s a great disguise for sure in combination with the hood.

Wanna know the TV show and episode title?


What do you think about these scenes?

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A woman gets chased by a monster…. and runs into a woman in a gas mask!

I am currently re-watching a TV show that I enjoyed a lot during the first watch nearly 10 years ago. For years I have had it on Blu-ray already… and now it was time to finally watch it for a second time!

And quickly there was a scene that fits very well on this blog! Ok, it would fit also on my other blog… but I decided that it fits a little better on this one.

So, what do we have here?

A female doctor who runs from a monster… and runs into a masked woman in a gas mask!


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Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

I cut out several seconds of the monster getting hurt in the door (arm breaks) so that Youtube won’t have a problem with it.

Watch the video before you continue!

Damn, that scene was a great surprise back then 🙂

A mysterious woman in a gas mask? Damn, I wouldn’t mind running into such a sight…

A great disguise with the added hood (+the breathing gear factor).

Sadly, the reveal is cut short as the camera doesn’t show the final unmasking.

I guess due to the added hood and her long hair which would look a little “messy” if you pull the mask off.

Would have loved to see that moment as well.

But I love the mystery as soon as the female doctor sees her for the first time.

How is she? Why is she wearing that outfit?

She doesn’t know that she can’t get the crazy virus by air and did come up with that outfit.

A good choice as we so get to see her like that. 🙂

Of course, I would have loved to see someone trying to unmask her or ripping off that filter… in another scenario… but no luck.

The breathing sounds are done really well and the filter with the short air hose is a great look and bonus as I do love air hoses on breathing devices.

All in all a really good scene!

In earlier episodes two doctors were wearing quite tight hazmat suits in white… if you are interested in that.

Will continue to watch the season and hope there are some more scenes like this one.

Wanna know the TV show and episode title?


What do you think about these scenes?

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4 women in rubber masks rob a bunch of cash! [Blog exclusive]

Why this post on a Friday?

Well, as my usual upload-Sunday is the first of the month when I update the VIP club on both blogs… you get the weekly post two days early.

Thanks for the recommendation!

What do we have here? We have 4 women (incl. the getaway driver) who wanna rob a bunch of cash.

And they are wearing rubber masks and huge trenchcoats as disguises!


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Here is the video:

4 women in rubber masks rob a bunch of cash!

The video wasn’t welcome on YouTube, even in a short(er) version.

You can watch and also download the scenes there.

I really like how seriously they take their disguises!

Male rubber full-face masks, big padded trench coats, only very little dialogue.

I wanted to hide the fact that they are women, and I think that worked pretty well.

The unmasking in the back of the truck is well done, had to re-watch that scene sometimes as they unmask simultaneously 😉

Of course, I would have loved a fight or struggle with a guard, but no luck.

What I would give for a hand clawing into such a mask and ripping it wide open… exposing the face of the woman beneath.

This scene is the start of the movie, sadly there are no more scenes with them in masks later in the movie.

Here is the IMDB page of the movie:


What do you think about these scenes?

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A female cat burglar wants to steal a painting… but gets caught!

Sorry for not posting last Sunday, I was busy with another video shoot for my other blog.

This one was recommended to me some weeks ago and it has one good scene for this blog for sure 🙂

Thanks again for that recommendation!

A female cat burglar gets caught while trying to steal a painting!


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Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

Ok, the idea that these two big guys sitting in that room and she can’t see (or hear) them before the light goes on… is a little stupid.

But if you ignore that …it is a pretty good scene!

I think it is a stuntMan for the scene outside the window… but not 100% sure.

It would be quite embarrassing in 2023 when the film was made.

The really interesting scene is inside the building anyway.

Ok, I wish she would at least try to put up a fight, even if it seems rather hopeless without any weapons or gadgets.

The (more or less) forced self-masking is done quite well.

The camera fully stays on her and the unmasking isn’t too fast.

Her reaction to the unmasking is too “mild” but ok.

There are some more scenes with a masked woman later on in the movie… but that mask is incredibly ugly and there isn’t a good reveal.

 But feel free to check it out…

I envy the big guy who is just sitting there and waiting for some thief to show up!

Damn, that is pretty much like I wish my life would be when I have some valuable stuff to steal 😆

As soon as I am rich I will have a competition where (attractive) women will be challenged to steal something from me.

With some prize money involved for the best cat burglar….

Of course, they would all have to wear good sexy costumes and masks 😉


Wanna know the TV show and episode title?


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A female agent in full face mask…. and mini skirt and pantyhose [Masks off! #49]

Time for some interesting pages from a comic!

Check out these pages:

« of 7 »

(use the arrows to navigate through the pages)

I left out some pages in between that didn’t feature her… can’t post too much of it….

Well, what I would give to have these scenes in a movie or TV show!

Her outfit is really sexy… and that wig and full face mask is a great disguise. And she even thought of contact lenses in a different eye color, nice detail!

Ok, in a comic you can’t build in that many face details compared to reality or a live-action movie.

But I love how her mask gets totally ripped during the fight 🙂

A great unmasking and reveal!

Info on the comic title:

Samaritan – Veritas 003 (2017)