Batwoman gets her own TV-series in the Arrowverse!

[Post 2 of 2 for today]

“Batwoman-day” continues with this post.

I guess many of you know already…but it is a MUST for me to post that here.

2 months ago we got the news that Batwoman would be included in the next Crossover event of the Arrowverse.

Back than I already hoped… that that COULD lead to her own TV-series…but I never believed that they would go on and decide to actually do that ….months before that crossover.

And now we are getting a complete TV-series with a MASKED heroine…that IS SO GREAT!


>>> My hopes for the Batwoman TV-series: <<<

—> Please stick to the tone of the comic series!

A little darker (and ….much darker than Supergirl for example) and a little grim.


—> Please stick to the costume and mask of the comic series!

I want the iconic Batwoman mask from the comics, that actually really hides her identity together with the wig. I want a sexy costume…perhaps with rubber or leather (or spandex).

I don’t want a damn eye mask for her! (producers: “let us show her face”)


—> Please choose a good and fitting actress!

Well, a VERY important point. I would like an actress that is good at her job. An actress that is tall enough and strong enough. An actress that can believable play such a well-trained heroine.


—> Please let her have a real secret identity!

Her identity must remain a good secret. I hope that only very few actually know who Batwoman is.

(unlike for example: Catwoman in “The Dark Knight rises”)


—-> And please….please let there be some villains that actually are interested in UNMASKING her

That is I guess the only point where they shouldn’t stick to the comics too much….

Of course she can’t be unmasked in every second episode. BUT wouldn’t it be “normal” that you would want to see the face behind that mask?

That they would TRY to unmask her?

OK, I know that can’t be happening to oft…but I know around 60 or more Batwoman comics. And nearly no one of her enemies seem to care who is under that mask…

I mean… you don’t need some unmasking fetish 😉 to be interested in that. Just a little curiosity.

Let’s say 2-3 unmasking attempts in one season with over 20 episodes. And 1-2 unmaskings.

Ok, but now a video that they released to the San Diego comic con last week:

The really important part is around 1:40…

Well, not much/nothing to see, but I like the dialogue. 🙂

I hope that there is more to see in video in the near future!

What do you think about the TV-series?

What are your hopes?

Please leave a comment below!



Masks off! #37 – Batwoman unmasked by Batarang!

[Post 1 of 2 for today]

Well, today is “Batwoman-day” on Maskripper to celebrate the ….GREAT news from the last weeks.

For starters a scene that I didn’t post back then (don’t know why…guess I forgot) but it fits really good to this occasion.

And here is the scene:

Batwoman unmasked Det 938
Detective Comics 938-015
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(click on the arrows to get to the other pages)

Well, a very quick unmasking…but I really like that image where her mask drops. Great facial expression.

I often wonder how Batwoman’s mask is attached?

Is is just on the head by the connection with her wig?

Is there some sort of fixation on her suit (on the material that covers her neck)?

Hard to tell how “realistic” this unmasking is…but is is well drawn.

What do you think?

Feel welcome to leave your comment below!

Batgirl web-series from ALZI

[Updated: August 12th, 2018]

If you like masked heroines like Batgirl…you need to check out this ongoing web-series from ALZI production!

They started with two Spider Gwen and a Batgirl video. After that they started the Batgirl web-series.

So far it has 4 episodes and new ones seem to arrive every 2-3 weeks.


(click to enlarge)

And here are the episodes 1-3 of the Batgirl web-series:

Well, I really like how the series develops! Her enemies getting stronger but she manages to beat them.

I think she will get into more problems in the future episodes… some (more) peril scenes included.

And of course I really hope that the bad guys are motivated to find out who is hiding under that cowl 😉

Her costume is solid, the actress is pretty and talented and the action scenes are good for such a low-budget series.

I hope for many more episodes with Batgirl and more footage from Spider-Gwen.

[UPDATE: AUGUST 12th] Episode 4

Wow, what a bitter end for Batgirl in that episode. She couldn’t stop the thugs from unmasking her!!! Now she is into real trouble. I’m very curious how that will turn out for her.

Some links:

ALZI production on Youtube

ALZI production on Instagram

So, subscribe to them on Youtube if you want more ….Batgirl!

What do you think about the series?

What would you like to see in future episodes?

Leave your comment below!

Valentine – female superheroine movie from Indonesia

Discovered this movie a while back, and it’s time that I present it here to you folks.

It’s about a young woman who starts to fight crime. And there seems to be a lot of villains who have problems with that 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the trailer:

And here is a “behind the scenes” -video:

Well, in the first scene it looks like some sort of comedy…but luckily there is enough action in it later on. So I have hope for a decent superheroine movie.

And since we only have very few movies with a masked heroine…I am really looking forward to this one!

Ok, she just has an eye mask. But that’s ok…can’t be very picky with that awful small selection on movies with masked heroines 😉

IMDB says that it came out in Indonesia on november 23rd in 2017. And that’s all the information there is…no info if or when the movie will be available elsewhere.

Does anyone has more info? Or does know where to find that movie? That would be really great!

What do you think of this trailer? Do you wanna watch the movie?

Please leave your comment below!

Catwoman: New comic series and a new/better costume (…and copycats!)

Today I wanna celebrate the new Catwoman comic series that started this week. Some great news: Not only that there IS a new Catwoman series after years of absence…she also has a new costume!

And I really like the new one! The goggles on the old costume never worked for me… they didn’t look good… they broke some times….and she had them on her forehead much too often, which ruined the disguise completely.

Now she has a real cowl again! It does look much better and she has a much more “complete” mask in my opinion. And the rest of the costume looks pretty good as well.

A little back story of what happened before the pages I show down below:


The police try to arrest Selina (as they think she is Catwoman 🙁 ) for two murdered cops. She escapes them and watches the news where they say that Catwoman killed these cops.

She wants to prove them wrong. And has now a different costume, so she clearly looks different from the Catwoman that committed the murders…

Catwoman (2018-) 001-002
Alternative Cover....really GREAT!
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(click on the arrows to browse through the pages)

Well, besides the cool new costume…I love the idea with the copycats. Seeing so many CatwomEn…. really cool.

And I wonder how Catwoman will handle that situation…perhaps the copycats attack her and try to unmask her 😉

That would be something! And another run-in with the police would be interesting as well.

But this time as Catwoman…please!

What is your opinion on the costume?

…and on the story?

Leave your comment below!

And here is the comic:

Catwoman 001

Wesley Snipes VS the masked female vampire

[2nd post for today]

For today I wanna show you a masked female vampire that fights VS Wesley Snipes. To be prepared VS “evil” light she is completely covered and therefore masked perfectly 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, she certainly know how to handle her blades 😉

And she does look really sexy in that tight catsuit. And the mystery of her mask is a great addition to the scene.

You just want to see her unmasked…

And I like the revealing 🙂

Your idea about this scene?

Leave your comment below!

In case you don’t know which movie this is:




VIP Club: July

I updated the VIP-Club with new material! 2 new videos (one extra loooong, over 15 minutes) for you to enjoy!

(as always- not from a movie or a tv-series)

Wanna donate some bucks, show your support for this blog and get good videos in return?