Batgirl …and Batman and Robin…. VS vampires!

I stumbled upon this one perhaps a year ago and have wanted to post about it ever since.

But I had trouble getting the footage.

Luckily that changed today 😉

So… we have Batgirl… and Batman and Robin… VS…. vampires!



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, most of you don’t understand German (it’s an Austrian TV show) … so let me provide some background info and explain some aspects.

In the reality of this comedy/horror TV show… there are creatures with powers… and there are (also) vampires.

This event here is a masquerade ball hosted by the vampires. And our heroes are there in these costumes to blend in.

So… yeah, no more Batgirl scenes in other episodes of this show.

Our heroes want to stop the plan of the evil vampire leader.

I really like her Batgirl costume which is very much like the 60’s TV show costume of Batgirl that Yvonne Craig was wearing.

She is even wearing a red wig.

Yeah, I prefer Batgirl in a black rubber suit… but this one is good as well.

Especially as it has a solid cowl that disguises her well.

Sadly the character here doesn’t have any secret identity.

The vampires immediately recognize her as the cowl doesn’t “work” here in the reality of this TV show.

Which is quite ….odd….. as much lesser disguises (in terms of face coverage) work in 99% of the movies/TV shows.

It’s a shame that her unmasking happens off-screen… but at least we get to see her in costume and without her mask for some time.

This video has most of the Batgirl scenes from the episode, I only left out some lame(r) ones so the video had better chances to stay up on YouTube.

All in all I really love the scenes with her, even without an unmasking and secret identity peril.

My highlights are the scene were the goon pulls on her hair (or cowl?) and the campy fight scenes with the fitting music 🙂

And you certainly won’t find many scenes with such a lovely Batgirl in mainstream movies/TV shows… outside season 3 of the 60s Batman TV show.

Wanna know the name of the TV show?


(last episode of season 1)

What do you think about these scenes?

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The 4 women who became masked burglars – Part 2 – The final heist

This one was recommended to me a while back, thanks again for that! 🙂

Last week I presented the first two scenes…

….today I wanna present the big, final heist.

The audio is Dutch, and most of you won’t understand that… but I decided against the subtitles this time, as they were even more out of synch than before.

Hopefully, you can use the automatically generated subtitles on YouTube.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

Well, an interesting aspect is that two groups of burglars appear at the same time 😆

I like this competition, especially as the one guy pulled one of the masked women to him and threatened her.

I hoped he might go for the mask… but no luck. Still, I love that tension in a scene like that 🙂

In my version the 5 would have a struggle and would try to unmask each other… or the police would corner the masked women, trying to unmask them.

But if I understood it right the 3 women and the 2 men already knew each other, and that’s why the men pulled down their masks in that scene already.

Ok, I don’t like how careless the women then get with their masks as they present their unmasked faces for so long…. really uncool.

Don’t know why they targeted that grocery store… maybe it seemed like an easy target… or that had a lot of cash on that particular day for some reason.

But all in all, it’s a good scene for sure! I mean three women in full face masks + some action…. good stuff!

Wanna know the name of the movie?


What do you think about these scenes?

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Maskripper VIP Club: February 2025

New month, new content for the VIP Club here on Maskripper!

>>>>> I updated the VIP-Club with new material! <<<<<


You will find 3 videos in the VIP club!

One video with Batwoman capturing Catwoman… and then “playing” with her 😉

One video a sexy masked vigilante in trouble!

And another video with a very sexy Spidergirl who poses for the camera!

+ You will have FULL access to my 3 (self-written) Maskripper fetish stories (2 over 15 pages, one with 8 pages)!

Catwoman – the masked scuba thief [PREVIEW VERSION]

A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale [PREVIEW VERSION]

+ The rising star and her dark secret (no preview available)

(A rising star enjoys having anonymous latex sex until one guy gets…..curious to see who is under that mask and catsuit ;-))

+ You will have access to my Maskripper trailer with the original audio instead of the music

Wanna donate some bucks, show your support for this blog (actually help to keep it running), and get good videos and fetish stories in return?

…then JOIN the VIP club on Maskripper!

The 4 women who became masked burglars – Part 1 – Testing …and the first heist

This one was recommended to me a while back, thanks for that! 🙂

It’s time to make a post about it!

Today I wanna present the first two scenes, next week I will present the big, final heist.

The audio is Dutch, and most of you won’t understand that… so I included the subtitles that were embedded in the movie file.
Unfortunately, they are not in sync with the movie here… but as the text comes some seconds late… you get what they are saying… after all.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

I “like” how they rob the bank.

They use one of their own as the “hostage.” This is very thoughtful, as no outsider gets terrorized, and the hostage knows exactly what to do.

They are fully masked, use a tape recording for the instructions, and take care of the camera.

A good heist scene with three masked women (and their accomplices).

Well, this was rather the warm-up for the big heist that I will present next week 😉


Here it is:

Wanna know the name of the movie?


What do you think about these scenes?

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2 masked female burglars and their special way to get some cash

This one was recommended to me just some days ago, thanks for that! 🙂

This TV show has produced quite a lot of scenes in terms of masked women (incl. gas masks) 🙂

So, it’s time for another scene from it!



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

I added the second scene without masks… so you would see them unmasked as well (…and their ending).

Damn, that camera work is …. really uncool.

A shaky cam and they cut away from them every second 🙁

(which also made it difficult to get solid screenshots at least)

I guess that is supposed to make a thrilling scene… but in this case, it doesn’t work as I would have liked to see them for more than one second at a time.

Still, their way of entry is badass and they look great in their masks and leather jackets!

A shame that no one unmasked them or got close enough to (at least) try to unmask them.

It seems really crazy that they show their faces at the second heist in broad daylight… but I guess the good guys found out about their identities in the meantime.

It wasn’t the smartest movie of the blonde to pull her second gun while a gun was pointed at her… but I guess she preferred death over prison.

Wanna know the name of the episode/TV show?


What do you think about these scenes?

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The 3 masked female assassins … and the crappy CGI monster!

This one was recommended to me on YouTube, thanks for that! 🙂

The movie itself is really really really bad with a budget of maybe 9.99$ and an impressive IMDB score of 2.1 (!).

But…. it has 3 masked women in it who are masked for most of the movie. 🙂


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, the masks aren’t exactly interesting or sexy… but in terms of a good disguise… they work perfectly.

And having 3 of these masked women is a bonus as well.

Sadly their identity isn’t a real issue here and even the self-masking had a bad cut as they cut away from her frontal face view for a moment.

If I remember right one of the other two gets unmasked as she gets killed but only the result is shown… as she suddenly lays there …dead and unmasked.

But I like that they were the masks for so long as that builds up some tension.

A shame that there were no attempts to unmask them or any scenes with mask damage in the flick.

Wanna know the name of the movie?


A really evil trick to use that film title to fool some folks into watching this one …instead of the real one 😆

What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

A masked henchWOman in 2 scenes… incl. 2 unmaskings

The second season of this show finally aired right after Christmas and I watched it right away.

And yeah… it actually has some unmaskings in it!

Here I wanna present the best two…


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

So, she is wearing two masks! A nice combo 🙂

There are more unmasking scenes with her in the season… but “only” self-unmaskings without witnesses.

The first scene is already nice as she is ordered to unmask.

Yeah, there’s no resistance here as that is her boss, and she doesn’t have a secret identity toward him.

It’s still a nice reveal when she pulls down both masks.

The second scene is thrilling, even the unmasking is way too quick.

On the other hand, I like that the two immediately go for her masks as soon as she can’t fight back anymore.

The fight is well done, even if it is short as she is overpowered rather soon by the two.

And these two are really something… quite an intense scene! #psychos

Well played by all three of them…

Wanna know the name of the TV show?


(scenes from episodes 4 and 5 of season 2)

What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

Maskripper VIP Club: January 2025

Happy New Year to you folks!

New month/year, new content for the VIP Club here on Maskripper!

>>>>> I updated the VIP-Club with new material! <<<<<


You will find 3 videos in the VIP club!

One video with a masked female Captain America who has to fight a masked villainess!

One video where a Spider-woman (full mask) fights with 3 women in mini-skirts and pantyhose!

One verrry long video with masked female wrestlers (some nudity involved).

+ You will have FULL access to my 3 (self-written) Maskripper fetish stories (2 over 15 pages, one with 8 pages)!

Catwoman – the masked scuba thief [PREVIEW VERSION]

A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale [PREVIEW VERSION]

+ The rising star and her dark secret (no preview available)

(A rising star enjoys having anonymous latex sex until one guy gets…..curious to see who is under that mask and catsuit ;-))

+ You will have access to my Maskripper trailer with the original audio instead of the music

Wanna donate some bucks, show your support for this blog (actually help to keep it running), and get good videos and fetish stories in return?

…then JOIN the VIP club on Maskripper!

A mysterious masked lady – scenes 3-5

Last week I posted these scenes:

…and now it’s time to continue with 3 more scenes in 2 videos!

And don’t worry… the mysterious masked lady will be UNMASKED 😉



(click to enlarge)

Here are the videos:

Video 3

Video 4

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the videos before you continue!

Ok, let’s start with some context:

She was in love with the young guy as they were younger.

They were even about to marry. He was away for 6 months and she became very ill in the meantime.

She got smallpox and barely survived it… but had these massive scars on her face as a result of her illness.

She hid from him and canceled their relationship.

Years later she became a … well… masked prostitute… for the wealthy.

This way she could earn a living while hiding (most of) her face.

Well, I really admire his restraint… I mean she teases him all the time, hiding her face behind that mask.

He doesn’t even try to unmask her, even as they have sex! That is some respect.

But ok, on the other hand….it must be also insanely thrilling… to be in love with that masked woman, desiring her, but not unmasking her… despite that many opportunities.

And it takes A LOT of trust from her side, letting him that close while hiding under that mask.

Ironically she is then weirdly unmasked by that woman that she has known since she was down with the “disfigured” smallpox victims (earlier in the movie).

The unmasking is down quite well, a “NO!” and a great reaction to the unmasking!

Hiding her face between her hands… until she gives in and takes them away revealing her face to the guy.

He is the first of her customers who sees her face.

Later on, the young(er) guy also learns her secret identity… but without an unmasking, resulting in a lame reveal.

But the unmasking that we get … is pretty great, especially after all that screentime with her under the mask.

Wanna know the name of the movie?


What do you think about these scenes?

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A mysterious masked lady – scenes 1+2

Happy holidays/Christmas/whatever to you folks!

I wish you some enjoyable and relaxing days for whatever you celebrate next week!

I stumbled upon this one by pure chance.

I saw the movie poster and knew….. this one should be interesting 😉

There are PLENTY of fitting scenes in this movie… basically half the movie.

I decided to make this one a two-parter.

I will post two scenes today and will make another video(s) for next Sunday.

And I will not reveal the movie title today… I will do that next Sunday to build up some anticipation.

You know… “anticipation is half the pleasure” or as we would say here “anticipation is the best pleasure” (translated)  😉


(click to enlarge)

Here are the videos:

Video 1


Video 2

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the videos before you continue!

I think these scenes are a perfect example of how to build up some tension.

She sits in front of a mirror, and slowly puts her mask on, while the camera never shows her face 🙂

She also puts on the hat with the veil, which is basically a second mask to disguise her further.

Everyone is watching her as the mysterious, masked woman enters the opera.

The men especially get intrigued while the women rather get ….jealous 😉

I love the tension in the dialogue. The two men don’t know who is behind the mask and the guy next to her also speaks about how “cruel” she is by hiding her beautiful face.

Damn, that is a verrry sexy scene for me!

That’s how you make an erotic scene without showing anything at all… in several ways.


3 more scenes of her… incl. an unmasking!

Wanna know the name of the movie?



What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

Masked female vigilante Titania in a kids TV show – 2 different masks

I read about this one on the superheroine forum. Thanks to the guy who posted about it there!

We have a masked female vigilante in long-running Canadian kid’s TV shows (from Quebec – so with French Audio).

I have seen rather little… so far, hopefully, there is some more good material in it.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

Ok, that first mask/wig combo is seemingly her standard disguise from what I read and have seen.

She changed into that cowl for some reason in one episode… but that seems to be the only time… as far as I know.

Yeah, my main issue, of course, is that it is a kids’ TV show. So, there won’t be any real action or peril involving our masked heroine.

(even the bearhug scene is quite perilous for a kid’s TV show)

Also, even though I had French in school (briefly) I don’t understand most of the audio as my little knowledge of French has evaporated over the last 20+ years.

She seems to be one of several masked heroes in this one, so… very often… you won’t even see her on screen.

The costume is too colorful for my taste, but it’s pretty solid overall. I mean you don’t find many heroines in such a spandex outfit on TV 😉

I especially like both of her masks from these scenes. In both of them, she is disguised really well, which is rather unusual…

In the link below you can find hundreds of episodes of this TV show.

I don’t know if it would be worth it to dig through all of those… but perhaps I might give it a try… at least.

Wanna know the name of the TV show?


(scenes from episodes 1 and 3 of season 1)


Here you can watch A LOT of the episodes of this show:

What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

A female and a male burglar VS the family

[Post 2 of 2 for today]

I watched this movie again the other day … and realized that I didn’t make a blog post about that one scene…

We have two burglars who rob a house, and one of them is a woman 😉



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

I added the second scene so you would see her unmasked.

What a romantic couple… doing burglaries together 😉

Yeah, the scene is quite dark (lighted) as there is no artificial light in it.

Damn, he had to perfect chance to knock her out… and then unmask her…

…or even better: to disarm her and then unmask her from behind in a struggle.

But he wanted to preserve the image of the completely harmless family guy to cover up his real past.

However… she does look good in her mask which disguises her perfectly.

But… her tattoo was her downfall and led him to them later on.

Wanna know the name of the movie?


What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

Maskripper VIP Club: December 2024

[Post 1 of 2 for today]

New month, new content for the VIP Club here on Maskripper!

>>>>> I updated the VIP-Club with new material! <<<<<


You will find 2 videos in the VIP club!

One short video with a Glamour-type heroine unmasked (incl. a damaged mask), and one long video (28 minutes) with a Spider-girl (half mask) who fights against a villain…. (XXX)

+ You will have FULL access to my 3 (self-written) Maskripper fetish stories (2 over 15 pages, one with 8 pages)!

Catwoman – the masked scuba thief [PREVIEW VERSION]

A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale [PREVIEW VERSION]

+ The rising star and her dark secret (no preview available)

(A rising star enjoys having anonymous latex sex until one guy gets…..curious to see who is under that mask and catsuit ;-))

+ You will have access to my Maskripper trailer with the original audio instead of the music

Wanna donate some bucks, show your support for this blog (actually help to keep it running), and get good videos and fetish stories in return?

…then JOIN the VIP club on Maskripper!

One woman as a masked ninja intruder and a masked dancer in one movie

I have known this movie since I watched it back in the 90s.

Somehow I didn’t make a post about it, even though it was also recommended to me in the meantime.

So, it’s finally time that this crazy movie gets represented here….


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, I know… you could easily say that the hood she wears during her sneaky night activity doesn’t count as a mask.

That it is just to make her less visible.

But I think it is also a disguise. A rather stupid one, but a disguise.

After all, she is a journalist who appears on TV, even if that is just a cover.

Of course, I would have preferred her to wear a real mask, but I bet the movie makers didn’t want to fully cover her face… 🙁 … same old story.

Also, it makes no sense why she would pull back the hood once she seemingly feels safe for no reason.

In my version she would have worn a full mask, Colonel Guile surprises her and attacks her… trying to unmask her while she is trying frantically to prevent that….

As she escapes we see Kylie Minogue in her uniform. Damn, I wish she would have worn a mask at some time in this movie…

It’s really interesting how the same “reporter” then appears again in a mask, just minutes later.

This time with a mask that is disguising her pretty well… unlike the rest of her outfit 😉 #theselegs

Wow, quite an outfit! She disguises herself with the mask so the villain won’t recognize her.

Sadly we don’t see how she takes off the mask. Would have been a nice reveal.

Wanna know the name of the movie?


What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

A masked, sexy villainess in a kid’s movie (+Power Rangers)

This movie was recommended for a wetsuit/scuba scene, but that was rather uninteresting.

But… I stumbled upon the movie’s villainess… and she qualified for this blog.

So, thanks for the recommendation after all!


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

Why put a villainess in such a kinky outfit into a KIDS movie? Good question! I find that very interesting!

Hmh, perhaps to give the adults something interesting to watch as they watch the movie with their kids?

Or introduce the kids to some fetishes/kinks? 😆 Just kidding… perhaps….

I guess my first assumption is right 😉

And perhaps the producers were interested in that as well 😉

I mean she is wearing sexy boots, a short skirt, pantyhose, offers a massive cleavage, kinky gloves, and a rather strange mask as well.

Quite an outfit! Yeah, the mask doesn’t fully work for me as covers little, especially on the left side of her face.

But it’s enough to qualify for this blog, especially as I am low on material.

And if I had seen this movie at the age of 12 or so… I might have had a “strange” feeling already whenever she was on screen.

I never cared much about the Power Rangers, perhaps as these plastic masks/helmets aren’t so appealing.

And maybe I already hated such magic masks that appear out of nowhere…

Maybe there is a great unmasking in all these movies or TV shows with Power Rangers… I don’t know, but it’s hard to believe.

Wanna know the name of the movie?


What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!