I read about this one on the superheroine forum. Thanks to the guy who posted about it there!
We have a masked female vigilante in long-running Canadian kid’s TV shows (from Quebec – so with French Audio).
I have seen rather little… so far, hopefully, there is some more good material in it.
Her regular mask and wig
She is in trouble!
A cowl this time!
(click to enlarge)
Here is the video:
Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!
Watch the video before you continue!
Ok, that first mask/wig combo is seemingly her standard disguise from what I read and have seen.
She changed into that cowl for some reason in one episode… but that seems to be the only time… as far as I know.
Yeah, my main issue, of course, is that it is a kids’ TV show. So, there won’t be any real action or peril involving our masked heroine.
(even the bearhug scene is quite perilous for a kid’s TV show)
Also, even though I had French in school (briefly) I don’t understand most of the audio as my little knowledge of French has evaporated over the last 20+ years.
She seems to be one of several masked heroes in this one, so… very often… you won’t even see her on screen.
The costume is too colorful for my taste, but it’s pretty solid overall. I mean you don’t find many heroines in such a spandex outfit on TV 😉
I especially like both of her masks from these scenes. In both of them, she is disguised really well, which is rather unusual…
In the link below you can find hundreds of episodes of this TV show.
I don’t know if it would be worth it to dig through all of those… but perhaps I might give it a try… at least.
My last post was about the upcoming movie “Madame Web” with the gorgeous Sydney Sweeney.
She is also masked in another movie and that one I would like to feature today!
She and her partner love to spy on the neighbors with binoculars and now they even wanna install a microphone at the apartment of a guy across the street!
So they go to a party that he is hosting to have fun and put that microphone in place there…
Posing for the camera…
…at the party
But she has…
….a special plan!
(click to enlarge)
Here is the video:
Please leave a LIKE and/or a comment on YouTube!
Well, with that wig and mask… she is disguised very well!
A shame that there isn’t a scene in it with an unmasking or costume change.
Also, I do like that she is wearing a pantyhose with her costume even though that feature is mostly hidden in the dark or off-screen.
The masked guy even touches her pantyhosed legs as he is carrying her on his shoulder…. #naughty
In this scene, she is already pretty intrigued by him and they will have a very sexy scene later on where Sydney is showing … a lot!
If you wanna see Sydney’s sexy twins… you should check out the whole movie 😉
Since you can’t see her unmasked face in this video… here is a picture of her without the mask from this movie:
(The video combines the best Black Scorpion scenes of the episode….not all (that would be around 14 minutes in total))
I wouldn’t mind to be in his position!
Black Scorpion chained!
And someone is….
…very curious!
Flashpoint enjoying this big time!
Time to…..
…UNMASK Black Scorpion!
Darcy Walker!?! Unmasked and exposed!
Darcy VS…
…Black Scorpion?!?
(click to enlarge)
I love the first scene with Black Scorpion and Steve as she kisses him but he calls out for his partner Darcy.
Darcy shows up and he mentions that he never saw Darcy and Black Scorpion at the same time…..well, he never got closer to solving that “mystery” 😉
Ok, I am not the biggest fan of unmasking tied-up heroines, but at least better than unconscious ones.
All in all, this is one of the very best unmaskings ever done!
It isn’t the first time in the season that Black Scorpion gets unmasked…but the only time someone finds out who she is! And to make it so much worse for her: He is also is exposing her to the whole world by taking that picture of her unmasked face and selling it to the press. Flashpoint totally ruins her secret identity and the police are chasing after her, especially Steve who is …quite….furious that Black Scorpion is actually Darcy, his partner!
I also like that this is a double unmasking as he first rips of her eye protection (against his laser thingy) and thereby can see her eyes.
The whole build-up is great as they talk about what he would gain from unmasking her.
Also, I love how he is teasing her as he even pretends to attack her. You can clearly see how afraid she is of what is about to happen. She knows exactly that she is finished once he rips her mask and wig off and thereby revealing Darcy Walker!
The final unmasking itself is a little flawed for me for two reasons:
There is the fade to black and then the scene goes on (commercial break)
They show his hand on her mask, then cut to him, then he already is pulling her mask and wig away. This was most likely done to be able to remove her black face paint around her eyes…and show her exposed face without it. Rather unrealistic…. but yeah, she would look a little weird with that “panda” eyes.
But her reaction is done so well! She is angry and frustrated and he enjoys his victory over her…verrry much. Especially interesting after he missed several chances in episode 3 to get a picture of her unmasked face.
The episode then takes the fantasy route as there is a clone of Darcy, so she can convince everyone that is (seemingly) isn’t Black Scorpion after all. But yeah, it’s very hard to think of a realistic approach to all of this, unless she would have a twin sister or someone who would convincingly be Black Scorpion and Darcy would show up next to her (like in season 1 of Batwoman with Julia as Batwoman for one episode).
This also is another good example of how much such a scene gets better if you are really invested in the characters. If you have seen all 18 episodes before, you are really invested in Black Scorpion. You know her very well by now and you also know Flashpoint and his plans from episode 3.
This makes the unmasking so much more impactful than it would be in 99,9% of the fetish videos for me.
That is why I am sooo interested in TV shows with masked women like Black Scorpion, Batwoman, Stargirl, and the Queen of Swords.
And hopefully, there will be more new shows in the future!
What I would give for a Blu-ray release of this show or an HD TV airing!
What do you think about this episode and these scenes?
Ok, I guess and hope that many of you already know the Black Scorpion TV show…. and since I didn’t cover the show with enough posts in the past…I wanna change that now.
The show is in my Hall of Fame and if you are into masked women, this TV show is an absolute MUST have!
A little extract from my post in the Hall of Fame (more info on the show can be found there):
I remember how I stumbled upon this show in the early 2000s.
This show was never shown here, but at some point, I read about the show and saw some pictures.
I immediately bought the DVD box set in the US and it took a while to get the Season box set to arrive here.
I also had to buy a DVD player that could handle region 1 DVDs. It was a pretty expensive endeavor, but damn, it was worth it BIG time!
I watched one episode every evening until I have seen all 22 episodes.
And that was a great thrill ride every night!
Ok, enough introduction….let’s start with one of the best episodes.
Here are the highlights of episode 1!
Steve meets Black Scorpion for the first time! (lucky guy)
Her first real villain!
Time for some blackmail!
What does he want from her? 😉
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
[Watch the video before you continue!]
It’s Steve’s first encounter with Black Scorpion! This starts his obsession with catching the Black Scorpion. He was transferred to this police department to catch her…. and I envy him big time! What a fantastic job! He gets paid to chase after such a stunning masked vigilante…oh man!
The ending of the episode with Firearm is so awesome! I love how he blackmails her to unmask herself….such a great move, and he really enjoys it 😉
One of the rare villains who actually wants to know who is under the mask of a heroine. And her reaction to it is well done and played as well!
Plus it’s a great bonus that he recognizes Darcy…and again, I love how he is enjoying the whole situation.
A good move that she quickly puts the mask back in place as soon she gets the chance.
In the end, Firearm has to die….after all, he had seen her face, so it was the most logical choice from the writers to get him killed.
It was the first episode if a villain like him would found out about her secret identity and would be able to tell everyone…it would be a short TV show.
Damn, I would give for a Blu-ray box for this TV show!!! Or a (not so cheesy) remake with better action scenes… #dream
Well, as Batman, Batwoman is a creature of the night, so a rather dark tone fits very good and I really like a dark(er) tone in a movie or TV series. I mean Legends of Tomorrow is half a comedy, Flash has dark moments but the hero does see much more daylight than Batman/Batwoman and it has comedy elements as well (Ralph etc.). Arrow has some darkness and tragedy, but now less than at the beginning in my opinion. And the relationsship between Oliver and Felicity changed quite a lot in that matter…. so much relationsship drama, his son …etc.
The CW should have enough experience by now with all those superhero shows, that I’m confident that they know what to do with …this… caped crusader.
And if you “only” wanna watch all scenes with Batwoman and Kate Kane, check out this post:
I am sure many of you noticed that Batwoman (Ruby Rose) has worn two different masks so far. First, we saw her in the Crossover with her “regular” mask and wig. And now, in the trailer from last week, she wore a different mask without a wig (the pilot plays years BEFORE the Crossover).
Where are the differences? Well, as I have a Dr. in ….maskoligy…..I will try to show them to you 😉
For starters, let’s me present her “regular” mask that she will wear from the ending of episode 1 (most likely):
1) Trailer (very end)
2) Promo Pic Crossover
3) Promo Pic Crossover
4) Screenshot Crossover
5) Screenshot Crossover
6) Screenshot Crossover
7) Screenshot Trailer
8) Screenshot Trailer
9) Screenshot Trailer
10) Screenshot Trailer
11) Screenshot Trailer
12) Screenshot Trailer
(cropped pictures to show the mask/cowl)
There are at least 3 differences from her regular mask (pictures 1-6) to the mask she wears for most parts of the trailer (pictures 7-12). I believe that it is just a size-modified Batman cowl that Luke Fox made to fit Batwoman’s head.
The differences:
1) most obvious – Her regular mask includes a flashing red wig. Therefore I think her, the material on top of her head was removed, the cowl seems open, her wig is right on her real hair.
I don’t think her wig is “glued” to the top of her mask. Even it would make some things easier (for the actress).
2) The whole shape is different!
The modified Batman mask is much rounder as her regular one. It looks bigger to me (volume/capacity).
You can see the shape of her ear on the regular one (picture 2) and it fits better to her head in my opinion.
3) The eye section!
If you compare the mask around her eyes…you can see that the material of the modified Batman mask is flat. On her regular mask, it is shaped much different. It looks menacing (like it should be) and should provide much better protection for her if someone would score a hit in that area. With that shape, it should hurt to hit her there 😉
Things I would like to know about these masks:
1)From what material(s) are they made off?
I think that it is rather some “hardened kind of plastic” like Christian Bale’s Batman cowl. Personally I would love if it would be made out of thick rubber, that could be stretched a bit (for unmasking purposes of course 😉 )….but I don’t think it is.
2) Is the back section of her regular mask “closed” as well?
You can see that her Batman-mask is “closed” (pictures 7 and 11) at the back of her head.
Due to the wig, we couldn’t see the back of the cowl on her regular mask. Is it closed as well? In the comics she doesn’t wear a cowl, it “just” covers her face and some parts of the sides of her head. If it is not closed around her head…how it is fixed to stay on it?
3) Does she wear a “cowl of cloth” underneath her mask?
If you check picture 11, you can spot some cloth material that exits her mask on her cheek. And on pictures 2 and 7 you can see that this cloth material covers her neck from the top of her suit upwards. How far does that cloth material “goes” upwards?
……to be continued…..
What do you think about these masks?
Do you see other differences that aren’t on my list?
Feel welcome to leave a comment below!
>>>>>>>>>>> Maskripper is now on ……Twitter!!! <<<<<<<<<<<
What do we have here? A masked female thief in a strange outfit. She wears a wetsuit a mask and a cheap wig and wants to rob a lot of cash from a ship on the high sea!
Will they get away with it? And who is hiding under that mask?
There she is…masked and dangerous!
Time to get off…
…this ship!
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
A pretty good disguise that combination with that wig and her mask.
A shame that she was “unmasked” by plunging into the ocean. I wish some crew member would have attacked her before and at least have tried to unmask her.
But it’s a nice scene nonetheless, especially with that wetsuit she is wearing.
Ok folks, now that all episodes of the Elseworlds Crossover event were shown, this weeks post will be done today instead of posting it on the usual sunday.
Because nobody should be kept waiting to see this material 😉
I do have two videos and one big picture gallery for you. For the first video I combined all Batwoman scenes in one video and I did the same with the Kate Kane scenes in the second video.
My opinions on all of this can be found on the last part of the post.
I recommend that you watch the video with Kate Kane first, for a better understanding!!!
All Kate Kane scenes in the Elseworlds Crossover:
All Batwoman scenes in the Elseworlds Crossover:
Picture Gallery:
(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)
*EDIT*: Some additional (HQ-) images that a really nice follower of this blog sent:
(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)
My opinion on the Crossover:
—> In general:
It was a lot of FUN! Many funny scenes, sooo many Easter Eggs (Batman villains, Smallville, Legends of Tomorrow and more) and a pretty good story with some really good action scenes as well. I think it was a good idea to make this years Crossover a little “smaller” with just 3 episodes from 3 shows. I like it when you don’t have too many characters in it. With the Legends of Tomorrow it was a little too much for my taste.
The idea with the alternative realities is pretty cool. It was very interesting to see some of the cast in other roles. The scene with Kate and Kara was very important to introduce Kate to the Arrowverse and give her some depths before presenting Batwoman. And that brings me to my biggest interest in this years crossover….
—> Batwoman:
It is no big surprise to most of you that I have a “thing” for masked women. 😉
So, the idea of bringing Batwoman into the Crossover this year, fueled my anticipation BIG time. Since months I really was looking forward to see her on the screen. Instead of most heroines and villainesses I saw in the past on TV, comics and the internet, Batwoman has a “real” mask. A mask that actually really covers her secret identity (and a wig for even more cover). She is one of my favorites among Batgirl, Catwoman and Black Scorpion. And the idea to introduce Batwoman in the Crossover and (and hopefully!!!) giving her her own TV show next year…..seems fucking fantastic to me!
As I heard that Ruby Rose would play her, I didn’t really know what to think of it. I had seen only very little of her and decided to watch/re-watch more of her the last months (Triple X 3, Wick 2, Resident Evil: Final Chapter, Meg). And now I am very happy about the fact that she got the role. Of course her part wasn’t very big (around 8 Minutes as Batwoman AND Kate Kane), BUT I really think she will/would do a great job in her own TV-series.
The mask/cowl looks fantastic and her costume is pretty good. The Batwoman symbol looks really good on her. Ok, I would tried something with leather and rubber on the suit (like the Batgirl suit from Batman and Robin or Birds of Prey…but perhaps that would have been too much for some folks 😉 )
And that possible TV-series….would be a DREAM coming true for me. Always wanted a big TV show with a masked heroine in the main role. The only other two I know are “Queen of Swords” and “Black Scorpion” and both had only one season each, which lay back quite some time now.
—> Unmasking action:
Well, for less than 4 minutes of Batwoman, I think we got quite a lot!
Kate walks over to her costume and cowl. Really cool to see her standing before it.
And actually Batwoman got UNMASKED by Supergirl. Ok, the mask didn’t come off physically, BUT the very curious Supergirl uses the X-ray vision to see behind the cowl of Batwoman, finding Kate Kane under it.
But nice as Supergirl is, she easily gives up her own secret identity to Batwoman as well. And both already have a strong bond to each other, so they both know they can trust each other with their secrets.
And the possibilities for more unmasking action with Batwoman in that possible TV-show are…..ENDLESS. 🙂
Ok, enough from me for now.
What do you think about the Crossover and especially Batwoman in it?
Leave your comment below!
P.S.: You may have notice the change in the picture headline on top of the blog already… 😉
This post is for my Frogwoman blog and my Maskripper blog, it really fits well into both in my opinion.
For today I wanna post a short article about a short comic scene that always excited me since I saw it as a child. Back then, of course, I didn’t understand why I liked that scene so much, but later I got it. It seems like a normal, harmless comic scene in a harmless comic for children. But it fuels several fetishes, and I wanna show that scene to you, so you can understand.
A witch (Gundel Gaukeley) wants to steal the lucky “coin” from Dagobert Duck. She dresses like a woman from an insurance company that wants to insure that coin for free. She uses a blonde wig to disguise her identity (a little weird, that that is enough to fool her arch enemy…but ok). So Dagobert shows the room where the coin is placed.
That room is filled with gas, so they need to use gas masks to enter it. And she uses this opportunity…..
(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)
….to rip his gas mask off (!), he collapses and can’t stop her from stealing the priceless coin.
What is so exciting in that scene?
Well, basically it fuels two of my fetishes:
1) The “masked women”-fetish:
She uses a wig to mask herself so he wouldn’t recognise her. (ok, not a sexy Batgirl cowl, but…it’s a start)
Then she even puts a gas mask on. In fact a second mask. Now she is perfectly masked and disguised!
2) scuba/breath control/gas mask – fetish
Ok, she isn’t using scuba gear, but a “breathing device” to enter that room full of gas.
And that sudden act of betrayal, when she rips his gas mask off (unmasking) and thereby forces him to inhale the gas…..damn, very exciting stuff 😉
This “act of betrayal” aspect, can be found in my favorite movie as well. In THUNDERBALL, Angelo, the trapped pilot, thinks that Largo will help him out of his jammed seat harness.
Ok, folks, it’s time to start a new sort of series on this blog!
As most of you (hopefully) know already, Batwoman will make her first appearance on TV in the big Arrowverse Crossover event, featuring an episode each from the CW series Flash, Arrow and Supergirl.
(click to enlarge)
And, with a thrill of anticipation I’m looking forward to that crossover from the day it was announced that Batwoman would make her debut in that.
I’m watching these series anyway, but this fuels my ….”delight level” to a whole new level! 🙂
Especially regarding that she will get her own TV-SERIES after that!! (most likely, if nothing insane happens)
Why I am so happy about it?
Well, how many …at least solid…..movies and TV-series did we have with a proper masked heroine over all the years?
Not many! Catwoman in Batman Returns, the Black Scorpion series, Batgirl in Birds of Prey (one episode), the Queen of swords series (even the mask isn’t really a proper mask)
and lately some masked women in Arrow, The Flash and Supergirl (and mostly only eye masks).
And I really like her from the comics and the animated movie (“Bad Blood”). Her wig and mask makes a really good disguise! Not like most other masked heroine, who wear tiny eye mask that cover nearly nothing. And I really hope that Ruby Rose makes a great debut as Batwoman!
And yesterday we got the first official picture with Ruby Rose as Batwoman:
(click to enlarge)
And DAMN, I’m really happy with it!
A really great mask/cowl! The moment she hits the screen….I will be very…..excited! 😉
The costume is ok, more practical than sexy. Had hoped for some leather or even rubber…but well, that wasn’t very likely if you know the costumes of these 3 shows.
Of course it is not guaranteed that there will be a good unmasking. Perhaps Supergirl or Flash use their speed to unmask her to find out who she is. Or most likely Batwoman will trust them and unmask herself.
But whatever happens, every second with her on-screen will be really great (for me)!
And now some pictures of Ruby Rose without the costume: