The 4 women who became masked burglars – Part 2 – The final heist

This one was recommended to me a while back, thanks again for that! 🙂

Last week I presented the first two scenes…

….today I wanna present the big, final heist.

The audio is Dutch, and most of you won’t understand that… but I decided against the subtitles this time, as they were even more out of synch than before.

Hopefully, you can use the automatically generated subtitles on YouTube.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

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Watch the video before you continue!

Well, an interesting aspect is that two groups of burglars appear at the same time 😆

I like this competition, especially as the one guy pulled one of the masked women to him and threatened her.

I hoped he might go for the mask… but no luck. Still, I love that tension in a scene like that 🙂

In my version the 5 would have a struggle and would try to unmask each other… or the police would corner the masked women, trying to unmask them.

But if I understood it right the 3 women and the 2 men already knew each other, and that’s why the men pulled down their masks in that scene already.

Ok, I don’t like how careless the women then get with their masks as they present their unmasked faces for so long…. really uncool.

Don’t know why they targeted that grocery store… maybe it seemed like an easy target… or that had a lot of cash on that particular day for some reason.

But all in all, it’s a good scene for sure! I mean three women in full face masks + some action…. good stuff!

Wanna know the name of the movie?


What do you think about these scenes?

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A female and a male burglar VS the family

[Post 2 of 2 for today]

I watched this movie again the other day … and realized that I didn’t make a blog post about that one scene…

We have two burglars who rob a house, and one of them is a woman 😉



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

I added the second scene so you would see her unmasked.

What a romantic couple… doing burglaries together 😉

Yeah, the scene is quite dark (lighted) as there is no artificial light in it.

Damn, he had to perfect chance to knock her out… and then unmask her…

…or even better: to disarm her and then unmask her from behind in a struggle.

But he wanted to preserve the image of the completely harmless family guy to cover up his real past.

However… she does look good in her mask which disguises her perfectly.

But… her tattoo was her downfall and led him to them later on.

Wanna know the name of the movie?


What do you think about these scenes?

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5 masked women wanna rob a cash truck!

Thanks a lot for this recommendation as well!

I watched the whole movie as it is about a gang of 5 women who rob banks and cash trucks in their spare time 😉

And of course, they are masked 🙂

Sounds great, doesn’t it?


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

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I cut out 2 short scenes (without masks, without action) so that the video would be a bit shorter. Hope it can stay on Youtube…

There is a short bank robbery at the beginning, where they are fully masked as well, but the audience doesn’t know that they are actually women.

They do a good job of hiding that.

Perhaps I will upload that scene as well in the future.

But then you have a whole movie about the traumatized female detective and some side plots that are all pretty uninteresting.

It then takes until the very end of the movie as they finally have another heist.

The masks are a very good disguise and I really enjoy the “mask talk”.

Since most of you don’t understand German, here is a translation for you folks:

The woman takes off her mask in front of the guard.

“Hey, have you ever thought that women would rob you?”

Other woman: “Are you nuts? Put the mask back on… NOW!”

“Come on Theresa, it is getting boring…”

“Put that mask back on!”


Damn, some sexy lines 😉

Also, I like the dark-toned music… quite a lot.

Also, I did enjoy that the guy managed to take down one of them.

I was so hoping that he would unmask her… but then he got shot… DAMN IT!

So, in the end, we only have 2 self unmaskings in that scene.

A lot of wasted potential… but certainly some good scenes in this one.

Quite a crazy shootout…

The ending has some spaghetti western vibes to it 😉


Here is the name of the movie:

Tatort: Waffenschwestern (2008)

(Tatort is the name of a movie series, “Waffenschwestern” is the actual movie name)

The full movie can be found on the streaming service ARD Plus, which can be tested for free for 14 days… but you have to live in Germany for that.

But perhaps you can move there quickly with a VPN… 😉

A masked female burglar wants to get some goods from a safe

So, time for another scene with a masked woman!

In this case, we have a masked female burglar who wants some stuff from a safe.

Will she get what she wants and get away from the guards?



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

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Watch the video before you continue!

Well, I guess that may be the most unfitting mask I have ever seen on a woman 😆

Looks like she needs a size S or M but choose a XXXXL mask for her heist.

Maybe it was a practical thing for the filming to not “ruin” her hair and/or have a very easy unmasking?

Or maybe she as a burglar chooses it to even disguise her better.

Anyhow, seems like that mask just could have been blown off by a slight breeze.

Not a very sexy mask, but surely an effective disguise.

I don’t get why she takes off that mask in the room with the safe, as it is risky… even if it is a closed space.

Maybe it was the old “we must present her pretty face as often as possible” trope from the producers…

But at least she quickly re-masks as the alarm goes off.

A shame the guards weren’t even able to find her… so, as often… no fight scene with the masked woman 🙁

I wish these guards in most movies would be a little more competent…

That is the only scene with her in a mask in the movie.

Wanna know from which movie this is?


What do you think about this scene?

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A masked female diamond thief on roller skates!

This one is from a very new recommendation, thanks for that!

It has some interesting aspects and I bet you will be quite surprised to see who is under that mask! 😉



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

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Well, if you know the Bond movies… you should immediately have recognized her!

Yeah, that is Maud Adams who was a Bond girl in not just one… but two Bond movies (“The Man with the Golden Gun” & “Octopussy”)!

The movie in general has an interesting cast… but seemingly is pretty much forgotten since the best available source… is a VHS rip. 🙁

I will watch it in the next few days as I am curious enough to see the whole thing.

But now to the scene itself:

I already love the opening as she is breathing (oddly) heavily on that mouthpiece. Was she running low on air or was she just… a little …. excited? 😉

Sadly… just a very short scene… but would also be somehow fitting to my other blog Frogwoman Org!

Also quite cool that she is skating out of the place! Certainly haven’t seen a masked woman doing that so far…

The unmasking and reveal are done well… I was certainly surprised to find Maud Adams under that mask!

Cool that she transforms quickly into a regular outfit and thereby fools the security guards 🙂

Of course, I would have preferred if that would have fought against them and they (at least) tried to unmask her…

But all in all, a really cool scene!

Wanna know from which episode this is?


(the whole movie is available on YouTube at the moment)

What do you think about this scene?

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Three masked women on a shootout/heist [Blog exclusive]

I saw the poster for this TV show and immediately knew that this show would be interesting…. 🙂

So I watched the entire season and wasn’t disappointed!

The show centers around one crazy bank heist which is shown in flashbacks in several episodes.

I guess I could make multiple posts about this one, but I rather just concentrate on the most interesting scene, in terms of masks.


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Here is the video:


(wasn’t welcome on YouTube at all, even an extra short version with under 2 minutes)

Let’s start with the bad aspects:

There is no unmasking action or any secret identity issues in this scene and the entire show. 🙁

But… on the good side:

You have three hot women in masks… and that in a quite lengthy heist! Some day I have to re-edit the whole heist scene from all the episodes into one video.

Which will be quite difficult with all the time jumps…

Plus the masks are very interesting with that unusual look! They offer quite a good disguise.

It’s a shame that there were so many guards in that heist… but it’s just a massive shootout. Pretty cool, but only in regard to stylish action scenes.

In my version, I would have included some hand-to-hand combat scenes with guards who are curious to see who is under these masks 😉

All in all, I like the whole season, as is a good thriller show with interesting characters.

I will re-watch this one in some years.

I don’t think there will be a second season, as the storyline is “finished”, but I wouldn’t mind a second season… with some more masked women of course 😉

Wanna know the episode and title of the TV show?


What do you think about this scene?

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Two masked robbers, 4 “friends”, and a priceless necklace

This one was recommended to me a while ago, but I shamefully forgot about checking out the movie.

Now I finally did, and damn…. it was worth it!

I watched the whole thing to get the full context.


(click to enlarge)

Here are the videos:

Part 1:

Part 2:

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I edited the whole sequence into two parts so it had a better chance of getting onto YouTube.

It was still restricted… but only in one country, and only about 1% of the watchers of the YouTube videos (on my channel) are from this country so I think it’s ok.

I saw Tania Raymonde as she was still a girl on “Malcolm in the Middle” for the first time and then later I started to get a little crush on her.

And now she has a post on both of my blogs… but more on that later on.

The masks are really nice, hiding their identities perfectly.

It’s a shame that she didn’t get unmasked by someone else… but we have 2 self-unmaskings and quite a lot of screentime of her in that mask. 🙂

And to know that Tania Raymonde is under that mask… oh boy!

In my version she would have tussled with a guy on that bed… and he would claw into her mask, she would fight back and then he would finally manage to tear her mask wide open… unmasking her. 😉

Also, a nice bonus that Lili Simmons is in this one! Banshee is one of my favorite TV shows and she is in it.

Sadly this movie isn’t available at all on Blu-ray (or DVD) in Germany (so far). I only found a British DVD version of it.

Hopefully, that will change, but as the movie is already 6 years old… I somehow doubt it.


Wanna see more of Tania Raymonde? Check out this post on my other blog:

Wanna know the movie title?


What do you think about these scenes?

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A cruise ship …and a masked female jewel thief

So, it’s finally time for a new post.

Thanks a lot to the nice guy for the recommendation on this scene!

In this one, we have a masked female jewel thief on a cruise ship!


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Here is the video:

Well, that’s a really nice setting for sure! You don’t see many scenes with masked women on ships 😉

The setting is quite dangerous for a burglar as she (normally) can’t escape the ship soon afterward, so she must be sure not to be seen or followed.

The lighting in the cabin is very dark and it’s hard to get a good look at her until the final reveal, but well… that makes a lot of sense.

Damn, I would have loved a chase with some passengers or crew members trying to catch her, trying to unmask her. But no luck…

But the scene here is very nice. It’s right at the beginning of the episode and no one in the audience can possibly know who is hiding under that mask.

The reveal is done nicely, I like how she unmasks herself and is watching her new necklace in the mirror.

Sadly, she doesn’t appear again in her mask again in the episode 🙁

Wanna know where you can find this scene?


Masked female thief movie recommendation!

My free time is very limited right now as I am in World Cup fever and preparing for the Video shot (next week) for my other blog Frogwoman Org.

But at least I wanna recommended a movie to you today that you can find on Youtube.

The picture quality isn’t good, but it’s a TV movie that never got released on DVD/Bluray.

I hope it gets aired in HD on TV someday.


Here is the full movie (not my upload, German audio, English subtitles):

Watch the video before you continue!

She looks really great in her full-face mask. And the opening is really strong as she gets caught but can escape the trap.

I also really like the relationship between the hero and her. Of course, I would have LOVED it when he finds out who the masked thief is by unmasking her in a fight.

The scene where she seemingly escapes him as she leaves the trunk starts nice… but I hate that she immediately unmasks herself and not pulls it back on as she hears his voice.

Quite erotic that they then have sex as he finally caught the thief.

All in all some really nice scenes that I will present one by one… IF… there will be a better picture quality available.

Here is the IMDB page of the movie:


If you know where this movie is available in ….significantly… better quality… let me know!

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The masked art thief, some guards … and some heroes

This sounds SO GREAT on paper:

We have a female art thief who is fully masked! 🙂

We have a bunch of security guards who actually confront and battle the art thief! 🙂

And we have some heroes incl. 2 women (one masks herself) who also fight against the art thief! 🙂


See for yourself:

(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:


They start the episode with that fully masked art thief and of course, I think about the possibilities of a great unmasking or an attempt to unmask her.

I was 100% sure that the thief was a woman from the first seconds of the scene, even her baggy clothes and 3-part mask are disguising her perfectly.

But her eyes gave it away instantly.

The fight with the guards was nice but also weird.

Why is the guard shooting at an unarmed thief (Is Gotham in Texas? :lol:)

Why is the thief risking damaging the picture as she throws it around in the fight?

Her strategy wo wait for the guards is weird at first but gets explained later on.

She wants to know them all out to be able to escape without being pursued (if I understood that right).

A shame none of the guards manage to get into close combat with her. One reach for her mask would have already been awesome!

The confrontation with the Gotham Knights is a total disaster in terms of having an interesting unmasking.

It’s nice to see Harper masking herself! Why doesn’t Stephanie has some sort of mask? Damn.

I highly doubt the bullet would get deflected like that as it hits the car. I mean the car isn’t armored, the bullet would just blast through the outer frame and would get stuck there… in my opinion.

Now the art thief is wounded… the heroes arrive and she immediately gives up and unmasks herself.


And the reveal isn’t good as well as the masked super thief isn’t the stunner as I hoped.

Such promise… and then that! All that left me rather frustrated…

Ok, I do like the first scene, so it was nice… but another missed chance.

It’s good that the heroes here in the show use masks for the first time! I hope that they will do that regularly from now on, especially the women 😉

And hopefully, they will have real costumes and masks before the show is over.

That is the main reason I watch the show after all.

Wanna know the title of the episode?


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A heist with two masked women in broad daylight!

I really like this video, and I also hate it! Why? More on that later on…

I stumbled upon this scene as I watch this show for a while and finally started watching it again.

We have two masked women in a heist 🙂


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Ok, where to start?

I watched the episode and the blonde master thief was introduced. The police were never able to prove any of her thefts and she was planning something.

Of course, my fantasy imagined a great heist scene where she would battle some cops who tried to stop and unmask her.

I was really thrilled by the possibilities 🙂

Then she goes on a heist, and puts up a great mask …. and you might imagine how I reacted to the scene that followed 😉

I cursed at my TV as she was running away and unmasked herself for NO reason! DAMN IT! WHY????????

I mean the police already predicted she would show up there and that’s why all the cops were on the scene undercover.

But she is still masked and could escape. WHY does she unmask herself as she is running away?

That makes no sense at all. I mean as long she is masked she is still “safe” as the cops have no proof that she did it.

It would have been so great if Nolan (the guy in the security dude uniform) would wrestle her down and unmask after a fight… but NO, of course not!

It’s a real trope by now that masked women always unmask themselves for no reason.

That drives me crazy! Another wasted opportunity 🙁

I mean she is already wearing a nice catsuit (sort of) and the mask in combination with the cap is a great disguise… but they screw it up.

Also, it is quite odd that she is on a heist and is wearing these ankle boots with heels but… ok, not as crazy/unrealistic as a Catwoman with stiletto heels (TDKR)….even she was insanely sexy.

The second masked woman is just a little bonus as she is just a nameless henchwoman.

In my imagination, she would have also prevented the unmasking at a nightly heist (without a crew) and would then re-appear in later episodes 😉

Well, I don’t write these scripts…. hopefully, there will be more masked women in the show.

Wanna know from which episode and show this is?


Feel welcome to leave a comment on the blog post here or on the Youtube video!

What do you think about this scene?

Masked highwayWOman in action! #1

Learned a new word today 😉

In this post we have a highwayman in action, well, and as it is a post on this blog….a highwayWOman is actually more precise.

Check it out:

(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Well, I don’t know how they get fooled into thinking it is a highwayMAN that is before them…

Yes, it’s rather dark and yes, she perfectly uses a male voice and is disguised really well.

I still think that you should be able to get that this is actually a woman under these masks.

But ok, not really an important issue.

I really like her mask combo with that hat, the eye mask, and the cloth, very effective…. reminded me a lot of the Nightwatchman and HER 3 part mask combo.

The scene is pretty funny as well, as Dr. Who just stumbles around in his modern clothes and interrupts the robbery.

Of course, I would have preferred her to be unmasked by him… but the self-unmasking is nice.

Especially as she reveals herself to be a rather famous GoT star (the actress).

I will make another post about her where I will reveal the exact episode of Dr. Who where these scenes can be found.



Here is another scene with her from the same episode:

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The oldest unmasking in movie history? [Blog exclusive]

In the last weeks, I posted about the new Irma Vep TV show and the movie from 1996.

But Irma Vep actually first appeared in a movie serial in ….1915! Yes……1915!

Yes, that means black and white + no sound…just some added music.

I’m certainly a total beginner when it comes to movies THAT old but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if this movie serial may include the first unmasking of a woman in a movie!

After all, this was just about 20 years after the first movie was made and they didn’t make that many movies back then in the early days of cinema.

So, this scene needs to be on this blog!


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Here is the video:

I didn’t upload this on Youtube as the Youtube police might have some issues with it. After all her costume is very stretchy and you can see through it sometimes.

It’s not hard to see that she isn’t wearing a bra underneath it so her nipples show in some shots. That’s why I slightly censored the pictures of her as well. I don’t know exactly how far I can go on this blog.

But don’t worry, the video isn’t censored 😉

Back then there was a big discussion about her costume as the movie serial was released, remember it was 1915 and that costume did move a lot of eyebrows (and other parts) back then.

Even today this costume would be troublesome (for some), especially in color and HD 😉

I think the mask combo is interesting with a cowl that is attached to the suit and an additional fabric that covers the face.

The mask of the new TV show is similar but there only the lower part of her face is covered by an additional piece of fabric.

With this mask, Irma is rather easy to unmask, as one quick pull is enough to expose her face (except the cowl part).

I like how he is immediately going for her mask to see the face of the masked thief he just caught. I don’t get why she didn’t resist him as he reaches for her mask, that’s a little minus point for me.

However, it is such a great fantasy to catch such a masked thief…. I wouldn’t mind being in his skin 😉

I guess I need a mansion and some valuables to attract thieves like her 😆

I added the scene with her replacement to the video as it is never wrong to have another masked woman in it, especially as the “masking” is in the video. (is that even a word?)

All in all a very interesting scene, even though it is in black and white and there is no sound (except music).

Here is the IMDB page for the movie serial:


What do you think of these scenes and her costume?

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If you re-arrange the letters from her name “Irma Vep” …you have “Vampire” (no coincidence) 😉

The Flash catches a masked female thief….

…who returns a stolen item!? Quite an odd thief!

So, finally a new interesting scene from the Flash TV show for this blog!

After watching the first 13 episodes of the last season 8 I decided to take a break from the Flash as the show was getting less and less interesting for me over the last years.

The beginning of season 8 was nice as it had the big Flash Armageddon event where Batwoman and Canary showed up.

After these episodes, the season got quickly rather boring for me. Weird storylines and lame action aren’t good things to have 😉

But I knew that the end of the season would have some episodes that might be interesting for this blog so I resumed watching the show.

Today I wanna show the first scene with a very interesting character, and this is only the start… I will make another post about her in a real costume next weekend.


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Here is the video:

Well, I like the mask combo with the hood plus the half mask covering the lower part of her face.

Seemingly it’s forbidden that someone ….even tries… to unmask a masked woman in a movie or TV show these days…. so I had no big hopes that the Flash would actually unmask her.

So, her self-unmasking was rather easy to predict 😉

But with the hood and the half mask, it’s at least a good reveal as her face was covered really well.

And as I said, this is only the beginning… she will have a really good costume and cowl after this episode 🙂

Will make another post with her the next Sunday.

Wanna know from which episode this scene is?


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A masked female jewelry thief in action

Thanks a lot for the recommendations of a nice guy! This was maybe the best of the many recos he made last month.

We have a masked couple who wanna rob a jewelry store!

But things don’t go as planned…


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Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

That didn’t go as planned…

It’s a good scene and I like that she wasn’t forced to unmask herself but that the detective rips that mask off.

It’s a solid reveal.

Of course, I would have preferred a hand-to-hand fight in which she would have been (more) dramatically unmasked… but you can’t have everything 😉

Wanna know from which TV show this is?

IMDB link

What do you think of that scene?

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