It has a masked killer in it… and as the scene is here on the blog… you know what that means 😉
Armed chick I
Armed chick VS masked killer
Masked chick II
(click to enlarge)
And here is the vide:
If you have seen the movie you already
Spoiler title
knew who would be under the mask at this point as she was revealed to be a killer some scenes before (without costume)
That basically kills even the small thrill such a self unmasking brings. If you haven’t seen the movie you have at least a hasty reveal by watching the video.
The Scream movies have by now 2 masked female killers.
That could be very interesting in terms of masked women and secret identities but there are 2 major problems for me.
– The costume of Ghostface is completely unisex as you can’t see if there is a man or a woman in it.
– And the killer self unmasks in basically every reveal which is… lame!
It would be really great if the costume would have some sex appeal at least and someone would actually try to unmask the killer in a struggle.
Would be really great to have a masked female killer struggling to keep her secret identity a….secret.
Then you could have a dramatic unmasking/reveal in the end when the killer gets unmasked by someone else!
But sadly…. this happens so rarely. 🙁
Well, maybe next time, seems like the Scream franchise will go on for a while…
This one is quite odd, but certainly an interesting scene for us 😉
We have here a rather cheaply done action flick with some XXX scenes with Anna Nicole Smith.
Well, Anna Nicole Smith isn’t wearing a mask in this one so I won’t post scenes with her here.
But, we have a wedding that a terrorist is using to send his killers out to attack it!
And in this group of masked killers, you will find 2 or 3 masked women 🙂
Such a nice wedding….
….well, until they show….
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Watch the video before you continue!
As you can see in this shootout, it is a rather cheezy action flick with really weird action (and a naughty Anna Nicole Smith).
That shootout, oh man….quite laughable how they all stand there in the open for most of the time and shoot at each other.
Not exactly the smart thing to do…if you wanna survive such a shootout.
The fact that NOBODY in the wedding crowd reacts to the fact that multiple masked armed killers are standing there….. LOL.
I mean there are even people standing behind the group of killers and nobody reacts at ALL, before they start shooting.
And they certainly know how to jump around when they get hit 😉
But let’s focus on the important aspects here:
I love that there are fully masked female terrorists in this scene! It’s a little hard to keep track of them. How many are there actually?
In the beginning, we see the one with the shotgun and the one with the assault rifle.
Later on, there is also one with a pistol, the one that gets into the van.
It’s quite confusing as you don’t these two masked women getting killed off during the shootout, at least not with the weapons they had at the beginning.
Even I think that one of the killers that get shot while carrying a UZI is a woman as the “death grunt” sounds rather….female.
Why the UZI now? Is that even a 4th masked woman?
So, it’s nearly impossible to tell how many masked women are there. Seems like 2-4.
Perhaps some of them have switched weapons during the shootout.
It’s really nice that one of them escapes and unmasks in the van, even though that is filmed from too far away.
For you, the visitors of the blog here I do have a BONUS scene that would be banned from Youtube very quickly 😉
In case you wonder what happened to the one woman that got away:
(was immediately blocked on Youtube, even though it is just 98 seconds long…. well, no promo for that movie then on my Youtube channel)
Watch the video before you continue!
Hah, I bet you didn’t see that ending coming (me neither)!
Quite a violent scene at first…
First that the woman actually gets stabbed (and killed) and then the masked killer is actually looking exactly like her!
Is it a twin? Is she dreaming? No, actually the whole scene is just in the imagination of the author who is picturing herself as the victim AND the killer in her own story!
Not really showing a lot of fantasy here madam writer… but certainly a very interesting twist inside this movie and thereby an interesting reveal as the killer unmasks herself.
I must admit I haven’t seen the whole movie, perhaps there is more to it…. but this is certainly the only scene with a masked woman in it.
Another one I was pointed at through an epic Youtube video! Again, thanks to the guy for making this compilation 🙂
In this scene, we have a young guy who is suspected to be a (masked) killer.
But as you might guess, the one under the mask….isn’t a man as I would post about it otherwise 😉
Looks like he tries to UNMASK her!
Struggling with the killer!
That would be rather bad for your health….
Isn’t that Christopher Walken? YES!
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Ok, what do I like and dislike about this one?
And yes, that’s the only scene where you can see the masked killer which lasts longer than a split-second 🙁
I really dislike that she isn’t more “visible” in the movie. I would love real fight scenes with her. More suspense before the unmasking.
And they really screw up the unmasking. Why doesn’t she defend her mask? Why don’t we get to see a little more of her before his hand reaches her mask?
That is done way too quickly!
This is how you NOT do an unmasking! Especially with such a hot woman underneath the mask.
I do like that Christopher Walken shows up in the scene! He is great all the time, even in here as he shots the knife out of her hands in a way too cool fashion 😆
Also, as you can see in the first picture, he seemingly tries to unmask her in the struggle! It’s only a split second and I nearly missed it as I watched it as it is so horribly cut.
But nonetheless, it’s great that he goes for the mask!
Time for my first post from this compilation, I presented some weeks ago!
In this one I present the best scenes with the masked killer in one video, and the final fight in the second.
Honestly I didn’t watch the whole thing so far, as the movie itself doesn’t seem too interesting, maybe I will do that one day.
But I checked the movie for all the scenes with the masked killer and here are the best ones (there isn’t much else with her in the movie).
Isn’t that…? Yes! Alexandra Paul from Baywatch!
But she has a “knife-wielding maniac is after me” problem!
A maniac beauty is hiding under this mask!
Who will survive?
(click on the pictures to enlarge them)
And here is the video:
And of course, the killer isn’t dead after a first “try”…..check out the final fight:
Well, verrrry ironic that the former Baywatch lifeguard tries to drown someone 😉
The unmasking was very/too quick, but still I like it! Because that is one of the very rare “in-fight” unmaskings where the masked woman gets unmasked during a fight/struggle.
And even after the unmasking….the lightning keeps her somehow masked as the shadows hide parts of her face.
For this week I have a nice mysterious masked (with 2(!) masks actually) woman in red latex!
Storyline: Dolph, the swede (the country, not the vegetable 😉 ) looks for the killer of his brother, who was killed by that sexy masked killer, and now Dolph wants revenge!
He tries to track her down, but gets badly beaten up before the scene in the video. And now he is helpless and she is approaching.
There she comes…
Dolph has seen better days!
Ready to strike!
(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)
And here is the video:
Well, that’s a sexy killer! She looks great in that outfit.
And the fact that she wears 2 masks….really sexy. She really wants to hide her identity behind that red full latex mask and the red leather mask. Who is hiding under these masks?
And that scene won’t be the only scene they meet!
Stay tuned for scene 2. That scene is longer and has a pretty good ending 😉
Until then I won’t tell the name of the movie. A little mystery!
What do you think of this scene?
Leave a comment!
P.S.: It is not to late to join the Maskripper VIP club and enjoy the October videos!
I saw this movie one year ago, and forgot to make a post about it. Well, in this one we have some young folks who are running around an abandoned house…but the killer is already waiting for them. Well, sounds like a normal slasher movie? Yes, BUT in this one we have a female killer! And a female killer with a MASK!
In the scene I edited a woman tries to escape the basement (the killer placed her there – and ripped of her jeans….). But the killer won’t let her go….
Who will win? And who is under that mask?
The prey…
…and the killer
Her mask is damaged!
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
I had to cut out the violent part… otherwise this one couldn’t be on Youtube.
But with all that blood on her mask, it’s not hard to guess what happens.
That movie is a low-budget flick, it was made for 65.000$. And the acting and story is pretty bad.
And the german dub is….. a disaster. 😆
But we have a masked female killer in it… 🙂
Here is the really cool german cover of the Blu ray: