2 masked female burglars and their special way to get some cash

This one was recommended to me just some days ago, thanks for that! 🙂

This TV show has produced quite a lot of scenes in terms of masked women (incl. gas masks) 🙂

So, it’s time for another scene from it!



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

I added the second scene without masks… so you would see them unmasked as well (…and their ending).

Damn, that camera work is …. really uncool.

A shaky cam and they cut away from them every second 🙁

(which also made it difficult to get solid screenshots at least)

I guess that is supposed to make a thrilling scene… but in this case, it doesn’t work as I would have liked to see them for more than one second at a time.

Still, their way of entry is badass and they look great in their masks and leather jackets!

A shame that no one unmasked them or got close enough to (at least) try to unmask them.

It seems really crazy that they show their faces at the second heist in broad daylight… but I guess the good guys found out about their identities in the meantime.

It wasn’t the smartest movie of the blonde to pull her second gun while a gun was pointed at her… but I guess she preferred death over prison.

Wanna know the name of the episode/TV show?


What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

A masked female burglar screws up… BIG time!

Thanks to the guy who recommended this one to me! 🙂

In this one we have 3 masked burglars who wanna steal some weapons… but things go sideways.

One of them is a woman, and she will do something… quite… “special”



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

Well, I watched the bit with the unmasking several times and I’m still not sure what exactly happened… and WHY she did what she did.

Ok, it seems that she wants to put away the ammunition that was handed to her.

Seemingly she and the others didn’t have a bag or so for it… WHAT?

I guess she tries to put it into her suit, ok… that would work somehow.

But she has problems and yanks off her mask! WHY?!?

To use the mask as a bag? Or was the mask somehow annoying to her?

Hard to say… but she SCREWED UP big time! Her brain was totally on auto-pilot… to put it nicely.

I love her face when she realized what she had done and that the guy was now watching her exposed face!

She is screwed big time… the witness runs away and gets shot. Not very clever, but ok, I guess they most likely would killed him anyway.

So, her secret (identity) is intact again… but ironically the toilet guy then gets a glimpse of her unmasked face as well.

I don’t know why she didn’t put her mask back on again… but ok… she thinks there is no one else.

But that is always a very dangerous thing to think!

Keep your mask on… all the time… until you are 100% safe.

A rule many TV and movie burglars have problems following.

Wanna know the name of the TV show?


The episode itself isn’t listed on IMDB, but it’s called “Nathalie” and was aired on September 24, 2016

What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

The masked female burglar …and the revolving door of doom

Thanks a lot to the nice guy who anonymously recommended that one.

This movie features a masked woman in two rather long scenes. I guess she runs around as a burglar for nearly 20 minutes or so in total!

Both scenes are quite long so I had to make the decision of what to show here on the blog.

The 2nd scene is much more thrilling so I will focus on that one.

We have a masked woman and two guys who break into a company to get something from a safe.

But things… go wrong… 😉



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

I had to cut down the scene a bit, so the video wouldn’t get too long.

Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, most of us won’t understand the French audio, but it’s easy enough to understand what is going on.

Would have loved to watch the whole movie before she gets trapped… but due to the French audio … I didn’t.

Even I could have done that … with some weird automatic subtitles from YouTube 😆

But I think the scene is quite thrilling!

A masked woman trying to escape a trap with the police closing in… a great scenario!

Ok, they could have made more of it and shown it (much) longer how she frantically tries to escape.

I don’t know how stable such revolver doors are… so I don’t know if they could have tried the glass.

I guess that’s very tough without tools and the sirens closing in on them.

Also, the scene is quite unique in how there are so many cops… armed to the teeth… surrounding that one masked woman.

She realized it was completely pointless to put up any resistance and even unmasked herself rather immediately.

I love how she and the police guy react to the unmasking. He is shocked as he knows the woman under the mask and she is just defeated.

A good pay-off even for a (forced) self-unmasking. 🙂

The movie is a comedy and a crime movie and in the end, she gets away with the break-in, I think it was for a good cause after all.

But you can check out the whole movie if you want… a link can be found below!

Wanna know the movie title?


… and actually, you can find the whole movie on YouTube… at least for now:

Full movie on YouTube

What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

A female cat burglar wants to steal a painting… but gets caught!

Sorry for not posting last Sunday, I was busy with another video shoot for my other blog.

This one was recommended to me some weeks ago and it has one good scene for this blog for sure 🙂

Thanks again for that recommendation!

A female cat burglar gets caught while trying to steal a painting!


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

Ok, the idea that these two big guys sitting in that room and she can’t see (or hear) them before the light goes on… is a little stupid.

But if you ignore that …it is a pretty good scene!

I think it is a stuntMan for the scene outside the window… but not 100% sure.

It would be quite embarrassing in 2023 when the film was made.

The really interesting scene is inside the building anyway.

Ok, I wish she would at least try to put up a fight, even if it seems rather hopeless without any weapons or gadgets.

The (more or less) forced self-masking is done quite well.

The camera fully stays on her and the unmasking isn’t too fast.

Her reaction to the unmasking is too “mild” but ok.

There are some more scenes with a masked woman later on in the movie… but that mask is incredibly ugly and there isn’t a good reveal.

 But feel free to check it out…

I envy the big guy who is just sitting there and waiting for some thief to show up!

Damn, that is pretty much like I wish my life would be when I have some valuable stuff to steal 😆

As soon as I am rich I will have a competition where (attractive) women will be challenged to steal something from me.

With some prize money involved for the best cat burglar….

Of course, they would all have to wear good sexy costumes and masks 😉


Wanna know the TV show and episode title?


What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

Three masked women on a shootout/heist [Blog exclusive]

I saw the poster for this TV show and immediately knew that this show would be interesting…. 🙂

So I watched the entire season and wasn’t disappointed!

The show centers around one crazy bank heist which is shown in flashbacks in several episodes.

I guess I could make multiple posts about this one, but I rather just concentrate on the most interesting scene, in terms of masks.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:


(wasn’t welcome on YouTube at all, even an extra short version with under 2 minutes)

Let’s start with the bad aspects:

There is no unmasking action or any secret identity issues in this scene and the entire show. 🙁

But… on the good side:

You have three hot women in masks… and that in a quite lengthy heist! Some day I have to re-edit the whole heist scene from all the episodes into one video.

Which will be quite difficult with all the time jumps…

Plus the masks are very interesting with that unusual look! They offer quite a good disguise.

It’s a shame that there were so many guards in that heist… but it’s just a massive shootout. Pretty cool, but only in regard to stylish action scenes.

In my version, I would have included some hand-to-hand combat scenes with guards who are curious to see who is under these masks 😉

All in all, I like the whole season, as is a good thriller show with interesting characters.

I will re-watch this one in some years.

I don’t think there will be a second season, as the storyline is “finished”, but I wouldn’t mind a second season… with some more masked women of course 😉

Wanna know the episode and title of the TV show?


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here!

A female diamond thief in a catsuit…. gets caught!

Time to post about a flick from my home country.

In this movie, we have a female diamond thief…. no not Catwoman ;-)!

Certainly, a rather rare movie with little over 100 votes on IMDB, a German TV movie from 1998.

But luckily it got a DVD release back then… oddly enough even with an English dub! 🙂


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

(I edited the scenes so it wouldn’t be too long)

Ok, I bet you know what I think about her “mask” 😉

What a moronic choice of the costume department! She is a thief… and there is always a chance she might run into somebody on a heist. So, WHY would she NOT put on a mask and disguise herself? WHY????

Well, I guess some moron (producer? or director?) said something like “We can’t cover up the face of our beautiful actress for that long!”.

She he got that catsuit with a hood… but without a mask. DAMN! So annoying…. and unrealistic²²!

But still, the scene is somehow thrilling as she can get caught and “unmasked”, as the hood is at least some minimalistic “mask”.

Plus…. she looks quite stunning in her catsuit.

Sadly she doesn’t run into anybody but the guy is already waiting for her, he discovered a screw she left behind and was suspecting her beforehand.

A nice costume change as she strips off her catsuit and reveals the sexy dress in which he had seen her earlier.

But damn… what a wasted potential! You have a hot female thief in a catsuit and she gets just that crappy hood? And she gets caught like that?


She has no secret identity for the whole movie, this is so frustrating….

There are more heist scenes (with the same catsuit) in this and there is also a scene where she is wearing a mask to impersonate an old lady.

Wanna know from which movie this is?


What do you think of the scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

Masked highwayWOman in action! #2

Ok, one more scene from this episode of Dr. Who!

The other scene that I posted can be found here:


In another scene, they are sneaking around a mansion, but since they don’t get caught there is no action.

In this short one, we have at least a little action and tension 🙂

(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

At least a little tussle.

Of course, I hoped that he would go for the mask…. but well, no luck.

But I always do enjoy the tension when such a masked woman is threatened like this.

He has the gun pointed at her, he could force her to unmask herself and her secret identity is always in danger if a fight breaks loose.

In this scene, she is less masked since she isn’t wearing the scarf around her lower face.

But sadly her secret identity isn’t really an issue in this episode.

This always frustrates me since it should be rather normal to get a little …curious…. when you see a masked woman 😉

If you wanna know the exact episode:


What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!

Stunning masked female bank robbers! [+bonus video]

Don’t know how I forgot about this movie. I do have the DVD in my collection for a really long time now.

Recently I decided to re-watch the movie and now it’s time to make a blog post about it!

In this one 4 stunning women/models decide to rob some banks. The leader does also is the getaway driver and so we get some nice car chases in the movie….


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Interesting and sexy scenes!

I like that they really take their disguise very seriously. They dress up in rather clunky men’s clothes or sports clothes so that you can’t even tell that they are women unless you get a closer look.

Also, their masks are very effective as they really disguise their faces.

Sadly they are quite sloppy when it comes to keeping their masks on. 2 of them are already unmasked when the cops show up who can clearly see their faces.

Also, the 2 masked women quickly unmask (sadly off screen) as they drive away with the female cop. The sexy lieutenant now knows how all of them look. So, they do have quite a problem now…

The scene with the body search is…..damn sexy! The female cop is really sexy and isn’t afraid of showing it (mildly) throughout the movie. And when supermodel Gisele Bündchen searches her body really thoroughly…. that’s insanely sexy…in my opinion.

In my version of the movie all 4 would keep their masks on (Gisele would wear one too) and the lieutenant and the male cop would battle them hand to hand. During the struggle, more cops would arrive at the scene and they would start to overpower the bank robbers. Now they would try to unmask them, one by one. After some resistance 3 of them would be fully unmasked while Gisele would try to escape. The cop would follow her and they would have a long fight where she would desperately try to keep her mask on. 😉

I do have a short BONUS video for you guys!

In this one, you can see how the 4 chicks arrive in New York and later changes their outfits into beachwear(!) as they try to escape the cops.

Oh my! I wouldn’t mind being that cop in that scene 😉

Not every day you check a car with 4 models in bikinis in it!

This is the movie:


The IMDB score of 4.5 is really surprising to me! Yeah, it’s not a really good comedy but the movie has some nice gags, cool car chases, and these 4 gorgeous bank robbers!

For me, that is certainly enough to enjoy the movie. I suspect that many folks might have “problems” with Queen Latifah as the female lead role. I think she was ok in it.

You won’t find many movies with such hot masked women….that’s for sure!

What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!

Masked, female burglars in wetsuits! [Hall of Fame] [quality Upgrade]

This one is very special to me!

Actually, this movie was featured in one of the earliest posts on this blog back in 2013.

Some weeks ago I still thought that it actually still was on the blog, but it wasn’t anymore….and honestly, I am not sure what exactly happened.

However, I was planning to make a new post about it. A nice guy recommended me a store that actually has a DVD of this rare movie quite a long time ago.

Finally, I bought the DVD, even it was rather expensive in total, but hey….I just had to have this one in the best quality available.

So, why this movie is so interesting?

Because it’s about a gang of female robbers! They are wearing full masks in two rather short scenes and then are running around in sexy smoothskin wetsuits and masks for nearly 20 minutes!

So again, it would partially fit my Frogwoman blog as well, and I will make a post on it as well, with an additional short scene. More on that later.

So, let’s start this post with the two scenes where you can see the original team of 3 women!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Yeah, two good scenes with effectively masked women! Really well disguised!

As later on, they are dressing like men to fool anyone who might see them. In a later video, you see who they even hide their “twins”.

The unmaskings are rather disappointing for me since they are cheating big time! I guess the director or someone else was concerned that their hair would look messy if they just pull these masks off. So they got their hair done nicely and held their masks close to their faces and removed them from then on so it would look more or less like they would pull the masks off their heads in that scene. 🙁

I certainly wouldn’t have done it and would have shown their unmaskings without any cuts or tricks.

Perhaps some folks might have been surprised that there are women under these masks, even I think you certainly can see that in close-ups on their masked faces, that these aren’t men…if you look at the “exposed” eye sections.


So, I divided the long hotel robbery scene into 4 videos to keep these short.

That way the chances are better that they can stay on Youtube.

3 more women have joined the team to make the big heist that they have planned.

A big hotel on a rather remote island is their target!


(click to enlarge)

And here are the videos:

Well, that was quite a robbery! I just love the idea to have 6 women in wetsuits and (modified) scuba masks robbing a hotel!

The preparations pay off and the job goes pretty smoothly for the most part.

Of course, my highlight is the ending where the two guys sneak up on her and then try to unmask her! That is so sexy. The way she desperately struggles to keep her mask on is really well done.

She knows exactly that she would be finished if they manage to yank that scuba mask off. Yeah, she would still have her hood on, but they would see a face that they then could describe to the cops.

Of course, the scene should be a little longer, but ok, it’s a rather AWESOME scene anyhow 🙂

Luckily they are wearing sexy black wetsuits that are appropriate for such a nightly action.

You can find an additional scene on my other blog!

Check it out on Frogwoman org:

Extra scene – Masked, female burglars in wetsuits!

Here is the title of this movie:


Here is the german poster to this movie I just found today:

Well…..how great is that???!!!

Ok, the poster maker took a LOT of liberties as they are wearing completely different wetsuits, doesn’t look anything like these girls, don’t use spear guns, and so on.

But damn, it’s a very attractive poster for sure 🙂

So, if you want the DVD of this movie, I can recommend the site where I got it.

I had to pay 19 Pounds incl. postage, but it was surely worth it!

Link: Wanna get the full movie in good quality? Buy the DVD!

What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!

Catherine Zeta-Jones was…..entrapped….

…..in a movie that could have been much better!

Don’t get me wrong, the movie isn’t bad, but especially for the ones who love to see masked women….it was a wasted opportunity. 🙁

For obvious reasons I re-watched a lot of the Sean Connery movies in the last weeks, and this was one of them.

The starting position is really promising:

You have grandmaster Sean Connery and you have the stunning Catherine Zeta-Jones as a master thief!

What you could do with such ingredients….

But let’s start at the beginning of the movie [SPOILERS ahead]:

A thief climbs down a skyscraper and breaks into it, robs a painting, wearing a some odd full face helmet with a display in it.

Only later we get to know this was actually the master thief that is played by Catherine Zeta-Jones. Quite a surprise!

A guess that the whole part was played by a stuntman as you can’t see for sure at any time of which gender the thief is.

But at least the thief was masked during the heist….more on that later.

Time for a video!

In this scene Catherine practises her movements while avoiding the “security measures”.

Ok, the isn’t really masked, but she is wearing a blindfold…which is practically an advanced eye mask.

And good old Sean Connery certainly seems to enjoy what he is seeing…. 😉


I wanted to show more from the movie, but a longer video got blocked right away.

So, I decided to show more interesting scenes from this movie just on pictures.

This scene is quite sexy as Catherine moves carefully through the openings between the fake lasern beams. I totally understand why Sean reacts like that.

Some pictures from other scenes:

(click to enlarge to full size)

[…more SPOILERS ahead]

These pictures show some of the wasted potential of this movie (especially for those who love masked women).

On the first heist you don’t know that it is Catherine, you can’t even see that it is a woman.

On both later heists she doesn’t wear a mask! Completely idiotic…. I am sure the producers said: “We have Catherine Zeta-Jones in our movie! We can’t disguise her pretty face….”.

A really bad decision! Anytime a guard could walk in, she could be filmed the whole time. Only really dumb thieves would break into some place without a mask when there is only a slightest chance for beeing seen/recorded.

She does wear a wetsuit in one scene, but that is only seen from these binocular shots as she quickly puts on a bathrobe.

The scuba scene is rather uninteresting as it is very short and dark. And I am sure that none of the two actors actually dove at all in that scene.

As they get into the room with the golden mask she is wearing that weird suit you see on the pictures above.

What is that? A ski suit? A 70’s b-movie space suit? It doesn’t look good and it isn’t skin tight like it should be.

I mean she is moving through invisible laser beams that would trigger the alarm. Her clothing should be REALLY tight to improve her chances.

There is also a third, final heist…but she doesn’t wear a catsuit or a mask then either. 🙁

Yeah, it is a solid movie…but damn…. still I get a little mad everytime I think what COULD have been….

Imagine Catherine in a real catsuit, with a real mask (cowl).

A guard discovers her, they fight. A second guard arrives.

They try to unmask her. She can barely avoid it, but her mask gets ripped/damaged.

She must flee quickly. Guards chasing her….

Here is the movie title for those who don’t know it:


What do you think of these scenes?

And what do you think of the movie?

Leave your comment!

Heavily armored, masked burglars VS the police – Scenes 3+4 (out of 4)

So, after I posed scenes 1 and 2 from this episode last week….it’s now time for the other two episodes I mentioned!

Before you watch the next video:

They SWAT folks actually figured out who the 4 women are under these masks after they have killed and unmasked the first one (scene 2).

They find out where woman number 2 is hiding and try to arrest her…


Preview, Scene 3:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue…

Yeah, I know there isn’t actually a masked woman in this one, but I wanted to show what happens to all 4 of the burglars.

There are not many shootouts with a woman armed with a submachinegun.

Even it’s not really a shootout as they try to capture her alive after they had to kill one of the burglars. They could have easily finished her off if they wanted to.

And yeah, there is another video….so, you may guess it by now… it’s an ALL-FEMALE burglar team!!! A VERY RARE thing!

And certainly the most “armed to their teeth womens team” that I know of.

Preview, Scene 4:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue…

Spoiler title
Forced to unmask by noise…..

…. well, that’s a new variation for me. 🙂

The last two were determined not to give up, so it was a good weapon to overpower them and capture them alive. So 3 of the 4 women survived the episode.

And I really like the background that all served in the Israeli military as it’s mandatory for men AND women there to serve.

They had a good reason to steal from that criminal murderer and I was kind of disappointed that their plan didn’t suceed as they planned.

But at least it got the dirtbag arrested in the end.

That’s the episode and TV show in which you can find these scenes:


What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!

The nightly visit ….by a masked woman!

How about a nightly visit by a masked woman? Sounds good? Pretty much a dream coming true!

Thanks to the friendly user who recommended it!

In this scene we have a rather old couple, getting ready to sleep. But suddenly two masked folks enter their home…what is going on?


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, certainly not the worst night for him 😉

Damn, many would pay to get such a nightly visitor! Ok, perhaps having that the guy taking pictures to blackmail you afterwards…

Sadly, a rather short scene….but with a nice unmasking and other interesting reveals. 🙂

Wanna know from which episode this scene was taken?

Here you go:


What do you think of this scene?

Leave a comment!

P.S.: Please consider joining the VIP-club on this site if you want this blog to continue.

2(!) masked female cat burglars rob a mansion!

Well, thanks to “Dr. Enigma” I came upon this scene. I checked the episode form which it was taken and present here the complete scene without any edits.

Here we have 2 masked female cat burglars who want to rob a mansion. And naturally….they don’t want any attention. Can they succeed with their plan?


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well….they both have a really good disguise! A hood and a huge eye mask, a good combination!

Of course, I would have loved to see someone surprise her and attacking her.

My version:

The son of the old guy surprises her at the safe. He grabs her…she fights back by kicking him. He attacks again, pulling down her hood from behind.

She is shocked but manages to kick him again. He goes down. She tries to run, he pulls her down…she falls to the floor. He swiftly comes up behind her, reaching for her mask.

His fingers slip behind the lower part of her mask…slowly pulling it up. In panic, she manages to slap him and pull down the mask again (it was lifted very little).

In anger, she kicks him and knocking him out. She runs away….

But I do like this version too… and we got to see two unmaskings in a matter of seconds. Good stuff!

Wanna know from which TV show this is?


What’s your opinion on this video?

Leave your comment below!

Masked female burglar VS Diana Prince/Wonder Woman

Time for a new video, folks! I edited a nice clip, where Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman returns home. But as she enters her apartment, she’s not alone anymore!

A masked female burglar has ransacked the place… can Diana Prince manage the situation?

Can she catch the burglar? Can she unmask her?


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

A great scene, with a nice struggle!

And I like the outcome, pretty unusual 😉

If you wanna know from which episode this comes from:



The three masked women and the prick (part 1)

This clip was made from a recorded dvd from several years ago. The quality is surprisingly good and so I decided I would make this clip for you even it has german audio.

This one is pretty long (around 12 minutes) and I edited it that way that you won’t see any of the faces behind the masks 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

There will be a second part were you will get a look under their masks 😉

And there will be a big surprise… one of them is quite famous to the unmasking community 😉

I won’t reveal the title until the 2nd part is here…

Stay tuned!