Catwoman gets arrested and UNMASKED by the police!

Yeah, I know the headline reveals the outcome… but I just couldn’t resist!

The headline does sound awesome!

Will the scene be as awesome as well?

Check out this new scene from a very new TV show!


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

Ok, let’s start with the things I love about this one.

Catwoman does get unmasked by the police and they immediately recognize her!

That is indeed awesome!

It’s not a (forced) self-masking but she gets unmasked by someone else and her secret identity is ruined.

That is very thrilling for me and I did make several cuts of this scene incl. a 2-second cut of the actual unmasking 😉

I know that is an iconic Catwoman outfit from the comics and it fits the style of the TV show.

Of course, you can say that her costume is completely…. insane and “unrealistic”.

I mean she shows off 95% of her legs and is wearing high heels… maybe not the best choice for a cat burglar 😉

Very flashy and even more impractical.

I do like the look, but I prefer a Catwoman in a full black suit and cowl.

And speaking of cowl… here her mask is more like a helmet as it isn’t secured by a chin strap.

And I certainly do HATE that!

The unmasking itself is animated well enough, but there a quite some aspects that I didn’t like about it.

It’s Catwomans first encounter with Batman and she immediately gets unmasked and arrested?!?! Well, her crime career here is quite an epic fail 😆

And it’s not the only time she gets arrested in this episode with around 25 minutes of runtime 🙁

She gets unmasked while being tied up… also rather uncool for me.

But worst of all: There isn’t a real reaction from her!

She gets unmasked and arrested by the police! That will kill her criminal career very early on.

And she looks as if she would get a parking ticket with a mixture of “slightly annoyed” and “slightly bored”?

That totally killed the possible impact of the situation.

No….. “NO, don’t do that!” … no pleading or a try to escape that unmasking?

She just looks like “Ah well, it was worth a try… tomorrow I will do something else….”

That is all quite annoying for me.

A great scene…. 🙂

…and also a really bad scene 🙁

Have seen 4 episodes of the show so far.

So far so good, will finish it in the next days.

Hopefully, another masked woman will show up… but I’m not counting on it.

Wanna know the TV show and episode title?


What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

What could have been: The early Batman movies …and Catwoman spin off movie

Batman Returns is my favorite Batman movie… and you know why 😉

The two Tim Burton Batman movies are really very special to me and I love “Batman & Robin” for one reason as well (starts with “Bat” and ends with “girl”).

I stumbled upon some videos about certain aspects of these early movies and what could have been… if some other decisions would have been made back in the day.

Here is the first one (not my video or upload):


The fact that McDonalds promoted “Batman Returns” with toys in Happy Meals is just hilarious.

The movie is awesome… but definitely not made for kids.

Seemingly WarnerBrothers and McDonalds were surprised by that?!? 😆

Sadly the movie didn’t make as much money as they hoped and the plan with a Catwoman Spin-off movie was never greenlighted.

But we got the Halle Barry Catwoman flick instead… oh my god! 🙁

That is the real tragedy here.

Imagine a movie with Michelle Pfeiffer’s Catwoman as the main character! I might sell my soul for that…

But the quest for toy sales for those damn kids ruined that… and the two toy commercial movies with Schumacher followed.

Even I always will defend “Batman & Robin” as some minutes of Batgirl in that costume just made it so remarkable for me.

And the fact that “Batman Forever” made more money than “Batman Returns”…. is just insane when you compare the quality of the movies.

All the damn kids were allowed to watch “Batman Forever”… the money that “Batman Returns” missed to get.

So, what might have happened if Joel Schumacher had made a third Batman movie?

Verrrry interesting!

A darker movie with that storyline… yeah, would have been interesting to watch for sure, especially with Catwoman appearing again, even if it seemingly would have been just a hallucination.

Scarecrow and Harley as the villains, and hating Bruce Wayne and one hating Batman… yeah, sounds like a good idea!

But yeah, it would have been quite difficult and expensive… to have made that one.

An alternative script for Batman Returns:

Hmh, yeah… these Catwoman scenes could have been awesome as well!

There are basically two Catwoman aspects that I don’t like in “Batman Returns”:

– The fact that she is a secretary who then goes on to have her revenge on her boss (instead of being a master-class thief)

– And that Selina and Bruce learn each other secret identities by re-phrasing that one dialogue that had as Catwoman and Batman.

These two aspects could have been improved for sure with a different script.

But it’s really hard to tell if that script would have made a(n even) better movie.

We will never know…

The masked villainess + Batman and Joker

I am pretty low on material to post…. but I haven’t posted about these scenes from a rather old animated movie!

In this one, a mysterious villain in full disguise keeps finishing off bad guys…. and actually, it’s more like a villainESS 😉

Soon Batman and the Joker get involved….


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, I know… not the greatest reveal, especially since the Joker already knows who she is.

But when you watch the whole movie without already knowing who is under the mask… it’s a nice reveal since she perfectly hides who she is.

And her costume and the voice changer also cloak the fact that she is a woman. Plus the costume is rather unusual….

I have seen the cover of this movie several times but I never knew that it was about a female villain.

I do like her backstory, that she takes revenge and finishes off these bad guys. Basically, she isn’t really a villainess, more like a murderous vigilante.

Really a shame that the police showed up as Batman (seemingly) got the upper hand and might have unmasked her…. or at least tried that.


Wanna know the movie title?



Batgirl gassed by a villain and Batgirl gets into… close contact…. with Batman!

I have seen this one as it came out in …. mid-2016?! Damn, nearly 6 years ago already.

Somehow I didn’t make a post back then as it seemed very difficult for me as this movie has so many minutes of a certain masked heroine!

But, as with the Catwoman: Hunted movie I will focus on 2 selected scenes.

I certainly recommend you to watch the whole movie.


Preview, scene 1:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

WATCH the video before you continue! SPOILERS ahead!

Well, Batgirl was pretty lucky here! She managed to stay conscious long enough to lock herself “away”.

Otherwise, this guy could have done quite a lot to her….

However, I really like this peril scene as he uses that odd knockout gas that takes some time to work.

It’s also odd that he sprays that stuff in his own direction also, as his face is right next to hers… but it has not the slightest effect on him, even he was (less) exposed to it, but ok, no big aspect.

The way he presses himself onto her is quite…..sexual….I was surprised that they would have that scene in it.

Batgirl was also lucky that he didn’t go immediately for her mask as she was pretty helpless (picture 3).

But he missed the chance to unmask her…


And I got one more scene for you!

Preview, scene 2:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

WATCH the video before you continue! SPOILERS ahead!

Well, luckily I didn’t know about that scene before I watched this movie!

I was really surprised BIG time by this scene…I mean Batgirl having sex with Batman???!

I mean ok, the whole movie is rather for adults than for kids…but holy Batsex, I didn’t think I would ever see that!

Even they only show the …foreplay, but it’s crystal clear what happens/will happen.

Can only guess if Barbara (as Batgirl unmasked herself) has then sex with Batman or Bruce…

But well, I can’t blame them 😉


Two things were quite odd about this scene. First, it’s another example of how careless many masked heroes and heroines get when they are on rooftops.

She unmasks herself on that rooftop! Ok, perhaps there is no tall building nearby, but that is very risky! What if someone sees that through a binocular and sees how Batgirl yanks off her mask (and other things? Very dangerous for her secret identity! And why does she unmask herself in the first place? She could have sex with Batman or Bruce with her mask on.

Also, her mask/cowl seems to be connected to her cape as it comes off (way too easily) as she yanks her cape away. Some more frames of her cowl leaving her face would have been great!

It looks quite sloppy this way from the animators.

However, it’s a pretty great scene and was surely a big surprise as I watched that movie back then.

I will re-watch the movie in the next weeks.

Here is the IMDB link to the movie:

IMDB link

What do you think of these scenes?

Feel welcome to leave your comment!

Batwoman unmasked by the Riddler! [UPGRADE] + Batwoman news

In the very, very, very early days of this blog back in 2013 I made this post:

(…Don’t watch the video in that post yet!…)

Well, luckily I have improved in some ways over all these years as there is nearly no text to it.

This absolutely great unmasking deserves an UPGRADE! A BIG one!

I wanna present the video in a longer version and in an HD version today.

Plus I wanna give it a big upgrade on the text part also.

So, let’s start with a preview:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

First of all, this is an early Batwoman version (Katrina Moldoff) before Kate Kane and Ryan Wilder appeared way later on.

I think her costume is overall ok, but I’m not a fan of that mask that is basically just a big version of an eye mask and doesn’t hide much.

But well, that was basically everything negative I have to say about that scene 😉

She fights really well and brings down the Riddler, but then she gets careless and lets her guard down.

I love how he uses this situation to his advantage and just goes for her mask, unlike so many other villains.

He knows how important her secret identity is to her, and he has seen the reporters, so he knows how devastating the effect of the unmasking would be.

The ripping sound as the mask gets yanked away from her face is awesome, even not 100% logical as it’s hard to say where that sound actually is coming from as it sounds as the fabric gets ripped. And her mask isn’t really attached to anything….as it seems.

But ok, not important as the sound is soo great 😉

Her reaction to it is great and she is really surprised and terrified by his move! Maybe that explains why she moves her head around and thereby is presenting her unmasked face to the reporters which makes the unmasking so much worse for her.

Even it would have been bad enough if “only” he would know, as he could use that knowledge against her.

He really enjoys the whole unmasking and how he defeated her completely with it. I wish many more villains would think like him! (#hallo TV show/movie writers)

And all that was completely improvised as he just saw her for the first time some minutes ago.

Also, a nice aspect as Batman comments the unmasking as a “dirty trick” from him.

The facts that the reporter immediately recognize her famous face and the newspaper with “Katrina exposed!” are additional bonuses!

So much to love about this scene!

Here is the IMDB link to that episode:


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment below!


+ Some news on the Batwoman TV show:

Well, after a break of (nearly) 2 months the show is finally returning with new episodes the next Wednesday (9 PM on the CW), January 12.

It feels much longer to me and I am thrilled that there will be finally new episodes!

There will be 6 more episodes in this second half of season 3 (episodes 8-13).

Still, there has been no news about a possible season 4, but I bet there will be news on that VERY soon.

In the meantime the news arrived that the CW is actually up for sale:

Very hard to say what that would mean to Batwoman, the Arrowverse, and all the other shows on the CW.

So, I don’t know if a new owner would be good or bad news. First, that sale actually has to happen…


I switched most of the videos that were “unlisted” lately back to the “public” on Youtube since the Maskripper Youtube channel isn’t in danger anymore for now.

Fan films recommendations: “Batman: Dawn of Fear” + “SPIDER-GWEN”

Today I wanna make a quick post to recommend two Fan films (not my finds)!

First of all:

“Batman – Dawn of Fear”

The camera is a little too shacky (no tripods?) here and there and the Catwoman costume could be better (it’s ok).
But a LOT is really good here! The acting is solid, fights aren’t bad, love how much Catwoman is in it.
And Batman’s cowl is awesome!

Hope that Barbara then will make her debut as Batgirl in the next one…if they make another one! (in the black costume and cowl)

Second of all:

Spider-Gwen (a fan film by Chris R. Notarile)


Ah, FINALLY a new Chris R. Notarile video with a masked woman!
I love his early works with the Catwoman videos he made.

A shame that he KNOWS and she gives up and unmasks herself.
But she looks great in the suit and hopefully, he will make more movies with her or other masked heroines.

Barbara – A Batgirl fan film [Indiegogo campaign]

Today I wanna present another Fan film project that is now on Indiegogo:

Barbara – A Batgirl fan film

The team behind this project has already done two fan films:


So, with their third fan film, they wanna focus on Batgirl!

Batgirl is my favorite character from the comics and I am always interested in anything with her.

Check out the trailer for the fan film:

Well, it’s “just” a teaser trailer, but I am already verrry interested as they chose the right costume for her!

The cowl from the Batman Arkham video games is my favorite and the actress just looks great with it. 🙂

So, I really hope that this fan film will be done!

Check out the Indiegogo page:

Barbara – A Batgirl fan film

Also in the movie: Joker, Batman, Riddler, Victor Zsasz, Nightwing, Robin, and Scarecrow!

They are planning for a movie with about 25 minutes of running time.

I already backed the project and hope that others will do the same 😉

Catwoman, Batgirl, Poison Ivy and Batman in one movie [Batman: Hush]

Time for a post about Catwoman (and Batgirl) for a change!

I know this movie for quite some time but didn’t post about it yet. Normally I wanna post every scene with a masked, female character from a movie or TV episode.

If I would do that here I would need to practically post half the movie, which would be highly problematic 😉

So, in this case, I wanna post just my favorite scene.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

The Catwoman VS Batman storylines were always interesting for me. I just love their relationship as they are so attracted to each other, but at the same time, they stand on different sides of the law. Catwoman isn’t a black or white character like most ones. She often is a criminal but has her moral principles and even fights alongside the good guys from time to time.

The “Batman: Hush” storyline is a rather famous one and is a favorite of some of the hardcore comic fans. This movie is quite different in regards to the story, and some of these fans don’t like that. I know these comics, but I don’t really mind getting something different with this movie.

The movie has a LOT of Catwoman scenes in it, so I am already very happy for that fact alone. Plus you can also see Batgirl in it, also it is “just” the Batgirl Burnside version which I don’t like that much, due to her costume and cowl. The cowl is basically just a helmet that isn’t attached to anything or secured with a chinstrap. Ok, that’s at least better than the last comic book version where she only had a tiny eye mask….but I better don’t get started on that one 😉

I like this Catwoman version, and it’s also good that she actually is wearing her goggles so she is disguised pretty well. The fight with Batgirl here could have been (a lot) longer for my taste, but well, I get that it wouldn’t fit at that point as Batman is badly wounded and needs help.

Poison Ivy has an interesting role in this one and there are quite a lot of other villains and heroes to be found in the movie.

I really like how the thug tries to unmask Batman but gets zapped while trying. A masked heroine could use such a defense mechanism as well 😉

I recommend that you check out the whole movie, especially if you like to see masked women such as Catwoman and Batgirl 😉

Here is the IMDB page to the movie:


What do you think of that scene and the movie?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

Batwoman news, August 21th

Time for a little update on the eagerly awaited Batwoman TV show! We are now “only” 46 days away from the airing of the first episode on the CW (October 6th).

46 days is still a lot, but as I first saw a countdown over at, it was at nearly 300 days, so…. the number from today sounds so much better. 😉

What happened in the 10 days since my last Batwoman-news post? Well, not too much, but it is worth a new post for sure!

A new teaser trailer:

I love the dark vibes in this one. And Alice isn’t exactly happy about the news that ….a (new) Bat is watching over Gotham 😉

Some pictures I picked up in the last days:

(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)

Chicago set pictures 1-6:

Well, it looks like a prisoner transport went…wrong and someone may have escaped! I guess Batwoman will need to catch that villain/villainess.

Pictures with the unmasked Batwoman:

Well, the guy with the blue shirt is really lucky to get pictures with her in costume! The other guy on the 2nd picture is actually Camrus Johnson (who plays Luke Fox) …who equips Batwoman with her gadgets.

Gotham Gazette/Batman pictures:

Also interesting! Someone seems to miss Batman (who is vanished in this TV show)! But who? And why? And why that puppet?

Questions over questions!

“Come out and play Batman!” sounds pretty playful. It seems that Alice thought in the trailer for the episode that Batman would be after her. But she surely have noticed quickly that it isn’t BatMAN anymore….who is afer her.

Guess we have to wait to get more info about the person who placed that puppet there.

Feel free to leave a comment!


Catwoman’s first (real) appearance in the Gotham TV show [+ 2 scenes with Selina]

Ok, folks, back to the normal….”post on sunday” schedule!

In the last episode of Gotham (ever), we see a 10 years time jump in the future. And for that they choose a new actress as Catwoman/Selina Kyle. Since Camren Bicondova is still pretty young it would look weird if she would play a ten-year older self. So they choose Lili Simmons (you should know her from the TV series Banshee!) for playing the role.

For this video I included all the Catwoman scenes and 2 scenes with Selina Kyle.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

As I just saw this last episode of the series two days ago. I am pretty sad that it is all over.
I had high hopes in that series. It delivered a lot. I hoped for a VERY long run to see Selina and Bruce grow into Catwoman and Batman.
And at the beginning of season 4 Selina put on a mask for two episodes. I hoped that would be the start of her transformation into Catwoman.
Well….yes and no. She nearly always had her black leather clothes and her claws on the gloves. But no more mask and no real Catwoman outfit. ?

On the good side this first real Catwoman appearance on the show did soften my pain of “parting” a little.
I’m a pretty uncritical guy…but…………….
This Catwoman outfit….well, it looks like they quickly put it together without much thinking or money.
This cowl/mask…. I guess it is no coincidence we don’t get to see it for a real close-up.
This visor on the cowl……MY GOD!!!  That is not Catwoman!
No cat-ears??? WHY???? ? That is not Catwoman!
I guess they were so ashamed of that mask that they didn’t show it in a close up.

What is weird, she is never called Catwoman in the episode. Is that the reason her mask looks like that?
90% of the (at least solid) cosplayers can design a better Catwoman mask than this. ?

What is weird, she never is called Catwoman in the episode. Is that the reason her mask looks like that?

And she pulls off her mask in the middle of her heist……WELL, THAT is a great idea!!! ?
(seems to be some sort of ….disease under the masked women lately (in Arrow and now in Gotham), unmasking for no reason and risking exposure)
*Rant over*

Gotham is over. Arrow is over next year.
DAMN I do need the confirmation that Batwoman will get the OK for season 1. ?

Ok, two things I do like regarding her mask. It does cover her face pretty well….and…with that 4 press buttons it is secured at least a little (unlike other masks that a child could just pull off with 2 fingers…).

*EDIT, April 30*

Thanks to a friendly user….here is a picture that provides a better look at the costume:

(click to enlarge to full size)

Well, it was good there was this last episode with the real Catwoman…but that outfit is pretty different from any Catwoman outfit from the movies and comics. And the only thing that says “Catwoman” are the claws on these gloves.

What do you think of her costume?

And of the decision to cast Lilli Simmons for that role?

Leave your comment below!

Batman and Robin VS the Joker, Pinguin and Catwoman [Parody / Madness]

Well, with that headline you are thinking about the Batman TV show from the 60’s? Well, that’s wrong. This movie from the Philippines is some sort of much …..weirder, much …..insaner parody of the Adam West Batman TV show (which was a parody itself…more or less 😉 )

For today I wanna show you a short video which will…….surprise you with the strangest fight between Batman and Catwoman!

I never saw the whole movie, because it’s not available in any language I understand, but more important: It is batshit crazy! If you can watch the whole movie….well, then you are officially insane 😆

For you folks I edited the “best” part of it, in which the Joker, Pinguin and Catwoman try to escape after a heist, but Batman and Robin can’t let that happen!


(click to enlarge)

Sorry for the picture quality….but that is actually the best one available. Fits somehow to the movie…. 😉

And here is the video:

Well, that was rather…….ODD!

Catwoman throwing cats at him….both trying to strangle each other….and then the weirdest part!

Looks like Batman could easily unmask Catwoman from behind….or put handcuffs on her.

But what does he do instead? He bites her. He BITES her…and makes some animal noises. Hmhm…… WTF?!

By skipping through the movie I can (99%) assure you that he isn’t a vampire…I guess there is just no sane explanation for it 😉

Catwoman’s costume is kind of strange as well, doesn’t look like a cat, but not unsexy with these legs in pantyhose (even the picture quality is really bad).

And she has a much bigger mask than the original Catwoman from the US TV show.

A shame she isn’t unmasked in this scene.

Here is the IMDB-link to that insane movie:


Well, what do you think of this scene?

Let us know in the comments!

Catwoman and Batman – 1st fight (with unmasking) and a meeting without masks

[Some spoiler included! – if you didn’t and want to play the game in the future]

Time for some great scenes from the video games. In Season 1 of “Batman – The telltale series” Batman gets to the mayor’s office where some thugs broke into.

But Catwoman is there too! So a really cool and sexy fight starts. 🙂

Later we see them both as Selina and Bruce…and they have a very interesting conversation.

Note: I did play the game, but the video shown isn’t from my playthrough. But the results are the same…


(click to enlarge)

And here ist the video:

I really like that “tension” between Catwoman and Batman.

And the mask damage was nice as well as her (partly) unmasking, when her goggles fall off.

And the fact they the both know their identities shortly afterwards…kind of uncool.

But the dialogues are very well made….very allusive.

What do you think of it?

Leave your comments below!

Masks Off! #32 – Catwoman unmasked (somehow)

Hey folks, long time there was no new material “Masks off!”, my little “unmaskings in comics”-section.

Now I do have something.

The next gallery has all the catwoman/selina pictures from 2 comics, but check it out…

Batman (2016-) 017-011
« of 8 »

(click to enlarge it)

Well, isn’t that weird?

[Spoilers ahead]

[Spoilers ahead]

[Spoilers ahead]

Bane seems to know who catwoman is. The recognise Selina with her wig on (she isn’t shown with it before…). The “unwig/unmask” her, put her in her Catwoman suit (?????? WHAT?!!!), tie her up, and in the next picture she is free again…. A lot isn’t shown in these comics.

Hmhmh, all pretty weird!

Now I wonder what happens next. Will Bane get revenge on her?

Perhaps he will rip her mask off…it’s only a slight chance, but that would be GREAT!

We will see in 10 days…. I will update you folks.

Check this out! #1

(2nd post for today - check the first one out below)

For today I wanna present a new series that will hit the web in the near future.

I wanna see it! I wanna see it NOW! But I guess you folks and myself will have to wait a little longer until…..


will hit the screen!


Some pictures first:

(click to enlarge)

Here some links:

LINK: Cowl girl videos

LINK: Cowl girl website

On these sites you will find more info and links!

There will a some sort of series were Cowl Girl will be the leading role!

Oh man! I guess I mentioned before that I LOVE “strong” mask (like the batman type) on women. Masks that can’t be pulled off by every little child.

And the batman rubber mask looks really GREAT on her in my opinion 🙂

What do you guys think? Feel free to leave a comment!