Masked female cop in black leather VS 3 bad guys

As I don’t have much time tomorrow… you will get a post one day early!

I watched this movie some months ago and forgot to post about that one scene.

This movie introduces one of the main characters of the movie with this scene.

We have some lowlives who have taken some kids as hostages in a school.

A mysterious cop in black leather on a motorcycle arrives and takes action!



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

Well, certainly she looks great in that black leather outfit!

The reveal is also made well as the audience …especially back then in the 80s… doesn’t expect to find a woman under that helmet as her face is hidden, she doesn’t talk at all before the unmasking and no one addresses her specifically as a female.

That disguise worked perfectly for that and was very practical as that helmet also protected her during the action.

Sadly she isn’t a masked female vigilante, even that might work as well 😉

Love the ending where the idiot thinks that she is out of bullets and attacks her 😆

Wanna know the movie title?


What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

Robin Hood and the masked female vigilante!?!

As I am away over the Easter weekend… there will be no post on Sunday as usual.

But you will get one today instead! 😉

This one is from a classic that shouldn’t be missing on this blog…


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Please leave a LIKE and/or a comment on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

I was a young teenager when this movie came out and really enjoyed it… and it’s still fun to watch!

The reveal, that this sneaky, masked figure is a woman, let alone Marian… is certainly well made, as you don’t expect to find a woman under the mask, especially in such a scenario.

Yeah, the mask isn’t particularly stylish or sexy… but it’s a great and unusual disguise as it covers up nearly everything.

Even it should be quite difficult to see a lot from the inside of the mask…

I wonder why Marian chose that outfit? Was she wearing it before? Just to defend her home, or was she in some vigilante business before?

I mean a masked Marian reminds me of a certain TV show where she is a masked vigilante with the deceiving name “Nightwatchman”.

Well, it certainly fooled the audience and Robin.

Wanna know from which movie this is?


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

The Queen of Swords secret identity is in danger! A costume change under time pressure…

Today it’s time for one final post about the great Queen of Swords TV show!

This one is quite short, but it is certainly interesting 🙂


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Please leave a LIKE and/or a comment on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

I love such “secret identity in danger” scenarios where a masked heroine gets under pressure to protect her secret identity from getting destroyed!

She is under big-time pressure to quickly change into her “normal” persona Tessa so that her nosy friend doesn’t find out that she is actually the Queen of Swords.

And the very nice “bonus” where she almost walks out with her night robe still wearing her mask… is great!

Imagine Vera’s face if she would have seen Tessa with that mask on… 😆

That would have been quite embarrassing…

So, we get a nice self-unmasking which is quite rare in this TV show… I guess there is only one more in it.

All in all a thrilling scene for me, and also a bit funny as well.

More Queens of Swords in the Hall of Fame:

Wanna know from which episode this is?


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

The Queen of Swords and an imposter – Post 1 – The imposter gets UNMASKED!

I already had the French DVD set of Queen of Swords in my collection (with English audio on it as well).

But when they released a German DVD set as well last year… I just had to have it too.

These days I am rewatching the complete show with its 22 episodes and was reminded that my posts about the highlights of the show here… are incomplete.

That has to change!


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Please leave a LIKE and/or a comment on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, well… the fact that she is an imposter isn’t a secret for one second as she does look different, and even the mask is a bit different… at least to a regular follower of the show.

It’s nice that he starts the unmasking with “…and now for the unveiling…”, but it’s a shame she doesn’t resist or say anything.

Also, it’s quite odd that he unbinds her mask like that instead of yanking it off her head (slowly), so the camera isn’t on her face the whole time.

Certainly, this is a big moment for the two men, who then still think that they just captured the real Queen of Swords.

But Montoya realizes rather quickly that she isn’t the real one.

I will post one or more scenes from the episodes as it has a lot to offer 🙂

More Queens of Swords in the Hall of Fame:

Wanna know from which episode this is?


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

A masked female vigilante battles some guys in a cage fight

Two years ago I posted about my favorite fight scene of a certain movie with a masked heroine:

Lately, I re-watched the movie and decided to also put another fight scene on this blog!

This is the first fight scene of her in her advanced costume and it’s pretty spectacular 🙂


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Yeah, she is only wearing an eye mask, but at least it covers more of her face than others (#blackcat).

But her costume is solid and she looks good in it.

The highlight for me in this movie is clearly the fight scenes as they are choreographed really well and spectacularly.

I mean it’s a movie from Indonesia and they don’t have the amount of money that most Hollywood productions have.

 Nonetheless, the fight scenes are better than in most Hollywood productions!

Her acting skills aren’t top-notch…. but she looks like she could do these action scenes herself. Actually it looks like she did them herself, but not 100% sure about that.

I love it when a masked heroine like her gets into such fights as it’s really thrilling for me.

What if her mask gets ripped off or damaged? 😉

What if they overpower her?

Sadly this one movie has more really good hand-to-hand combat scenes than some entire TV shows from the US.

And even an Asian soap opera/action TV show with a low budget like Kularb Gror Petch had great martial art scenes (and sexy ladies in catsuits and great unmaskings).

Looks like US companies should consider hiring some experts from Asia here and there 😉

On the other hand, the guys from this movie and the mentioned TV show could use some advice on how to write a better script.


Imagine such action scenes with an even hotter actress and a better mask/costume…. #rubbercowl

DAMN, that would be AWESOME²!

Here is the title of the movie:


What do you think about that scene and her costume?

Leave your comment below!


The masked vigilante-frogwoman in action! [Blog exclusive]

I could have posted this one on my other blog as well, but I think the masked fetish aspect here is “bigger” than the scuba/frogwoman fetish aspect.

In this one, a masked woman in a wetsuit infiltrates a ship of soldiers who threaten fishermen who they see as drug smugglers.

Thanks to the nice guy who recommended me this one!


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

The masked vigilante-frogwoman in action!

(wasn’t welcome on Youtube)

Ok, let’s start with one big minus for me.

The “editing” is well….. horrible!

Either the editor was paid for every cut he made…. or he was on drugs ….. or both.

I guess they thought it would be very suspenseful and breathtaking with that many cuts… but I think it’s rather… very annoying with that amount of cuts.

But besides that, it’s a pretty good scene for me!

I mean how often do we see a masked woman in a wetsuit kicking some ass? A very rare combination.

Yeah, the wetsuit isn’t the sexiest one, but she fills it out really nicely. 🙂

It’s a little odd how her mask appears and disappears and it seems like they would use two different hoods while filming, one with the mask part and one without it.

But I enjoy the suspense as she fights with all these soldiers. With one quick grab, she could be unmasked!

And the scene where she raises her arms at gunpoint is also a nice addition.

The ending is quite surprising….

Spoiler title
but not for very long as she is found and gets taken care of by some locals.

Ok, I don’t know how it is possible to NOT drown after getting unconscious underwater (without any help).

I mean ok, with her wetsuit (and her big twins) she would float to the surface, but then her head would still be underwater…unless she rolls onto her back.

Seemingly she regained consciousness long enough to pull herself on some driftwood? Well…. quite a miracle 😉

These are the only scenes of her in a wetsuit in that episode.

There are 182 more episodes of this show, haven’t checked them out…

Wanna know from which show this is?


Actually, there is a playlist with 99 episodes (of the 182) of this show with English dubs:

….in case you have a lot of time on your hands.

From the looks of it, this is a soap opera in the first place with some action scenes included.

What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!


3 cat burglars from Japan – Part 1 (of 3)

This one has a special history.

I do have a DVD (with a bad german dub) of this for quite a long time.

This movie has a LOT of minutes with sexy masked cat burglars and I was rather sure that I posted one scene in the early days of the blog around 2014/2015.

Seems that I was mistaken.

Lately, it was recommended to me again (thanks a lot!), so I finally re-watched the whole movie after a long time and checked the blog for the post I thought was there…

I thought about how I would present this movie here as there are so many minutes with the masked cat burglars.

I decided that I wanna post the 3 main scenes with them. These are the most interesting and I will make 3 posts with 3 videos.

This movie has quite some flaws, but there are some good scenes in it….and the costumes are quite sexy! 🙂

I will make an entry for my Hall of Fame for this movie in the next weeks.



(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

I tried to not get the video too long as the chances get bigger that it then gets blocked….

I cut very little before that scene, nothing of interest. After the scene in the video, we have a chase with the police, but to no surprise, they get away. Only the transportation that they finally get away with is…. very surprising.

Sadly, there is only DVD quality available. Would love to see these costumes in full HD one day!


Now to the scene itself:

I really like the idea that one of them fools the cops by dressing up as the superior of the detective.

It’s also good that the detective figures out that he was fooled. It’s very thrilling that he tries to unmask her and she can foil his first attempt, even she thereby fully confirms that there is a woman under the mask with her high-pitched screech.

She really is in big trouble with that many cops around her!

The unmasking itself is done rather badly as there is only a split-second where we can see how her mask starts to come off. Most of the unmasking is ruined by the cut.

In my version, he would rip open the mask and would expose her face underneath more and more by doing it.

The final reveal of her is done nicely. Her face is fully exposed and even a light is shining on it.

Luckily for her, her teammate finally intervenes (a little late) and knocks the light out.

Really bizarre and funny how she jumps up and ALL her “police chief” clothes are basically falling off her immediately and she lands in her sexy catsuit 😆

I wonder why she wasn’t wearing any mask under all that disguise. She was seemingly very sure that she would get away with her impersonation.

It’s cool how the cops surround her and trap her with these shields. Without her teammate, she would have been finished.

She moves around a lot, but I guess you can say that the cops did get a good look at her face.

But in the end, they escape with their camouflaged “Catmobile”. And there suddenly cat burglar number 3 pops up.

I checked it, but I honestly don’t know where she was before… was she just waiting in the car? Quite odd…

And why does the one who stole the painting now suddenly is wearing her 2 part mask as soon she is in the car?

Now to the costumes:

They all three are wearing slightly different catsuits, which you will see better in the next scene.

These catsuits are really sexy and I like the combo here with the (incomplete) catear-cowl in combination with a mask that covers the lower face.

A great disguise and very stylish…in my opinion.

Such a masquerade certainly provides a chance for a great unmasking…. 😉

They are wearing different disguises throughout the movie, but more on that in later posts.

Before this movie, an animated TV show was done in the ’80s.

A show with 73 episodes! So, I checked a lot of pictures to see what costumes and masks were used there.

And to my (bad) surprise I didn’t find a single picture with a mask, at least not an obvious one.

So, I guess they run around without masks the whole time while stealing stuff and getting chased by the cops? That would be really stupid.

Perhaps they are wearing wigs and full-face disguises (like in this scene where she impersonated a male cop).

I will watch some episodes when I get the chance.

However, a great shame, as there is a very short animated intro of the movie where they are actually wearing the catsuits from the movie.

An animated show with that many episodes and catsuits and masks would have been so great….

Does anyone know the animated TV show and can tell us something about it?

Is it good?

Do they wear masks at least in some scenes?

Here is the movie title:


More from this movie in the upcoming weeks!

What do you think of that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

When a woman with martial art skills finds a costume….

These scenes have just aired a little over a week ago and I had to make a post about it!

In this episode, you actually have around 9 minutes of her in costume and mask, and I wanna show you the better half of it.

This woman finds this costume and mask and an underground auction that then gets invaded by some thieves.

She puts on the costume and masks…. and is ready to kick some ass!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


Ok, I really like the action, even it’s too goofy for my taste. These goons have really bad aim and it’s a little too comedic for me.

But the stunt work is really good!

I do like the costume and her hood and mask are a perfect disguise.

A shame no one of these goons tries to unmask her.

And seeing her in this costume for that long is pretty cool as well.

The unmasking at the end is really bad as it only shows the last frames of it.

First, he would need to pull back the hood to grab into her mask that he would then yank off her head.

And of course, the unmasking goes down way too easy as she doesn’t resist.

These scenes were in episode 1 of the show (1+2 aired in the same week).

The costume isn’t used in episodes 2 and 3 and it looks like it wouldn’t be (at least by her) in the other ones.

But perhaps she will use it again….even I don’t think she will. 🙁

I will keep watching the show as it is fun.

If there will be more scenes with masked women in it….I will make another post.

Wanna know from which show this is?




Batwoman news:

In other news, Ryan Wilder showed up for the first time in the Flash “Armageddon” event.

She wasn’t in the first two episodes, but she appears in the late minutes of episode 3.

And judging from preview pictures….Batwoman will appear in episode 4 next week.

Seems like I will then make a post about it!

The “Nightwatchman” in action! – Scene 7 [Final]

It’s time for one last scene of the Nightwatchman in action!

So far, she did a really good job in helping the oppressed people of Nottingham.

She also managed to escape the bad guys, especially the evil Guy of Gisborne who wants to stop the Nightwatchman and unmask him (as he still thinks it’s a man #blind)

What will happen this time? Well, see for yourself…..



(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

Well….what can I say? Perhaps……WOW!

I got really attached to both Marian and the Nightwatchman in their adventures over 2 seasons of this show.

And know she is trapped, pinned down by Guy, he rips off her eye mask….finally he realizes the Nightwatchman is a woman.

I guess he also realizes now that it’s his beloved Marian under the mask of his hated Nightwatchman.

He slowly yanks down the fabric that still covers her face pretty well.

Finally, the Nightwatchman is UNMASKED!

There is quite a lot I really love about this EPIC unmasking!

The fight is done quite well, and the way she reacts to her more and more desperate situation is great.

She really sells the fear very well as her face gets exposed by him.

He is so shocked that it is Marian that he runs away at first.

He stills doubts that it was her all the time, wanting the see the scar he inflicted on the vigilante.

So, as she is forced to show that scar it’s like a second unmasking …in a way.

Perhaps a “NO!” or a “STOP!” would have been nice as he was about to unmask her…but she always stay silent in his presence as she was concerned he would recognize her voice….or at least realize that the Nightwatchman IS a woman.

So, it fits quite well, that she didn’t protest as he was unmasking her.

Well….I think this is one of the most thrilling unmaskings ever made in a movie or TV show. Especially I was so into the storyline after having seen over 20 episodes with her.

Ok, the Nightwatchman should have had more appearances, but well…I posted all 7 scenes of her….so, that’s not too bad.

Spoilers about Marian’s future in the show…..

Tragically this unmasking indirectly leads to Marian’s death just 2 episodes later as Gisborne is now really enraged.

At the end of season 1, she was already presumed dead. The producer loved the strong reaction of the audience as I saw in the bonus material on the Blu-ray set.

So they came up with the idea to “top” that and kill her off, this time for real!

I don’t like that decision at all, even it is a drastic and unusual way to kill off the big love of the main character! That was certainly not expected.

Of course, that also means that there were no more Nightwatchman scenes in the final third season, which was just ok for me.

I will re-watch seasons 1 and 2 at some point….but not season 3 😉

This is the episode:


Feel welcome to leave a comment!

The “Nightwatchman” in action! – Scene 6

[Post 2 of 2 for today]

As promised another scene with the Nightwatchman today!

Robin is imprisoned and gets tortured by the bad guys, time for the Nightwatchman to save him!

Especially as the woman inside that costume is in love with Robin 😉

But Guy of Gisborne is determined to catch the masked vigilante and find out how actually is under these masks!


(click to enlarge)

And here are the videos:

You have the choice….

English audio, but “just” SD/DVD quality:

HD/1080p quality, but with German audio:

Sorry, due to some technical difficulties 1080p+English isn’t available for this blog right now (just for this scene).

But I’m sure you can live with it well.

WATCH the video before you go on!

Well, that was a pretty close call for the Nightwatchman!

I love how he demands her to unmask herself! Luckily she won’t give up easily.

It’s great how the situation even gets more dangerous for her as the Sheriff sneaks up on her and holding his pretty big dagger to her throat. His diabolical smile…. is awesome!

Now she is really in big danger, every second a hand could reach for her masks and begin to UNMASK her.

I just love the tension in such scenes….really well done here!

In my version, a hand would actually start to yank on her mask but she would then escape the danger quickly.

I do have one more scene with the Nightwatchman…..and that is the best one, you might imagine why 😉

Wanna know from which episode this is?


What do you think of this scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

The “Nightwatchman” in action! – Scene 5

Time for another scene with the Nightwatchman in action!

I intended to post 2 scenes today…but the 2nd one was problematic. The audio switched to german every time, even I selected to use the English one.

Even there isn’t much dialogue in this scene, I want the damn program to work and that you all can watch the scene with English dialogue for the best experience.

But, don’t worry, I will upload scene 6 next Thursday, so you won’t have to wait for long.

And the BIG, last scene 7 will then follow on a weekend.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

I really like this scene big time! By this time I care about her in the show a lot and really rooting for her. She gets trapped in that room, the evil Guy of Gisborne is just outside the door, breaking it down pretty quickly. With the axe and the damaged doors he somehow reminds me a lot of a certain Jack N. in “The Shining” 😉 , especially as he is watching her through the damaged door.

You can see the fear on her face, she is breathing heavily through the cloth cover above her mouth. She now she can’t escape….he is outside the door and there are plenty of guards there as well.

A great setting!

As soon they rush in they would overpower her sooner or later and then would UNMASK her! Her life as well as her father’s life would be in grave danger as the Nightwatchman is a big enemy of the Sheriff. He would also find the woman that he loves under the mask….but she is in love with someone else…..

The way he sneakily attacks her with that dagger….wow….worthy of a real villain.

Of course, she survives that in the end, even she actually seemingly dies.

But that was revealed one episode later….providing a major cliffhanger.

As I already knew she would be in season 2….I wasn’t surprised….but imagining watching the show back then when it first aired….they surely tortured the audience quite well. 😉

Wanna know from which episode this is?


What do you think of that scene?

Leave a comment below!

The “Nightwatchman” in action! – Scenes 3 + 4

The Nightwatchman returns for two more scenes!

(or NightwatchWOman as she should be called)


Check out my first post about her if you haven’t already:

The “Nightwatchman” in action! – Scenes 1 + 2

Preview, Scene 1:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the Video:


…not welcome on Youtube….

Watch the video before you continue!

Only a very short scene, but already a really good one for me!

The villain has stopped her, everything is at stake for her as he really wants to know who the Nightwatchman is.

The moron hasn’t realized that the masked vigilante is a woman….damn, he must really get some glasses! 😉

I love that she managed to suppress a scream or moan as that might give away that the Nightwatchman isn’t a man like nearly everyone believes so far.

She does everything to keep her identity as safe as possible…in all regards.  And I really love that!

And it won’t be the last time he tries to capture her… 😉


Preview, Scene 2:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the Video:


…not welcome on Youtube….

Watch the video before you continue!

Another fine scene! Great to see her putting on her maskS 🙂

Luckily for her father, she is in full costume as these bandits rob the house…she saves the day!

The fight scene is done really well, and with her full masquerade, it’s rather easy to put a stuntwoman in that costume and do the action part…

I just love action scenes with such a masked woman! So much can happen, and it’s a real thrill ride for me.

In the end, she is victorious and unmasks herself for a chat with Robin, a nice bonus!

And I do have 3 more scenes with her….she will get in a LOT of trouble….. as evil Guy of Gisborne wants to know who is behind these masks of hers!


The “Nightwatchman” in action! – Scenes 1 + 2

So, what’s interesting about this “Nightwatchman” character in this TV show? And how it is relevant to this blog?

Well, what only some folks in the show will find out is…that this masked vigilante is actually a WOman. So the correct title would be NightwatchWOman 😉

I keep referring to her as the “Nightwatchman” because it is the name of the vigilante.

This one is actually one of the very best recommendations that were ever made to me! THANKS a LOT!

It will lead to an entry in the “Hall of Fame” in the next weeks 🙂

I somehow totally missed this TV show and in the end, the recommendation lead to me buying every three seasons of it on Blu-ray.

Each season has “only” 13 episodes but they greedily split each season into 2 blu-ray boxes with just 2 discs each. So I had to buy 6 Blu-ray boxes to get all 3 seasons.

But since the show isn’t new anymore…it wasn’t very expensive (besides the very last box).

This one is another perfect example while I love such characters in (long) TV shows. You really get connected to these characters and every scene has much more intensity for me than it would have if the character would just appear in some minutes during a random video. The character has much more depth and I am much more interested in what will happen to him/her throughout the show.

Yeah, it costs a lot of time to watch all these episodes, but it was more than worth it in the end. And not only for the Nightwatchman scenes, I enjoyed the whole show quite a lot…especially seasons 1 and 2.

In total, I have not fewer than 7 scenes with the Nightwatchman, today I wanna present the first two.

Here is the first scene as an appetizer….

Preview, scene 1:

(click to enlarge the picture)

And here is the video:


Even this video with less than 2 minutes wasn’t welcome on Youtube, so I had to go with plan B…. even that means that I have to make these posts without any videos on my Youtube channel. 🙁

Yeah, not much to see her as we get only some glimpses on the Nightwatchman.

But it is her first appearance and her background is explained to Robin and us.

And the next scene will be verrrrry interesting 😉



Preview, scene 2:

(click to enlarge the picture)

And here is the video:


WATCH the video before you continue!

Well…..where to begin?

Let’s start with the costume: At that time only very few sexy fabrics were invented/in use.

I think they make a LOT out of the available materials. I like her leather top that….if you get a good look…. clearly gives away that the Nightwatchman is a woman ;-), even she tries her best that no one notices that with her costume.

I LOVE that she really takes a great effort to hide her identity. Actually, her whole masquerade has 3 items! The hood hides her hair, the rather big eye mask is concealing her face alongside the scarf that covers the lower part of her face.

She has so much to lose if someone would figure out who she is, and she does everything she can to protect her secret identity. A+

If you have seen at least one of the 3652 (or so) Robin Hood movies…you know that Marian is his big love. And that makes his reaction to the unmasking so pleasing to me.

He thinks the Nightwatchman is some kind of murderer (“he” is not) and finds Marian under these masks…. I love such a constellation!

The unmasking is filmed quite….odd. He pulls back her hood …but then she quickly decides to unmask herself completely. Well, it makes sense as they know and love each other (most of the time). As she realizes that there is no escape for her, she rather unmasks herself than letting him do it.

I would have rather preferred her to defend her mask and to put up a fight in a scene before he pins her to the ground, but well she will have some thrilling fights with others ;-).

And this was only the beginning…soon the evil “Guy of Gisborne” will try everything to stop the Nightwatchman.

Guy is also in love with Marian….. and really HATES the Nightwatchman at the same time.

Again…I LOVE such constellations! 😉

Wanna know from which episode of which show this is?


What do you think of these scenes and her costume?

Leave your comment below!

Black Scorpion TV show – The best scenes from the best episodes – [Episode 1]

Ok, I guess and hope that many of you already know the Black Scorpion TV show…. and since I didn’t cover the show with enough posts in the past…I wanna change that now.

The show is in my Hall of Fame and if you are into masked women, this TV show is an absolute MUST have!

A little extract from my post in the Hall of Fame (more info on the show can be found there):

I remember how I stumbled upon this show in the early 2000s.

This show was never shown here, but at some point, I read about the show and saw some pictures.

I immediately bought the DVD box set in the US and it took a while to get the Season box set to arrive here.

I also had to buy a DVD player that could handle region 1 DVDs. It was a pretty expensive endeavor, but damn, it was worth it BIG time! ?

I watched one episode every evening until I have seen all 22 episodes.

And that was a great thrill ride every night!

Ok, enough introduction….let’s start with one of the best episodes.

Here are the highlights of episode 1!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

[Watch the video before you continue!]

It’s Steve’s first encounter with Black Scorpion! This starts his obsession with catching the Black Scorpion. He was transferred to this police department to catch her…. and I envy him big time! What a fantastic job! He gets paid to chase after such a stunning masked vigilante…oh man!

The ending of the episode with Firearm is so awesome! I love how he blackmails her to unmask herself….such a great move, and he really enjoys it 😉

One of the rare villains who actually wants to know who is under the mask of a heroine. And her reaction to it is well done and played as well!

Plus it’s a great bonus that he recognizes Darcy…and again, I love how he is enjoying the whole situation.

A good move that she quickly puts the mask back in place as soon she gets the chance.

In the end, Firearm has to die….after all, he had seen her face, so it was the most logical choice from the writers to get him killed.

It was the first episode if a villain like him would found out about her secret identity and would be able to tell everyone…it would be a short TV show.

Damn, I would give for a Blu-ray box for this TV show!!! Or a (not so cheesy) remake with better action scenes… #dream


Here is the IMDB link to the episode:


What do you think of the scenes in this episode?

Leave your comment below!

Masked female vigilante VS 3 henchWOmen

Don’t know why I didn’t post about this one earlier, as I know this movie for some years now.

Today I wanna present a movie that I was waiting for quite some time. It took some time until it was finally released after some issues.

I could post a LOT of scenes from this one as the movie is about a woman becoming a masked vigilante….but that would be problematic.

I wanna show you one good scene as an appetizer….if you like to see masked women in action….you have to see the whole movie 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Pretty good action scene…especially if you are considering that this is a low-budget flick.

But it’s a low-budget flick from Asia …and very often they can achieve really good fights with little money.

I’m not a big fan of eye masks, but at least she has that hood that adds a little extra concealment, even it quickly get out of position during the action.

Her costume overall is pretty solid, the costumes from the henchwomen could have used a little more money or time. The chick with the golden wig, Batgirl logo top, and ballet skirt looks like a cheap Harley Quinn rip-off 😆 . But I like that they are masked as well.

I do like how the three fight against the heroine. They manage to deliver some good hits but the well-trained heroine keeps the upper hand.

Perhaps I will post more scenes from this when I’m really low on material to post.


Overall storyline:

Man recruits girl under the guise of making a movie, while really trying to turn her into a masked vigilante.

Check out the movie!

Here is the title:


What do you think about that scene and her costume?

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