As my Maskripper Org Youtube channel has reached 5000 subscribers last week, I uploaded a trailer today for the channel and this blog as well!
I didn’t include any scenes from the comics or fetish videos…..but still, I came up with quite some scenes I wanted to have in the trailer.
In the end, I included 83 scenes from the movies and TV shows. As the scenes average a little over 3 seconds…the trailer reached nearly 5 minutes in total. A little longer than I initially wanted it to be.
I did cut some scenes a little shorter, but I didn’t want to delete whole scenes out of it.
All of these scenes can be found on this blog….with some digging as the blog is around 8 years old by now…… many of them in the Hall of Fame.
I took a song with the PERFECT lyrics that I found a while ago and edited it down to a length that would fit twice in the trailer.
Hope you folks like it!
All my favorite scenes from the movies and shows are in them! Some scenes aren’t my favorite, they are just a “stand-in” for my favorite movies or TV shows.
Song: “Masquerade” by “Lolita KompleX” (shortened version, played twice)
As the Arrow TV show has now officially ended, I wanna post one more video from it!
In this video you will see the cast of the future spinoff show. It is not greenlighted yet, but this scene was from the second last episode of Arrow, which is supposed to be a backdoor pilot of this future show which would include at least 3 masked women in the main cast!!!
But first, I wanna write down some thoughts on Arrow. This show founded the Arrowverse. I watched it from the start and was quickly hooked. I liked the dark atmosphere, the characters and the action. Season 1 was realllllly good and season 2 was even better for me since it introduced the Canary, the masked Huntress and also Ravager. Season 3 was good also.
With Season 4 the show started a downward trend for me. Too many sidekicks, less interesting villains and too much focus on Olicity (“Felicity + Oliver” for those who don’t know the term).
But I was and am still a big fan. I watched every episode, but the episodes after season 4 or 5 only once.
But one great show paved the way for other interesting and great shows: The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow, Black Lightning …..and …… finally BATWOMAN!
I will always be thankful for Arrow and what it started….the ARROWVERSE! Without Arrow I couldn’t write about the show that fullfilled an old dream of mine. I always wanted a(nother) TV show with a (properly) masked woman in the lead role! And it took nearly 20 years after “Black Scorpion” and “Queen of swords” were aired with only 1 season each.
Batwoman doesn’t only have the best mask/cowl a women has ever worn in a TV show or movie….it is the first show that actually made it to a 2nd season (and hopefully many more)!
Back to Arrow! In this scene we have the new green Arrow Mia Smoak and the 2 Canaries (Laurel Lance and Dinah Drake) in action!
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Yeah, I would really like to see more of these 3 in the future! Ok, as you (should) know by now, I am not the biggest fan of eye masks. But having 3 masked women as the lead actresses of a TV show….is a great thing for starters! Of course that show needs proper storylines, good action and interesting villains.
I really hope this show will start in the new CW season in the fall! Especially if there is some real secret identity struggle involved 😉
Time to present all the news of the last days on the biggest TV crossover event ever!
These are the dates and shows involved in the crossover:
Supergirl, Dec 8
Batwoman, Dec 9
The Flash, Dec 10
…..nail-biting, 5 weeks cliffhanger!…..
Arrow, Jan 14
Legends of Tomorrow, Jan 14
Here is the teaser:
Never have seen a title screen so often like in this one….. but I like all the teasing in these snippets!
Bring it on!
I’m looking forward in great anticipation to this one! Especially for Batwoman and all the big changes it brings to the Arrowverse.
There will be casualties, I am sure not “only” the one we all know of.
Here is the poster:
(click on the image to enlarge)
Seems like Batwoman got the best spot! 🙂
But weird that they used that old promo picture of her….she doesn’t even have that cowl anymore.
She has a new cowl since episode 3, the one from this poster was only seen in the last years crossover (and some promos).
And here is the synopsis for the first three episodes (with some spoilers):
A little late, but here is my roundup for the Batwoman related news from the San Diego Comic Con!
Some promo material and more have surfaced 😉
Bat-Elevator with commentary from Ruby Rose!
New promo pic for the Arrowverse shows!
(click on the picture to enlarge them to full size!)
And there were some videos!
A trailer for all the Arrowverse shows:
Well, sadly, nothing much new from Batwoman…only some frames around this scene:
…where Batwoman uses her batgrapple to go after the bad guys (and girls).
Interviews from the unmasked Batwoman and other Arrowverse leads:
And some new info from the producers of the show (with small Spoilers):
– Alice will be the main villain for season 1 (no big surprise, as she is her arch enemy)- In episode 3 they will introduce an interesting villain that wasn’t on TV so far (besides animation), an enemy of Batman. It will be Thomas Elliot aka Hush!
– Burt Ward (Robin from the 60’s Batman TV show!) will have a part in the next crossover
– Supergirl and Batwoman will become close friends (like implied in the last crossover), and should have some episodes together in the future (starting in season 1 or later…)
– The atmosphere will be similar to Arrow Season 1, pretty dark….which fits to Gotham of course 😉
– And like in Arrow Season 1, they try to keep it as realistic as possible
None of the actors of the show were on the panel, since they were too busy shooting and couldn’t make it to the con (unlike the folks from Arrow, Flash, Supergirl etc.).
Other than that they didn’t revealed much interesting stuff.
As much as I like these facts… I did expect more Batwoman news from the ComicCon.
And especially some new video material from the show. And despite some frames in the video in my post above this one….there was nothing.
Many visitors at the Con had the chance the see the complete pilot. I am still jealous! 😉
In the Arrow TV-Series a new “Arrow” turned up…and this time a female one!
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Ok, well, normally I wouldn’t mind if a nice, masked vigilante like her likes to pull off her mask….but this time….
I mean, she does wear a mask, she has a secret identity. She doesn’t really know the guy, and shows up without her mask….WHY?
She is giving up her secret identity immediately and seems to doesn’t care at all …. 🙁
He would have helped her too …IF she would have worn her mask.
And than, he shows up again, saves her…and immediately she pulls off her mask. WHY? There are actually be some folks who could see her! That isn’t exactly a safe place to pull your mask off….
And they cheated big time with that unmasking! Ok, her black face paint around the eyes is *magically* gone…we are used to that. But her mask has vanished without a trace too!
A great example for “How to NOT make an unmasking”.
I hope she can control herself a little better in the future and keep the mask on for a change 😉
Ok folks, now that all episodes of the Elseworlds Crossover event were shown, this weeks post will be done today instead of posting it on the usual sunday.
Because nobody should be kept waiting to see this material 😉
I do have two videos and one big picture gallery for you. For the first video I combined all Batwoman scenes in one video and I did the same with the Kate Kane scenes in the second video.
My opinions on all of this can be found on the last part of the post.
I recommend that you watch the video with Kate Kane first, for a better understanding!!!
All Kate Kane scenes in the Elseworlds Crossover:
All Batwoman scenes in the Elseworlds Crossover:
Picture Gallery:
(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)
*EDIT*: Some additional (HQ-) images that a really nice follower of this blog sent:
(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)
My opinion on the Crossover:
—> In general:
It was a lot of FUN! Many funny scenes, sooo many Easter Eggs (Batman villains, Smallville, Legends of Tomorrow and more) and a pretty good story with some really good action scenes as well. I think it was a good idea to make this years Crossover a little “smaller” with just 3 episodes from 3 shows. I like it when you don’t have too many characters in it. With the Legends of Tomorrow it was a little too much for my taste.
The idea with the alternative realities is pretty cool. It was very interesting to see some of the cast in other roles. The scene with Kate and Kara was very important to introduce Kate to the Arrowverse and give her some depths before presenting Batwoman. And that brings me to my biggest interest in this years crossover….
—> Batwoman:
It is no big surprise to most of you that I have a “thing” for masked women. 😉
So, the idea of bringing Batwoman into the Crossover this year, fueled my anticipation BIG time. Since months I really was looking forward to see her on the screen. Instead of most heroines and villainesses I saw in the past on TV, comics and the internet, Batwoman has a “real” mask. A mask that actually really covers her secret identity (and a wig for even more cover). She is one of my favorites among Batgirl, Catwoman and Black Scorpion. And the idea to introduce Batwoman in the Crossover and (and hopefully!!!) giving her her own TV show next year…..seems fucking fantastic to me!
As I heard that Ruby Rose would play her, I didn’t really know what to think of it. I had seen only very little of her and decided to watch/re-watch more of her the last months (Triple X 3, Wick 2, Resident Evil: Final Chapter, Meg). And now I am very happy about the fact that she got the role. Of course her part wasn’t very big (around 8 Minutes as Batwoman AND Kate Kane), BUT I really think she will/would do a great job in her own TV-series.
The mask/cowl looks fantastic and her costume is pretty good. The Batwoman symbol looks really good on her. Ok, I would tried something with leather and rubber on the suit (like the Batgirl suit from Batman and Robin or Birds of Prey…but perhaps that would have been too much for some folks 😉 )
And that possible TV-series….would be a DREAM coming true for me. Always wanted a big TV show with a masked heroine in the main role. The only other two I know are “Queen of Swords” and “Black Scorpion” and both had only one season each, which lay back quite some time now.
—> Unmasking action:
Well, for less than 4 minutes of Batwoman, I think we got quite a lot!
Kate walks over to her costume and cowl. Really cool to see her standing before it.
And actually Batwoman got UNMASKED by Supergirl. Ok, the mask didn’t come off physically, BUT the very curious Supergirl uses the X-ray vision to see behind the cowl of Batwoman, finding Kate Kane under it.
But nice as Supergirl is, she easily gives up her own secret identity to Batwoman as well. And both already have a strong bond to each other, so they both know they can trust each other with their secrets.
And the possibilities for more unmasking action with Batwoman in that possible TV-show are…..ENDLESS. 🙂
Ok, enough from me for now.
What do you think about the Crossover and especially Batwoman in it?
Leave your comment below!
P.S.: You may have notice the change in the picture headline on top of the blog already… 😉
Well, just a short and last post only some hours before the first part of the Elseworlds crossover in which Batwoman will appear for the first time on TV.
I will make posts with all the scenes with Batwoman next week (after I have seen all 3 parts), but until then a final video with great footage with her:
Pretty cool poster! My two favorites are on the right half 😉
I am looking forward to find out how much screen time Batwoman and Kate Kane actually get.
The whole crossover with the 3 parts is around 2 hours long. We know that the heroes will go to Gotham City in the second episode where they meet “both”.
Hard to tell how much Kate and Batwoman will be involved in the third episode. But of course I hope Batwoman will still help them in that last chapter!
And….we got a real trailer that shows about one minute of material…that is a step forward 😉
With the first seconds of Kate Kane on-screen!
Right now my main question is how Kate Kane and Batwoman are behave towards all those heroes that arrive in Gotham.
Why do they travel to Gotham? How is Kate and Batwoman involved in all of this?? Will they figure out that Kate IS Batwoman???
But these questions will be answered pretty soon!
Only 4 days left (for the ones in the US / 5 days for me)!
Ok, only 9 days left until the big crossover event “Elseworlds” starts with Batwoman aka Kate Kane (played by Ruby Rose).
There is still no real trailer out (nothing with more than 30 seconds) but, perhaps this weekend or early next week at the latest.
Until then….I still have something new to show you folks.
2 new pictures with Batwoman have surfaced yesterday:
(click to enlarge)
These pictures are a great addition!
Love the good look at her mask in the first one. And Stephen Amell (aka “Flash”) looks really….funny/disgusted (?) in this one. Yeah, he isn’t used to female vigilantes with a real mask 😉
Or Batwoman doesn’t want to play along with the other good guys.
On the second picture, someone is standing behind Batwoman, and pretty close. In my fantasy that person is reaching for her mask from behind before getting a massive kick from Batwoman ;-).
Who is that? We will see…..
But in any case, I’m still hyped like hell about Batwoman in this show. Finally a heroine with a perfect disguise on TV. Her secret identity is hidden very well, and no one could possible know who she is without unmasking her.
And that’s exactly like I love it.
Still it isn’t clear if the mask goes around the whole head (back?), but we will see that sooner or later too.
Here is a “extended” teaser/trailer, but that just means that it has 30 seconds instead of 20 😉
Still not a real trailer, but we do see Batwoman and a Batarang!
A little late, but of course this teaser must be on this blog as well….because…it has the first scenes of Batwoman in “action”!
Ok, just a teaser with some seconds of her…but a great appetizer!
A real trailer should be there soon! 😉
And from this news it looks like Batwoman will first appear in the 2nd part of the crossover (Arrow), so we need to wait one more day for her…..but that is not a problem 😉