Meanwhile on my other blog…

For some time now, I have created videos for my other blog

Today I wanna make a post here, as a certain video is relevant to this blog as well!

In this video, a certain female thief wants to retrieve some stolen diamonds.

But a greedy female Cop wants to get her hands on them too!

And a female vigilante wants to catch the thief….

So, you have Catwoman and Batgirl in an underwater fight!

How about some pictures?

A trailer:

The music in the trailer is from “Batman Returns”.

(There is music in the video as well, but only in the intro and outro)

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button of the video on YouTube! 😉

Much more info on the video can be found here:

And to be perfectly honest:

There are no secret identity aspects in that video, no unmasking or such things.

But if you like masked women in rubber wetsuits who wrestle underwater…. then you will enjoy the video 😉

Do you wanna watch the whole video?

Well, you could join the VIP club on, but that probably wouldn’t make much sense for you as the other videos there don’t contain masked women 😉

Unless you count a scuba mask as a mask (in terms of a disguise).


So, right here on the blog, you get an alternative method to get the video:

You need a PayPal account and/or a credit card.

Send 4 Euro with PayPal to

… and you will receive an email with a link to watch/download the video (around 700 MB/1080p).

Please let me know that you want “Video 32”.

I will send it to your PayPal address …unless you provide an alternative to that.


Use the contact form on this page.

Creative competition: Combine Batgirl’s suit + Batwoman’s cowl….and get a free month/free monthS for the VIP club!

As some of you may know by now…the Batgirl suit from the movie “Batman and Robin” (and from the “Birds of Prey” TV show) is my all-time favorite female costume of all time.

Now the new Batwoman cowl from the TV show is my new all-time favorite cowl/mask!

So I wonder how it would look …if these two elements would be combined?

(only EXAMPLES – click to enlarge)

So, your task would be to move the masked head of Ruby Rose onto the costumed body (both versions) of Alicia Silverstone (or Dina Meyer) in a way it looks somehow natural.

You can use whatever pictures you can find, as long it has the right costume/mask and the correct actresses.

The competition will run until I declare the ending of it (but at least several days). Of course you can send more than one picture….but quality goes over quantitiy.

If I LIKE your result, you will get one free month for the VIP club. If I LOVE your result you will get 2 months for the VIP club.

I don’t expect perfection, it just has to be better than the horrible results I would produce if I would try.


Use the contact form below to get in touch with me:

Looking forward to the results!


Catwoman spotted! [Gotham TV show]

For today I wanna recommend you two things. First:

Watch Gotham! Season 4 just started with the first episode and some days ago we got a trailer for season 4.

[minor SPOILERs]

A trailer where you can actually see Selina Kyle for the first time with a MASK. Her first step to become the great Catwoman!

Here are the pictures:

(click to enlarge to full size)

Isn’t that something? We see her first catsuit and her mask 🙂

Looking forward to see that combined in moving pictures! Oh man, that is exactly what I hoped for as the show started. To see Selina become Catwoman.

Here is the trailer, but be warned: The first two minutes are a recap of the things that happened before season 4.


Support Gotham and watch that show! I hope that show runs for another couple of years.



Crimson Fox appearance in new TV-series

Hey folks! I saw promotion pictures for a new DC TV-Series. And there was a masked heroine! So, I checked the episode and edited the scenes with her together.

It’s not a very long appearance, but she has a great costume and a mask that actually hides something 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

I hope for more scenes like that in the future!

And perhaps for a sneak peek under that mask 😉

If you wanna know from which show this is:


Catwoman Cosplay – #17

Long time without catwoman cosplay at this site… time to change that!

Here I got a new one with 10 pictures!


And here are 10 pictures in full size:

(click to enlarge)

If you ask me, some great pictures…. I guess it would be difficult for me taking such pictures without some serious problems (shaking camera).

Wanna see more of her?


Catwoman Cosplay – #13 (and #14)

1st post (out of 2) for today!

For today we have 2 different catwomen and 2 different cosplayers!

The Batman Returns version and TDKR version. Which one do you prefer and why?


Here you can view 12 pictures:

(click to enlarge)

Close call, but I would choose the costume from Batman Returns.

Or better: I would combine the mask from Batman Returns with the TDKR suit 😉

[Hall of Fame] Catwoman in Batman Returns (all catwoman-scenes in HD)

In celebration of the newest entry in my Hall of Fame todays post is dedicated to one of the greatest costumes a masked women wore.

That costume was a milestone (as the whole movie). Well, let’s take a look at it:

(click to enlarge)

For you I edited all the catwoman scenes from the movie to one clip (of 18 min.). As it is in HD I had to split it into 3 parts.

Here you go:

LINK: [Hall of Fame] Catwoman in Batman Returns (all catwoman-scenes in HD) – Part 1

LINK: [Hall of Fame] Catwoman in Batman Returns (all catwoman-scenes in HD) – Part 2

LINK: [Hall of Fame] Catwoman in Batman Returns (all catwoman-scenes in HD) – Part 3

I uploaded it on youtube first, but it was blocked in minutes so I needed to take another way. 🙁

*EDIT*: I found a site where you can simply download them for free. New links attached!

Your thoughts on the movie?

(my can be found in the batman returns hall of fame entry)

Cosplay….today: Mileena (Mortal Kombat)

How about some masked female character from the mortal kombat franchise?

And the mask isn’t the only…….well……interesting thing about it 😉

A little preview:

Guess you wanna see more of her?

4 more big(ger) pictures that show a lot 😉 :

(click to enlarge)

A HOT cosplay/cosplayer I would say….

Gwendoline – Masked female gladiators – Part 2 (of 2)

and now the 2nd part of this great scene. With unmasking action….!

(click to enlarge)

Well, and here is the video, where you can see all the acion:

Your opinions folks?

Masks off! #11 – Catwoman VS Dr. Zeiss (unmasked again)

Issue #11 from Masks off! This time Catwoman battles against Dr. Zeiss….and enemy that may be to big for her to handle…

(click to enlarge)

…she is even unmasked! Well she looses her goggles, and in my opinion that is the main part of her masquerade… (I’m not a big fan of that catwoman mask-version)

But the fight is very good! And well, her unmasking isn’t her biggest problem after the fight…