Another good comic scene was released in the last weeks. In this one Batgirl and Batwoman fight VS Azrael. And he is a great opponent!
But check it out!
(click to enlarge – 6 pages)
Well, that’s a fight!
Unfortunately there are no pages left out here. First I thought I skipped a page where Batgirl’s mask is ripped….but they just skipped that 🙁 . DAMN!!!!!!
But with a little imagination…. Batgirl’s full face mask leave so much oppotunities for a great unmaskings/mask damege/mask ripping. And it is a really well made fight sequence with two masked women. So, I shouldn’t complain. My two favorite masked heroines 🙂
Time for some more Batgirl! I made a special Batgirl cut from the Batman and Robin movie.
Every scene with Batgirl is in it. And well, that’s only a little over 4 minutes. But as much as I don’t like the batman “version” from Schumacher, I love the scenes with Batgirl.
Her costume is really great, pretty similar to the Birds of prey tv-show version that seems to have copied that design with some changes.
Of course I hate that damn eye mask, but for a short time she did have a real cowl on. Even if that cowl wasn’t attached to her suit or had a chin strap…. 🙁
Time for action!
These lucky guys!
Time to save screamy Robin!
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
I do have some nice material with “behind the scenes”-Batgirl material. I guess I will present that in the next weeks.
What’s your opinion on the movie and on this Batgirl version?