I saw the trailer for this one last year and was looking forward to it quite a lot!
Yeah, it’s “just” an animated movie, not a live-action movie and it also has anime style, which I don’t like that much.
BUT…. Catwoman and Batwoman are the main stars of this one! And there are no other heroes in it that they have to share the screentime with. 🙂
If I would make videos with all the Catwoman and Batwoman scenes I would basically have to show the whole movie….which would be a problem.
So, I am focusing on 2 scenes that I wanna show here.
Preview, scene 1:
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
(I tried everything to get it on Youtube…but even a shorter version with under 2 minutes was blocked right away)
WATCH the video before you continue! SPOILERS ahead!
Well…..I LOVE that scene! We have a very seductive Catwoman and Batwoman (with surprisingly BIG twins).
And it’s very sexy how Catwoman seduces Batwoman in order to steal something from her (as we see later on). Batwoman totally falls for it… can’t blame her. 😉
I also love how Catwoman is playing with her wig before she finally completely unmasks her and then is about to kiss her.
All in all a very erotic scene in my opinion! Except for Kate’s helmet haircut after the unmasking.
Don’t know exactly why Selina knows who Batwoman is, perhaps the Bat told her at one of their special “meetings” 😉
I got one more for you.
In this one, you can see Catwoman in her catsuit and mask.
Preview, scene 2:
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
WATCH the video before you continue! SPOILERS ahead!
I like that Catwoman has a really strong opponent here so we get some peril elements.
Also, I like that her goggles get damaged, which is actually affected her sight big time. Seems like therefore she decided to pull off the whole mask, even it is unclear if these goggles are actually attached to the cowl or not as that varies in the comics.
So, we do have a forced self-unmasking here, even it isn’t shown sadly 🙁 .
What annoys me a little, just like in the Catwoman comics in the last years is that Catwoman doesn’t really have a secret identity.
I mean here is a scene where she addresses a big crowd after some heist and she even calls herself Selina Kyle.
Her mask is then more a functional (protective) tool than to hide her secret identity.
I don’t care how comic-accurate that is or not, I don’t like it. Catwoman should keep her identity a secret.
But ok, still I really enjoy seeing her in full costume and mask… like in this movie. In every scene, I am hoping that someone would go for that mask 😉
All in all a movie I can really recommend and that will find that place into my collection as soon as the Blu-ray is available here.
There aren’t many movies that have so much screen time with masked women in them!
Here is the IMDB link to the movie:
IMDB link
What do you think of these scenes?
Have you seen the movie yet?
Feel welcome to leave your comment!