Hey folks, I’m Siggi and this website is dedicated to the masked women of this planet; to the glorious superheroines, the sneaky burglars, and to the naughty villainesses of movies, tv-series, cosplay, fan art, and comics. I try to post new stuff on a regular basis to fill the pages with sexy, new material. I am new to the whole “make your own blog”-thingy so be patient with me 😉
And if you find some spelling/grammar errors…well, I’m no native English speaker, I will try my best.
So, why this blog? Well, I love the look of a masked woman. The mystery of her secret Identity that she hides with her mask…
On this site, I wanna share stuff that I collected over all the years of scouring the net.
Why do I run this blog (and these two sister blogs), what is my motivation? Because it takes a lot of time to make the post, edit the videos, and most important: It takes much time to know about these interesting scenes in the first place! Sometimes I get recommendations and find stuff online, BUT it is a lot of research! And that takes time….and a lot of it! There isn’t a lexicon with links to all the great scenes.
Well, what motivates me to run this blog (and the youtube channel)?
– Feedback on the posts/videos (getting in touch with folks with the same interests)
—-You can comment here on the site with the comment function at the bottom of each post
—-You can comment on youtube, leave a “like” and subscribe to my channel there (Maskripper on youtube)
—-You can contact me more directly by using the contact page (check the menu for that page)
– Recommendations for scenes I don’t know
—- That way I learn about new stuff (for me at least), and that is very satisfying! I do know many, many scenes/movies/TV-series, but there are always scenes that I don’t know yet.
– You can donate and get in the VIP-club
Well, it is a donation for this blog. And that makes me happy too. It isn’t much that comes out of it, but if 3 or 4 folks donate something each month, that is already a lot for me.
And if you donate, you will get access to the VIP club where you can see videos, that I can’t post on the “normal” blog.
I know it is tough to recommend me stuff, and not everyone has a PayPal account or money to donate.
But to subscribe to my youtube channel and click on “like” if you actually like the video, that is rather easy! And it doesn’t take much time…
Let’s see if nobody would give feedback, recommend or donate anything….well, there would be no reason to spend that much time in keep running the sites and youtube channels.
So, I just wanna encourage the folks, who did nothing of that….. to be a little active! Don’t just lurk around the internet….
Wanna support this blog? Want access to the VIP-area? Check out: support Maskripper
You are a webmaster? Or do you have your own blog? Feel free to link my page on your site! I will do the same if your content is somehow related to my blog (if you have a literature blog for example…it wouldn’t fit so well)
Questions? Or do you a nice (mask-related) link? Well…fill this one out!
*Please don’t contact me if you work for a company that has anything to do with internet marketing, website development, or something like that. I’m not interested in your offer!*
Congrates Siggi. I’m sure you site will get lots of visits soon!!