*EDIT February 23*
Pictures and videos were added!
Check out the very short review on Batwoman – Season 2 – Episodes 1-6!
Check out the detailed review incl. pictures and my Batwoman cuts on Batwoman – Season 2 – Episode 5!
You can watch the episodes LIVE on the CW (Sundays at 8 PM) or watch it also for FREE on the CW website (link) and on the CW app, starting Mondays after an episode has been aired on Sunday!
Some screenshots:
(click to enlarge – more pictures on the page of episode 5, link above)
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You linked to last week’s review. 😉
Another good episode, not as great as last week but the show is getting better.
I immediately like the Alice/Ocean pairing. Looking forward to their development.
Yeah, again no Julia. Maybe she returns next week once they’ve got info on the painting with some intel of her own?
Luke is super desperate to find Kate, wonder if that’ll lead to more trouble down the road?
I feel like Ryan being so open about attending the party is somehow gonna come back to bite her. Showing up with a Batarang and then Batwoman shows up? Someone’s bound to put two and two together soon. I have a hard time believing that the Crows gave her the space to work alone like she asked. Evan is pretty smart and he’s bound to make connections if he hangs around Mary any longer – *but* I think he’s a good guy. Angelique could also figure it out; her appearance at the party gave me a bad vibe – I don’t follow any comics, so I’m unsure if she has any counterpart in them but I could see her being part of some group, maybe the False Face Society?
So… yeah, every time I come up with a theory (Kate being dead, kryptonite wound being psychological), it’s debunked the very next episode. Hmm, maybe some reverse psychology then?
…Next week, Batwoman WON’T be taken down by a couple of thugs and have her mask ripped off in front of a camera or two. This will definitely NOT happen… She will absolutely NOT be defeated, exposed and humiliated! NOPE! 😉
Thanks for the comment! Always interesting to know what other folks think about the episodes 🙂
Also thanks for mentioning the wrong link, but luckily 99% of the folks should know how to get to the review on another path. Corrected that mistake.
About the Ryan on that art event. As soon as Batwoman was discussing it with Sophie I was pretty much alerted. A very risky move to work with the crows and going there as Ryan.
I mean what if the Crows decide to surveillance the hangar even Sophie promised they wouldn’t do that. I think Sophie will keep her word, but what about Jacob? Yeah, Batwoman saved his life…but he might get a little too curious ;-).
I am not much worried about the fact that Ryan and Batwoman were at that party. That happens all the time in the superhero shows, Kate did it in season 1, and Supergirl, for example, has plenty of scenes where Kara leaves a scene and seconds later Supergirl arrives…and that didn’t lead to someone actually finding out her secret 😉
Here Ryan was away for some time at least. I am not a fan of people finding out secret identities unless with a real unmasking involved.
As I wrote in the post, I think that Angelique will be trouble. I do enjoy a constellation like it could evolve here with Angelique loving Ryan and hating Batwoman at the same time…. which could lead to some very interesting scenes.
I love your reverse psychology theories! Of course, that would be great! 🙂
Your solution sounds like it would really ruin her career.
But I would just love to see a villain who really wants to unmasks her. Some teasing, some dialogues. Some attempts of unmasking her. Hands yanking on her mask. A damaged cowl.
Yeah, one can always dream 😉