You can watch the episodes LIVE on the CW (Sundays at 8 PM) or watch it also for FREE on the CW website (link) and on the CW app, starting Mondays after an episode has been aired on Sunday!
Some screenshots:
(click to enlarge – more pictures on the page of episode 7, link above)
Have you seen it already?
What do you think about it?
Leave a comment here or on the page of the episode!
There wasn’t a new Batwoman episode last Sunday as the CW was airing the Critics Choice Awards.
Episode 7 “It’s Best You Stop Digging” will be aired next Sunday (March 14).
Today I wanna make a quick post as I forgot to post the newest, really cool promo poster!
Also, I will post some “behind the scenes” pictures I found over the last 2 weeks.
The new promo poster:
(click to enlarge)
A cool poster for sure! As all the other ones were pretty dark, it’s good to have one which has a much brighter tone.
Still looking for an image with a higher resolution than this one (1080×1350) of this poster as it would look really cool on a wall.
Here are some behind the scenes pictures:
Rachel Skarsten and Meagan Tandy
Looks like someone got a new haircut
A Bat in the shadows 😉
They called themselves the Batstreet Boys (not my creation)
They are now filming episode 13!
(click to enlarge)
Also, I wanna put the trailer for the next episode in here, as he
Spoiler title
spoilers some….action….that is related to this blog. 😉
But be WARNED, if you want to be surprised, don’t watch this teaser.
Don’t read any further until you have seen the trailer!
Yeah, I know that Batwoman/Ryan is desperate to get to kill Alice as she thinks she will die soon because of her Kryptonite wound.
But Alice really finds out the secret identity of Batwoman way too easy for my taste. In season 1 she noticed her sister’s eyes under the cowl in episode 2. Here the new Batwoman unmasks herself willingly to get her personal revenge on Alice.
In season 1 Alice had her reasons to not let everyone know that Kate is Batwoman as she wanted to destroy Batwoman and at the same time wanted to keep her sister Kate safe.
But now, with Ryan the situation is different. Alice won’t be killed in the episode, that’s 99,99999999% sure. So, Alice could easily use her knowledge of Batwoman’s secret identity to her advantage at any time. For example, she could easily blackmail Batwoman to expose her secret identity if she would come after Alice again…
I wonder how that will play out. And I surely don’t want that her secret identity to get exposed to the public as that would be the end for Ryan ….and maybe even her team?
You can watch the episodes LIVE on the CW (Sundays at 8 PM) or watch it also for FREE on the CW website (link) and on the CW app, starting Mondays after an episode has been air on Sunday!
Some screenshots:
(click to enlarge – more pictures on the page of episode 1, link above)
Have you seen it already?
What do you think about it?
Leave a comment here or on the page of the episode!
*EDIT* Update, January 19:
Added some more thoughts to the review and finally installed a browser spell-checker 😉
I mostly recovered from the shock that Batwoman’s second season starts in January 2021 instead of the fall later this year.
Due to the Corona virus they simply can’t shoot soon enough to keep the usual fall start of (most of) their Arrowverse shows.
(click to enlarge)
On the good side CW president Mark Pedowitz mentioned that they -nonetheless- intend to give the Arrowverse shows “full” seasons with up to 22 episodes.
Normally the CW shows which start in January only get up to 13 episodes so they would be all aired before the summer.
Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow starting even later in “midseason” which should be in March/April.
If these two will get short seasons with only 13 episodes….the other Arrowverse shows which start 2 or 3 months earlier in January…should have more episodes as they simply have more time to air episodes. IF all of these shows end around the same time which they should.
So, if Batwoman’s second season would get a full season with around 20 episodes, it would air until July or even August.
Of course I would love as many episodes as possible in this second season.
I would be already ok with 16 episodes….but 18 or more episodes would be really great!
To have to wait 3 months longer for new episodes is one bad thing.
But….IF we get a (nearly) full season after all, I would be very happy!
In the end the most important aspect is how many episodes the season will actually get.
Let’s focus on the final episode of the show, which will be shown on the CW today (starting tomorrow on the app/cw site)!
Here is the trailer:
With the knowledge of the last episodes, the synopsis and pictures for this final episode of the season…..this should become a worthy, tragic, emotional finale to this season!
What will Alice, Hush and Mouse do? Are they ALL willing to kill Batwoman?
Why do the Crows capture Mary?
Why is Kate crying? Something really horrible must have happened! Was she unmasked by the Crows? Was someone hurt or even killed that she cares for?
Will Sophie and Julia be able to save Batwoman (if needed)?
What’s with the kryptonite? Will it be used in some weapon? How will the villains get kryptonite?
Will someone not survive the episode?
I am soooo thrilled about this episode! I am expecting a tragic and dramatic episode with a solid cliffhanger at the end.
Also I’m sad about it….just as it is the last new Batwoman episode for nearly 8 months.
My favorite scenes from the trailer:
Why is Batwoman so shocked?
Cornered by the Crows! Can she protect her secret identity? Or will they unmask her?
(cropped images from the trailer – click to enlarge)
Only two more episodes of Batwoman, and there is a trailer for the next episode on sunday available and also synopsises and promo pictures for both episodes!
And especially the trailer and the promo pictures offer a lot of highly interesting questions!
I only present official promo material, but I present my ideas about what might happen….
Let’s start with episode 19 that will air on Sunday 10th:
The synopsis:
CRACKING THE CODE – When members of Gotham’s intelligentsia begin disappearing, Commander Kane (Dougray Scott), Sophie (Meagan Tandy) and the Crows go searching for the newest homicidal threat to the city. In the meantime, Kate (Ruby Rose) is consumed with someone’s betrayal and starts questioning the loyalty of everyone around her just when she needs them most. So when Luke (Camrus Johnson) and Julia (guest star Christina Wolfe) go missing, Batwoman must rely on Mary (Nicole Kang) and a former foe to deploy her rescue mission. Meanwhile, Alice (Rachel Skarsten) enlists Tommy Elliot (guest star Gabriel Mann) to help acquire an elusive item that her sister also seeks. Greg Beeman directed the episode written by Jerry Shandy and Kelly Larson (#119). Original airdate 5/10/2020.
There is no trailer for the final episode yet, as they are released when one episode was aired.
But the synsopis and the promo pictures are VERY interesting!
The synopsis:
SEASON FINALE – When one of Gotham’s former heroes returns to his old stomping grounds to settle a score, both Batwoman (Ruby Rose) and Commander Kane (Dougray Scott) find themselves on the defensive. Meanwhile, Alice (Rachel Skarsten) has uncovered what could finally take down Batwoman, but she is losing hold on her henchman Mouse (guest star Sam Littlefield) and Hush (guest star Gabriel Mann), sending her spiraling into her most wicked self. Luke (Camrus Johnson) immediately focuses on finding a way to protect Batwoman from Alice, and Mary (Nicole Kang) has a chance to be the sister Kate has needed all along. New information surfaces, forcing Julia (guest star Christina Wolfe) to warn Sophie (Meagan Tandy) about the person pulling the strings. And in a final standoff, when Commander Kane refuses to retreat from his war on Batwoman, Kate may find herself more than heartbroken by her father’s choices. Amanda Tapping directed the episode written by Holly Henderson and Don Whitehead (#120). Original airdate 5/17/2020.
>>> So, if you combine all these infos together, a LOT of questions can be asked! <<<
– What are the goals of Hush, Alice and Mouse? Seems that the are different. And I guess that Hush and Mouse do wanna hunt down Batwoman! And Alice doesn’t want that, even Kate locked her up in Arkham, I’m sure she doesn’t want Kate to be killed. Also Alice and Mouse know who Batwoman is! Will they tell Hush? Or will he find out about Kate Kane’s night job on his own? What will happen with Mouse? The last episode is called “O, Mouse!” and I somehow have a strong feeling that Mouse won’t survive, as Alice might have to choose between Mouse and her sister. I’m sure that Mouse will be a thread to Batwoman and that she will side with her sister in the end.
– What happens between Batwoman and Jacob? It clearly seems that they collide and Jacob now really does want Batwoman to be taken down! What will happen? Will he find out who Batwoman is under that mask? I wouldn’t be totally surprised if he will even die in the season finale as it is mentioned how heartbroken Kate is! But I would rather say that he will survive….And I would love if Jacob would at least try to unmask Batwoman! I don’t want Kate to tell him her secret…..that would be really the worst solution.
– What kind of weapon can be found in that journal? Seemingly it is a BIG danger to Batwoman. Why does Alice want it? Why is Julia and her mysterious contact after it?
– Who is Julia working for? Is it Safiyah? That might be the safest bet….
– The promo pictures indicate that both Julia and Luke gets kidnapped! They may want Luke for decoding the journal….but what do they want with Julia?
– Who is that former hero of Gotham that the synopsis for episode 20 is mentioning? Of course my dream scenario would be Batgirl….but that chance is slim….very slim. But what about her father? I think the chances are not too bad that Jim Gordon will show up! Or will it be one of the other vigilantes from the Bat-family? I hope the trailer for the episode will show us something!
– Why is Parker in the Batcave? I guess she will try to decode that journal too….but therefore team Batwoman would need to get it first.
– What will happen between Julia, Sophie and Kate? Kate wasn’t happy about seeing them together in the trailer….
– Also what about Reagan? Will Kate forgive her? Will Magpie show up again?
Oh man, I expect a lot of twists and tragedy from these last two episodes of the season!
And hopefully a BIG, nail-biting cliffhanger!
Can’t wait!
(many more promo pictures can be found with the links above)
Finally the new episode is around the corner and airs on sunday.
Damn, that was a long 5 weeks without new episodes. Can’t imagine how long the break between the seasons will feel. 🙁
This sunday episode 17 will air, here is the trailer:
A reliable source say the season has 20 episodes (instead of the 22 that were planned before the Virus). These episodes will be aired weekly until the final episode of season 1 on May 17. So there will be 4 new episodes in the next 23 days!
And here is a new poster for the show:
(click to enlarge to full size)
I am really happy about the return of the show and hope that they can start filming again in the summer somehow, so the second sesason can be aired as usually from october onwards.
*EDIT* Update, April 25:
Two of the Promo pictures for episode 18, more details below….
(click to enlarge to full size)
These are some of the fresh promo images from episode 18, which will be shown on May 3rd.
Damn, what a sexy situation that is perfect for a lot of possible, sexy outcomes!
Noticed that barrel of money in his hand.
What is the guy up to?
Does he want to sell Batwoman to the highest bidder?
Does he want to sell her UNMASKING to the highest bidder?
How was she captured?
How will she get out of this?
Personally I would love to see him reaching for her mask, yanking a little on it while Batwoman starts to panic.
Then, just before the mask comes off, she gets saved by someone.
I guess that won’t happen….but however, this will be a verrrrrrrry, sexy and perilous scene!
P.S.: Seems they get fond of tying her up. She was already tied up in episode 13 (“Drink me”) as Nocturna captured her 🙂
Well, saw the last two episodes of the crossover today, but I will write about it on friday I guess.
Today I wanna show you this brilliant trailer for episode 10 of Batwoman (January 19):
WELL……not only we have a masked, female vampire….named Nocturna, who was in the comics as this epic scene happened:
….but we also (seemingly) get a forced (attempted?) UNMASKING!
“Take OFF the MASK, Batty/Baddy!” (short for Batwoman)
Seems like Alice wanna take a nice video of Batwoman unmasking herself!
She does already know that her sister Kate is under that cowl …..but I guess she wants to have some real proof to blackmail her 😉
And if you take a close look at some of the frames in the trailer……Batwoman has actually two kinds of masks!
….no chin strap! And is that her/a cowl in the foreground? Why does this other mask exist? Does they change her cowl? IF yes, why? This mask would actually be less secure! Or is that a backup mask? Verrrry interesting stuff….
^ The normal cowl with chin strap. And what kind of device is that? Has is something to do with Luke’s work on Batwoman’s secret (see synopsis below)?
Would make sense that Luke would come up with a technical solution. But how does it work?
— The official Synopsis:
AFTERMATH – While Gotham busies itself reacting to Batwoman’s (Ruby Rose) awkward encounter, Alice (Rachel Skarsten) celebrates her ultimate act of vengeance with Mouse (guest star Sam Littlefield). A devastated Mary (Nicole Kang) focuses on Jacob Kane’s (Dougray Scott) trial, while Sophie (Meagan Tandy) seeks advice about her love life from someone unexpected. As they tackle the newest threat to Gotham, Luke (Camrus Johnson) prioritizes protecting Batwoman’s secret, and Kate must decide what she is willing to do to honor Batwoman’s identity…and her own. Jeff Hunt directed the episode written by Caroline Dries (#110). Original airdate 1/19/2020.
Oh man, good that the episode is only some days away. This trailer offers some many interesting questions!
And a real unmasking scene for sure! No matter if Alice succeeds with her plan or not….
– Never has a trailer with just more than 20 seconds (of real running time) me excited so MUCH!
After watching the episode, it is clear that the description of the trailer was wrong.
The trailer shows scenes from various episodes….I guess from the next 3 episodes!