A masked villainess VS 2 masked female ninjas

Some time ago I read about this new show and the title already sounded promising.

Out of a hunch I investigated as I hoped to find a masked woman in this one… and I wasn’t disappointed 🙂

In this scene, two masked women meet….


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

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Watch the video before you continue!

Thought about making a longer video… but it’s a new show so I had to end it there to increase the chance it could be on YouTube.

I love the tension building buildup towards the unmaskings 🙂

Obviously, the good ninja was expecting someone else under the mask, it would certainly be interesting to know.

I haven’t seen the whole episode or season yet, maybe I will.

The reveal of the masked evil woman was done really well as she slowly unmasks and then you see her creepy smile after the reveal 🙂

I like that both quickly put their masks back on, makes a lot of sense, especially with the villainess as that heavy mask also protects her face.

A nice bonus to have a third masked woman as well… even the colors of her outfit are quite ….uncool to say at least.

That scene is the highlight of the season when it comes to masked women… as far as I know.

But perhaps I find a little more if I watch the whole thing instead of skipping through it.

Here is the IMDB page of the TV show:

IMDB link

A masked female Zorro – Scene 4 – Zorro gets…UNMASKED! [Blog exclusive]

So, it’s time for more (female) Zorro scenes….

This time with my highlight of the season… The female Zorro gets UNMASKED!


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Here is the video:

Zorro gets UNMASKED!

(English audio)

You can watch and also download the scenes there.

The episode title is “Mask Games”… wow, that’s a verrry promising title already.

As I read it I had especially high hopes for the episode… and well, I wasn’t disappointed 🙂

Yeah, it’s uncool that she is unconscious. But it’s not just the “ordinary” self-unmasking …and she gets unmasked in front of several witnesses!

Her secret is now completely ruined! Most of these folks didn’t even know that a woman was under that mask.

Out of those… only the male lead of the show knew.

The camera perspective isn’t so good as she gets unmasked, as the hand gets in the way and partly blocks the view.

Still… a good unmasking and I like that they added the “Zorro unmasked” extra shot.

A good example of that an unmasking is even more satisfying when it happens in episode 6 of a TV show.


Here is the IMDB page of the TV show (scenes are from episode 6):


What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here … or on the “Community” post on YouTube!


5 masked women wanna rob a cash truck!

Thanks a lot for this recommendation as well!

I watched the whole movie as it is about a gang of 5 women who rob banks and cash trucks in their spare time 😉

And of course, they are masked 🙂

Sounds great, doesn’t it?


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Here is the video:

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I cut out 2 short scenes (without masks, without action) so that the video would be a bit shorter. Hope it can stay on Youtube…

There is a short bank robbery at the beginning, where they are fully masked as well, but the audience doesn’t know that they are actually women.

They do a good job of hiding that.

Perhaps I will upload that scene as well in the future.

But then you have a whole movie about the traumatized female detective and some side plots that are all pretty uninteresting.

It then takes until the very end of the movie as they finally have another heist.

The masks are a very good disguise and I really enjoy the “mask talk”.

Since most of you don’t understand German, here is a translation for you folks:

The woman takes off her mask in front of the guard.

“Hey, have you ever thought that women would rob you?”

Other woman: “Are you nuts? Put the mask back on… NOW!”

“Come on Theresa, it is getting boring…”

“Put that mask back on!”


Damn, some sexy lines 😉

Also, I like the dark-toned music… quite a lot.

Also, I did enjoy that the guy managed to take down one of them.

I was so hoping that he would unmask her… but then he got shot… DAMN IT!

So, in the end, we only have 2 self unmaskings in that scene.

A lot of wasted potential… but certainly some good scenes in this one.

Quite a crazy shootout…

The ending has some spaghetti western vibes to it 😉


Here is the name of the movie:

Tatort: Waffenschwestern (2008)

(Tatort is the name of a movie series, “Waffenschwestern” is the actual movie name)

The full movie can be found on the streaming service ARD Plus, which can be tested for free for 14 days… but you have to live in Germany for that.

But perhaps you can move there quickly with a VPN… 😉

A masked female Zorro – Scenes 2+3 – Zorro VS Zorro [Blog exclusive]

So, time for more (female) Zorro scenes….

This time the female Zorro faces the male Zorro!


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Zorro VS Zorro

(now with English audio)

You can watch and also download the scenes there.

Yeah, her interpretation of being Zorro is rather …..unusual 😆

At this point in the story, she is more like a villainess than a heroine.

I really enjoy the scenes a lot where she is masked. It’s a good disguise (apart from the face paint she is also using without the mask) and besides her people and him, nobody knows who she is underneath that mask.

The secret identity is intact. But that might change in a future episode… 😉

The quick self-unmasking and re-masking here is also a nice treat in this one.

I will post more from this show in the upcoming weeks.

Here is the IMDB page of the TV show (scenes are from episode 4):


What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here … or on the “Community” post on YouTube!


Three masked women rob a bank!

Thanks a lot for this recommendation as well!

Here we have quite a long scene where three fully masked women rob a bank!

And they are quite young… teenagers more or less (even though the actresses were older than that… like mostly).



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

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Well, they really take their disguises seriously… well done!

The two who were in the bank:

Hood, full face mask, gloves, bandana, sunglasses, voice changer

And also clothing that doesn’t tell that they are women. Not sexy, but certainly very wise!

An A+ for effort 😉

Yeah, the security guards were pretty useless, and there were no attempts at unmasking them 🙁

But the three self-unmaskings are well done and nice reveals as you don’t have the slightest clue how they might look like.

The scene happens very early in the movie so even if you have watched the full movie you haven’t seen their faces beforehand.

I also like the scene where the bank woman gets close to the one bank robber and recognizes her by that armband. Nice tension 🙂

Here is the IMDB page of the movie:


A masked female Zorro – Hostages at the bank – Scene 1 – [Blog exclusive][…..and no, it’s NOT the Queen of Swords]

I saw the poster for this TV show some weeks back and started watching it as it made me curious enough.

And damn… I found a gold mine 🙂

The main hero of a show is a guy who becomes Zorro… so far, so normal.

But… there is a woman who thinks that it’s her right/duty to become the next Zorro… instead of the guy.

And she has quite a lot of scenes in mask and costume 🙂


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Here is the video:

Female Zorro at the bank

You can watch and also download the scenes there.

The video was blocked on YouTube in many countries… so I couldn’t post it there … again 🙁

Well, this is only her first scene in mask and costume.

Luckily she has a lot of appearances and there are also some secret identity “issues” 🙂

Also, I like that … as she is often fighting against the male “all good” Zorro…. she is also a villainess.

In comparison to the Queen of Swords her outfit and mask are less sexy but her mask and hat are a much better disguise!

With that mask and hat, she covers her face really well and it fits to being a female version of Zorro.

Ok, the fact that she has that exact black face paint as Zorro and in her “normal” life is pretty…. stupid, but ok… I can ignore that.

I will post more scenes with her in the upcoming weeks.

Here is the IMDB page of the TV show (scene is from episode 2):


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here … or on the “Community” post on YouTube!


The bad guy… and the masked lady who keeps him tied up in her basement [Blog exclusive]

Thanks a lot for this recommendation as well!

It was recommended a while ago… but since my video edits of this one weren’t welcome on YouTube, it got postponed.

In this one, a masked lady has a guy tied up in her basement and keeps him as a prisoner there!

Quite an unusual scenario…


(click to enlarge)

Here are the videos:

Scene 1 (watch this one FIRST!)

Scene 2

You can watch and also download the scenes there.

Well, I love the tension! How she hides under that mask so that her evil prisoner won’t find out who she is.

It drives me mad that he recognized her eyes and her voice and thereby found out who she is … even with the pretty good mask she used.

She was one of dozens of patients that guy had in the last weeks… so I find it really hard to believe that he would recognize her from her voice and the little of her that he

can see.

If that would work like that most superhero masks would be pretty useless 😉 … even a good disguise like the Batman cowl.

As I watched this movie I really hoped that the bad guy would be able to free himself and then unmask her in a nice struggle.

But he failed big time… 🙁

Nonetheless, I really like this scenario and the tension… as long as he didn’t know who the masked woman was.

Here is the IMDB page of the movie:


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here … or on the “Community” post on YouTube!


What could have been: The early Batman movies …and Catwoman spin off movie

Batman Returns is my favorite Batman movie… and you know why 😉

The two Tim Burton Batman movies are really very special to me and I love “Batman & Robin” for one reason as well (starts with “Bat” and ends with “girl”).

I stumbled upon some videos about certain aspects of these early movies and what could have been… if some other decisions would have been made back in the day.

Here is the first one (not my video or upload):


The fact that McDonalds promoted “Batman Returns” with toys in Happy Meals is just hilarious.

The movie is awesome… but definitely not made for kids.

Seemingly WarnerBrothers and McDonalds were surprised by that?!? 😆

Sadly the movie didn’t make as much money as they hoped and the plan with a Catwoman Spin-off movie was never greenlighted.

But we got the Halle Barry Catwoman flick instead… oh my god! 🙁

That is the real tragedy here.

Imagine a movie with Michelle Pfeiffer’s Catwoman as the main character! I might sell my soul for that…

But the quest for toy sales for those damn kids ruined that… and the two toy commercial movies with Schumacher followed.

Even I always will defend “Batman & Robin” as some minutes of Batgirl in that costume just made it so remarkable for me.

And the fact that “Batman Forever” made more money than “Batman Returns”…. is just insane when you compare the quality of the movies.

All the damn kids were allowed to watch “Batman Forever”… the money that “Batman Returns” missed to get.

So, what might have happened if Joel Schumacher had made a third Batman movie?

Verrrry interesting!

A darker movie with that storyline… yeah, would have been interesting to watch for sure, especially with Catwoman appearing again, even if it seemingly would have been just a hallucination.

Scarecrow and Harley as the villains, and hating Bruce Wayne and one hating Batman… yeah, sounds like a good idea!

But yeah, it would have been quite difficult and expensive… to have made that one.

An alternative script for Batman Returns:

Hmh, yeah… these Catwoman scenes could have been awesome as well!

There are basically two Catwoman aspects that I don’t like in “Batman Returns”:

– The fact that she is a secretary who then goes on to have her revenge on her boss (instead of being a master-class thief)

– And that Selina and Bruce learn each other secret identities by re-phrasing that one dialogue that had as Catwoman and Batman.

These two aspects could have been improved for sure with a different script.

But it’s really hard to tell if that script would have made a(n even) better movie.

We will never know…

A villainess …hidden in bandages

Thanks a lot for this recommendation!

This one is certainly a bit unusual… as I read about it at first I wasn’t thrilled, but then I watched the scene … and yeah, it’s pretty great!


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

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Well, that is a great reveal of a villainess! And it’s no other than Gina Gershon (“Bound”)!

The music fits perfectly and Gershon plays it really well as she surprises her former protege who is now a media star.

I will watch the full episode the next days so I don’t know the full backstory… yet.

Looking forward to how the villainess gets caught in the end.

But it clearly seems that Vanessa (Gina Gershon) has some major issues with the famous doctor 😉

It’s quite a brutal kill, even it isn’t shown fully.

And we get a second unmasking as the victim …whose face is surprisingly intact… gets unmasked as well!

Yeah, these bandages aren’t a sexy mask… especially as you expect to see something … more or less…. gross when they come off.

But they provide a great disguise for sure.

Here is the IMDB page of the episode:


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

3 women in gas masks rob a bank!

Thanks to the nice guy who recommended me this TV episode!

In this one, we have 3 female bank robbers in gas masks(!) as they rob a bank 🙂


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

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Ok, well…. that sounded (much) better on paper… in my opinion.

First, the scene is very short.

Then you have verrrrry unfitting girl-pop music and weird slow-motion in it! WHYYYYY??????!!!???

Two really horrific choices 🙁

But…. on the good side, you have 3 women in gas masks (and a dude) who rob a bank! Great scenario 🙂

Certainly, this scene would also fit my Frogwoman.org blog as the gas masks are not only to keep their identity a secret but also they are needed as a breathing device against

the tear gas.

Also, I like the quick costume change (also much too quick) where they change from menacing bank robbers in gas masks to innocent women in seconds.

They are perfectly disguised with these jumpsuits and Kevlar vests. #goodjob

All in all…. this scene could have been much better with such a great scenario! Imagine a security guard or a cop grabbing for one of those gas masks!

Trying to unmask them in order to use the gas mask for himself/herself and thereby exposing that unmasked face to witnesses and/or cameras….

Sadly, they don’t appear again in those outfits later on in the episode.

Side note: Baywatch beauty Yasmine Bleeth is also in the episode… and she made it into some videos on my other blog.

Here is the IMDB page of the TV episode:


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

All the Spider-girls scenes from Madame Web

Remember my euphoric, hopeful post about this movie from early February?


Well, some days before I wanted to go to the cinema I read the first reviews about it…. and they were… quite… bad!

One aspect especially annoyed me to read: The extremely limited screen time of the women in their costumes.

I decided not to watch the movie in the cinema back then.

By now I have watched the movie… and yeah… it is indeed disappointing, and the marketing before it was misleading… at best.

But more on that later…

I edited all the scenes with the women in costume and mask in one video!


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

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Yeah… that is it. A little over one minute… a real shame! 🙁

As I had seen the promo pictures with the women in costume… I really feel cheated and betrayed.

And the worst part: Both scenes with them, aren’t happening in the movie for “real”.

The first scene is a nightmare that the bad guy always has (well, I would love to have such “nightmares” ;-)) and the second mini scene is a vision from Madame Web.

So, we have a pretty boring movie with little interesting action and barely any screen time at all with the masked ladies.

And not surprisingly the movie flopped big time… what a missed opportunity …once again.

3 more scriptwriters that should be thrown into the movie dungeon for such a horrific job.

Plus the folks who greenlighted it.

Even with the bad critics, I watched the movie for 2 reasons:

Spider-ladies … and… Sydney Sweeney

But everything else… isn’t interesting or well done, so… I certainly won’t watch the movie a second time.

I could write a lot more about this movie… but well… I already spent enough time on it.


Damn, I really hope that there will be a good movie or TV show with a masked woman in the lead role… soon.

The last years offered verrrry little in that regard.

Here is the IMDB page of the movie:


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

A masked female burglar wants to get some goods from a safe

So, time for another scene with a masked woman!

In this case, we have a masked female burglar who wants some stuff from a safe.

Will she get what she wants and get away from the guards?



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

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Watch the video before you continue!

Well, I guess that may be the most unfitting mask I have ever seen on a woman 😆

Looks like she needs a size S or M but choose a XXXXL mask for her heist.

Maybe it was a practical thing for the filming to not “ruin” her hair and/or have a very easy unmasking?

Or maybe she as a burglar chooses it to even disguise her better.

Anyhow, seems like that mask just could have been blown off by a slight breeze.

Not a very sexy mask, but surely an effective disguise.

I don’t get why she takes off that mask in the room with the safe, as it is risky… even if it is a closed space.

Maybe it was the old “we must present her pretty face as often as possible” trope from the producers…

But at least she quickly re-masks as the alarm goes off.

A shame the guards weren’t even able to find her… so, as often… no fight scene with the masked woman 🙁

I wish these guards in most movies would be a little more competent…

That is the only scene with her in a mask in the movie.

Wanna know from which movie this is?


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

Meanwhile on my other blog…

For some time now, I have created videos for my other blog frogwoman.org.

Today I wanna make a post here, as a certain video is relevant to this blog as well!

In this video, a certain female thief wants to retrieve some stolen diamonds.

But a greedy female Cop wants to get her hands on them too!

And a female vigilante wants to catch the thief….

So, you have Catwoman and Batgirl in an underwater fight!

How about some pictures?

A trailer:

The music in the trailer is from “Batman Returns”.

(There is music in the video as well, but only in the intro and outro)

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button of the video on YouTube! 😉

Much more info on the video can be found here:


And to be perfectly honest:

There are no secret identity aspects in that video, no unmasking or such things.

But if you like masked women in rubber wetsuits who wrestle underwater…. then you will enjoy the video 😉

Do you wanna watch the whole video?

Well, you could join the VIP club on Frogwoman.org, but that probably wouldn’t make much sense for you as the other videos there don’t contain masked women 😉

Unless you count a scuba mask as a mask (in terms of a disguise).


So, right here on the blog, you get an alternative method to get the video:

You need a PayPal account and/or a credit card.

Send 4 Euro with PayPal to


… and you will receive an email with a link to watch/download the video (around 700 MB/1080p).

Please let me know that you want “Video 32”.

I will send it to your PayPal address …unless you provide an alternative to that.


Use the contact form on this page.

Robin Hood and the masked female vigilante!?!

As I am away over the Easter weekend… there will be no post on Sunday as usual.

But you will get one today instead! 😉

This one is from a classic that shouldn’t be missing on this blog…


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

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I was a young teenager when this movie came out and really enjoyed it… and it’s still fun to watch!

The reveal, that this sneaky, masked figure is a woman, let alone Marian… is certainly well made, as you don’t expect to find a woman under the mask, especially in such a scenario.

Yeah, the mask isn’t particularly stylish or sexy… but it’s a great and unusual disguise as it covers up nearly everything.

Even it should be quite difficult to see a lot from the inside of the mask…

I wonder why Marian chose that outfit? Was she wearing it before? Just to defend her home, or was she in some vigilante business before?

I mean a masked Marian reminds me of a certain TV show where she is a masked vigilante with the deceiving name “Nightwatchman”.

Well, it certainly fooled the audience and Robin.

Wanna know from which movie this is?


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

The Queen of Swords secret identity is in danger! A costume change under time pressure…

Today it’s time for one final post about the great Queen of Swords TV show!

This one is quite short, but it is certainly interesting 🙂


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Here is the video:

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Watch the video before you continue!

I love such “secret identity in danger” scenarios where a masked heroine gets under pressure to protect her secret identity from getting destroyed!

She is under big-time pressure to quickly change into her “normal” persona Tessa so that her nosy friend doesn’t find out that she is actually the Queen of Swords.

And the very nice “bonus” where she almost walks out with her night robe still wearing her mask… is great!

Imagine Vera’s face if she would have seen Tessa with that mask on… 😆

That would have been quite embarrassing…

So, we get a nice self-unmasking which is quite rare in this TV show… I guess there is only one more in it.

All in all a thrilling scene for me, and also a bit funny as well.

More Queens of Swords in the Hall of Fame:


Wanna know from which episode this is?


What do you think about this scene?

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