Before the “regular” weekly post on Sunday, I wanna make a quick post today about the Batwoman TV show as I stumbled upon some really cool pictures this week!
For starters, these new Batwoman promo posters were published yesterday:
(click to enlarge to full size)
Really cool promo poster! I especially like that Ryan/Batwoman have the exact same head pose, so it shows her transformation by putting on her Batwoman cowl.
One of them already made it into the new headline of this blog 😉
A nice template for how she looks unmasked!
Would be pretty cool if someone would movie her unmasked head onto the version with the costume……
Rachel Skarsten posted these pictures on her Instagram yesterday:
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The Kane family reunited! Well, except Mary to be precise. At least they are together on set for now, but that will happen on the show as well…sooner or later.
Jacob (Dougray Scott) looks so weird with that happy smile 😆 ….as he normally is mostly sad or angry on the show.
Can’t wait to see Wallis Day on the show…… as the
Spoiler title
three short Kate Kane scenes only showed a bandaged woman….that could have been as well played by a stuntwoman.
Will finally watch (at least) the first couple of episodes of Krypton the next few days to see her in action for a longer time.
Also, Christina Wolfe posted this picture:

(click to enlarge)
The first behind-the-scenes picture that I found of her in the Batwoman costume and cowl!
It was great to see her in that suit back in season 1 (episode 7)! Well, perhaps she will put that one again for a mission in the future…or another costume with a mask….that would be really great!
I wanna promote a really good site for Batwoman fans:
I am on that site pretty often, it’s a really good source for recaps, picture galleries, trailers, casting news, and synopsizes of future episodes (which I link to in the Batwoman sites here on the blog)!
You can easily create an account there and then comment on their posts or visit the forum for discussions with other fans!