I really like this video, and I also hate it! Why? More on that later on…
I stumbled upon this scene as I watch this show for a while and finally started watching it again.
We have two masked women in a heist 🙂
(click to enlarge)
Here is the video:
Ok, where to start?
I watched the episode and the blonde master thief was introduced. The police were never able to prove any of her thefts and she was planning something.
Of course, my fantasy imagined a great heist scene where she would battle some cops who tried to stop and unmask her.
I was really thrilled by the possibilities 🙂
Then she goes on a heist, and puts up a great mask …. and you might imagine how I reacted to the scene that followed 😉
I cursed at my TV as she was running away and unmasked herself for NO reason! DAMN IT! WHY????????
I mean the police already predicted she would show up there and that’s why all the cops were on the scene undercover.
But she is still masked and could escape. WHY does she unmask herself as she is running away?
That makes no sense at all. I mean as long she is masked she is still “safe” as the cops have no proof that she did it.
It would have been so great if Nolan (the guy in the security dude uniform) would wrestle her down and unmask after a fight… but NO, of course not!
It’s a real trope by now that masked women always unmask themselves for no reason.
That drives me crazy! Another wasted opportunity 🙁
I mean she is already wearing a nice catsuit (sort of) and the mask in combination with the cap is a great disguise… but they screw it up.
Also, it is quite odd that she is on a heist and is wearing these ankle boots with heels but… ok, not as crazy/unrealistic as a Catwoman with stiletto heels (TDKR)….even she was insanely sexy.
The second masked woman is just a little bonus as she is just a nameless henchwoman.
In my imagination, she would have also prevented the unmasking at a nightly heist (without a crew) and would then re-appear in later episodes 😉
Well, I don’t write these scripts…. hopefully, there will be more masked women in the show.
Wanna know from which episode and show this is?
Feel welcome to leave a comment on the blog post here or on the Youtube video!
What do you think about this scene?