The evil, masked biker chick in black leather

That one is on my upload list for a while and it’s time to post this one!

This one features Jet Li VS some evil folks on motorcycles. And as you can guess, not all of them are men 😉

They all are wearing helmets with mirrored visors, so our evil biker chicks is fully concealed.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, not exactly a “traditional” unmasking, but I like the reveal.

It isn’t even clear to the audience that that biker is a woman, so the surprise is quite nice. Pretty sure that might be a man on the bike before she finally flew to the ground.

What I really don’t like is what happens after the reveal. He realizes it’s a woman he fighting and then he doesn’t want to fight her because he wouldn’t hit a woman.

What a sexist crap is that? Yeah, the movie is 20 years old, but damn, it’s just so disrespectful to her. She is a skilled fighter who wants to kill him and he doesn’t take her seriously.

And the whole thing to use the other woman to hit her….oh man. Silly, embarrassing comedy….in my opinion.

I cut the scene some seconds short to avoid problems with youtube. She falls on that metal bar and gets impaled what they show with a weird sort of (unbloody) x-ray animation as the metal thing goes through her heart.

Wanna know the title of the movie?


What do you think about that scene?

Leave your comment below!

The 2 really interesting scenes in a …not so….interesting show

I’m not a fan of this show, and it was already canceled by Cancelflix after just one season with 8 episodes.

Even the season had only 8 episodes you could have easily told the story in 3 or 4 episodes.

And the idea to explain the backstory of (most of) the heroes in back flashes throughout the whole season(!) was really bad in my opinion.

But let’s focus on the good parts! The show provided two interesting scenes after all.

Let’s start with the most interesting one!


(click to enlarge)

The scenes weren’t welcome on Youtube, so check it out:

…sorry, had to remove it… are too late…

Watch the video first before you continue!

Ok, the bad news is…..that was her only scene in this mask and costume in the entire show. What a wasted potential…. 🙁

The costume is pretty great! Also I love the mask, it disguises Raikou’s face well and the material is well chosen! Ok, the cowl could use a chin strap for security reasons…but ok, not a major flaw.

Would have been so great to have seen her in more scenes…especially if some bad guys would get curious to see the face under that mask! 😉

It’s great that some of the masked “henchfolks” are actually (masked!) henchWOmen! It’s a pretty cool trend that the bad guys nowadays employ female fighters as well for their evil deeds. 10-20 years ago you could barely find any henchWOmen at all. I like the masks that they are wearing, a nice bonus feature!

Overall a really good scene….a shame

This scene was in episode 7.


Wanna see her unmasked face? Here is a picture:

Raikou unmasked



In the very first episode, there was an interesting scene as well.


(click to enlarge)

The scenes weren’t welcome on Youtube, so check it out:

…sorry, had to remove it… are too late…

Yeah, I’m not a fan of those sci-fi costumes that can appear out of nowhere. I much prefer the “normal” version that you have to get on like normal clothes.

The fact that a villainess attacks bad guys who already are on a robbery…is pretty cool!

The fight isn’t that interesting, and her “costume” is rather lame…except for the boots. But the end is quite nice as her mask is just damaged enough that we can see one of her eyes.

And as you should know by now….I like to see damaged masks 😉 , a rare view!

This is the show:


What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!

The masked female double agent [+BONUS video]

Today I have a real gem for you….in my opinion 😉

The scene is already pretty great, but if you know the context around it….it’s even better.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

I just love such a scene! Really great how he demands that she unmasks herself.

And her reaction is great as well! Her mouth open, barely visible under that net cloth over it. Her eyes show how afraid she is to lose her mask, how afraid that he will soon find out who is hiding underneath that mask.

And the great thing is: They know each other…..verrrrry well 😉 ! She is actually working with him in the agency with some …”benefits” included ;-).

But at the same time, she is also working with the bad guys! If he would see her unmasked face….she would be totally finished. For her, everything is at stake at that moment. And she sells that very well and it’s great that she buys herself some crucial seconds as she is really slowly unmasking herself. Also, her mask shows how serious she is with her masquerade. She uses black face paint around the eyes (more on that later), the eye openings on the mask are very small, and with that net cloth, you can barely see her mouth….a very effective mask.

Another plus point for me is the rare type of unmasking. It’s a foiled (forced) self unmasking. I love attempted unmaskings as well, and they are rather rare as most of the unmasking attempts are successful.

So, I do have two BONUS scenes for the visitors of this blog!

The first scene of the following video shows her and the other bad guy just before the scenes of the video above.

The second scene takes place some minutes later at the very end of the episode.


Yeah, sadly she doesn’t unmask herself onscreen, but this scene where she puts the mask on is not bad! Especially seeing her with these panda eyes….is a very rare sight!

I added the second scene to show you how she looks without the mask and also to show how close they (seemingly) are. But he has no idea that he pointed a gun right at her masked face earlier that day. 🙂

Wanna know from which episode of Alias this scene is?

IMDB link

What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment below!



2 female, masked bank robbers in 2 scenes

This one was recommended to me quite some time ago, but I had problems getting my hands on the movie.

Thanks to the guy who recommended me this one! Shamefully I can’t find that old email with the search function….so it would be great if the one who recommended this one would contact me again with the date when he sent me that email with the recommendation!

Nowadays I have a much better system to organize such things, but not back then….

This movie is sort of a “must-have” if you like to see masked women!

I could so many more scenes out of that movie as we have 2 women who are masked for the bigger part of the whole movie!

But as I can’t post all these scenes I focused on my 2 favorite scenes.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

…sorry, had to remove it… are too late…


I cut the scenes down to under 4 minutes…and it was blocked immediately on Youtube. I even tried it with just one scene with under 2 minutes….but the same result 🙁

So this will be another video that is only available on this blog and not on my Youtube channel.

Now to the scenes in the video (WATCH the video first!):

She looks very sexy with that mask on her which conceals her face really well.

I really love how close he is to her. With one quick pull, he could unmask her and find out who is hiding under that mask!

But well, that wouldn’t be too good for his health I guess 😉

But if I would be in his position…..I would have a hard time hiding my……excitement.

At first, I was really disappointed that she unmasked herself….but well, her secret identity was gone by that time anyway as the cops had figured out who she is.

This is a far too common trope…. that they figure out way too often who is under a mask without physically unmasking her/him first.

Pretty sure you folks too prefer the masked women to be unmasked by someone yanking off that mask…instead of some research and tech gadgets 😉

But on the good side, we have a nice self unmasking. And it’s not the only one in this movie….so if you wanna see the other ones….you should watch the whole movie!

But of course, you won’t find any scene where someone unmasks one of the female robbers….if such scenes were in the movie….I would of course post them 😉

This is the title of the movie:


What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!

Stunning masked female bank robbers! [+bonus video]

Don’t know how I forgot about this movie. I do have the DVD in my collection for a really long time now.

Recently I decided to re-watch the movie and now it’s time to make a blog post about it!

In this one 4 stunning women/models decide to rob some banks. The leader does also is the getaway driver and so we get some nice car chases in the movie….


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Interesting and sexy scenes!

I like that they really take their disguise very seriously. They dress up in rather clunky men’s clothes or sports clothes so that you can’t even tell that they are women unless you get a closer look.

Also, their masks are very effective as they really disguise their faces.

Sadly they are quite sloppy when it comes to keeping their masks on. 2 of them are already unmasked when the cops show up who can clearly see their faces.

Also, the 2 masked women quickly unmask (sadly off screen) as they drive away with the female cop. The sexy lieutenant now knows how all of them look. So, they do have quite a problem now…

The scene with the body search is…..damn sexy! The female cop is really sexy and isn’t afraid of showing it (mildly) throughout the movie. And when supermodel Gisele Bündchen searches her body really thoroughly…. that’s insanely sexy…in my opinion.

In my version of the movie all 4 would keep their masks on (Gisele would wear one too) and the lieutenant and the male cop would battle them hand to hand. During the struggle, more cops would arrive at the scene and they would start to overpower the bank robbers. Now they would try to unmask them, one by one. After some resistance 3 of them would be fully unmasked while Gisele would try to escape. The cop would follow her and they would have a long fight where she would desperately try to keep her mask on. 😉

I do have a short BONUS video for you guys!

In this one, you can see how the 4 chicks arrive in New York and later changes their outfits into beachwear(!) as they try to escape the cops.

Oh my! I wouldn’t mind being that cop in that scene 😉

Not every day you check a car with 4 models in bikinis in it!

This is the movie:


The IMDB score of 4.5 is really surprising to me! Yeah, it’s not a really good comedy but the movie has some nice gags, cool car chases, and these 4 gorgeous bank robbers!

For me, that is certainly enough to enjoy the movie. I suspect that many folks might have “problems” with Queen Latifah as the female lead role. I think she was ok in it.

You won’t find many movies with such hot masked women….that’s for sure!

What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!

The masked villainess, the Winter Soldier, the Falcon and the autobahn

This one is really brand-new.

In the new Marvel series “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier” we have a masked villainess!

As soon I saw her in the very first trailer I had this show on my radar. Well, I would watch it without her as well….but she certainly is a big Bonus! 😉

The two heroes follow some bad guys who are escaping on two trucks with a hostage.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

…sorry, had to remove it… are too late…

Watch the video before you continue!

Damn, I really LOVE how she plays it in the beginning. She plays the terrified hostage but drops that disguise as she punches him right out of the truck.

I like how she then puts on the mask and thereby completes her transformation into the villainess.

I don’t really know so far if she is supposed to have a secret identity as she just has her civilian name on IMDB, it rather seems that the mask is “just” protecting her face during combat.

The good guys know her identity practically from the beginning.

I really like the fact that the scene takes place near Munich on the autobahn (technically more like an approach road to the autobahn).

The action scene works really well and shows the big budget of the show in parts. With 25 million dollars for a single episode….you can “easily” create such scenes in a TV show.

This scene can be found in episode 2.

Looking forward to the next episodes and to more scenes with her in action!

What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!

Catwoman, Batgirl, Poison Ivy and Batman in one movie [Batman: Hush]

Time for a post about Catwoman (and Batgirl) for a change!

I know this movie for quite some time but didn’t post about it yet. Normally I wanna post every scene with a masked, female character from a movie or TV episode.

If I would do that here I would need to practically post half the movie, which would be highly problematic 😉

So, in this case, I wanna post just my favorite scene.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

The Catwoman VS Batman storylines were always interesting for me. I just love their relationship as they are so attracted to each other, but at the same time, they stand on different sides of the law. Catwoman isn’t a black or white character like most ones. She often is a criminal but has her moral principles and even fights alongside the good guys from time to time.

The “Batman: Hush” storyline is a rather famous one and is a favorite of some of the hardcore comic fans. This movie is quite different in regards to the story, and some of these fans don’t like that. I know these comics, but I don’t really mind getting something different with this movie.

The movie has a LOT of Catwoman scenes in it, so I am already very happy for that fact alone. Plus you can also see Batgirl in it, also it is “just” the Batgirl Burnside version which I don’t like that much, due to her costume and cowl. The cowl is basically just a helmet that isn’t attached to anything or secured with a chinstrap. Ok, that’s at least better than the last comic book version where she only had a tiny eye mask….but I better don’t get started on that one 😉

I like this Catwoman version, and it’s also good that she actually is wearing her goggles so she is disguised pretty well. The fight with Batgirl here could have been (a lot) longer for my taste, but well, I get that it wouldn’t fit at that point as Batman is badly wounded and needs help.

Poison Ivy has an interesting role in this one and there are quite a lot of other villains and heroes to be found in the movie.

I really like how the thug tries to unmask Batman but gets zapped while trying. A masked heroine could use such a defense mechanism as well 😉

I recommend that you check out the whole movie, especially if you like to see masked women such as Catwoman and Batgirl 😉

Here is the IMDB page to the movie:


What do you think of that scene and the movie?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

The masked villainess, a hero and the “witch” [+2 extra videos]

This one was a lucky find I stumbled upon by pure luck.

I saw this poster, and of course I HAD to watch the movie 😉

(click to enlarge)

As you can see the poster is strangely cut at both sides, but well, the most interesting part is there to see.

Quite interesting is that the hero is in the background while the masked woman is in fact the “right hand” of the movie’s villain.

But I guess they thought it would help to put an attractive, mysterious woman right in the middle of the movie poster 😉

Let’s move on to the movie, here are some pictures as a preview:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

I really like the idea of having such a masked villainess in the movie! It is a rare thing in a movie even today, but especially hard to find such a character in a movie from 1959!

Her movie role is quite odd, naturally to the age of the movie and the way women were portrayed…..she doesn’t actively fight, but rather tortures and kills people from the distance or by backstabbing them (literally). She fights with an epee for about smashing 5 seconds, but we will come to that later on.

Now to the video above: The ending is bitter sweet for me. It’s great that he rips her mask off in such manner. Sadly…we can’t see it as the movie shows it from that perspective. And she runs away without allowing us to see her unmasked face. What a wasted opportunity!

And it’s also sad that she actually never puts on her mask again througout the movie. 🙁

She always is wearing that outfit, where she covers her hair completely. Ok, that could be seen as some sort of disguise, but well, doesn’t really work for me 😆

The movie had also a german audio track which I used as I watched the movie. And as you can possibly tell when you know german TV it was a german TV airing (MDR is the channel).

Interestingly the german dialogue is quite different. As the movie is italian, both english and german audios are dubs from the original language.

In german the villain approaches her and says “….say that you laugh at me under your MASK….” in translation.

Here is the scene for those of you who can understand it:

So, you may wondering what happens to her at the end of the movie?

Well, here is her ending:

[Watch the video first before you continue!]

Spoiler title
After another sneaky murder she meets her final fate as some random soldier kills her with a banner pole!?!

Quite an odd way to finish her off. Especially as it should have been the hero’s job to do that and get his revenge on her after all the things she had done to him, his father and friends.

Interestingly we finally see her hair, she is finally fully “unmasked” in these seconds. A continuation error as we never see that cloth coming off as she still was standing.

Fittingly she has red hair….which was/is a popular hair color for showing evil/crazy women 😉


And here is a promo poster for the movie where she actually shows her hair (which she never does like that):

(click to enlarge)

If you want to know the title of the movie:

IMDB link

What do you think of her and her scenes?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!



“Blue Aegis” by UHL is out!

Ultraheroix (I presented Nightfox: Gravestone from them last year) and SHL has teamed up to form UHL and their first collaborative project is “Blue Aegis”!

And you shouldn’t miss this one 😉


Story synopsis:

King Skull is about to acquire dangerous information from a corrupt detective when Blue Aegis intervenes. King Skull, his henchmen, the detective and a hunter are all about to make sure Blue Aegis doesn’t get in the way again.

Check out these preview images for starters:

(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)

And here is the trailer:

(click on the arrows to enlarge to FULL size)

I enjoyed this video a LOT!

The actress does a good job as the heroine and I just love her costume!

The bodysuit, the boots and the sexy pantyhose are a stunning combo and she certainly looks rather…awesome in it! 🙂

Her mask is solid as it is a Huntress type rubber mask, and I like that it conceals a bit more than the mostly used eye masks in most fetish videos with masked heroines.

As you already can see in the trailer, the villain gets curious to have a look under her mask, and that is always a plus point! In many TV shows and movies the masks of the heroines gets mostly ignored like in the Black Scorpion TV show where she gets knocked out in nearly every episode, and the villain than mostly quickly flees without caring to unmask the heroine.

Also it’s always very enjoyable for me to have a sexy villainess in a video like in this case. Ok, her mask is nothing for my taste, but I know many of you like these eye masks!

With her claws and her sexy costume she is a great addition for this video! And black leather boots and pantyhose are always welcome as well 😉

Also the cat and mouse game between the villainess and the heroine in this one is done very well.

All in all this is a very enjoyable, high quality video and I’m looking forward to which videos this new collaboration will bring!

Price: $35-40 ($35 1080P Edition / $40 Limited Time 4K Edition)
Length: 39 Minutes
Size: 4K_HEVC: 6.58GB / 1080P: 1.19GB

BUY it now at or

Feel free to leave a comment!


The circumstances are very ….unusual…. this year but ….

Happy Holidays to all of you!


Heavily armored, masked burglars VS the police – Scenes 1+2 (out of 4)

Thanks again to the friendly blog visitor who recommended me this gem!

This TV episode offers actually 4(!) interesting scenes and I wanna present the first two today.

We have 4 heavily armored, masked burglars who love shiny diamonds!

Can they be stopped? Who is under these masks?

Preview, scene 1:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

I did cut a short scene out of it where the police car starts chasing them to make the video shorter and thereby making it more likelier to not be blocked on Youtube.

My opinion on this first scene can be found below…


Preview, scene 2:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Scene 1 (watch the video first!):

Yeah, these burglars mean buisiness! Fully masked, heavily armored and with a lot of firepower!

The exact opposite of the sneaky cat-burglar 😉

I like how they blackmail the safe guy, but letting him live as he is no threat to them.

The car chase is pretty cool. They escaped without killing anyone (except the folks who foolishly shot at them).

Scene 2 (watch the video first!):

Ok, I don’t know if that would actually work to rebound a bullet like that. Also I don’t think it was 100% necessary to kill the burglar.

For examples the feet and hands weren’t protected with bulletproof material and the distance was pretty close. They should have been able to hit the burglar.

I’m not sure if she sacrificed herself to cover the retreat of the others or if they let her or they left her behind on purpose.

But it was a nice reveal and highly unusual to find a woman under that mask! 🙂

With such a disguise there is no chance at all someone would know who is behind these masks.

Off course without a masked woman in the team I wouldn’t post these scenes here….

And the fact that I wanna post 2 more scenes from this episode….. may “hint” that this wasn’t the only woman under these masks 😉

Until the other two scenes are posted…I won’t reveal the title of the show and episode number.

Stay tuned for the other 2 scenes!

What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!

One of the weirdest masks…. [part 2]

Time to present the final scene that is oddly interesting!

Not only we have the masked heroine from the 1 scene, we now have also a masked villainess!

The movie is one crazy mess, but this scene has certainly something 🙂


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue reading!


Well, a shame that the villainess wasn’t unmasked, even she is only wearing a one dollar Halloween mask. But it did hide just enough to make me curious.

The unmasking of the heroine is solid. Good to see a villain(ess) who cares enough to unmask the hero(ine).

And the smoking hot Carmen Electra does look better without that weird metal thingy.

The stunt/fight coordinator is sadly on the same level as the person who designed the mask….

However it is a very rare sight to see two masked women fighting each other….+ one of them is Carmen Electra….. 🙂

And here is the title of the movie:


What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment!

Villainess in red leather VS Supah Ninjas!

I didn’t have the chance to watch the (shorter) season 2 of this show but this will be my last post from season 1.

In this one, we have a villainess in red leather and an eye mask to fight the Supah Ninjas!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

….you are too late, had to remove the file…. sorry.

As you should know by now I’m not the biggest fan of eye masks, but this one is pretty good as I like the material (leather) and shape of it.

Also, the scene where she has the female ninja at her mercy is quite sexy. Damn, I wish she would have been curious to see who is underneath that ninja mask.

An “unmasking-duel” between those two would have been the proper ending for the episode in my opinion 😉

But I really like the last scene here, having two masked women like these two fightings each other….. is always interesting to watch!

The scenes are from this episode:


What do you think of these scenes?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

Masked villainess VS cops!

Thanks to a nice guy I was pointed to this episode of a TV show. 🙂

The episode has 2 scenes with a masked woman in action.



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Ok, if you don’t understand german it’s minus point, but you should still enjoy it as there is enough aspects for folks like us in the video 😉

WATCH the video first before you continue to read!
WATCH the video first before you continue to read!
WATCH the video first before you continue to read!

I did edit the video to not show her face before the actual unmasking to build up the mystery. So I excluded a short scene until she is actually masked in that van.
She also does have some scenes with her practising kick-boxing just before the first scene of the video.
A shame that she didn’t show her skills in a scene where she is masked. She should have fought some cops before they manage to unmask her….
It was also nice that she wore solid leather boots in both scenes.

She was an ex-cops and they know who was under that mask by the end, that’s why she unmasked herself as her secret identity wasn’t so secret anymore.
Perhaps I will watch the full episode to fully understand the background story 😆

P.S.: Funny enough the video was blocked in germany, austria and switzerland by Youtube.
If you can’t see the video above…here is another link for you:

Der Alte_masked woman

(google drive)

Wanna know from which episode from which TV show this is?


What do you think of that scene?

Leave a comment!

The masked villainess Snakeskin VS Supah Ninjas!

Thanks to the friendly user who recommended me this one!

In these scenes, we have a masked villainess and her poisonous whip, and of course, she has some evil plans.

But the Supah ninjas are there to stop her! And one of them is actually a woman as well, so we have 2 masked women in this video!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

….you are too late, had to remove the file…. sorry.

On the bad side:

The female ninja only has one appearance in costume, that is a shame!

Also, the villainess could be a little…..hotter….if you ask me. In some scenes, the stunt double is very easy to spot….I am not even 100% sure if that is a woman.

Ok, they know who she is under that mask, but damn….why don’t they unmask her? Wouldn’t that be the most normal thing to do after winning the fight?


On the good side:

We have quite some minutes with 2 masked women on screen, not too bad 😉

One self-unmasking is included!

Some nice action scenes!


In my version, the villainess would defeat the 2 male ninjas, would tie them up, and would try to unmask them as finally, the female ninja comes to the rescue.

They wouldn’t know who the villainess is.

The two masked women would battle each other for a while with some attempts to unmask each other.

The villainess would be defeated and unmasked in the end.

*EDIT* ….even the title of the show is in the title of the post….here is the IMDB link with the episode number:


What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment below!


Here is another video from this show:

Mad scientist VS Supah Ninjas!

My review of episode 18 “If You Believe in Me, I’ll Believe in You”

…is ready now!

Check out the very short short review on Batwoman – Season 1 – Episodes 13-20!

Check out the detailed review incl. pictures and my Batwoman cuts on Batwoman – Season 1 – Episode 18!

Some screenshots:

Have you seen it already?

What do you think about it?

Leave a comment here or on the page of the episode!