I created this video last year for the annual “October to Remember” event on the “Behind the Mask” forum.
It’s time that the video now gets available for visitors here and on my YouTube channel as well!
Here is the original text from my forum post then:
I worked on this over a couple of hours, skipped through the whole season, made notes, and rated scenes. Then I cut every scene to around 30 seconds or so. I edited all of that together and added some pictures, lettering, and some score.
So what did I make? Quite a long video with my TOP 25 scenes of the Black Scorpion show. My initial idea was to make a TOP 22… because of 22 episodes… but well…. 25 sounds cooler. I could have made a TOP 50 with good scenes as well… but I think this video took long enough. I will upload this one to my blog in December… but for the next … at least … 5 weeks this is an exclusive video for this site (unlisted on Youtube). Between the TOP 10 scenes, you will see official Black Scorpion promo pictures.
So, take your time (15 minutes) and I hope you enjoy it! ….perhaps you might even wanna make a game out of it in terms of guessing which scenes will be in the TOP 10 or so…. …. the first scene will begin after 15 seconds….
Here is the video:
You will find the rank of the scene in my ranking and info from which episode it is in the line at the bottom.
Some scenes were edited to make them a little more compact… so that the video wouldn’t get too long.
I thought about putting headlines into the video like “Black Scorpion gets unmasked by Flashpoint” … but that would spoil it… for those few who don’t know these scenes.
Any scenes that you think are missing from that TOP 25?
Feel free to give some feedback here or on YouTube with a comment!
Feel welcome to check out the Black Scorpion page in the Hall of Fame
I bet that was one of the weirdest unmaskings you ever saw 😉
Not often that a masked woman forces someone to unmask her!
And the fact that she is his bride makes it even more bizarre 😆
Yeah, it’s a weird scene with massive soap opera elements… and more bizarre than sexy… but I think it’s certainly an unusual scenario so I had to make a post.
You can watch the whole show with 60 episodes(!) here:
The scene is already pretty great, but if you know the context around it….it’s even better.
“Take off your mask!” he demands
She is really afraid….
….as she starts to pull her mask up!
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
I just love such a scene! Really great how he demands that she unmasks herself.
And her reaction is great as well! Her mouth open, barely visible under that net cloth over it. Her eyes show how afraid she is to lose her mask, how afraid that he will soon find out who is hiding underneath that mask.
And the great thing is: They know each other…..verrrrry well 😉 ! She is actually working with him in the agency with some …”benefits” included ;-).
But at the same time, she is also working with the bad guys! If he would see her unmasked face….she would be totally finished. For her, everything is at stake at that moment. And she sells that very well and it’s great that she buys herself some crucial seconds as she is really slowly unmasking herself. Also, her mask shows how serious she is with her masquerade. She uses black face paint around the eyes (more on that later), the eye openings on the mask are very small, and with that net cloth, you can barely see her mouth….a very effective mask.
Another plus point for me is the rare type of unmasking. It’s a foiled (forced) self unmasking. I love attempted unmaskings as well, and they are rather rare as most of the unmasking attempts are successful.
So, I do have two BONUS scenes for the visitors of this blog!
The first scene of the following video shows her and the other bad guy just before the scenes of the video above.
The second scene takes place some minutes later at the very end of the episode.
Yeah, sadly she doesn’t unmask herself onscreen, but this scene where she puts the mask on is not bad! Especially seeing her with these panda eyes….is a very rare sight!
I added the second scene to show you how she looks without the mask and also to show how close they (seemingly) are. But he has no idea that he pointed a gun right at her masked face earlier that day. 🙂
Wanna know from which episode of Alias this scene is?
Ok, I guess and hope that many of you already know the Black Scorpion TV show…. and since I didn’t cover the show with enough posts in the past…I wanna change that now.
The show is in my Hall of Fame and if you are into masked women, this TV show is an absolute MUST have!
A little extract from my post in the Hall of Fame (more info on the show can be found there):
I remember how I stumbled upon this show in the early 2000s.
This show was never shown here, but at some point, I read about the show and saw some pictures.
I immediately bought the DVD box set in the US and it took a while to get the Season box set to arrive here.
I also had to buy a DVD player that could handle region 1 DVDs. It was a pretty expensive endeavor, but damn, it was worth it BIG time!
I watched one episode every evening until I have seen all 22 episodes.
And that was a great thrill ride every night!
Ok, enough introduction….let’s start with one of the best episodes.
Here are the highlights of episode 1!
Steve meets Black Scorpion for the first time! (lucky guy)
Her first real villain!
Time for some blackmail!
What does he want from her? 😉
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
[Watch the video before you continue!]
It’s Steve’s first encounter with Black Scorpion! This starts his obsession with catching the Black Scorpion. He was transferred to this police department to catch her…. and I envy him big time! What a fantastic job! He gets paid to chase after such a stunning masked vigilante…oh man!
The ending of the episode with Firearm is so awesome! I love how he blackmails her to unmask herself….such a great move, and he really enjoys it 😉
One of the rare villains who actually wants to know who is under the mask of a heroine. And her reaction to it is well done and played as well!
Plus it’s a great bonus that he recognizes Darcy…and again, I love how he is enjoying the whole situation.
A good move that she quickly puts the mask back in place as soon she gets the chance.
In the end, Firearm has to die….after all, he had seen her face, so it was the most logical choice from the writers to get him killed.
It was the first episode if a villain like him would found out about her secret identity and would be able to tell everyone…it would be a short TV show.
Damn, I would give for a Blu-ray box for this TV show!!! Or a (not so cheesy) remake with better action scenes… #dream
So, after I posed scenes 1 and 2 from this episode last week….it’s now time for the other two episodes I mentioned!
Before you watch the next video:
They SWAT folks actually figured out who the 4 women are under these masks after they have killed and unmasked the first one (scene 2).
They find out where woman number 2 is hiding and try to arrest her…
Preview, Scene 3:
She won’t give up easily as well!
Can they capture her alive?
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Watch the video before you continue…
Yeah, I know there isn’t actually a masked woman in this one, but I wanted to show what happens to all 4 of the burglars.
There are not many shootouts with a woman armed with a submachinegun.
Even it’s not really a shootout as they try to capture her alive after they had to kill one of the burglars. They could have easily finished her off if they wanted to.
And yeah, there is another video….so, you may guess it by now… it’s an ALL-FEMALE burglar team!!! A VERY RARE thing!
And certainly the most “armed to their teeth womens team” that I know of.
Preview, Scene 4:
They want more diamonds!
Burglars VS
SWAT! What will happen?
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Watch the video before you continue…
Spoiler title
Forced to unmask by noise…..
…. well, that’s a new variation for me. 🙂
The last two were determined not to give up, so it was a good weapon to overpower them and capture them alive. So 3 of the 4 women survived the episode.
And I really like the background that all served in the Israeli military as it’s mandatory for men AND women there to serve.
They had a good reason to steal from that criminal murderer and I was kind of disappointed that their plan didn’t suceed as they planned.
But at least it got the dirtbag arrested in the end.
That’s the episode and TV show in which you can find these scenes:
Well, thanks a lot to “Chris” for recommending me this one! I saw earlier seasons of this show, but not this current one.
We have a masked female killer in black leather….something you won’t see every day 😉
If every villainess would look like this….oh man 😉
Preview scene 1:
There she is!
Time to unmask! Show us the face behind the MASK!
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Note: I had to cut the scene where she throws her sharp thingy….that would have been to much for youtube, as she actually cuts off both arms of that shocked woman (!).
Well, what a view she offers!
That sexy black costume with leather and vinyl (?)….
….and that full face mask that provides her good protection in battle and a perfect cover for her “secret identity” as well.
Take this…..you “heroines” with ridiculous tiny eye masks 🙂
On the bad side, her secret identity isn’t really a secret because nearly everybody learns who she very quickly (…without unmasking her…DAMN!).
But, I do have another video, where she masks herself…and well, a scene where she is forced to unmask herself 🙂
Preview, scene 2:
The mask is back on!
Battle damage!
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Well, I would say that mask saved her life as she hit that rock!
Too bad she gives it up so easy…but well, as I said, it was more a combat protection than to hide her identity.
These scenes are from episodes 11 and 17 from season 5 of this series: