“Nightfox: Gravestone” is now available at Ultraheroix.com

From time to time I check the new releases from video producers of our common “special interest”.  And not often I put up a showcase like this one….because, as some of you know, what I think about a big part of these videos. Many have very cheap costumes and no masks or little eye masks from the one dollar shop.

I was thrilled as I saw the trailer and some pictures from this one! Why? I saw another video with “Nightfox” two years ago (more about that one later) and I enjoyed that one very much. I really like her costume. Boots, a sexy pantyhose, that body (in both meanings!)…..and especially the cowl/mask. That is a real mask! It really hides her identity (which is very important to me), is has a chin strap (so it can’t just fall off) and it is made out of rubber. Such masks are pretty rare to find in videos. And of course it is a nice bonus that it looks like Batgirl’s cowl!

And as I watched the trailer, I found another great reason to watch this video. The villainess wants to see who is hiding underneath that mask! 🙂

Some promo-pictures:

(click to enlarge)


Nightfox steps into a trap of the villainous duo, “Gravestone”.  Unfortunately, the only thing they hate more than Nightfox is each other. When they worked together, the villains give the superheroine more than she can handle and easily defeats her and she becomes their prisoner.  The only question is, will they finish her off before they kill each other?

And here is the trailer:

Well that preview-frame from the trailer is showing a VERY interesting moment 🙂

The villainess is yanking at her mask!

I have watched the whole video by now and I can say: I like it! As I mentioned I really like the costume and mask, but other aspects are well done as well.

The fight scenes are solid as well as the acting. Score and editing are good. And the story isn’t bad either! Of course there is always room for improvement, but if you compare this video with the vast majority of the genre….it is definitely much better than the average fetish video. And that is the reason for this showcase.

 >>> Here is the link to get this video: <<<

“Nightfox: Gravestone” from Ultraheroix.com

And if you want to see more of Nightfox….here is her first adventure:

“Nightfox: Killer Joke” from Ultraheroix.com

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