Batwoman, season 3, episode 12 “We’re All Mad Here” [Review]

Check out the very short review on Batwoman – Season 3 – Episodes 8-13!

Check out the detailed review incl. pictures and my Batwoman cuts on Batwoman – Season 3 – Episode 12!

You can watch the episodes LIVE on the CW (Wednesdays at 9 PM) or watch it also for FREE on the CW website (link) and on the CW app, starting Thursdays after an episode has been aired on Wednesday!

Some screenshots:

(click on the image to enlarge it – more pictures on the page of the detailed review)

Have you seen it already?

What do you think about it?

Leave a comment here or on the page of the episode!

Batwoman, season 3, episode 11 “Broken Toys” [Review]

Check out the very short review on Batwoman – Season 3 – Episodes 8-13!

Check out the detailed review incl. pictures and my Batwoman cuts on Batwoman – Season 3 – Episode 11!

You can watch the episodes LIVE on the CW (Wednesdays at 9 PM) or watch it also for FREE on the CW website (link) and on the CW app, starting Thursdays after an episode has been aired on Wednesday!

Some screenshots:


(click on the image to enlarge it – more pictures on the page of the detailed review)

Have you seen it already?

What do you think about it?

Leave a comment here or on the page of the episode!

Batwoman, season 3, episode 9 “Meet Your Maker” [Review]

Check out the very short review on Batwoman – Season 3 – Episodes 8-13!

Check out the detailed review incl. pictures and my Batwoman cuts on Batwoman – Season 3 – Episode 9!

You can watch the episodes LIVE on the CW (Wednesdays at 9 PM) or watch it also for FREE on the CW website (link) and on the CW app, starting Thursdays after an episode has been aired on Wednesday!

Some screenshots:

(click on the image to enlarge it – more pictures on the page of the detailed review)

Have you seen it already?

What do you think about it?

Leave a comment here or on the page of the episode!

3 masked cat burglars rob a mansion

One last post for 2021!

I hope you had a good Christmas time in case that is a holiday for you.

I heard of this movie quite some time ago but for some reason, I didn’t post about it.

Some weeks ago it was recommended to me again and now it is time to make a post about it.

Thanks to whoever recommended me this one again!

So, what do we have here?

We have 3 (female) cat burglars in tight costumes and masks who wanna rob a mansion!

Sounds good? Well, check it out….


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

I had to cut out some stuff during the scenes, but don’t worry nothing with the cat burglars.

I only left out some seconds at the beginning as they were putting the masks on. I think it’s more interesting if you haven’t seen the faces before they are masked in a case like that.

But there were plenty of scenes of seemingly random Lucha libre wrestling in between and that was way too annoying to leave it like that.

So I cut these scenes out except one I missed.

Yeah, no English audio, but that doesn’t really matter as there is only very little dialogue.

Due to the missing English audio (or subs) I didn’t watch the whole movie. And from skipping through it seems like that was a good choice.

But we have a pretty long heist scene with 3 masked women and short moments of action as well.

A shame these guards weren’t able to put up more of a fight.

If I understood it right these chicks are actually villainesses as they here even kill one of the guards.

At the end of the movie they fight against the heroes of the movie, but I didn’t include that short scene because it is embarassing²!

As soon they fight against the heroes the women get replaced by male stunt doubles…and not even small(er) ones but pretty big guys! Every single person who watches the movie can tell that but somehow they thought they would get away with it. Insane.

And this movie wasn’t made in the ’50s or ’60s where they used male stunt doubles for women quite often. This movie is from 1992!

However, a really nice heist scene, that could have used a little more action and at least a close encounter where a guard was trying to unmask one of the cat burglars 😉

*EDIT* March 24, 2022:

A nice user wished to see the scene before they wear the masks and he recommended me a movie with an interesting scene.

So, here is the (unlisted) video as a Bonus for you folks:

(that is the first time they appear in these catsuits so, now you have every second of these women in catsuits)


Wanna know from which movie this is?


What do you think of these scenes and these cat burglars?

Leave your comment below!

A gorgeous art thief and a muscleman!

For today I do have a short but pretty cool (and new) scene!

I watched this movie some days ago and was very much surprised by that scene.

And it features two absolute Hollywood A-listers!

Preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

A gorgeous art thief and a muscleman!

Yeah, it’s only a short scene, but how great it is to

Spoiler title
have Wonder Woman herself…..Gal Gadot under that mask?!?

I love how she uses the mask to blend in with the other cops/guards who caught the thief and the priceless egg he had stolen.

Of course, I would rather have The Rock catch her, and then they would fight and he would yank at that mask.

But she would use her skills and cleverness to stop the unmasking and escape him…..this time.

Later on, in the movie she would have another scene where he would finally unmask her 😉

I can only recommend this movie, as it not only has 3 really cool actors as the main cast, but it also is pretty funny most of the time.

The action scenes are good as well and you can see how the streaming services invested so much money in it.


In case you don’t know the movie I’m talking about:


What do you think about that scene and the movie?

Leave your comment below!


Don’t forget to also follow Maskripper on Instagram!

Scarlett Johansson and some unmaskings

I saw this movie as the first movie in a cinema after the pandemic lockdown, so it was the first movie in a cinema after a break of over one year.

And normally I go at least 12 times in a usual year into a cinema.

This movie actually had some nice scenes for this blog, and it’s time I finally post about it!

Some pictures:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


(I edited the scenes to keep the video short)

Watch the video before you continue!

Hope you were surprised by these reveals, as I tried to spoil them as little as possible!

As I watched this for the first time I really enjoyed the surprise in not even knowing that the two were masked and had switched their roles.

Ok, I’m not a fan of these high-tech masks where there is some sort of layer on the skin that can display another face. Can’t imagine how this would actually work as the dimension of each face are so different, but ok let’s just accept that as it is.

I love how he figures out that the woman in front isn’t the “real” one and how she stops his first attempt at unmasking her.

A shame that she gives up so quickly.

These reveal would be even more interesting if they would wear “low-tech” rubber/silicone masks. Would be great to have a real fight/struggle were such a mask would slowly be ripped and torn off the face, exposing the real face underneath.

After the first reveal, the second one is no surprise as is …well…logical.

I was totally surprised to find Olga Kurylenko under that helmet! It was already a surprise that it was a woman in that armor the whole time and I didn’t know that she was into the movie.

And Olga K. has become a little fetish queen for me. Unmaskings, pantyhose scenes, scenes with oxygen masks or gas masks in several movies.

In case you don’t the movie title:


What do you think of these scenes?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

Black Scorpion TV show – The best scenes from the best episodes – [Episode 3]

Ok, after long 5 months it is time to have another post about the legendary Black Scorpion TV show!

The show is in my Hall of Fame and if you are into masked women, this TV show is an absolute MUST have!


Today, it’s all about episode 3….my personal favorite episode! Even the “biggest” unmasking comes later on in the season.

An episode with several awesome scenes which makes an EPIC episode in total!!!

And being embedded in a TV show it’s really very suspenseful as you know these characters for some time already.

Normally I post the pictures before the video, but this time I wanna do it differently as the pictures give away every great scene of this loooooong video.

For those who do not know the episode, I recommend strongly watching the video first (Google Drive link) …and then… scroll down further!

>>> Link <<<

(The video combines all Black Scorpion scenes of the episode)









(click to enlarge)

And these pictures are really from a SINGLE episode! Not a whole season….just one(!) episode.

Ok, about the video:

I love these scenes big time! It’s the only time someone else is (successfully) unmasking her while she isn’t restrained.

I love how the henchwoman unmasks her by surprise and that Flashpoint wants to take pictures of her unmasked to become a famous photographer.

Good though that she was shielding her unmasked face like that and that she took care of the camera….even she thereby created a supervillain.

And he doesn’t give up easily! As they manage to blind her with his special “light” he is unconscious once more. Love the suspense as her hand is reaching for her mask, ready to unmask her again!

But again, she can escape.

Later on, she is knocked out again (:lol:) but he has no camera with him. She is really lucky!

Then she unmasks herself in front of Steve who luckily is still dizzy and can’t see her exposed face.

And that’s not even it….

The final scene where Steve’s hand is touching her mask…is incredibly sexy for me! Love the suspense and tension in such a scene!

She seems ok with him unmasking her, but he has second thoughts. Perhaps he is irritated that she doesn’t resist him.

Once more she gets out of the situation without anyone finding out her precious secret identity.

This single episode is really so close to perfection for me! It has everything and plenty of it. 🙂



What I would give for a Blu-ray release of this show or an HD TV airing!

What do you think about this episode and these scenes?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

A female burglar and a female killer…… masked with fencing masks!

This one was really GREAT recommendation I got some weeks/months ago!

And finally, it’s time to present this one here…

Honestly, I would recommend that you watch the whole movie if you get the chance.

It has around just 80 minutes and most of the time you have one or two masked women in this one!!!

Such a “masked woman” screentime is just fantastic.

So, I had a pretty hard time editing videos for this one as I would upload a really big part of the movie if I would upload all the scenes with a masked woman in this one.

So, I focus on the two best scenes in the movie.

And if you can’t see the movie or wanna re-watch the best scenes…here you go:

Preview, scene 1:

(click to enlarge)

Here is the scene:


Watch the video before you continue!

Ok, let’s start with the maskS! Then actually she is wearing some sort of ski mask or so underneath the fencing mask.

She really takes her secret identity very seriously and I love that!

And damn, all that talk about her mask and that she can’t take off her mask but the kid is demanding it……it’s just fantastic for me!

In terms of “mask talk”, this scene deserves a Maskripper Oscar 😉 …. and I will actually make a “Hall of Fame” entry for it in the next few days.

In this scene, I am on the burglar’s side as she keeps her end of the bargain and unmasks herself….unlike the cheaty little girl.

But the girl did a good job in talking the masked lady into unmasking herself, pretty clever….now she knows how the woman looks without her mask(s).

All in all a great scene!


But I do have another one for you folks…..

Preview, scene 2:

(click to enlarge)

Here is scene 2:


Watch the video before you continue!

Well, another fine scene, not as good as the first one, but another nice reveal!

Sadly he is no challenge to her at all after she was stabbed (understandably).

It’s a shame that he never had a real chance to attack her and go for the mask.

But I do like how she unmasks herself and looks at him before he dies.

And the fencing mask is very interesting, you can see her face with the right lighting, but not fully. Never saw fencing masks being used like that in a movie or TV show.

 Again, I recommend watching the whole movie as you only then can understand the background story behind all of that. And you also get more minutes of the masked ladies 😉

I did find two interesting posters for this one:

(click to enlarge)

I especially like the one on the left. Sexy Bella Thorne in leather + two masked leather-clad persons in the background.

It’s a little odd that both folks in the background look like women….if you ask me. One of the burglars is a guy, so is he not on the poster? That would mean that Bella Thorne is on that picture twice! Once in the foreground without a mask and once in the background with a mask and slightly different clothes.

Quite odd, but I am 90% sure that there are three women on it.

And even more oddly, Bella Thorne is twice on the other poster as well! And the guy isn’t there as well.

Really, really odd!

And the wound on the woman looks quite fake and she doesn’t get a wound like that in the movie….even she does get hurt on that side of the face.

Here is the IMDB link:


What do you think of these scenes?

Have you seen the movie?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

Masked thief in action?!?

I was thrilled as I heard that Barbara Gordon would be in season 3 of “Titans” and that Gotham would be the setting during that season.

Of course, I had hoped that then Batgirl would be in the show….but the plot takes place years after she quit being Batgirl as she was severely injured and actually lost a leg(!), unlike in the comics.

That news pretty much killed a lot of my anticipation towards the season, but I decided to watch it anyhow.

And that was a good decision as I enjoyed the 7 episodes that have been aired so far.

In one of these episodes, we get 2 scenes that are very well suited for this blog!


(click to enlarge)

And here are the videos:

Watch the videos before you continue!

Well, that was a NICE surprise! Barbara Gordon as a masked thief 🙂

A little disappointing that she unmasked herself, but well, still a really good scene.

I like how she makes fun of Robin and fights him with just one hand.

The second scene is also good as she gets in real trouble there! Of course, I hoped the villainess would reach for the mask or a punch would unmask Barbara as her mask isn’t exactly well secured.

These scenes are placed before she actually became Batgirl.

I do HOPE that we get more flashbacks of her….would love to see her in the Batgirl costume, even it may “only” be the one with an eye mask.

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

The masked female double agent [+BONUS video]

Today I have a real gem for you….in my opinion 😉

The scene is already pretty great, but if you know the context around it….it’s even better.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

I just love such a scene! Really great how he demands that she unmasks herself.

And her reaction is great as well! Her mouth open, barely visible under that net cloth over it. Her eyes show how afraid she is to lose her mask, how afraid that he will soon find out who is hiding underneath that mask.

And the great thing is: They know each other…..verrrrry well 😉 ! She is actually working with him in the agency with some …”benefits” included ;-).

But at the same time, she is also working with the bad guys! If he would see her unmasked face….she would be totally finished. For her, everything is at stake at that moment. And she sells that very well and it’s great that she buys herself some crucial seconds as she is really slowly unmasking herself. Also, her mask shows how serious she is with her masquerade. She uses black face paint around the eyes (more on that later), the eye openings on the mask are very small, and with that net cloth, you can barely see her mouth….a very effective mask.

Another plus point for me is the rare type of unmasking. It’s a foiled (forced) self unmasking. I love attempted unmaskings as well, and they are rather rare as most of the unmasking attempts are successful.

So, I do have two BONUS scenes for the visitors of this blog!

The first scene of the following video shows her and the other bad guy just before the scenes of the video above.

The second scene takes place some minutes later at the very end of the episode.


Yeah, sadly she doesn’t unmask herself onscreen, but this scene where she puts the mask on is not bad! Especially seeing her with these panda eyes….is a very rare sight!

I added the second scene to show you how she looks without the mask and also to show how close they (seemingly) are. But he has no idea that he pointed a gun right at her masked face earlier that day. 🙂

Wanna know from which episode of Alias this scene is?

IMDB link

What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment below!



Black Scorpion TV show – The best scenes from the best episodes – [Episode 1]

Ok, I guess and hope that many of you already know the Black Scorpion TV show…. and since I didn’t cover the show with enough posts in the past…I wanna change that now.

The show is in my Hall of Fame and if you are into masked women, this TV show is an absolute MUST have!

A little extract from my post in the Hall of Fame (more info on the show can be found there):

I remember how I stumbled upon this show in the early 2000s.

This show was never shown here, but at some point, I read about the show and saw some pictures.

I immediately bought the DVD box set in the US and it took a while to get the Season box set to arrive here.

I also had to buy a DVD player that could handle region 1 DVDs. It was a pretty expensive endeavor, but damn, it was worth it BIG time! ?

I watched one episode every evening until I have seen all 22 episodes.

And that was a great thrill ride every night!

Ok, enough introduction….let’s start with one of the best episodes.

Here are the highlights of episode 1!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

[Watch the video before you continue!]

It’s Steve’s first encounter with Black Scorpion! This starts his obsession with catching the Black Scorpion. He was transferred to this police department to catch her…. and I envy him big time! What a fantastic job! He gets paid to chase after such a stunning masked vigilante…oh man!

The ending of the episode with Firearm is so awesome! I love how he blackmails her to unmask herself….such a great move, and he really enjoys it 😉

One of the rare villains who actually wants to know who is under the mask of a heroine. And her reaction to it is well done and played as well!

Plus it’s a great bonus that he recognizes Darcy…and again, I love how he is enjoying the whole situation.

A good move that she quickly puts the mask back in place as soon she gets the chance.

In the end, Firearm has to die….after all, he had seen her face, so it was the most logical choice from the writers to get him killed.

It was the first episode if a villain like him would found out about her secret identity and would be able to tell everyone…it would be a short TV show.

Damn, I would give for a Blu-ray box for this TV show!!! Or a (not so cheesy) remake with better action scenes… #dream


Here is the IMDB link to the episode:


What do you think of the scenes in this episode?

Leave your comment below!

2 female, masked bank robbers in 2 scenes

This one was recommended to me quite some time ago, but I had problems getting my hands on the movie.

Thanks to the guy who recommended me this one! Shamefully I can’t find that old email with the search function….so it would be great if the one who recommended this one would contact me again with the date when he sent me that email with the recommendation!

Nowadays I have a much better system to organize such things, but not back then….

This movie is sort of a “must-have” if you like to see masked women!

I could so many more scenes out of that movie as we have 2 women who are masked for the bigger part of the whole movie!

But as I can’t post all these scenes I focused on my 2 favorite scenes.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

…sorry, had to remove it… are too late…


I cut the scenes down to under 4 minutes…and it was blocked immediately on Youtube. I even tried it with just one scene with under 2 minutes….but the same result 🙁

So this will be another video that is only available on this blog and not on my Youtube channel.

Now to the scenes in the video (WATCH the video first!):

She looks very sexy with that mask on her which conceals her face really well.

I really love how close he is to her. With one quick pull, he could unmask her and find out who is hiding under that mask!

But well, that wouldn’t be too good for his health I guess 😉

But if I would be in his position…..I would have a hard time hiding my……excitement.

At first, I was really disappointed that she unmasked herself….but well, her secret identity was gone by that time anyway as the cops had figured out who she is.

This is a far too common trope…. that they figure out way too often who is under a mask without physically unmasking her/him first.

Pretty sure you folks too prefer the masked women to be unmasked by someone yanking off that mask…instead of some research and tech gadgets 😉

But on the good side, we have a nice self unmasking. And it’s not the only one in this movie….so if you wanna see the other ones….you should watch the whole movie!

But of course, you won’t find any scene where someone unmasks one of the female robbers….if such scenes were in the movie….I would of course post them 😉

This is the title of the movie:


What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!

Stunning masked female bank robbers! [+bonus video]

Don’t know how I forgot about this movie. I do have the DVD in my collection for a really long time now.

Recently I decided to re-watch the movie and now it’s time to make a blog post about it!

In this one 4 stunning women/models decide to rob some banks. The leader does also is the getaway driver and so we get some nice car chases in the movie….


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Interesting and sexy scenes!

I like that they really take their disguise very seriously. They dress up in rather clunky men’s clothes or sports clothes so that you can’t even tell that they are women unless you get a closer look.

Also, their masks are very effective as they really disguise their faces.

Sadly they are quite sloppy when it comes to keeping their masks on. 2 of them are already unmasked when the cops show up who can clearly see their faces.

Also, the 2 masked women quickly unmask (sadly off screen) as they drive away with the female cop. The sexy lieutenant now knows how all of them look. So, they do have quite a problem now…

The scene with the body search is…..damn sexy! The female cop is really sexy and isn’t afraid of showing it (mildly) throughout the movie. And when supermodel Gisele Bündchen searches her body really thoroughly…. that’s insanely sexy…in my opinion.

In my version of the movie all 4 would keep their masks on (Gisele would wear one too) and the lieutenant and the male cop would battle them hand to hand. During the struggle, more cops would arrive at the scene and they would start to overpower the bank robbers. Now they would try to unmask them, one by one. After some resistance 3 of them would be fully unmasked while Gisele would try to escape. The cop would follow her and they would have a long fight where she would desperately try to keep her mask on. 😉

I do have a short BONUS video for you guys!

In this one, you can see how the 4 chicks arrive in New York and later changes their outfits into beachwear(!) as they try to escape the cops.

Oh my! I wouldn’t mind being that cop in that scene 😉

Not every day you check a car with 4 models in bikinis in it!

This is the movie:


The IMDB score of 4.5 is really surprising to me! Yeah, it’s not a really good comedy but the movie has some nice gags, cool car chases, and these 4 gorgeous bank robbers!

For me, that is certainly enough to enjoy the movie. I suspect that many folks might have “problems” with Queen Latifah as the female lead role. I think she was ok in it.

You won’t find many movies with such hot masked women….that’s for sure!

What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!

Batwoman, season 2, episode 7 “It’s Best You Stop Digging” [Review]

Check out the very short review on Batwoman – Season 2 – Episodes 7-12!

Check out the detailed review incl. pictures and my Batwoman cuts on Batwoman – Season 2 – Episode 7!

You can watch the episodes LIVE on the CW (Sundays at 8 PM) or watch it also for FREE on the CW website (link) and on the CW app, starting Mondays after an episode has been aired on Sunday!

Some screenshots:

(click to enlarge – more pictures on the page of episode 7, link above)

Have you seen it already?

What do you think about it?

Leave a comment here or on the page of the episode!

New promo poster, some behind the scenes pictures + trailer for episode 7 [Batwoman]

There wasn’t a new Batwoman episode last Sunday as the CW was airing the Critics Choice Awards.

Episode 7 “It’s Best You Stop Digging” will be aired next Sunday (March 14).

Today I wanna make a quick post as I forgot to post the newest, really cool promo poster!

Also, I will post some “behind the scenes” pictures I found over the last 2 weeks.

The new promo poster:

(click to enlarge)

A cool poster for sure! As all the other ones were pretty dark, it’s good to have one which has a much brighter tone.

Still looking for an image with a higher resolution than this one (1080×1350) of this poster as it would look really cool on a wall.

Here are some behind the scenes pictures:

(click to enlarge)

Also, I wanna put the trailer for the next episode in here, as he

Spoiler title
spoilers some….action….that is related to this blog. 😉

But be WARNED, if you want to be surprised, don’t watch this teaser.

Don’t read any further until you have seen the trailer!

Yeah, I know that Batwoman/Ryan is desperate to get to kill Alice as she thinks she will die soon because of her Kryptonite wound.

But Alice really finds out the secret identity of Batwoman way too easy for my taste. In season 1 she noticed her sister’s eyes under the cowl in episode 2. Here the new Batwoman unmasks herself willingly to get her personal revenge on Alice.

In season 1 Alice had her reasons to not let everyone know that Kate is Batwoman as she wanted to destroy Batwoman and at the same time wanted to keep her sister Kate safe.

But now, with Ryan the situation is different. Alice won’t be killed in the episode, that’s 99,99999999% sure. So, Alice could easily use her knowledge of Batwoman’s secret identity to her advantage at any time. For example, she could easily blackmail Batwoman to expose her secret identity if she would come after Alice again…

I wonder how that will play out. And I surely don’t want that her secret identity to get exposed to the public as that would be the end for Ryan ….and maybe even her team?