The masked treasure hunter/villainess

Sorry, for not making a post last wekk, but I felt a little….demotivated.

Thanks a lot for a nice user for this reco.! And this is only one of his recos, more posts in the next weeks.

A rather short video, but don’t you worry, there will be an unmasking 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

YouTube blocked that movie in some countries, if you can’t see it above, here is the link for you:

The masked treasure hunter/villainess

I love masks which really cover the face of the woman behind it. Always a great mystery to find out who she is underneath. 🙂

I wish someone would have been able to attack her and would have tried to unmask her….but no luck.

Nevertheless it’s a great moment when she reveals her beautiful face at the end.

Wanna know from which movie this scene is from?


What do you think about this scene?

Leave a comment below!

XS’s secret identity is exposed to some villains! [The Flash]

Well, the last episode from the Flash had some interesting dialogues about secret identities and an unmasking as well.

Even if I hope, I don’t think it will be of impact for further episodes….but let’s see if that gets a real big problem.


(cllick to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, what a clumsy/moronic Sherloque Wells! He does try to convince Nora/XS how much her parents care about her….but by saying that he actually exposes the fact that she is his daughter.

And the “weather witch” connects the dots and realises that Nora is XS, who gives up the masquerade and unmasks herself in front of a villainess!

XS is exposed!

Well, these three villains aren’t big villains like Cicada…but I wonder if they use that knowledge later on against her (and her family)?

This is the episode this clip was taken from:


What do you think of that scenes?

Let us know in the comments below!

Catwoman’s first (real) appearance in the Gotham TV show [+ 2 scenes with Selina]

Ok, folks, back to the normal….”post on sunday” schedule!

In the last episode of Gotham (ever), we see a 10 years time jump in the future. And for that they choose a new actress as Catwoman/Selina Kyle. Since Camren Bicondova is still pretty young it would look weird if she would play a ten-year older self. So they choose Lili Simmons (you should know her from the TV series Banshee!) for playing the role.

For this video I included all the Catwoman scenes and 2 scenes with Selina Kyle.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

As I just saw this last episode of the series two days ago. I am pretty sad that it is all over.
I had high hopes in that series. It delivered a lot. I hoped for a VERY long run to see Selina and Bruce grow into Catwoman and Batman.
And at the beginning of season 4 Selina put on a mask for two episodes. I hoped that would be the start of her transformation into Catwoman.
Well….yes and no. She nearly always had her black leather clothes and her claws on the gloves. But no more mask and no real Catwoman outfit. ?

On the good side this first real Catwoman appearance on the show did soften my pain of “parting” a little.
I’m a pretty uncritical guy…but…………….
This Catwoman outfit….well, it looks like they quickly put it together without much thinking or money.
This cowl/mask…. I guess it is no coincidence we don’t get to see it for a real close-up.
This visor on the cowl……MY GOD!!!  That is not Catwoman!
No cat-ears??? WHY???? ? That is not Catwoman!
I guess they were so ashamed of that mask that they didn’t show it in a close up.

What is weird, she is never called Catwoman in the episode. Is that the reason her mask looks like that?
90% of the (at least solid) cosplayers can design a better Catwoman mask than this. ?

What is weird, she never is called Catwoman in the episode. Is that the reason her mask looks like that?

And she pulls off her mask in the middle of her heist……WELL, THAT is a great idea!!! ?
(seems to be some sort of ….disease under the masked women lately (in Arrow and now in Gotham), unmasking for no reason and risking exposure)
*Rant over*

Gotham is over. Arrow is over next year.
DAMN I do need the confirmation that Batwoman will get the OK for season 1. ?

Ok, two things I do like regarding her mask. It does cover her face pretty well….and…with that 4 press buttons it is secured at least a little (unlike other masks that a child could just pull off with 2 fingers…).

*EDIT, April 30*

Thanks to a friendly user….here is a picture that provides a better look at the costume:

(click to enlarge to full size)

Well, it was good there was this last episode with the real Catwoman…but that outfit is pretty different from any Catwoman outfit from the movies and comics. And the only thing that says “Catwoman” are the claws on these gloves.

What do you think of her costume?

And of the decision to cast Lilli Simmons for that role?

Leave your comment below!

A new masked villainess battles team Flash! [Flash]

In the latest Flash episode we got a new villainess! ….[SPOILERS ahead]

A masked female version of this seasons arch-villain Cicada!

So, you don’t wanna miss her first appearance and the fight VS team Flash!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, at first her male/unisex uniform doesn’t even give away that there is a woman under that mask….but here eyes did immediately! So, when she enters the scene it gets….exciting!

Well, team Flash lost big against her, I wonder how they gonna stop her… Of course it would have been more fun if they unmasked her…or tried to unmask her. But she was way too good for them this time. But I like her self unmasking! 🙂

The hood and the mask make a very effective disguise….that’s how a secret identity is well protected.

What do you guys think of that scene?

Let us know in the comments below!

Here is the episode link on IMDB:


By the way:

It is still time to see the VIP-club videos from March!

Join now, support this blog and get some great extra videos (and 2 fetish stories)!

P.S.: The contact form didn’t worked anymore the last days…sorry for that! Your messages didn’t get to me.

Build in a new one today!


Silver Cowl VS the female nazi #3

Time for the last part of the story!

Silver Cowl was beaten and unmasked, can her masked friend save the day and beat the female nazi?

And how does she look under her mask?


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Here is the video:


Well, in my version the female nazi would have been prettier and hiding behind a black rubber mask.

And they would have an unmasking battle at the end 😉

But all together this video has some great unmasking scenes (in part 1 and 2 as well).

1 female ninja, 2 masks, 2 unmaskings

Time for some unmasking action!
I edited this clip to a very short one, because otherwise it will be deleted very quickly on youtube. I hope it stays on this way…

In this clip we have a sexy female ninja with two great masks! And we do have two unmaskings!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Great stuff!

Of course it would be even greater if someone else would have unmasked her….but you can’t have everything 🙁

If you wanna know the title of the movie:


Batgirl in peril!

For this week I choose 6 pictures I found in the last weeks. Thanks to the ones who posted them and/or created them!

All 6 pictures show our beloved batgirl in different dangerous situations…..


And here are all 6 pictures:

Feel free to leave a comment 😉

Hall of Fame will be updated next friday!

Black Scorpion forced to unmask!?

I have another great Black Scorpion scene for you!

The “Gangster Prankster” has the cop partner of Detective Darcy Walker and is playing Hangman with him.

So she decides to rescue him as Black Scorpion! 🙂

A little spoiler: The Gangster Prankster wants to know who Black Scorpion is under the mask…. 😉

Some Pics:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

In case you wonder from which movie this is:


Love that scene… 😉

*UPDATE June 4, 2023*

I love a villain who wants to know who is hiding underneath a mask of a heroine. And his plan with an acid gun would have worked perfectly if the earthquake hadn’t intervened.

Also, Rick was present here as well and Black Scorpion would have been screwed big time if a villain and her cop partner would find out that Darcy Walker is under that mask.

Would have been great if she would have hesitated a little longer before the was about to unmask herself to have a longer scene here. She gives in a little too quickly and easily.

But still, a great scene!


*UPDATE June 25, 2023*

Check out another post about this movie:


Here is the Hall of Fame entry of this movie:

@ NS:
That should be the final motivation to watch the whole movie 😉

Model by Day #3

So, today it’s time for part 3 (of 4). Lady X is observing a crime scene…and she is being watched by someone as she unmasks herself!

Can she manage this dangerous situation?

(click to enlarge)

And here you can see the whole action:


Black Scorpion in the episode “Blinded by the light”

Black Scorpion has shown us a lot… these pictures are taken from just one (!) episode! The series is the greatest series if you love sexy, masked heroines. The series was very cheesy and cheap at some times, but hell……more than 20 episodes with a female masked vigilante…..great²! 🙂


The first 8 pictures:

and I have 8 more for you!

Well…..what an EPISODE! Holy masked heroine! 😉