A heist with two masked women in broad daylight!

I really like this video, and I also hate it! Why? More on that later on…

I stumbled upon this scene as I watch this show for a while and finally started watching it again.

We have two masked women in a heist 🙂


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Ok, where to start?

I watched the episode and the blonde master thief was introduced. The police were never able to prove any of her thefts and she was planning something.

Of course, my fantasy imagined a great heist scene where she would battle some cops who tried to stop and unmask her.

I was really thrilled by the possibilities 🙂

Then she goes on a heist, and puts up a great mask …. and you might imagine how I reacted to the scene that followed 😉

I cursed at my TV as she was running away and unmasked herself for NO reason! DAMN IT! WHY????????

I mean the police already predicted she would show up there and that’s why all the cops were on the scene undercover.

But she is still masked and could escape. WHY does she unmask herself as she is running away?

That makes no sense at all. I mean as long she is masked she is still “safe” as the cops have no proof that she did it.

It would have been so great if Nolan (the guy in the security dude uniform) would wrestle her down and unmask after a fight… but NO, of course not!

It’s a real trope by now that masked women always unmask themselves for no reason.

That drives me crazy! Another wasted opportunity 🙁

I mean she is already wearing a nice catsuit (sort of) and the mask in combination with the cap is a great disguise… but they screw it up.

Also, it is quite odd that she is on a heist and is wearing these ankle boots with heels but… ok, not as crazy/unrealistic as a Catwoman with stiletto heels (TDKR)….even she was insanely sexy.

The second masked woman is just a little bonus as she is just a nameless henchwoman.

In my imagination, she would have also prevented the unmasking at a nightly heist (without a crew) and would then re-appear in later episodes 😉

Well, I don’t write these scripts…. hopefully, there will be more masked women in the show.

Wanna know from which episode and show this is?


Feel welcome to leave a comment on the blog post here or on the Youtube video!

What do you think about this scene?

The Queen of Swords unmasks herself… and a bad guy witnesses it!

I posted about the best mask-related scenes here some years ago… but I missed one scene that surely needs to be here as well!

This TV show is in my Hall of Fame and is certainly one of my favorites 🙂

Here we have an episode where Tessa finds out that there is a man who actually knows who killed her father.

Of course, she wants to know and actually saves this guy (as Queen of Swords) from the evil duo the Colonel and the Captain.

But then something really bad is happening….


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

In the past, I often mentioned how careless some masked heroines are when it comes to self-unmaskings in (more or less) public places.

For example, Batwoman unmasked herself on rooftops and alleys at night in the TV show. There was always the danger that someone might show up or would watch it from the distance.

I’m not a big fan of such careless behavior… as I don’t want anyone to uncover a secret identity out like that.

The Queen of Swords was more careful in general and here she thought it would be safe to unmask herself in her own home which is placed quite remote.

But, unlucky for her… the scumbag was peeping through her windows and saw how the Queen of Swords unmasked herself and he recognized the face of Tessa.

And that is such an enormous problem for any heroine with a secret identity… especially if it’s a bad guy.

With his knowledge, he approaches her when she is the most vulnerable. Tessa is alone, without weapons, and without her costume.

Her dress is also making it more difficult for her as it slows her down.


Quite unusual that the show really gets that dark and that they have a bad guy who actually wants to rape the heroine/her civilian self!

That never was a topic in shows like Black Scorpion, Batwoman, etc.

And here she really gets into a big dilemma, as she wants to know from him who killed her father, but also has to defend herself and take care of the fact that he knows her biggest secret!

The outcome is the only possible outcome for me. He knows her secret identity, he tried to rape her… she has to kill him, even if that means that she won’t find out who killed her father… at least at this point.

These scenes perfectly demonstrate the danger of losing a secret identity… and therefore I need to post about it.

These scenes are from episode 8 of Queen of Swords.

What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!

Masked highwayWOman in action! #1

Learned a new word today 😉

In this post we have a highwayman in action, well, and as it is a post on this blog….a highwayWOman is actually more precise.

Check it out:

(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Well, I don’t know how they get fooled into thinking it is a highwayMAN that is before them…

Yes, it’s rather dark and yes, she perfectly uses a male voice and is disguised really well.

I still think that you should be able to get that this is actually a woman under these masks.

But ok, not really an important issue.

I really like her mask combo with that hat, the eye mask, and the cloth, very effective…. reminded me a lot of the Nightwatchman and HER 3 part mask combo.

The scene is pretty funny as well, as Dr. Who just stumbles around in his modern clothes and interrupts the robbery.

Of course, I would have preferred her to be unmasked by him… but the self-unmasking is nice.

Especially as she reveals herself to be a rather famous GoT star (the actress).

I will make another post about her where I will reveal the exact episode of Dr. Who where these scenes can be found.



Here is another scene with her from the same episode:


Feel welcome to leave a comment!

Stargirl, Season 3, episode 13 [short review]

Finally, I could watch the new Stargirl episode today.

The final one of the season.

The final one of the entire show.

It was a solid finale with ….finally… some action and a good ending for the show and wholesome endings for most characters.

It clearly looked like the producers knew before the final episode that the show wouldn’t be renewed as there is no real cliffhanger in this one, but a real ending.

So it works much better as a final episode than the last Batwoman episode where the folks thought the show would go on.

Some images from the episode:

(click to enlarge)

The final showdown at the junkyard was nice, even though I expected a little more action. Especially Wildcat had very few action scenes here.

But at least the masked women had quite a lot of screen time in this one 🙂


In my opinion, the show has some flaws: too little action, too little screen time for the masked women, practically no secret identities, too many heroes, and villains vs heroes fighting each other without the public knowing about anything.

But, it had 4(!) masked women in the show lately, so it was always very exciting for me …when… they had some scenes.

So, like Batwoman…. Stargirl has come to end now as well.

Not a good feeling.

I hope there will be a new show with a masked woman as the lead character soon to fill that …. void.

After all, there are so few TV shows which can offer that.

Oh, and the last episode actually offered a female unmasking in the last minutes:

Not my favorite mask, but it’s a good disguise for sure. Nice to have some unmasking content in the very last episode.

Kind of a farewell gift 😉

A masked female agent on a burglary

Thanks a lot to the guy who recommended me this one!

In this one, two masked agents break into a house to retrieve some valuable data.

But things don’t go as planned….


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


It isn’t allowed to embed this video on another website and it was blocked in some nordic countries.

So that link above will lead you to Youtube to watch it here..

Alternative link for folks from certain nordic countries:


A good disguise and quite a dramatic turn of events.

I think she overreacted big time, I mean her partner was beaten with a bat, ok, but that’s no reason to shoot someone.

And if she shoots it doesn’t need to be a deadly shot.

Ok, it was pretty dark… but that boy with his bright shirt was still visible well enough…

All in all a solid scene.

Later in the movie, we have terrorists in gas masks. There is also one female terrorist, but she is infiltrating the event as a waitress and the only terrorist that doesn’t wear a gas mask at any time.

DAMN! A missed opportunity….


Wanna know the title of the movie?


What do you think of that scene?

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The masked villainess + Batman and Joker

I am pretty low on material to post…. but I haven’t posted about these scenes from a rather old animated movie!

In this one, a mysterious villain in full disguise keeps finishing off bad guys…. and actually, it’s more like a villainESS 😉

Soon Batman and the Joker get involved….


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, I know… not the greatest reveal, especially since the Joker already knows who she is.

But when you watch the whole movie without already knowing who is under the mask… it’s a nice reveal since she perfectly hides who she is.

And her costume and the voice changer also cloak the fact that she is a woman. Plus the costume is rather unusual….

I have seen the cover of this movie several times but I never knew that it was about a female villain.

I do like her backstory, that she takes revenge and finishes off these bad guys. Basically, she isn’t really a villainess, more like a murderous vigilante.

Really a shame that the police showed up as Batman (seemingly) got the upper hand and might have unmasked her…. or at least tried that.


Wanna know the movie title?



Same woman…. different mask and costume! [The Flash]

Last week I posted about a masked thief that wasn’t really a criminal.

This time I wanna put the focus on her again as she wants to put her power to good use… and therefore she gets a new costume and cowl!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

I decided to show her unmasked face in the pictures above as she already was seen unmasked in my post from last week.

Ok, as always, I am annoyed about how careless these guys and girls are with their secret identities as they unmask in public way too often.

She even runs around without a mask in the beginning. Yes, she has super speed so no one can identify her while she is running….I guess.

But some back alley isn’t exactly a safe place to run around in costume…without a mask! Especially during the day. At any time somebody could show up and could see their exposed faces!

Also, as I mentioned before, I HATE this “magic” masks a LOT! It’s a complete, insane fantasy that that might ever work.

But for the movie folks, it’s a very easy and convenient way to have a quick unmasking, without hassling with an actual mask that might be difficult to remove. And Barry’s hair just looks perfect after the “unmasking” 😆

I really like her costume a lot! It basically looks like a smooth skin wetsuit with some extras. The black fabric looks really great and I think that it is very sexy.

Her mask is sadly (but logically) from the same lame fabric as the Flash mask, it’s ok…but nothing like the great rubber cowl he wore in earlier seasons.

BUT… it covers her face well enough and it’s a solid disguise and I would love to have her around in much more episodes, but after the ending of season 8, that doesn’t seem to happen…and well season 9 will be the last one anyhow.

Seeing a woman in such a costume and cowl in this show was a real treat for me and was a great way to end the season after it had quite a lot of boring episodes in the mid-section.

My version of a Flash TV show would be like this:

A woman as the Flash

A woman that is taller than “Fast Track” and is a little curvier in a certain region…

Use that costume, but add a massive rubber cowl to it. (like Flash had in early seasons)

And there is NO damn magic way for her to mask or unmask!

Also, there would be some villains who are actually interested in her secret identity!

And they would actually try to find out who she is by trying to remove her mask! (Yes, that is actually a possibility…. looking at you… Batwoman TV show)

She wouldn’t self-unmask every 5 minutes 😉

Adding some sexy villainesses (some masked) to it.

Use very little fantasy and magic. The Flash has her superpowers but only very few villains would have some. The villains would have their ways to sabotage her powers and would rely on some gadgets.

These scenes were from this episode:


(she also appears in costume in the episode after that)

Ok, enough from me…

What do you think about her costume?

Leave a comment!

The Flash catches a masked female thief….

…who returns a stolen item!? Quite an odd thief!

So, finally a new interesting scene from the Flash TV show for this blog!

After watching the first 13 episodes of the last season 8 I decided to take a break from the Flash as the show was getting less and less interesting for me over the last years.

The beginning of season 8 was nice as it had the big Flash Armageddon event where Batwoman and Canary showed up.

After these episodes, the season got quickly rather boring for me. Weird storylines and lame action aren’t good things to have 😉

But I knew that the end of the season would have some episodes that might be interesting for this blog so I resumed watching the show.

Today I wanna show the first scene with a very interesting character, and this is only the start… I will make another post about her in a real costume next weekend.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Well, I like the mask combo with the hood plus the half mask covering the lower part of her face.

Seemingly it’s forbidden that someone ….even tries… to unmask a masked woman in a movie or TV show these days…. so I had no big hopes that the Flash would actually unmask her.

So, her self-unmasking was rather easy to predict 😉

But with the hood and the half mask, it’s at least a good reveal as her face was covered really well.

And as I said, this is only the beginning… she will have a really good costume and cowl after this episode 🙂

Will make another post with her the next Sunday.

Wanna know from which episode this scene is?


What do you think of this scene?

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One of the weirdest heists with a masked woman

Thanks to a nice guy I watched this movie and I was entertained very well.

In this post, I wanna focus on the heist scene which is quite odd and interesting 😉

More on the background below…


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video (short version):

Yeah, I know that not everyone speaks French, but I didn’t have access to an English dub.

But don’t worry, I will explain the backstory and what is going on besides what you can see:

She is a cop, and widow of a dirty cop who put the guy (who is in this scene) in prison after blaming him for a crime he didn’t commit.

She just found out as he was released from prison and feels sorry for him and wants to help him, especially as he gets to know him and really likes him.

But that’s quite difficult as he is gone a “little” crazy during his prison time.

He wants to rob the jewelry that he was blamed to have robbed to get some sort of “revenge”. He handcuffed her so she couldn’t join him on the heist.

She basically sacrifices herself here so that he wouldn’t have to go to prison again.

So, now to the scene itself:

Sadly… his costume is a lot sexier than hers. He is wearing a full catsuit and quite an impressive mask.

She is basically only wearing that naughty full-face mask with zippers. Surprisingly she can see quite good even though the zippers over her eyes are closed at the beginning.

I wish she would have worn such a catsuit…

But the fact that she unmasks herself willingly for the camera and that he tries to stop her…. is very unusual but also interesting and sexy for me.

I made the short(er) cut for Youtube so it may stay there without getting blocked.

In the longer cut, you can see more of the heist!

I really wish that she would have been in his role as the guard shows up…


>>> A long(er) cut of the heist scene: <<<

Longer cut

Would have been so great if that guard would have yanked at her horns while she is in that catsuit and mask….

Wanna know the title of the movie?


What do you think of that scene?

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Masked female killers in a wedding shootout [+Bonus video]

This one is quite odd, but certainly an interesting scene for us 😉

We have here a rather cheaply done action flick with some XXX scenes with Anna Nicole Smith.

Well, Anna Nicole Smith isn’t wearing a mask in this one so I won’t post scenes with her here.

But, we have a wedding that a terrorist is using to send his killers out to attack it!

And in this group of masked killers, you will find 2 or 3 masked women 🙂


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

As you can see in this shootout, it is a rather cheezy action flick with really weird action (and a naughty Anna Nicole Smith).

That shootout, oh man….quite laughable how they all stand there in the open for most of the time and shoot at each other.

Not exactly the smart thing to do…if you wanna survive such a shootout.

The fact that NOBODY in the wedding crowd reacts to the fact that multiple masked armed killers are standing there….. LOL.

I mean there are even people standing behind the group of killers and nobody reacts at ALL, before they start shooting.

And they certainly know how to jump around when they get hit 😉

But let’s focus on the important aspects here:

I love that there are fully masked female terrorists in this scene! It’s a little hard to keep track of them. How many are there actually?

In the beginning, we see the one with the shotgun and the one with the assault rifle.

Later on, there is also one with a pistol, the one that gets into the van.

It’s quite confusing as you don’t these two masked women getting killed off during the shootout, at least not with the weapons they had at the beginning.

Even I think that one of the killers that get shot while carrying a UZI is a woman as the “death grunt” sounds rather….female.

Why the UZI now? Is that even a 4th masked woman?

So, it’s nearly impossible to tell how many masked women are there. Seems like 2-4.

Perhaps some of them have switched weapons during the shootout.

It’s really nice that one of them escapes and unmasks in the van, even though that is filmed from too far away.

For you, the visitors of the blog here I do have a BONUS scene that would be banned from Youtube very quickly 😉

In case you wonder what happened to the one woman that got away:


Well, that was an oddly quick ending and the villain is a rather naughty guy….


Certainly not a good movie, and I haven’t watched the whole thing, perhaps I will do …at some point.

But certainly, the movie has interesting scenes 🙂

Wanna know from which movie these scenes are?

IMDB link

What do you think of these scenes?

Leave a comment below!

A woman VS a masked female killer [Blog exclusive]

Another solid recommendation was this one, thanks to the nice guy who recommended me this one! 🙂

It’s only a short scene, but a very interesting and unusual one…


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


(was immediately blocked on Youtube, even though it is just 98 seconds long…. well, no promo for that movie then on my Youtube channel)

Watch the video before you continue!

Hah, I bet you didn’t see that ending coming (me neither)!

Quite a violent scene at first…

First that the woman actually gets stabbed (and killed) and then the masked killer is actually looking exactly like her!

Is it a twin? Is she dreaming? No, actually the whole scene is just in the imagination of the author who is picturing herself as the victim AND the killer in her own story!

Not really showing a lot of fantasy here madam writer… but certainly a very interesting twist inside this movie and thereby an interesting reveal as the killer unmasks herself.

I must admit I haven’t seen the whole movie, perhaps there is more to it…. but this is certainly the only scene with a masked woman in it.

Wanna know from which movie this is?


What do you think of that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

2 masked women in a fine fantasy movie

A quick post for today.

I’m rather low on material right now but this movie has 2 nice scenes with masked women.

Thanks to the nice guy who mentioned it some time ago!


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Yeah, as (nearly) always….there are some negative aspects in here as well.

It’s a very dark scene and I had to edit the first two screenshots so you would see anything.

The masked fighter is always moving and you never get a really good look at her.

Also, I don’t even know why she is wearing that mask in the first place. It’s the only scene with her wearing it and it’s never even fully explained why she does it.

But seemingly she wants everyone to think that she is dead.

I do like how Jessica Chastain’s face is revealed, even is was done very quickly.

I do like her as an actress and I think she is also very attractive so that is a plus point!


I added the 2nd scene with Emily Blunt just as a little bonus as she only puts the mask on, and the mask isn’t even there to disguise her identity.

All in all a very good movie with some bonus scenes for those who like to see masked women 😉

Wanna know the title of the movie?


Feel welcome to leave your comment!

A masked female cat burglar wants to steal a painting!

Thanks a lot to the nice guy who recommended me this one!

I don’t know the backstory to this heist as I know only this scene and it’s from a Japanese TV show…


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

I really like her costume. She is wearing some sort of catsuit, don’t know exactly the material….but it looks very good 😉

I also like her mask, it disguises her perfectly and is a great protection against curious eyes.

A shame that she doesn’t get into a fight with someone.

Also, I really don’t like and don’t understand her self-unmasking on that rooftop.

She only escaped from the heist building and unmasks basically in public??? Yeah, it is night and it’s a rooftop, but that doesn’t make it a safe place to do that!

There are many skyscrapers around that place, everybody could see her with some binoculars. Perhaps even some folks saw her on that rope.

And also she still has to go down to her apartment and she could run into someone on the way while she is still wearing that outfit and carrying a painting with her (quite suspicious 😉 ).

Obviously, the detective knows her and they had some relationship already. And he was waiting in her apartment already. Lucky for her as she seemingly gets away with the heist…

In my version, she would have still worn the mask and he wouldn’t know who is under that mask.

They would fight and struggle, he would make several attempts of unmasking her before finally yanking that mask off her face…

I don’t know exactly from which episode this is, but it is from this long-running TV show:


If anyone knows the exact episode….let us know!

What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment!


Masked female …..knights and warriors?!

Thanks to the nice guy who recommended me this movie (and others)!

Well, ok, in one case she is dressed as a knight for a big part of the movie.

The other woman isn’t exactly a knight, more like a warrior, but certainly a masked warrior!

This one is pretty different from the scenes that I normally post, but perhaps you like it…


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

Well, the helmet of the warrior isn’t exactly very stylish or sexy for my taste, but it is certainly a great disguise. Sadly most of the guys have way cooler helmets than she has.

But the whole premise of having such a female masked knight is pretty cool, basically the opposite of the sleeky, masked cat burglar.

Of course, I would have preferred her to be unmasked by someone else, but no luck.

The female warrior is also a nice addition to the movie as she is seen in two full-face masks!

After the reveal of the knight, she sadly doesn’t wear her helmet that much and runs and rides along “just” in the armor.

If you like to see men and women fight in medieval armour, this is certainly a highlight movie for you!

And judging that there it has just around 500 votes on IMDB it seems like a pretty rare movie.


Wanna know the title of this movie?


What do you think of these scenes?

Are such masked female knights interesting for you?

Batwoman, season 3, episode 12 “We’re All Mad Here” [Review]

Check out the very short review on Batwoman – Season 3 – Episodes 8-13!

Check out the detailed review incl. pictures and my Batwoman cuts on Batwoman – Season 3 – Episode 12!

You can watch the episodes LIVE on the CW (Wednesdays at 9 PM) or watch it also for FREE on the CW website (link) and on the CW app, starting Thursdays after an episode has been aired on Wednesday!

Some screenshots:

(click on the image to enlarge it – more pictures on the page of the detailed review)

Have you seen it already?

What do you think about it?

Leave a comment here or on the page of the episode!