Two new Batgirl fan-movies! [Friday night in Gotham][Batgirl: Destiny calls]

Hey folks, I wanna present two Batgirl fan-movies that you really must see if you haven’t already. (Thanks to the guys who presented them at Behind the mask!)

The first one is Friday night in Gotham:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Really well made fan movie! And pretty great fight scenes for such a limited budget! 🙂

It seems like they will make more Batgirl movies!


And the second movie that I wanna show you folks is:

Batgirl: Destiny calls

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And here is the movie:

I love the dark tone of this movie! Batgirl doesn’t just beat these goons easily, she has to suffer to win it!

Personally I don’t really like that Batgirl “burnside” costume…but at least she wears some sort of cowl that hides something.

Please support these filmmakers by hitting the like button and/or commenting to these videos!

Your opinion about these movies?


Batman & Robin – Batgirl set footage

As promised I have some more Batgirl footage from Batman and Robin. Last time I showed you every moment of Batgirl in the movie.

This time I prepared a little video out of set footage. I edited it and put all the scenes with Alicia Silverstone in costume in it.

Some nice…views included! 😉


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And here is the video:

Nice to see her together with her stunt double who made every action scene. That outfit is sooooo hot. DAMN!


Batman & Robin – Batgirl Cut

Time for some more Batgirl! I made a special Batgirl cut from the Batman and Robin movie.

Every scene with Batgirl is in it. And well, that’s only a little over 4 minutes. But as much as I don’t like the batman “version” from Schumacher, I love the scenes with Batgirl.

Her costume is really great, pretty similar to the Birds of prey tv-show version that seems to have copied that design with some changes.

Of course I hate that damn eye mask, but for a short time she did have a real cowl on. Even if that cowl wasn’t attached to her suit or had a chin strap…. 🙁


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And here is the video:

I do have some nice material with “behind the scenes”-Batgirl material. I guess I will present that in the next weeks.

What’s your opinion on the movie and on this Batgirl version?




Man saved by masked female vigilante – Part 4 (final)

2nd post for today!

And it’s time for the last part of this little series.

Can our masked heroine Libra get her revenge?


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And here is the video:

Damn, he is a lucky guy! Why couldn’t she rescue me? 🙁

All in all a fine episode. They should have had a masked vigilante like this in every episode…

Man saved by masked female vigilante – Part 1

Not often you see scenes like this one on TV. I was pretty happy as I stumbled upon it, so here is part 1.

A wounded men is chased by some thugs. It seems that he is finished but in that moment a masked female vigilante appears….


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Here is the video:

Isn’t that a cool scene?

I really like her costume. The mask covers not enough, but I have seen much worse.

If you want, I could upload more scenes with our masked lady 😉

The Birds of Prey TV-show in Dreamwatch magazine

I’m a big fan of the Birds of Prey TV-show. Why? Well, not because the show itself, that was ok, but not really good.

It was 99% because of the batgirl episode they made. Dina Meyer in that costume….WOW! That was (is) something!

Until now it is my favorite hero-costume (in TV/cinema). It just looks awesome… Her mask isn’t bad but would have needed some improvements for my taste.

A chin strap and a little more mask material.

Now we have the new Batgirl movie coming up….I hope they will make a similar costume 🙂

A few months back I found that magazine cover and decided to get a copy of it. It wasn’t easy to get that issue but I found it in the UK.

This morning I thought that some of you would like to see the pictures and the text regarding Birds of Prey. So here they are! Enjoy!

Aperture: 3.5
Camera: DSC-HX50
Iso: 80
Orientation: 1
« of 7 »

(click on the arrows to see all 7 pictures, and click on the image to enlarge it)


Well, I guess their predication that the show will be a big success….. failed a little 😉

Your opinion?

Silver Cowl VS the female nazi #3

Time for the last part of the story!

Silver Cowl was beaten and unmasked, can her masked friend save the day and beat the female nazi?

And how does she look under her mask?


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Here is the video:


Well, in my version the female nazi would have been prettier and hiding behind a black rubber mask.

And they would have an unmasking battle at the end 😉

But all together this video has some great unmasking scenes (in part 1 and 2 as well).

Spider-woman and leather cat unmasked! [Fan Art]

Time for some new great pictures! In the last months he commissioned (yet again) some really good art!


spiderwoman police brutality 17 by mannameded-db7vcxd
Orientation: 1
« of 10 »

(click to enlarge to full size)


the leather cat catting around 2 by mannameded-db80nv2
« of 3 »

(click to enlarge to full size)

If you wanna see more commissioned unmasking art from him:


Thanks for your dedication to our little “special interest”!




Silver Cowl VS the female nazi #1

In this video we have two masked, female fighters 🙂 …and an evil female nazi! She wants to fight and she wants to take a look under these masks 😉


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And here is the video:



Isn’t that a great unmasking struggle? This is how it should be done!

And wait for what happens next 😉

sexy MASKED chick VS two sexy chicks

Hey folks, I edited another clip for you! One masked chick is being chased by two sexy, leather chicks! Sounds good? YES!


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Here is the video:

Well, the face paint prevents a real unmasking, but they could have shown it with a cut or from a certain angle. Damn!

But you have three sexy women and the bad guy who collect masks 🙂

If you wonder from which TV-series that is:


Batgirl Cosplay #14 +a Dina Meyer…

….secret extra picture! You all (should/must) know the Batgirl from the Birds of Prey TV-show that was played by Dina Meyer.

Well in this cosplay we have a cosplayer that made such a Batgirl outfit!

And I’ve added a great, sexy picture from Dina Meyer where she puts on her Batgirl outfit! 🙂


And here are the pictures:

(click to enlarge)

Oh man!

I guess I would have some serious….difficulties…making such pictures of her 😆

As I may have told before…the Birds of prey tv-show batgirl outfit is simply the best! Black rubber and black leather.. great!

With the exception of the mask desgin….well, as I said in the Hall of Fame section.

Your opinion?


Heroine in distress – part 1

Hey folks, it’s time for a new video!

I edited this one for you: A heroine in a great costume in sneaking around an abandoned factory. But surprise, surprise….it’s not so abandoned as she thought 😉


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And here is the video:



In parts a standard “heroine in peril” clip, with a lame story, bad acting and everything. But this one a nice mask (that hides something) and a really sexy outfit! Wow! Much better than 95% of the usual.


Pursuit with mask!

For today I got a good action scene where a some “friendly biker” attacks our hero and his crew. And you’ll find out why that fits on this blog… 😉


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And here is the video:

Well, that biker could chase me anytime, anywhere 😉

I got more scenes from that TV-series, it’s one of my all-time favorites!

More scenes in the next weeks!


And here is the episode and title of the show:

LINK: Title