After I upgraded the existing posts last week it’s time to make a post about the exciting scenes I haven’t even posted about …so far.
I’m talking about the “Birds of Prey” TV show.
As I mentioned… there are only a few Batgirl scenes in it as Barbara Gordon is actually Oracle in this show… for most of the time.
But there are some interesting flashbacks in the show’s very first episode.
(click to enlarge)
Here is the video:
Well, I think the Catwoman costume is ok. I mean it was just meant to be on screen for some seconds so they didn’t put up a really big effort or budget to make a great one.
But it’s so sad that there once was such a Catwoman and such a Batgirl in Gotham and the show actually starts later on without them. 🙁 #scriptcrime
These two (and more) during a full TV show? That would be insanely awesome… maybe one day…
But it’s nice that we get some more Batgirl footage in this one, even the fight in the hallway is cut pretty badly so it’s hard to see much.
The highlight is actually the scene where Batgirl slams into the wall.
If you check that in slow-motion you can actually see how her cowl lifts up quite a lot and she is in danger of getting unmasked! #stuntwoman
Well, as I mentioned in the post where she actually was unmasked…. it is incredibly dangerous to run around with such an unsecured mask.
But I guess it wouldn’t have made much difference in this case as the Joker already knows that Barbara is Batgirl as he shows up at her apartment … #uncool
And it’s a nice bonus to have that self-unmasking in another flashback scene as well!
Well… pretty insane/irresponsible to unmask herself in a public place like that… even at night.
Perhaps she was aware that this was only happening in that mind-control game? Hard to say…
I like how her bat symbol is the only flashing color in that scene… very iconic/symbolic.
Wanna know from which episode this scene is?
What do you think about these scenes?
Leave your comment here or on YouTube!
More from this TV show?
Check out the other Batgirl and Lady Shiva scenes in the Hall of Fame: