Masked female vigilante Titania in a kids TV show – 2 different masks

I read about this one on the superheroine forum. Thanks to the guy who posted about it there!

We have a masked female vigilante in long-running Canadian kid’s TV shows (from Quebec – so with French Audio).

I have seen rather little… so far, hopefully, there is some more good material in it.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel free to hit the LIKE button on the video on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

Ok, that first mask/wig combo is seemingly her standard disguise from what I read and have seen.

She changed into that cowl for some reason in one episode… but that seems to be the only time… as far as I know.

Yeah, my main issue, of course, is that it is a kids’ TV show. So, there won’t be any real action or peril involving our masked heroine.

(even the bearhug scene is quite perilous for a kid’s TV show)

Also, even though I had French in school (briefly) I don’t understand most of the audio as my little knowledge of French has evaporated over the last 20+ years.

She seems to be one of several masked heroes in this one, so… very often… you won’t even see her on screen.

The costume is too colorful for my taste, but it’s pretty solid overall. I mean you don’t find many heroines in such a spandex outfit on TV 😉

I especially like both of her masks from these scenes. In both of them, she is disguised really well, which is rather unusual…

In the link below you can find hundreds of episodes of this TV show.

I don’t know if it would be worth it to dig through all of those… but perhaps I might give it a try… at least.

Wanna know the name of the TV show?


(scenes from episodes 1 and 3 of season 1)


Here you can watch A LOT of the episodes of this show:

What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

When a woman with martial art skills finds a costume….

These scenes have just aired a little over a week ago and I had to make a post about it!

In this episode, you actually have around 9 minutes of her in costume and mask, and I wanna show you the better half of it.

This woman finds this costume and mask and an underground auction that then gets invaded by some thieves.

She puts on the costume and masks…. and is ready to kick some ass!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


Ok, I really like the action, even it’s too goofy for my taste. These goons have really bad aim and it’s a little too comedic for me.

But the stunt work is really good!

I do like the costume and her hood and mask are a perfect disguise.

A shame no one of these goons tries to unmask her.

And seeing her in this costume for that long is pretty cool as well.

The unmasking at the end is really bad as it only shows the last frames of it.

First, he would need to pull back the hood to grab into her mask that he would then yank off her head.

And of course, the unmasking goes down way too easy as she doesn’t resist.

These scenes were in episode 1 of the show (1+2 aired in the same week).

The costume isn’t used in episodes 2 and 3 and it looks like it wouldn’t be (at least by her) in the other ones.

But perhaps she will use it again….even I don’t think she will. 🙁

I will keep watching the show as it is fun.

If there will be more scenes with masked women in it….I will make another post.

Wanna know from which show this is?




Batwoman news:

In other news, Ryan Wilder showed up for the first time in the Flash “Armageddon” event.

She wasn’t in the first two episodes, but she appears in the late minutes of episode 3.

And judging from preview pictures….Batwoman will appear in episode 4 next week.

Seems like I will then make a post about it!

Arachna: The Adventure begins! – A crowdfundung campaign on Indiegogo [Comic]

Today I wanna promote a crowdfunding campaign that started this week!

So, what is it about? Well, basically it’s about a new comic that features Arachna, a masked heroine:

“A superheroine with a split personality brings the fun, adventure, and sexy back to comics”

Check out the page on Indiegogo:

“Arachna: The Adventure begins!” on Indiegogo

I highly recommend watching the video first!

One page as an example of what you can expect:

(click to enlarge it to full size)

I already backed the campaign to get my copy of the comic.

The concept of the comic is just great in my opinion. The whole split personality sounds like a lot of fun.

And of course, she is very sexy in that costume! Her mask hides her identity well enough and as you can already see on the pictures on Indiegogo, she will get unmasked at one point 😉

Plus, as you also can see on the images…..we also have a masked villainess as a bonus!

Also, from what I have seen and read of the comic, this comic isn’t a “regular” mainstream comic.

The focus is on showing a very sexy adventure of an unusual heroine who seems to get into peril quite a lot ;-).

So, I am really looking forward to this one!


Some of the cover versions that you can get by backing this campaign (more on the Indiegogo page):

(click to enlarge it to full size)

As I am writing this post, the first goal of 5.000$ is practically already reached. I would say it’s only a matter of hours to get there.

But this is only the beginning! There are a lot of interesting stretch goals up to 50.000. (more info on the Indiegogo site).

If the campaign hits that final goal, all backers will receive a 15-20 minute action film with Arachna! And that would be really awesome! 🙂

On his Youtube channel, you can already see some short snippets of Arachna and her stunning costume!

An example of these promo videos:


The campaign will run for another 30 days, so I am very thrilled to see how it will develop!

I hope that Arachna gets a lot of supporters as this comic is something very special.

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

The masked female vigilante VS criminal scum – Scenes 1 and 2

Post 2 of 2 for today

This movie has actually quite a lot of scenes with a masked female vigilante.

And she takes no prisoners, she wants to kill some criminal scum!

Scene 1, Preview:

(click to enlarge)

The video:


Scene 2, Preview:

(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

For now I wanna keep the movie title a mystery, there is more from this movie, incl. the unmasking of the vigilante!

If you want to see more….let me know via comment here or on Youtube.

I have mixed feelings about these scenes. I really like that this masked vigilante really takes her secret identity very serious and conceals it very well.

Ok, the combination with that mask and the ski mask looks a bit…weird, but it works.

I’m not 100% sure but I think that you can see that they used a male stuntdouble in some of the action scenes. The loose outfit makes it rather easy as you often can hardly see if the vigilante is a woman or a man.

What’s pretty embarassing is the gun of the cop who gets a little electrified by her. You can clearly see that it isn’t a real gun with that barrel. It rather looks like a water gun from the front view. 😉

I guess that’s a rather cheap prop gun.

What do you think about these scenes?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!


Stargirl – Season 1, episode 2 – Stargirl VS Brainwave

The 2nd episode of Stargirl has aired and we do see her in the costume and mask for the first time!

Also she does have a nice, perilous fight against Brainwave!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

A good episode in my eyes.

Ok, I have my usual problems with these teenagers issues and all the fantasy stuff. But that are rather minor problems.

[SPOILERS ahead! Watch the episode first!]

[SPOILERS ahead! Watch the episode first!]

[SPOILERS ahead! Watch the episode first!]

The scenes with her trying to find Brainwave in her school while he was looking for her at the same time, was a nice secret identity peril scene.

Especially as he discovered her, saw her face and knew her name.

The fight against Brainwave was very good and you can see that they have a bigger (CGI-)budget as many shows from the Arrowverse for example.

For a moment I thought he would even go for her mask, even he already knew who she is. Luckily he is out of the game for now, so her secret identity is safe for now.

So her mask really provides her with a secret identity and isn’t just decoration. I do hope the the next villains will be interested in finding out who is under that mask.

And here are two promo pictures for episode 4, which will be aired on June 8:

(click to enlarge)

Well, I must say, a pretty cool mask that really hides her face!

And it hides her so well, that from what I can see on these pictures….I thought the actress would be a teenager, but actually the actress is 27! 😆

But ok, Brec Bassinger who plays Stargirl is 21 and her character is 15. So will Wildcat be 15 in the show as well while Yvette Monreal is 27? Would be kind of….bizarre.

Well, I am very much looking forward to this one! On IMDB she is listed for all 13 episodes but no mention that she is Wildcat as well.

Hopefully she will be around for the rest of the season!

I wonder how these two will meet in costume. Surely they will fight together VS the villains. With two masked women I really hope for some unmasking action/peril in the season!

Have you seen the episode already?

How did you like it?

Leave a comment!

Batwoman: My review of episode 8 (“A mad tea party”)…

…is ready now!

Check out the very short short review on Batwoman – Season 1 – Episodes 7-12!

Check out the detailed review incl. pictures and my Batwoman cuts on Batwoman – Season 1 – Episode 8!

Some screenshots:

(click to enlarge – more pictures on the page of episode 8)

Have you seen it already?

What do you think about it?

Leave a comment!

Ant-Man and the WASP – A new trailer, my special trailer version and pictures!

Time to make a post about my most anticipated “masked women” movie in 2018. The first trailer showed some great moments in Evangeline “Lost” Lilly in her new Wasp costume.

In addition to the costume she wears a helmet-type mask that conceals her identity pretty good.

But now a second trailer has arrived where we can see some scenes with Ghost, a masked villainess! So, we do have 2 masked women in one movie. Now I’m really looking forward to this one!!!


Let’s start with the new trailer:

Some pictures:

(click to enlarge)

Well, it seems that we will see some unmaskings of the Wasp, as she runs around in her costume but without her helmet/mask in some scenes. I really hope for a forced unmasking or even better that Ghost may unmask her. But I guess that may be just wishful thinking. Don’t know if someone else could actually remove such a helmet?

You may have already noticed that Ghost herself is UNMASKED in the last two pictures as well! I really hope that she doesn’t unmask herself in front of the heroes…

But it will be very interesting how that mask and cowl will be removed. It seems that the cowl is attached to her suit. Oh man, the possibilities…..

Ant-Man and the Wasp will hit theaters on July 6th (USA) and on July 26th here in my country.

And here is my special version of the trailer with the really important scenes ;-):

What’s your opinion on the Trailer?

Will you be in the cinema to watch it?

Leave your comment below!


Man saved by masked female vigilante – Part 2 (and 3)

[2nd post for today]

Time for more of the masked female vigilante!

And it’s time for some unmasking action…. 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Great that we see her face, but that unmasking…..totally wrong!

She turns the back to the camera and self unmaskings are…. uncool.

But since we get a hot, masked female vigilante….we shouldn’t complain 😉

I prepared a third part. That can’t be on youtube 😉

But I guess you would like to see it.

She gets….naughty.

Part 3

*EDIT* April 2022: New link

And she may have another action scene… more to follow.


Man saved by masked female vigilante – Part 1

Not often you see scenes like this one on TV. I was pretty happy as I stumbled upon it, so here is part 1.

A wounded men is chased by some thugs. It seems that he is finished but in that moment a masked female vigilante appears….


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Isn’t that a cool scene?

I really like her costume. The mask covers not enough, but I have seen much worse.

If you want, I could upload more scenes with our masked lady 😉

New TV-series with masked female vigilantes! #2

Time for more masked female vigilantes! In this one I cut good (with masked women) scenes from 4 episodes into one video.



(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


Some really good scenes and a good nightmare scene 😉

There will be one more video in the next weeks to round up the series.

New TV-series with masked female vigilantes! #1

Well, that was the best recommendation that I got (mask-related) for the last year! Thanks man!

There is a new TV-show that has masked female vigilantes in it! So GREAT!

And now I wanna show you all the “important” (mask-related) scenes from only the first episode. And that were 7 minutes already! 🙂


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Right now I won’t give up the name of the show, but it will be revealed in the future. And there will be more videos from the show here on the site. 😉

Well, that was a first episode with a real highlight 🙂

Stay tuned for more!

Your opinion?

Darkwing 6 – Who rules the night?

It’s time to introduce Darkwing to this blog. Darkwing (aka Batgirl 😉 ) played in a series of 8 short movies the really hot, masked vigilante.

In this episode she battles agent august, a sexy female agent that wants to get rid of Darkwing.

And I can assure you…. these two deliver a great cat fight 😉

Here are some preview pics:

(click to enlarge)

The trailer:


I teamed up with the producer, that means that you won’t find the video here. So don’t ask for it.

But you will notice that there are no AD links at all in this post.

Just some pics and the trailer for your entertainment.


If you like what you saw, here are the links to get the whole video:

Extreme (Death) version:

Peril (Non-Death) version:


Queen of Swords – wounded and cornered… (1)

In this clip the Queen of Swords is in a really bad situation. She is wounded and Captain Grisham and his soldiers have her cornered….

…and we have the beginning of a later scene in the same episode. A soldier has a hostage and wants the Queen to give up….or he kills the hostage!


(click to enlarge)

And here you can witness all the action:

…to be continued!

Small note: There will be a new post on the weekend, but I will be away until Tuesday… without much access to the internet I guess.

Model by Day – #1

Time for a new series. In the next weeks I will present you 4 parts of one of the very few movies where you actually have a masked heroine.

“Model by day” is a good movie for me and has two remarkable facts: The most beautiful woman ever in a superhero outfit (Famke “gorgeous” Janssen) and at the same time one of the ugliest superhero outfits ever created. The only good part about it that it really covers her identity. But the costume designer should be in prison…together with the guy that created the Halle Berry “costume”….

And the movie has Shannon Tweed in it…

Story: Model (Famke) is sick of the street thugs that terrorize the city. She gets “Lady X”, a masked crime fighter. But she attract a (female) copycat, that kills the bad guys…. 😉

But enough talking, let’s start with part 1 of 4.

(click to enlarge)

And here is the fist scene of Famke in action as Lady X:

Your opinion about the costume and the movie?

And thanks to “kalman Andrasofszky” of reminding me of the movie!

Scorpion Warrior VS the Cobra Queen – Part 2

And now, the final part 6 of my little Scorpion Warrior series! Our Scorpion Warrior fights against the evil Cobra Queen… can she win?

(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

If you wanna see the other parts, just hit the “Scorpion Warrior” field under “Category” below.