Baby Yoda and the flying masked women

This post is about a scene that is rather very fresh since that episode was just shown 3 weeks ago.

Most of you should have heard about the blockbuster show The Mandalorian by now.

And now the TV show has “qualified” for this blog as well!

I cut the scene rather short to have it on Youtube, but even the barely 3 minutes were seemingly too “long” for Disney to allow it.

But where there are masked women….there is a way 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

…sorry, had to remove it… are too late…

I do watch the Star Wars movies and this TV show, but honestly, I didn’t know the seemingly quite famous character.

The woman with the orange hair is Bo-Katan Kryze played by Katee Sackhoff.

As the lead character nearly never takes his helmet off (an important rule) I was quite surprised that they unmasked in front of him.

The helmets as masks aren’t exactly sexy for me, but as they completely conceal the face they are adding a very interesting aspect of mystery to the scene. You can clearly identify the two women as their shapes give it away…. luckily, contrary to the 4 masked female diamond thieves I presented in the last weeks.

But you don’t have any clue on who the woman under each helmet would look. A nice thrill for me 🙂

I didn’t know before the unmasking that Katee Sackhoff was under the helmet so it was a nice surprise for me.

There are more scenes with the two masked women in the episode, so you should check it out if you have the chance.


If you wanna know in which episode this scene was in:


What do you think about that scene?

Leave a comment!


On my other blog, you can find “Batwoman 1” aka Ruby Rose in action:

A caged frogwoman, a gigantic shark and Jason Statham

P.S. 2:

I wanna reach the next milestone on Youtube (5000 subscribers) so feel welcome to SUBSCRIBE to my channel:

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The masked female agent and the soldiers

A quick post for today.

I know this movie since it was in the theaters but forgot about this scene afterwards.

So, it’s time that it is posted here on the blog!

We have two masked agents and a bunch of soldiers….sounds weird? Well, yes!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, I don’t have a clue why they wore those masks in the first place when the immediately unmask in front of all those soliders…..BUT….it was really nice to see Jessica Alba unmasking herself!

I cut the scene rather short to avoid problems with youtube, but every second they wear those masks in the movie… is in the clip.

If you don’t know from which movie this is:


What do you think of this scene?

Leave your comment below!

P.S.: Now Jessica Alba made it to BOTH my blogs. 🙂

On Frogwoman you can find several clips with her from Flipper (the newer TV show) and “Into the blue” as well.

*EDIT* I uploaded a clip of Jessica Alba where she is half as old as in this video:

A frogman, a mermaid and Jessica Alba

Heavily armored, masked burglars VS the police – Scenes 1+2 (out of 4)

Thanks again to the friendly blog visitor who recommended me this gem!

This TV episode offers actually 4(!) interesting scenes and I wanna present the first two today.

We have 4 heavily armored, masked burglars who love shiny diamonds!

Can they be stopped? Who is under these masks?

Preview, scene 1:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

I did cut a short scene out of it where the police car starts chasing them to make the video shorter and thereby making it more likelier to not be blocked on Youtube.

My opinion on this first scene can be found below…


Preview, scene 2:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Scene 1 (watch the video first!):

Yeah, these burglars mean buisiness! Fully masked, heavily armored and with a lot of firepower!

The exact opposite of the sneaky cat-burglar 😉

I like how they blackmail the safe guy, but letting him live as he is no threat to them.

The car chase is pretty cool. They escaped without killing anyone (except the folks who foolishly shot at them).

Scene 2 (watch the video first!):

Ok, I don’t know if that would actually work to rebound a bullet like that. Also I don’t think it was 100% necessary to kill the burglar.

For examples the feet and hands weren’t protected with bulletproof material and the distance was pretty close. They should have been able to hit the burglar.

I’m not sure if she sacrificed herself to cover the retreat of the others or if they let her or they left her behind on purpose.

But it was a nice reveal and highly unusual to find a woman under that mask! 🙂

With such a disguise there is no chance at all someone would know who is behind these masks.

Off course without a masked woman in the team I wouldn’t post these scenes here….

And the fact that I wanna post 2 more scenes from this episode….. may “hint” that this wasn’t the only woman under these masks 😉

Until the other two scenes are posted…I won’t reveal the title of the show and episode number.

Stay tuned for the other 2 scenes!

What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!

Villainess in red leather VS Supah Ninjas!

I didn’t have the chance to watch the (shorter) season 2 of this show but this will be my last post from season 1.

In this one, we have a villainess in red leather and an eye mask to fight the Supah Ninjas!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

….you are too late, had to remove the file…. sorry.

As you should know by now I’m not the biggest fan of eye masks, but this one is pretty good as I like the material (leather) and shape of it.

Also, the scene where she has the female ninja at her mercy is quite sexy. Damn, I wish she would have been curious to see who is underneath that ninja mask.

An “unmasking-duel” between those two would have been the proper ending for the episode in my opinion 😉

But I really like the last scene here, having two masked women like these two fightings each other….. is always interesting to watch!

The scenes are from this episode:


What do you think of these scenes?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

The masked …secretary

Well, a little spoiler in the title already? But otherwise you would ask why I would post it here 😉

In this video we have the two most interesting scenes from a not really remarkable movie.

So, enjoy the video!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, I do prefer masks that are actually identifiable as masks, since they usually cheat a lot to show unmaskings with these “another face”-masks.

I do enjoy the first scene since her unmasking transforms her from the scared secretary to the confident heroine she is in the movie (more or less).

To bad the villain knows about her secret as he finds her stealing his stuff. In my version he would find her there and they start to fight. At some point his hand grabs onto her face and damages her mask. Of course he gets curious and unmasks her in a long struggle revealing Chan Lee. A woman who he trusted to train his ninja tropps.

Wanna know from which movie this is?


What do you think of that scene?

Do you like these kind of masks?

Leave a comment!

Stargirl – Season 1, episode 9 – Wildcat VS Henry

The newest Stargirl episode didn’t had much action.

Well, it had barely none to be honest. Stargirl wasn’t at all in the episode, but at least Wildcat got some screentime…even it was less than 90 seconds…..


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

[SPOILERS ahead, watch the episode first]

The episode title is “Brainwave” and that shows what this episode is about. Most of the episodes were focusing on one character so his/her origin story and to focus on him.

And that’s a little problem what I have with this show so far. Don’t get me wrong, I really like the show and especially enjoy all scenes with Stargirl and Wildcat. But now with 9 out of 13 episodes of season 1 aired…..the real story of the show JSA vs ISA hasn’t really moved forward since they are focusing so much on character introduction.

On one hand that’s a good thing, because you really get to know the characters. On the other hand the main storyline and the action comes too short.

And after episode 9 “Brainwave”…the next one is called “Brainwave Jr.”.

The scene with Wildcat was nice, even I really hate these mind reading abilities as Henry knew immediately that Yolanda is Wildcat 🙁

They really need to get him onto their side…otherwise they would have a massive problem.

However, it was an interesting episode as to see the background of Brainwave and how his son is handling it.

Also the dinner with Jordan aka Icicle was intense as one of the big villains was at the some table with Courtney.

No big surprise, Brainwave is finally awake now, and as he knows Stargirl secret as well……another big danger arises for the team.

And luckily, judging from the trailer for the next episode, we seem to get some action at least in the next one:


Trailer for episode 10:

Feel welcome to leave your comment!

How do like the last episode?

Masked, female ninja on a rescue mission [American Ninja]

I watched these “American Ninja” movies as a kid and decided to check them out for masked women, and I did find some scenes!

In this flick, we have the american ninja and a woman infiltrating the HQ of the villain. He is already in costume and knocks out some guards outside. She get one of their outfits and becomes a ninja herself (her transformation isn’t shown in the movie).

Now they are in the base and wanna free her dad who gets used by the villain for his evil plans 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

[Watch the video first, before you continue!]

Damn, she looks really smashing in the outfit and mask!

As usual, there are quite some things that could have been done better….but well, I’m happy about this scene!

A shame she wasn’t trained in any martial arts, would have been much cooler if she actually would participate in a fight.

On the other hand, we get a decent unmasking scene, even if it’s “only” a self unmasking.

There are no more scenes of her in mask.

They should make a series of new movie of American Ninja, this time with a woman! That would be awesome 🙂

Wanna know which American Ninja movies this is?


What do you think of this scene?

Leave a comment!

The masked woman from outer space!

I have checked the episodes of this TV show for another reason and stumbled upon this scene.

A masked woman enters a spaceship. She is being followed by some masked men who wanna catch her.

Can she escape them? Will she make it to safety?


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

…sorry, had to remove it… are too late…

[Watch the video first, SPOILERS ahead!]

Ok, her mask isn’t exactly an attractive one….BUT it does the job of concealing her face really well, especially in combination with that hood.

It’s a shame that the unmasking happens more or less off-screen.

On the good side, I liked the aspect of him holding onto her mask as he unmasked her.

And her surprised/shocked face right after the unmasking is a bonus as well!

I didn’t watch the whole episode so far, from what I understand by skipping through it, her folks see her as a murderer and thereby pursuing her relentless.

In the whole episode, they try to convince the good guys to hand her over so they can kill her.

There are no other scenes with masked women in this one after that.

Wanna know from which episode of which TV show this is?

Here you go:


What do you think of the scene?

Feel welcome to leave your comment!


The masked female vigilante VS criminal scum – Scenes 3 and 4

And now scenes 3 and 4 from the mystery movie which title I will reveal at the end of this post.

Our masked female vigilante tries to stop an evil guy who abducted 2 little girls!

Will she succeed? And who is actually under that mask?


Preview, Scene 3:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


Preview, Scene 4:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

[SPOILERS ahead, watch the videos first!]
What strange weapon is that? No clue….

Damn, the detective showed up some seconds to early 😉

Would have been great to see her unmasking herself in front of the bad guy.

But at least she gets to unmask herself even if the cop already knew who she was.

In my version: He would have approached the vigilante who is still hurting from the bullets she got into her vest. He would grabbed onto her mask, she would struggle to keep it on, but is too weakened to stop him. And he would be surprised to see her unmasked face as he didn’t thought that this woman would be the vigilante.

Here is the title of the movie:


What do you think of these scenes and the ending?

Feel welcome to leave your comment!



The masked female vigilante VS criminal scum – Scenes 1 and 2

Post 2 of 2 for today

This movie has actually quite a lot of scenes with a masked female vigilante.

And she takes no prisoners, she wants to kill some criminal scum!

Scene 1, Preview:

(click to enlarge)

The video:


Scene 2, Preview:

(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

For now I wanna keep the movie title a mystery, there is more from this movie, incl. the unmasking of the vigilante!

If you want to see more….let me know via comment here or on Youtube.

I have mixed feelings about these scenes. I really like that this masked vigilante really takes her secret identity very serious and conceals it very well.

Ok, the combination with that mask and the ski mask looks a bit…weird, but it works.

I’m not 100% sure but I think that you can see that they used a male stuntdouble in some of the action scenes. The loose outfit makes it rather easy as you often can hardly see if the vigilante is a woman or a man.

What’s pretty embarassing is the gun of the cop who gets a little electrified by her. You can clearly see that it isn’t a real gun with that barrel. It rather looks like a water gun from the front view. 😉

I guess that’s a rather cheap prop gun.

What do you think about these scenes?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!


A cat burglar and the waving cat [great heist scene in “Dr. Who”]

Post 1 out of 2 for today!

This one is a great example of perfection and complete failure can be found in just some minutes of a video.

We have a sexy cat burglar who breaks into a museum to steal a very valuable chalice.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

First of all …some bad aspects:
Who created the heist scene?
Museum guards with assault rifles? Isn’t that a BIT much? Why not bazookas too?
A laser system that goes around that chalice, which is open at the top(!?!)….and completely useless/unnecessary IF you have 4(!) guards with assault rifles(!) standing around it.
None of the guards is watching the guarded object! WTF??????
All of the guards are completely deaf! No one hears anything from what is happening one foot behind them (she moves very quietly…but she must make at least some noise)!
No one seems to check the cameras that there are in such a museum! (and would spot her immediately)
And worst of all:
She UNMASKS herself …as she is still in the museum!!!
A very BAD move my dear! (cameras and guards she could run into)

But, on the GOOD side:
She looks great with and without the mask!
The mask fits perfectly and is a perfect disguise as well. It is also greatly secured as the leather jacket “covers” the lower end. Her leather outfit is great. 🙂
I love these flat, over-knee leather boots…realistic AND quite sexy.
It’s good how she is cornered on the streets (even without a mask) and it is so difficult to escape for her.

Now imagine how EPIC this scene would be…..IF (the “Maskripper version” of this scene):
She steals the chalice.
She runs into some guards (while still masked), let’s say three.
They don’t have assault rifles (lol) …they have batons.
She puts her great martial arts skills to good use and delivers a real battle even against all three of them.
She kicks them, uses leg scissors, punches, throws.
They get more and more angry and embarrassed that one woman seems to be able to fight against all 3 of them.
They start to coordinate the attacks better.
Two grab her arms and fixate her.
The third: “Let’s see how this feisty one looks underneath her mask”
He reaches for her mask, stretching it, playing with it slowly, enjoying it.
The cameras zooms in on her face. The desperation in her eyes. She grunts and moans, trying to break free.
Her mask is getting loose slowly.
“NO! STOP that!…..NO!”. She is on the brink of panic.
Finally, she manages to kick the guard who is still playing with her mask, he falls on his back.
She struggles hard to break free from the other two. One of them is reaching for her mask. Touching the fabric. (slow-motion).
In that moment she kicks the other one off her side.
Immediately she uses her free hand to grab into her mask, stopping the unmasking. She kicks him too.
All three attack her, she dodges around and the battle continues.
2 are down by now.
The last guard grabs her from behind, pulling her very close.
“You fought very well, but I won’t let you escape. …. especially not with your mask on!”
He starts to yank on her mask as she hits him right in the face with her back head. He falls on his back with a bloody nose.
“I rather keep it on!”
More guards are closing in.
The camera zooms in on her sexy boots as she runs away.

*EDIT* February 2024:

Here is a “Making Of” video with some interesting scenes that was recommended to me:

Wanna know from which episode of this TV show this was taken? Here is the link:


What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!

The masked, female ninja-assassin strikes! [Masked villainess]

Another scene I can present thanks to a nice user!

In this one, we have some rich guy who cleary’s has some enemies that would like him to “disappear”.

He feels that he would be safe high up in his headquarter, but a masked woman sneaks closer and she is not a nice visitor…..


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, not the nicest visitor for sure! 😉

As much as I like such masked, female assassins, It’s a pitty that we hardly see her (masked) face while she is in that costume.

And I would think it’s not the best idea to “hang around” a room, where you shoot an explosive arrow into it. The blast should be quite dangerous. But the idea behind this “indirect” attack is nice.

The “unmasking” is in this case a little ….odd….as she pulls off her complete (upper-)outfit with one pull, incl. her mask.

In my version she would have had battled some security guards as she was trying to escape. And these security guards would have been curious to see how is under that mask.

But she would have fought them off in the end.

Off course it’s a nice bonus when Tia Carrere undress and reveals such a bathing suit!

Sadly she doesn’t appear again in that ninja outfit in the episode.

Wanna know from which episode this was taken?


Fun fact: I posted another scene with Tia Carrere from the same TV show, but she had another role in that one!

Funny, the same actress plays two different masked(!) women in the same TV show 🙂

Here is the other scene:

What do you think about that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!



Remember the Batwoman episode “If you believe in me, I’ll believe in you” is airing tonight!

And Batwoman surely is in deep trouble, judging from the pictures I posted already last week:

(click to enlarge)

….and here is a little extra “Behind the scenes” picture with the director of the episode:

(click to enlarge)

….and a fresh, new promo picture from today:

(click to enlarge)

So, if you have the chance…tune into the CW today when the episode airs!

The cat burglar, the hidden safe and the gangster

How about a “good” cat burglar that breaks into the house ouf a bad guy?

Well, this unusual scenario can be found in this video!

Thanks a lot for recommending it to me! Now you all can enjoy this scene as well.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

With visitors like these….

…perhaps I should become a gangster boss? 😉

Pretty good scene, even I would have prefered a fight between them before he would unmask her in the end by slowly peeling that mask off.

But the reveal is pretty good and I like who she flirts with up afterwards.

Wanna know from which episode this is?

Here is the IMDB link

What do you think of this scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!


P.S.: It is still time to get the videos and pictures from this month!!!

Wanna donate some bucks, show your support for this blog (actually help to keep it running) and get good videos and fetish stories in return?

…then join the VIP club on Maskripper!


The kitten, the female cat burglar and the security guard

This one was recommended to me by a nice user of this site some weeks ago….thanks again!

The video doesn’t have english audio, but I don’t know if an english version of this exists at all since it is a rather “small” french movie.

However there is little dialog in this one, so it doesn’t rally matter.

We have an attractive female cat burglar that sneaks into a museum…but one guard isn’t fooled by her little “distraction”.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

The scene ends there, no more scenes with her in that catsuit in the movie.

What I really like about this one: She has to fight really hard to escape with her loot! The guard knows some martial arts and she is in real danger in both fight scenes.

He could knock her out or even UNMASK her in that fight….and that would be her end for sure!

I love the tension and intensity of these fight scenes.

Of course it would have been great if he would have been able to grab onto her mask….but no such luck.

Wanna know from which movie this was taken? Here you go:


What do you think of that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

A guy on roller skates and a masked female killer

Time for another video from the Another scene from the Villaines compilation!

The movie itself isn’t worth watching, even the very short scenes where the masked killer strikes are really bad.

BUT…..the movie does offer a fine final struggle with the masked villainess!

Please excuse the poor picture quality, there isn’t anything better than an VHS source available to this one. It is a very rare movie with only 33 votes om IMDB.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

What I really like about this scene is the line: “Take off her mask!” and that she fights back as he wants to unmask her.

A real shame that the cowardly gangster shoots the unarmed woman. I think they are on the same side, but they decided to get rid of her at one point.

The unmasking is solid and without a cut. Too bad she wasn’t shown properly in that outfit before this scene.

Wanna know from which movie this is?


What do you think about this scene?

Leave a comment below!