Stargirl – Season 1, episode 9 – Wildcat VS Henry

The newest Stargirl episode didn’t had much action.

Well, it had barely none to be honest. Stargirl wasn’t at all in the episode, but at least Wildcat got some screentime…even it was less than 90 seconds…..


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

[SPOILERS ahead, watch the episode first]

The episode title is “Brainwave” and that shows what this episode is about. Most of the episodes were focusing on one character so his/her origin story and to focus on him.

And that’s a little problem what I have with this show so far. Don’t get me wrong, I really like the show and especially enjoy all scenes with Stargirl and Wildcat. But now with 9 out of 13 episodes of season 1 aired…..the real story of the show JSA vs ISA hasn’t really moved forward since they are focusing so much on character introduction.

On one hand that’s a good thing, because you really get to know the characters. On the other hand the main storyline and the action comes too short.

And after episode 9 “Brainwave”…the next one is called “Brainwave Jr.”.

The scene with Wildcat was nice, even I really hate these mind reading abilities as Henry knew immediately that Yolanda is Wildcat 🙁

They really need to get him onto their side…otherwise they would have a massive problem.

However, it was an interesting episode as to see the background of Brainwave and how his son is handling it.

Also the dinner with Jordan aka Icicle was intense as one of the big villains was at the some table with Courtney.

No big surprise, Brainwave is finally awake now, and as he knows Stargirl secret as well……another big danger arises for the team.

And luckily, judging from the trailer for the next episode, we seem to get some action at least in the next one:


Trailer for episode 10:

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