The masked …secretary

Well, a little spoiler in the title already? But otherwise you would ask why I would post it here 😉

In this video we have the two most interesting scenes from a not really remarkable movie.

So, enjoy the video!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, I do prefer masks that are actually identifiable as masks, since they usually cheat a lot to show unmaskings with these “another face”-masks.

I do enjoy the first scene since her unmasking transforms her from the scared secretary to the confident heroine she is in the movie (more or less).

To bad the villain knows about her secret as he finds her stealing his stuff. In my version he would find her there and they start to fight. At some point his hand grabs onto her face and damages her mask. Of course he gets curious and unmasks her in a long struggle revealing Chan Lee. A woman who he trusted to train his ninja tropps.

Wanna know from which movie this is?


What do you think of that scene?

Do you like these kind of masks?

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