A guy on roller skates and a masked female killer

Time for another video from the Another scene from the Villaines compilation!

The movie itself isn’t worth watching, even the very short scenes where the masked killer strikes are really bad.

BUT…..the movie does offer a fine final struggle with the masked villainess!

Please excuse the poor picture quality, there isn’t anything better than an VHS source available to this one. It is a very rare movie with only 33 votes om IMDB.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

What I really like about this scene is the line: “Take off her mask!” and that she fights back as he wants to unmask her.

A real shame that the cowardly gangster shoots the unarmed woman. I think they are on the same side, but they decided to get rid of her at one point.

The unmasking is solid and without a cut. Too bad she wasn’t shown properly in that outfit before this scene.

Wanna know from which movie this is?


What do you think about this scene?

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Tia Carrere VS the cat burglar!

Another scene from the Villaines compilation! A real treasure chest….. 🙂

In this one gorgeous Tia Carrere is after a golden cat statue….but so is a fully masked cat burglar!



(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

I didn’t cut antyhing from the cat burglar out of the video, it is not seen how she gets thrown out of the window. But it wasn’t by that guy, it was a curse that this golden statue emanates (if I understood it right, haven’t watched the whole episode).

Of course you might know what I don’t like about the video 😉

It’s a shame that we didn’t see the cat burglar unmasking herself or even better: watching her getting unmasked by Tia Carrere in a long struggle!

But she looks great in the catsuit and mask and she also wears sexy boots as well. And a catfight with a masked catburglar and Tia Carrere……is a great thing to have!

Funny that the guy tried to attack her with that shoe…..brilliant plan 😆

The way they shot the cat ears in front of the cat burglar, really good. Just looked like that ears would fit to her.

Funny how the tides have turned…..for most of the time it was easy to find stuff for my other blog frogwoman.org and more and more difficult to find stuff for this one.

Nowadays, that has turned completely, right now I have SO much stuff for this blog, and nearly nothing for frogwoman.org.

Wanna know from which episodes and TV show this is from?


What do you think of that scene?

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Masked female assassin (villainess) strikes at night!

Remember this great compilation?

Thanks to “the uploader of the video and the guy who pointed me towards it!

Well, here is the first full scene of one of the movies included in it.

There is a masked assassin who likes to strangle people at night. And this one is now targeting the “heroine” of the movie.

A detective is protecting her why she sleeps in her apartment.

But that sleep will be interrupted pretty soon 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

*EDIT* Due to youtube, I had to cut the version to avoid showing nudity

If you wanna see the whole scene uncut:


By the way…the naked woman is a former victim of the strangler that has a “psychic connection” to the lead character.

There are more scenes of the masked strangler but only short flashbacks/visions that doesn’t show much.

Isn’t that a really great scene?

I love the struggle, and how she tries to get a good grip on the mask. And I love how the masked woman tries to prevent the unmasking and her facial expression as the mask finally comes off.

And it was quite a surprise that the strangler actually was a woman, since nothing had pointed in that direction. I am not even sure if that was the same actress under the mask in the whole scene. She is very tall, but in some shots it looks a bit like they used a stunt GUY….but not sure about it.

The movie itself is “just” ok, but this scene….has a really well done unmasking! 🙂

As a little bonus, here is “just” the unmasking:

Wanna know from which movie this is? Here you go:


What do you think about that scene?

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The masked (female) kidnapper and the boy

A nice user asked about a clip on Youtube, if I would know from which movie it was. The title already provided the actual (very common) title, but the wrong year.

I found out about the movie and the scene should be on this blog as well.

Story: Some kidnappers have kidnapped a boy from a wealthy family. But he isn’t as harmless as he has some evil powers….


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Only a short scene, but pretty interesting!

We have a sexy, masked kidnapper, some “mask-talk” and an unmasking!

Well, and I couldn’t resist like he did…..I would “peek” to get a look at her unmasked face…. 😉

Wanna know from which movie this is? Here you go:


What do you think about this scene? Leave a comment!

The nightly visit ….by a masked woman!

How about a nightly visit by a masked woman? Sounds good? Pretty much a dream coming true!

Thanks to the friendly user who recommended it!

In this scene we have a rather old couple, getting ready to sleep. But suddenly two masked folks enter their home…what is going on?


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, certainly not the worst night for him 😉

Damn, many would pay to get such a nightly visitor! Ok, perhaps having that the guy taking pictures to blackmail you afterwards…

Sadly, a rather short scene….but with a nice unmasking and other interesting reveals. 🙂

Wanna know from which episode this scene was taken?

Here you go:


What do you think of this scene?

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P.S.: Please consider joining the VIP-club on this site if you want this blog to continue.

The adventures of a female art thief

Thanks to a nice user, we can watch these scenes. Scenes with a female, masked art thief and her heists and break-ins.


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Here is the video:

If there were some burglars like her…I would be a security dude at a museum! 😉

I like the fact that she really wanna protect her identity.

She even wears sun glasses to that mask!

Damn, I wish that security guard would have caught her, tried to unmask her, but in the end she would have gotten away.

A shame that her unmasking wasn’t shown in the episode, even all knew by then who she was (if you have watched the whole thing).

Wanna know from which series/what episode this is?


Please leave a comment below!


A drive-by and a car chase with a masked female assassin!

Just a normal day in the week…

Cruising home in the sun with the jeep… a masked woman drives by… shoots at you… a car chase… an unmasking….well, just a normal day at the office!

Well, maybe not completely normal 😉

Thanks for the friendly user who recommended this one to me!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Hmh, a pretty unusal scene after all.

Would have been great to see her more …with the mask on. And I even think that it is a stuntman in the scene where “she” is shooting at the guys.

However it has a nice unmasking! Again a little for fighting and stuggling would have been great before the unmasking, but the unmasking itself is done rather well.

If you want to know where to find this scene:


What do you think of that scene?

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Beware of this….”pig”!

A pig? On this blog? Well, actually it is a masked woman….who is wearing some sort of miss piggy mask  😉

Just saw this scene yesterday and yeah, it does qualify for this blog.

A man wanders around the red light district in Amsterdam. He finds something unusual that attracts his attention….


(click on the picture to enlarge it to full size)

And here is the video:

….had to be removed….you are too late 😉

Well, a rather…unusual scene! 🙂

Don’t trust women who wear pig mask… 😆

Even there is no actual unmasking in the scene….a find it rather interesting. The mystery of her mask is very sexy. The music is brilliant in my opinion. First suspense/thrilling music and then some sort of kids-song as he gets murdered…interesting combination!

I included two scenes from later on in that same episode to show her unmasked face.

In case you wanna know the title of this episode and show:


What do you think of this scene?

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Supergirl VS Red Daughter

No Batwoman for today…but a really good fight scene with Supergirl VS Red Daughter!

I thought about if this scene would qualify for this blog, and (obviously) decided that it does, even….well you will see that in the video 😉


(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)

And here is the video:

If you wanna see the long(er) version with around 2 minutes more (wasn’t possible to upload it on Youtube), check this link:

Supergirl VS Red Daughter – long version

Well, yeah, this …full face helmet of Red Daughter does qualify as a mask to me, even that is not the real purpose of it. It is part of her battle costume and has some functions in a fight as it seems.

Anyway I like the struggle between them, especially in the daylight. Really looking forward on how this will develop in the last episode of the season.

In case you wanna know from which episode that was taken:


What do you think of that scene?

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(Nobody besides me will see the mail address you will provide, and it can be “made up”.

With a real one you get noticed about other comments….but you can check that manually)

Masked sex in ancient Rome – XXX

Ok, this one will not appear on the YouTube channel since it shows a lot more….than YouTube would allow 😉

I know this scene for a long time since I watched that great Series. And this scene is really great and has a fantastic twist in it, but watch for yourself!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video (only watch this at home!!! 😉 ):


Well, that was a …..ride!

What a GREAT scene! Two masked women, wild (softcore-) sex, and Lucy “Xena” Lawless!

Plus two unmaskings and a really great surprise for our “lovers”!

They actually hate each other big-time….but were evilly tricked into having masked sex with each other….that is quite a story!

What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!

Wanna know from which episode that is?


The masked female wrestler (lucha libre) – Scene 1 – [Blog exlcusive]

This old horror movie has some good scenes with a masked female wrestler! She battles three other female wrestler (two of them masked) and it has some nice “mask” scenes as well.


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And here is the video (…that wasn’t welcome on YouTube – it’s on Google Drive this time):

Google Drive link


Well…a nice mask that hides her pretty face!

Would love a great unmasking struggle with her 😉

And a nice bonus that her opponent gets unmasked (even she is out).

But that Lieutenant has a great job, that he can help her with her mask 😉

And it’s not the only time in the movie that he does that.

There will be more scenes from that movie, therefore I won’t reveal the title just now.

What do you think about these scenes?

Leave a comment!



Don’t forget to join the Maskripper VIP club for some great videos and my first fetish story (with Catwoman)

+ a 2nd story will be uploaded this month as well


The masked, female killer in latex /vinyl….and Dolph – Scene 2 (of 2)

Ok, now it’s time for the good old Dolph to meet the sexy and dangerous latex killer-woman again 😉

1st scene is here

And again, he is tied up.

Can he free himself and stop her? Can he unmask her?

Well, see for yourself!


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Here is the video:

[Some Spoiler ahead, watch the video first!]

The short scenes in black and white are scenes, where his brother was killed by her. He saw the video footage of that.

Well, that wasn’t the ending she deserved. And what kind of cop is that?

Doesn’t say “Freeze, drop the weapon!” or something like that….she doesn’t even have a weapon in her hand….and yet, he just shots her.

Not much better than the naughty woman behind the mask. The unmasking is pretty cool, even I much prefer unmaskings when alive/conscious.


My version of that scene:

She tortures him, he knocks her out with a head bang or something like that.

He manages to untie himself, don’t ask me how.

When he is finally free, she wakes up and attacks him. They fight each other for 2 or 3 minutes.

Then he grabs her from behind, and starts to yank on her mask. Pulls hard on it, stretches the material.

She fights back, and they fight over her mask for a minute until he finally rips it open and reveals a big part of her face.

She tries to escape, the other cop arrives, stops her, and Dolph unmasks her completely.

Here is the link to the title of the movie:


For the ones who can’t get enough of her unmasking….here is a bonus video (blog-exclusive):

What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!

Masked female agent infiltrates the terrorists

These scenes offers not less than 4 maskings/unmaskings in less than 6 minutes 😉

Thanks to “P.” for recommending me this one!

In this episode, a hot female agent wants to infiltrate a group of terrorists. All terrorists are wearing the same outfits and masks.

So, luckily she finds a set and “joins” them.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


Well, isn’t that a great scene?

Bad luck for her, that she is exposed by her boyfriend(!). He blew her cover by exposing her listing on her arm and she was calling his name.

It’s shame that the unmaskings are so quick, but I love the struggle scene with him and the fight between the unmasked Alex and the masked terrorist.

And the way she puts her mask(s) back on at the end…very sexy!

In the next episodes there are more scenes of her in the mask, but not so good ones like in this one.

If you wanna know from which series that is:


What do you think of it?

Leave a comment below!

A sexy, masked female killer in black leather [2 videos]

Well, thanks a lot to “Chris” for recommending me this one! I saw earlier seasons of this show, but not this current one.

We have a masked female killer in black leather….something you won’t see every day 😉

If every villainess would look like this….oh man 😉

Preview scene 1:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Note: I had to cut the scene where she throws her sharp thingy….that would have been to much for youtube, as she actually cuts off both arms of that shocked woman (!).

Well, what a view she offers!

That sexy black costume with leather and vinyl (?)….

….and that full face mask that provides her good protection in battle and a perfect cover for her “secret identity” as well.

Take this…..you “heroines” with ridiculous tiny eye masks 🙂

On the bad side, her secret identity isn’t really a secret because nearly everybody learns who she very quickly (…without unmasking her…DAMN!).

But, I do have another video, where she masks herself…and well, a scene where she is forced to unmask herself 🙂


Preview, scene 2:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, I would say that mask saved her life as she hit that rock!

Too bad she gives it up so easy…but well, as I said, it was more a combat protection than to hide her identity.

These scenes are from episodes 11 and 17 from season 5 of this series:


What do you think about these scenes and her outfit?

Well welcome to leave a comment below!




Woman with mask AND gas mask VS terrorists [HD]

Some news first: I started to write again. After a short break of 20 years. 😉

I wrote a story for my frogwoman blog this week and I will start to write a nice story with a (female) masked thief the next days.

It should be finished by the next week end. 😉

From the same TV-series as the post from last week, another good scene with a masked woman.

This time the lead actress wants to take out some terrorists in their hideout. So she decided to flood that apartment with gas.

And of course, to enter the apartment she needs a gas mask. And she even wears another mask below that gas mask 🙂


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Here is the video:

Well, a shame we only see parts of the masking scene (and no unmasking).

But she does look really sexy with these masks on.

In my version the bad guy would have yanked the gas mask off, revealing her other mask underneath. 😉

This scene is from:
