A woman disguised as a female arms dealer [FFMTISE]

One more “full-face mask to impersonate someone else” aka a FFMTISE (my newly created short-form 😉 ) for this week!

In this one, we have a woman disguising herself as a villainous (female) arms dealer to fool some folks!


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Please leave a LIKE on Youtube!

I could have made the scene longer, but I wanted the video really short so it could be posted on YouTube.

Don’t think they allow (much) longer vids from that movie there..


Yeah, it is just a self-unmasking and they “cheated” with the camera moving behind her head like that.

I guess that way she could just wear a very simple, plain face mask on her head.

But nevertheless, it’s still a nice reveal when she yanks that face and wig off her head.

The real villainess just walked in a little too late… otherwise, they most probably would have unmasked her…  #timing

Wanna know the name of the movie?


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

A villainous couple in their full face mask disguises [FFMTISE]

Ok, in the past I posted practically no scenes with unmasking where a woman is wearing a “full-face mask to impersonate someone else” aka a FFMTISE (my newly created short form 😉 )

Time to change that!

I wanna start with a rather new scene from 2022 that most of you won’t know… I guess.

In this one, we have a villainous couple and their special disguises.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Quite odd how her haircut slightly changes between the two scenes even though all that is happening on the same day 😆

Ok, first of all, I love it when a woman impersonates another (attractive) woman with such a mask.

In the first movie of this movie series, she was impersonating a very old woman, which I don’t find very interesting… unless someone would figure it out and try to unmask her.

Yeah, it’s only a self-unmasking in front of someone who already knows who is behind the mask.

Also, the CGI effects of the unmasking(s) are really bad.

Yeah, this isn’t a Hollywood movie with a big budget like Mission Impossible where you have such unmaskings quite often.

Such masks aren’t easy to make but it is doable …even without a big budget.

The lazy and cheap CGI solution looks really bad and ruins the unmasking to a certain degree (for me) 🙁

Ok, I guess many “normal” folks without an unmasking fetish won’t care much when 😆

Primarily I am a little disappointed how little these new movies with Diabolik are doing with secret identities.

I mean he is a criminal who is wearing a latex mask(!) during his heists and she becomes his accomplice in the first movie.

So, I hoped that she would put on a latex mask herself… but no luck (so far).

Another hope I have is that someone will figure out that something is wrong when she is wearing such a FFMTISE.

The person then would reach for her mask, damaging it, thereby verifying that it is actually a mask and not a real face.

And then they would struggle and the person would try everything to fully unmask her!

I would love to see that one day…

Wanna know the name of the movie?


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

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Maskripper VIP Club: January 2024

Happy New Year folks! I wish you a great new year!


New month/year, new content for the VIP Club here on Maskripper!

>>>>> I updated the VIP-Club with new material! <<<<<


3 videos … have been uploaded for this month!

In one XXX video Robin and Batgirl can’t keep their lust for each other under control anymore.

In another video, you will find one of my favorite unmaskings from GIGA. A full face mask gets ripped and torn. Wonderful! 🙂

In the third video, a gorgeous Spider-girl gets captured by a guy who has special plans with her (no XXX involved)

+ You will have FULL access to my 3 (self-written) Maskripper fetish stories (2 over 15 pages, one with 8 pages)!

Catwoman – the masked scuba thief [PREVIEW VERSION]

A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale [PREVIEW VERSION]

+ The rising star and her dark secret (no preview available)

(A rising star enjoys having anonymous latex sex until one guy gets…..curious to see who is under that mask and catsuit ;-))

+ You will have access to my Maskripper trailer with the original audio instead of the music

Wanna donate some bucks, show your support for this blog (actually help to keep it running), and get good videos and fetish stories in return?

…then JOIN the VIP club on Maskripper!

Spider-Woman gets unmasked by villainess! [Masks off! #47]

An old classic that needs to be on this blog!

Thanks to the nice guy who reminded me about this scene 🙂

In this one Spider-Woman faces a villainess… and they do know each other already!

Spider Woman 16

No Images found.

(use the arrows to navigate through the pages)

Ok, there is too much text on these pages for a comic and I am not the biggest fan of the art style.

But… we do have a lot of secret identity talk and thoughts plus an actual unmasking!

Ok, it’s not completely clear if she intended to unmask her or just tried to stop her from getting away… I would say the latter.

Also, I think it’s a little odd that Spider-Woman thinks “My Wig!” instead of “My Mask!” but ok… just a detail.

A fine example of how such a wig, attached to the mask… can be really problematic! 😉

Also as she admits to herself… she needs to protect her secret identity much better…

It’s uncool that the villainess already knows that Jessica is Spider-Woman, but that way we get some nice “secret identity” talk beforehand.

All in all …a good unmasking!

Two masked women and an embassy [Blog exclusive]

I was away last Sunday and will be away next Sunday also… so, you get a new post today!

In this one, we have two hot masked women and an embassy!


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:


(the video wasn’t welcome on YouTube as well…. really annoying lately)

Well, the movie is only available in Turkish, so haven’t watched it fully and don’t have a big clue on what is going on exactly.

Ok, there are some German sentences and these I do understand (no surprise) but those don’t help much.

But the scenes with the two masked women are really nice and I also like that we get to see both unmaskings as well, even if it’s only self-unmaskings.

Not a big fan of that net structure part on that Balaclava mask… looks weird.

The other woman has some tactical outfit of the German police… rare to see that on a woman, especially in an international movie/TV show.

Interesting that they all seem to be on the same team, so it looks like they can all escape.

On the other hand, it would have been nice to have the masked “villainess” to fight the masked police woman #unmaskingbattle 😉

You can find the whole movie (or TV episode?) on YouTube (for now).

No more masked women in it, as far as I know.

Search for:

Teşkilat 41 Bölüm

A Merry Christmas to all of you!

Or whatever you do or don’t celebrate… have a good time 🙂

I will make one more post before the year is over.

Masked “Supergirl” from Indonesia … unconscious … and in danger of getting unmasked! Twice!

Time for another post with the masked “Supergirl” from Indonesia!

I wanted to post something else today… but that video got also blocked by YouTube.

To finally have a new video on the YouTube channel after 4 weeks I present two more scenes from this show.

Again, her secret identity is in danger as she is unconscious and a guy wants to take a look under that mask!


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

One episode ends with a cliffhanger as he is reaching for her mask from her right side.

Oddly enough the next episode doesn’t start exactly there, but seemingly his unmasking attempt is interrupted by the doorbell!?

With the woman he enters the room again and goes for her mask… again… and this time the woman intervenes by protest.

 I can only guess why she doesn’t want Supergirl to be unmasked… maybe she is a loyal fan and it’s about respecting her secret identity.

If I remember right …Supergirl’s secret identity and the guy are really close, perhaps he even suspected his girlfriend(?) to be Supergirl and finally wants to prove it.

Two nice “close-call” unmasking scenes that remind me of this one:

Knocked out and a hand is reaching for her mask!

Three masked women on a shootout/heist [Blog exclusive]

I saw the poster for this TV show and immediately knew that this show would be interesting…. 🙂

So I watched the entire season and wasn’t disappointed!

The show centers around one crazy bank heist which is shown in flashbacks in several episodes.

I guess I could make multiple posts about this one, but I rather just concentrate on the most interesting scene, in terms of masks.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:


(wasn’t welcome on YouTube at all, even an extra short version with under 2 minutes)

Let’s start with the bad aspects:

There is no unmasking action or any secret identity issues in this scene and the entire show. 🙁

But… on the good side:

You have three hot women in masks… and that in a quite lengthy heist! Some day I have to re-edit the whole heist scene from all the episodes into one video.

Which will be quite difficult with all the time jumps…

Plus the masks are very interesting with that unusual look! They offer quite a good disguise.

It’s a shame that there were so many guards in that heist… but it’s just a massive shootout. Pretty cool, but only in regard to stylish action scenes.

In my version, I would have included some hand-to-hand combat scenes with guards who are curious to see who is under these masks 😉

All in all, I like the whole season, as is a good thriller show with interesting characters.

I will re-watch this one in some years.

I don’t think there will be a second season, as the storyline is “finished”, but I wouldn’t mind a second season… with some more masked women of course 😉

Wanna know the episode and title of the TV show?


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here!

Maskripper VIP Club: December 2023

New month, new content for the VIP Club here on Maskripper!

>>>>> I updated the VIP-Club with new material! <<<<<


3 videos … have been uploaded for this month!

In one video Batwoman has captured Catwoman… and she has… naughty…. plans.

In another video, a hot masked heroine in a gorgeous catsuit runs into trouble. Hopefully, another masked heroine can save her…

In the third video, a gorgeous Spider-girl (blue suit+ full mask) is posing for the camera.

+ You will have FULL access to my 3 (self-written) Maskripper fetish stories (2 over 15 pages, one with 8 pages)!

Catwoman – the masked scuba thief [PREVIEW VERSION]

A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale [PREVIEW VERSION]

+ The rising star and her dark secret (no preview available)

(A rising star enjoys having anonymous latex sex until one guy gets…..curious to see who is under that mask and catsuit ;-))

+ You will have access to my Maskripper trailer with the original audio instead of the music

Wanna donate some bucks, show your support for this blog (actually help to keep it running), and get good videos and fetish stories in return?

…then JOIN the VIP club on Maskripper!

A villainess in a balaclava mask and a ambulance heist [Blog exclusive]

I have heard that this show has some masked women in it… thanks for the recommendation!

In this scene, a woman in a balaclava mask steals an ambulance to kidnap someone….


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:


(wasn’t welcome on Youtube at all)

Yeah, sadly very little screen time for our masked woman and she then just gets away.

Also, the very fast editing doesn’t help….

However, I always enjoy scenes like this a lot! A masked villainess in an action scene…. love it!

I always hope that she gets into a hand-to-hand fight with the cops who would then try everything to dramatically unmask her… but that happens very rarely… sadly.

But I enjoy every second with such a masked woman nonetheless.

Wanna know the episode and title of the TV show?


(other sources say it’s ep 13 of season 16… so the name of the episode is the important info)

What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here!

A woman in a balaclava mask and a bank heist [Blog exclusive]

I have heard that this show has some masked women in it… thanks for the recommendation!

In this scene, a bank heist isn’t going as planned so our villainess has to take action!



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:


(wasn’t welcome on Youtube at all)

… and yeah, the ending is like that on purpose. I made this version under 2 minutes short, but even that wasn’t welcome on YouTube.

The villainess and the guy are brother and sister and they are really close to each other.

They didn’t wanna get separated in prison for that long so they decided to die together…. #isntthatromanticlol

Would have been nice to have her in a mask for a longer time period and with some secret identity action… but no luck.

Nevertheless, she looks great in her mask and the closeup of her villainous entrance is really cool!

Sadly the cop already knew that she was in that bank robber crew and they actually slept together earlier in the episode.

That’s why he is not that happy with the ending 😉

Right now I have one more scene from this show that I will post in the next weeks as well.

Wanna know the episode and title of the TV show?


(other sources say it’s ep 10 of season 8… so the name of the episode is the important info)

What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here!

A masked female killer wants to get revenge

This one was recommended quite a while ago, thanks again for that!

In this one, we have a masked female killer who wants to kill…


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button of the video on YouTube! 

Not the coolest mask, but a good disguise…as long no one touches it… #notsecuredatall

I like that the victim reaches behind her and unmasks the attacker, even though I guess that wasn’t her intention.

But it’s always nice to have an unmasking, especially if it’s not a self-unmasking 🙂

Ok, the revealed killer isn’t exactly as hot as you would have wanted… but it’s a nice scene all in all.

Wanna know the episode and title of the TV show?


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

Pulling on the braid of a scorpion [Black Scorpion]

This week I wanna present 2 more scenes from the holy Black Scorpion TV show.

In these episodes, the villains grab Black Scorpion by her braid, which is a dangerous weak point in her costume.



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button of the video on YouTube! 

Well, I really like these “braid grab” / “wig grab” scenes as they are actually very dangerous for Black Scorpion!

Why? Well, what would happen if the villains would go just a little further with it?

With a swift upward yank they could easily unmask Black Scorpion as the wig is attached to the mask 😉

Love how Black Scorpion holds onto her mask in the first scene as she might feel the danger as he is pulling on her wig!

Also, if a villain would yank hard on the braid/wig in a sideway movement the wig could get unattached from the mask.

And I think the mask would just fall down when the wig wouldn’t be there anymore! 😉

So, she could only hold it in place with her hands… which would make her really vulnerable and an unmasking really easy.

Lucky for her the villains didn’t go further…

The second scene is also very interesting!

The villainess pulls on her braid and Black Scorpion carefully follows…

….because she knows that her wig and mask could easily be yanked away from her… exposing her secret identity in front of all these villains!

Damn, I would love a scene where such a braid/wig yank would have been done more slowly.

The villain would play with it, teasing Black Scorpion… threatening to unmask her, and so on. 😉

Episode numbers can be found in the video.

What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

Want more Black Scorpion?

Check it out here on the blog:


Maskripper VIP Club: November 2023

New month, new content for the VIP Club here on Maskripper!

>>>>> I updated the VIP-Club with new material! <<<<<


3 videos … have been uploaded for this month!

In one video a masked female Captain America gets captured by a masked villainess incl. some XXX parts

In another video with more than 1-hour runtime… some masked female Asian wrestlers battling each other and some masked men

In the third video, Spider-Girl gets attacked by three women in mini skirts and pantyhose 😉

+ You will have FULL access to my 3 (self-written) Maskripper fetish stories (2 over 15 pages, one with 8 pages)!

Catwoman – the masked scuba thief [PREVIEW VERSION]

A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale [PREVIEW VERSION]

+ The rising star and her dark secret (no preview available)

(A rising star enjoys having anonymous latex sex until one guy gets…..curious to see who is under that mask and catsuit ;-))

+ You will have access to my Maskripper trailer with the original audio instead of the music

Wanna donate some bucks, show your support for this blog (actually help to keep it running), and get good videos and fetish stories in return?

…then JOIN the VIP club on Maskripper!

Masked “Supergirl” from Indonesia gets UNMASKED by villainess!

Time for another post with the masked “Supergirl” from Indonesia!

Again she battles a masked villainess in front of a guy they both love…. and this time Supergirl gets unmasked!


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Again: That stunt double of the villainess! So… bad! The stunt double should wear a huge sign that says “stunt double”… it is SOOOO obvious 😆

But enough of that…

You can barely see that the villainess has something in her hand as it she pulls it back from Supergirl’s face.

The unmasking itself isn’t shown… 🙁

I like that Supergirl’s hair is hiding her identity here and she is somehow shocked by that unmasking.

Oddly enough the villainess then kicks Supergirl in the back…. wasn’t she standing in front of her?

Supergirl is knocked out, the perfect opportunity for the villainess to take a good look at that unmasked face!

But she just runs away with the guy…. ARGHHH! WHY?

Perhaps the explanation is given in the dialogue… I can only guess.

However, it’s really great how she realizes that her mask isn’t there anymore as she wakes up 🙂

Also, her relieved face as she re-masks herself is well done!

All in all it’s a good scene with some flaws in my opinion.

Again, it’s a shame that there are no subtitles (or a dub).

P.S.: I really hate the damn imp, or whatever that thing is!

He sadly shows up very often in this show…

More Batgirl and a glimpse of Catwoman and Batman [Birds of Prey][Hall of Fame]

After I upgraded the existing posts last week it’s time to make a post about the exciting scenes I haven’t even posted about …so far.

I’m talking about the “Birds of Prey” TV show.


As I mentioned… there are only a few Batgirl scenes in it as Barbara Gordon is actually Oracle in this show… for most of the time.

But there are some interesting flashbacks in the show’s very first episode.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Well, I think the Catwoman costume is ok. I mean it was just meant to be on screen for some seconds so they didn’t put up a really big effort or budget to make a great one.

But it’s so sad that there once was such a Catwoman and such a Batgirl in Gotham and the show actually starts later on without them. 🙁  #scriptcrime

These two (and more) during a full TV show? That would be insanely awesome… maybe one day…

But it’s nice that we get some more Batgirl footage in this one, even the fight in the hallway is cut pretty badly so it’s hard to see much.

The highlight is actually the scene where Batgirl slams into the wall.

If you check that in slow-motion you can actually see how her cowl lifts up quite a lot and she is in danger of getting unmasked! #stuntwoman

Well, as I mentioned in the post where she actually was unmasked…. it is incredibly dangerous to run around with such an unsecured mask.

But I guess it wouldn’t have made much difference in this case as the Joker already knows that Barbara is Batgirl as he shows up at her apartment … #uncool

And it’s a nice bonus to have that self-unmasking in another flashback scene as well!

Well… pretty insane/irresponsible to unmask herself in a public place like that… even at night.

Perhaps she was aware that this was only happening in that mind-control game? Hard to say…

I like how her bat symbol is the only flashing color in that scene… very iconic/symbolic.

Wanna know from which episode this scene is?


What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

More from this TV show?

Check out the other Batgirl and Lady Shiva scenes in the Hall of Fame:
