Batwoman in the Arrowverse – #1

Ok, folks, it’s time to start a new sort of series on this blog!

As most of you (hopefully) know already, Batwoman will make her first appearance on TV in the big Arrowverse Crossover event, featuring an episode each from the CW series Flash, Arrow and Supergirl.

(click to enlarge)

And, with a thrill of anticipation I’m looking forward to that crossover from the day it was announced that Batwoman would make her debut in that.

I’m watching these series anyway, but this fuels my ….”delight level” to a whole new level! 🙂

Especially regarding that she will get her own TV-SERIES after that!! (most likely, if nothing insane happens)

Why I am so happy about it?

Well, how many …at least solid…..movies and TV-series did we have with a proper masked heroine over all the years?

Not many! Catwoman in Batman Returns, the Black Scorpion series, Batgirl in Birds of Prey (one episode), the Queen of swords series (even the mask isn’t really a proper mask)

and lately some masked women in Arrow, The Flash and Supergirl (and mostly only eye masks).

Check my Hall of Fame for more info on these!

And now, Batwoman!

And I really like her from the comics and the animated movie (“Bad Blood”). Her wig and mask makes a really good disguise! Not like most other masked heroine, who wear tiny eye mask that cover nearly nothing. And I really hope that Ruby Rose makes a great debut as Batwoman!

And yesterday we got the first official picture with Ruby Rose as Batwoman:

(click to enlarge)

And DAMN, I’m really happy with it!

A really great mask/cowl! The moment she hits the screen….I will be very…..excited! 😉

The costume is ok, more practical than sexy. Had hoped for some leather or even rubber…but well, that wasn’t very likely if you know the costumes of these 3 shows.

Of course it is not guaranteed that there will be a good unmasking. Perhaps Supergirl or Flash use their speed to unmask her to find out who she is. Or most likely Batwoman will trust them and unmask herself.

But whatever happens, every second with her on-screen will be really great (for me)!

And now some pictures of Ruby Rose without the costume:

(click to enlarge to full size)


What do you guys think of the costume?

Feel free to leave a comment!

A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale [my first story for this blog]

So, my first story for this blog is ready! It was a lot of work, but work, that actually was interesting for most of the time. 🙂

On this story Catwoman “visits” a mansion at night to get some shiny things from the safe. But the handsome playboy (no, not that one) wasn’t sleeping too….

So, I came up with 16 pages! 16 pages incl. Catwoman in a sexy catsuit, overknee boots, bondage elements, extensive unmasking scenes, fight scenes, some sex scenes and more 🙂

Quite a long story, but you should take your time and read it.


Here is the extensive preview version with 11 of the 16 pages:

A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale

(PDF-file stored here on the page)

The full version can be found in the VIP club, here on Maskripper.

A big thank you for those who supported me to run this blog!

And please…leave a feedback and comment on this post!

News on the first maskripper story and VIP update

Hey folks, for today, just two things:

– The Maskripper VIP club will be updated on September 2nd.

– The Story that I’m writing for this blog isn’t ready just now, it will take some more days.


A little preview:

It’s about Catwoman (with special masquerade) who wants to rob a handsome playboy (no, not THAT playboy 😉 )

….but things doesn’t go the way she planned them.

And it is an adult story with fetish elements 😉

Batwoman gets her own TV-series in the Arrowverse!

[Post 2 of 2 for today]

“Batwoman-day” continues with this post.

I guess many of you know already…but it is a MUST for me to post that here.

2 months ago we got the news that Batwoman would be included in the next Crossover event of the Arrowverse.

Back than I already hoped… that that COULD lead to her own TV-series…but I never believed that they would go on and decide to actually do that ….months before that crossover.

And now we are getting a complete TV-series with a MASKED heroine…that IS SO GREAT!


>>> My hopes for the Batwoman TV-series: <<<

—> Please stick to the tone of the comic series!

A little darker (and ….much darker than Supergirl for example) and a little grim.


—> Please stick to the costume and mask of the comic series!

I want the iconic Batwoman mask from the comics, that actually really hides her identity together with the wig. I want a sexy costume…perhaps with rubber or leather (or spandex).

I don’t want a damn eye mask for her! (producers: “let us show her face”)


—> Please choose a good and fitting actress!

Well, a VERY important point. I would like an actress that is good at her job. An actress that is tall enough and strong enough. An actress that can believable play such a well-trained heroine.


—> Please let her have a real secret identity!

Her identity must remain a good secret. I hope that only very few actually know who Batwoman is.

(unlike for example: Catwoman in “The Dark Knight rises”)


—-> And please….please let there be some villains that actually are interested in UNMASKING her

That is I guess the only point where they shouldn’t stick to the comics too much….

Of course she can’t be unmasked in every second episode. BUT wouldn’t it be “normal” that you would want to see the face behind that mask?

That they would TRY to unmask her?

OK, I know that can’t be happening to oft…but I know around 60 or more Batwoman comics. And nearly no one of her enemies seem to care who is under that mask…

I mean… you don’t need some unmasking fetish 😉 to be interested in that. Just a little curiosity.

Let’s say 2-3 unmasking attempts in one season with over 20 episodes. And 1-2 unmaskings.

Ok, but now a video that they released to the San Diego comic con last week:

The really important part is around 1:40…

Well, not much/nothing to see, but I like the dialogue. 🙂

I hope that there is more to see in video in the near future!

What do you think about the TV-series?

What are your hopes?

Please leave a comment below!



Catwoman: New comic series and a new/better costume (…and copycats!)

Today I wanna celebrate the new Catwoman comic series that started this week. Some great news: Not only that there IS a new Catwoman series after years of absence…she also has a new costume!

And I really like the new one! The goggles on the old costume never worked for me… they didn’t look good… they broke some times….and she had them on her forehead much too often, which ruined the disguise completely.

Now she has a real cowl again! It does look much better and she has a much more “complete” mask in my opinion. And the rest of the costume looks pretty good as well.

A little back story of what happened before the pages I show down below:


The police try to arrest Selina (as they think she is Catwoman 🙁 ) for two murdered cops. She escapes them and watches the news where they say that Catwoman killed these cops.

She wants to prove them wrong. And has now a different costume, so she clearly looks different from the Catwoman that committed the murders…

Catwoman (2018-) 001-019
« of 7 »


(click on the arrows to browse through the pages)

Well, besides the cool new costume…I love the idea with the copycats. Seeing so many CatwomEn…. really cool.

And I wonder how Catwoman will handle that situation…perhaps the copycats attack her and try to unmask her 😉

That would be something! And another run-in with the police would be interesting as well.

But this time as Catwoman…please!

What is your opinion on the costume?

…and on the story?

Leave your comment below!

And here is the comic:

Catwoman 001

Masked heroines! – [Fan art by BluLive]

The VIP club will be updated on April 2nd, when I’m back. This post was scheduled…

And now it’s time to present some really well done masked heroines! You may have noticed in the past that I really like real cowls on a woman.

A sexy rubber cowl that really hides the secret identity….

And this guy has made a lot of great art with such masked heroines! Here are my favorites:

(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)

Especially I love the Batgirl with the cowl from Superman VS Batman. The expression on her face as Poison Ivys plants have ripped off her cowl (not just pulled off)… 🙂

Here is the link to his Deviant Art page, check it out:

Blulive in DeviantArt


A new masked, female speedster [The Flash – 2 scenes]

In the new episode of the Flash we have a new masked, female speedster. And of course, I want to show her to you folks! There are two scenes with her.

In the first, she doesn’t have a costume ready for action, so she just put on a mask and speeds away to save lives.

In the 2nd, she does have a complete costume. 🙂

Preview, Scene 1:

(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
And here comes scene 2 where she already has a complete costume:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Good to see her in action! And she looks pretty good with that mask on.

But of course, I’m not happy that the Flash has a real mask, a cowl that covers his identity pretty well and Iris, just as any other woman on the running CW shows (ok, 99% of the women), only gets a crappy eye mask.

And while the Canary (@ Arrow) for example had an eye mask with face paint around her eyes and a wig …as a solid disguise, Iris only gets an eye mask. I hate this moronic producers-idea: “Let’s give her a mask but don’t hide her face… ”

Yeah, a mask that hides 10% of her face and could be blown off by a tiny breeze….. 🙄  🙁

But ok, after all I’m happy for every masked women so… I do like her guest role as The Flash.

But please, dear producers:

How about a real mask for the women on your shows? And some villain that actually wants to know who is behind the mask 😉

P.S.: Don’t forget to subscribe to Maskripper on Youtube 😉


German Comic Con Dortmund 2017 [My 1st!]

*EDIT* Added another video…

As promised, I wanna share my impressions from my first comic con in Dortmund yesterday.

As I understand it we didn’t have comic cons in germany before 2015. And now we have the “german comic con” in 4 different cities throughout the year.

In addition there is the “comic con germany” that is just once a year.

As I heard it was very crowded on saturday. Last year they used 4 big halls, and the folks had enough space. This year they put the con in just 2 big halls…

Well, I was there on sunday. It was crowded, but not on a really annoying scale.

I was hoping to see some Catwomen, Batgirls and other masked, female heroines and villainesses.

There were lots of lots of women/girls that did cosplays from japanese mangas… and lots of Harley Quinn’s. And there were a lot of female cosplayers that “did” Star Wars and Game of Thrones.

But regarding masked women from DC or Marvel… well I saw/noticed one Black Cat, two Batgirls, three Catwomen, one Spider-girl (unmasked) and some masked assassin from the Court of owls. I hoped for more… and no Batwoman, no Canary, no masked Spier-girl/Gwen, no Spoiler.  Of course I was only there on one day and of course you can’t see every cosplayer.

I definitely need to improve on my handling of my photo camera and the “photographer” skills. But I will learn from that experience.

From the material I have I edited around 10 really short clips into one short video.

But let’s start with some pictures (nearly all masked women are in the video) :

(click on the picture to enlarge it to full size)

And here comes MY self-filmed video:

In the video you should find 3 Catwomen and one Batgirl (my favorite cosplay that day).

And if you look closely, you will find a second batgirl, without cowl (not facing the camera)

*EDIT* You can see that Batgirl and more great cosplays in this official video at around 0:40:


Well, actually these were my first Batgirl/Catwomen that I saw in “real” life. And that was a pretty great experience. I will try to attend more comic cons in the future. And I’m pretty sure that then I can present better picture/video material. It would be great if there was a con just for DC and Marvel.

But -after all- it was a promising start…

Thanks to all the cosplayers! Great Job!

Feel free to comment!

Did you visited comic cons in the past? What are your experiences?


German comic con Dortmund news

[2nd post today]

Some news to report:

I will be attending the german comic con in Dortmund next week (december 10th). I am really looking forward to it! Never been to one, and comic cons in germany are still a pretty “new” thing. I hope to see some well-made cosplays. Especially from masked heroines like Batgirl, Batwoman, Catwoman, Spider-girl, Spider-gwen and so on. I will take my little amateur camera with me and take some pictures and videos.

Wanted! Black Scorpion, Queen of Swords, Birds of Prey ……in HD quality!

(2nd post for today)

A little repost I did on Behind the mask:

In my opinion these three are the most important TV-shows when it comes to women in masks. All from my “Hall of Fame” on this blog.
The problem is, none of these seems to be available in HD.
In germany, only Birds of Prey is available on DVD! Black Scorpion (the TV show) and I think Queen of swords too were never even shown on TV here…
I bought Black Scorpion from and Queen of Swords from And you can find…other sources to these shows more or less easy, but all at best in DVD quality.
Many many “old” movies and TV shows are available on HD now. They were shown on HD TV, so folks were able to Record/rip it, or Blu-Rays were released.
Does anyone know a source where to get any of these shows in HD quality (720p or better)?
From time to time I check the different amazon sites and other ….sources, but nothing so far.
I would love to see them in a picture quality these shows deserve!

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Just comment this post…
If you have a link that could be “difficult” to post here, just write me a message

Behind the Mask

Hey folks, if you haven’t visited the Behind the Mask forum yet….Check it out and become a member!

You will see more threads when you are an active member. And we are looking for that kind of people.

People who wanna discuss about our little special topic. And especially we are looking for people who start threads from time to time and share their findings with the community.

There is a lot to discover…so check it out!

Behind the Mask

The Birds of Prey TV-show in Dreamwatch magazine

I’m a big fan of the Birds of Prey TV-show. Why? Well, not because the show itself, that was ok, but not really good.

It was 99% because of the batgirl episode they made. Dina Meyer in that costume….WOW! That was (is) something!

Until now it is my favorite hero-costume (in TV/cinema). It just looks awesome… Her mask isn’t bad but would have needed some improvements for my taste.

A chin strap and a little more mask material.

Now we have the new Batgirl movie coming up….I hope they will make a similar costume 🙂

A few months back I found that magazine cover and decided to get a copy of it. It wasn’t easy to get that issue but I found it in the UK.

This morning I thought that some of you would like to see the pictures and the text regarding Birds of Prey. So here they are! Enjoy!

Aperture: 3.5
Camera: DSC-HX50
Iso: 160
Orientation: 1
« of 7 »

(click on the arrows to see all 7 pictures, and click on the image to enlarge it)


Well, I guess their predication that the show will be a big success….. failed a little 😉

Your opinion?

Batgirl movie (Joss Whedon) – #1

Well, I guess you may have heard already that Joss Whedon will direct an official DC movie with Batgirl in the main role.

For me that news hit me like a hammer. GREAT! GREAT! GREAT! Since ages I had hoped they would make such a movie…and then I read the news. I couldn’t believe it at first.

Ok, that movie won’t come out this year or next year. Perhaps 2019? But no matter when it will hit the screens…I am SO excited about it!

The last time I was so excited about a future movie was as TDKR was in planning and it was announced that Catwoman would be in it. I read every preview, watched every trailer a dozen times, tried to get as many pictures as possible. And Catwoman only had a small role in that movie. Her suit was great, but her mask was…pretty terrible. She did not have a secret identity at all, nearly everybody knew who was behind the mask. No unmasking action at all 🙁 .

That was really annoying for me! After all the anticipation I was a little disappointed at first after I left the movie theater.

However, despite all these facts, I love that movie and I love Anne Hathaway as Catwoman.

And now there will be a Batgirl movie 🙂

Batgirl was always my favorite heroine. And she will have the main part in that movie!!! I can’t imagine right now, how much more excited I will be when more facts to this movie will be released.

  • Who will be under that mask? Who will play this role and will (most certainly) become a legend for me?
  • How will the costume look? What about the mask?
  • What will the story?
  • Which villains will be in it? May be Catwoman? Or other hot villainesses?
  • Will they include other female heroine in it? Like Spoiler? Or the Huntress?

This movie has big potential to become my ultimate “hall of fame”-movie. I guess I will get some serious (heart-)problems when the first trailer is released…. 🙂

It seems like Whedon will take the Barbara Gordon-Batgirl version from the “New 52” Storyline. Great news! I want a serious batgirl movie and not that damn new “helmet”-batgirl version from the new comic run (that sucks btw.!).

Regarding the costume:

Let’s see how this epic movie will develop throughout the next months/years. I can’t wait for more news!

Bring it on Whedon!

Your opinion on this?



Superhero tv-shows and their problem with masked women

[2nd post for today]

Time for some rant! I saw episode 3 of the new arrow season and I was disappointed. Than I saw the preview for episode 4 of the new flash season and I was disapointed (again)… not that the episode or the preview sucked, no, that wasn’t the problem.

[minor SPOILERS ahead]

But this is:

Damn it!

The flash has a real mask, a rubber cowl that provide some real cover and hides his identity quite well. And it can provide a great unmasking (which it did already)! An unmasking were you NOT just pull off the mask with two fingers. For this mask you need to rip it, to tear it. His mask is even connected to his suit. It’s a great design!

But as always in the new tv-shows flash and arrow, the women doesn’t get such a mask. No!

The canary, the huntress, the black canary, and all the other masked woman (except ravager) wear eye masks. And catwoman in TDKR too 🙁 .

The 2 canaries had at least “big” versions  that hide some parts of the face. And the (first) canary wore a wig in addition. That was a nice combination to hide her secret.

But why do you put on such a mask as the new girl from “team green arrow”? (left picture) It’s moronic!!!

I guess it’s the old: “She’s a pretty girl, let’s present her face and give her a mask that hides NOTHING!” – idea from the producers. If you love women with masks and their unmaskings…it is so frustrating!!!

Well, I love these shows and the fact that they are quite a lot of masked women in it lately. But it would be so much better with some real masks!

Because such tiny eye masks….what are they for? They hide noting, provide no safety at all and are not sexy.

But enough from me, what’s your opinion on this?