These scenes have just aired a little over a week ago and I had to make a post about it!
In this episode, you actually have around 9 minutes of her in costume and mask, and I wanna show you the better half of it.
This woman finds this costume and mask and an underground auction that then gets invaded by some thieves.
She puts on the costume and masks…. and is ready to kick some ass!
(click to enlarge)
And here is the video:
Ok, I really like the action, even it’s too goofy for my taste. These goons have really bad aim and it’s a little too comedic for me.
But the stunt work is really good!
I do like the costume and her hood and mask are a perfect disguise.
A shame no one of these goons tries to unmask her.
And seeing her in this costume for that long is pretty cool as well.
The unmasking at the end is really bad as it only shows the last frames of it.
First, he would need to pull back the hood to grab into her mask that he would then yank off her head.
And of course, the unmasking goes down way too easy as she doesn’t resist.
These scenes were in episode 1 of the show (1+2 aired in the same week).
The costume isn’t used in episodes 2 and 3 and it looks like it wouldn’t be (at least by her) in the other ones.
But perhaps she will use it again….even I don’t think she will. 🙁
I will keep watching the show as it is fun.
If there will be more scenes with masked women in it….I will make another post.
Wanna know from which show this is?
Batwoman news:
In other news, Ryan Wilder showed up for the first time in the Flash “Armageddon” event.
She wasn’t in the first two episodes, but she appears in the late minutes of episode 3.
And judging from preview pictures….Batwoman will appear in episode 4 next week.
Seems like I will then make a post about it!