What about another fine example of a sexy encounter between Batman and Catwoman? Here it is:
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Batman is such a fool sometimes…. 😉
What about another fine example of a sexy encounter between Batman and Catwoman? Here it is:
Batman is such a fool sometimes…. 😉
Post 50! 😉
Hey guys, I uploaded for you the 3 unmasking-attempts of Captain Grisham. As you know now, he failed. In an earlier episode the Queen Of Swords met an old love. He is paid to unmask the Queen of Swords and bring her to justice. And he has the chance in a duel….
Here is the video:
…and he takes it. He UNMASKS her! I love the look on her face as the mask goes down and his surprise to see the well-known (loved) face behind it…. Great scene!
More Catwoman Cosplay!
…somehow looks like the Jim Balent version to me! Love the mask and the boots. Well made by:
….and no, i’m not the Q-man…damn!
Issue #11 from Masks off! This time Catwoman battles against Dr. Zeiss….and enemy that may be to big for her to handle…
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…she is even unmasked! Well she looses her goggles, and in my opinion that is the main part of her masquerade… (I’m not a big fan of that catwoman mask-version)
But the fight is very good! And well, her unmasking isn’t her biggest problem after the fight…
Today I present you loyal visitors a great “template” for a well done unmasking. Why is it a template? Well because a man is unmasked… But imagine this scene with a woman under the rubber suit/mask. 😉
I wanted to show you the video to the scene. But Youtube blocked it right away! (because of FOX – the network). So, here is a gallery with some pictures of the scene….
That would be something! The way the unmaskings is done, the stretching of the mask, the mask “talk”…very very good! Too bad it’s a man under the mask.
It was taken from an episode of “American Horror Story” (Season 1)
Some more fine cosplay! This time it’s a custom made Batgirl version…
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I really like the mask, it covers the face well, and has a chin strap for some safety. The suit is well done as well…. 🙂
Cosplay by SeleneLA
…partially. To be precise: Batwoman’s (Kate Kane) masquerade consists out of two parts:
Her hot “front-only” mask and a wig (pretty much like the Black Scorpion design). In this scene one of the two parts is ripped off….
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I really love the design, the art of the Batwoman comics. She is a cool superheroine. Only the mystical, fantasy stuff isn’t so much for me…
For the folks who requested it and for those who haven’t seen it at all: Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) get into a fight on a boat with a criminal named Gil. He manages to wrestle her down and reaches for her mask….
And here is the video:
…he grabs under the fabric…pulls it, stretching it….and her mask goes off! He even recognize her as Barbara Gordon….D’Oh! (as Homer would say)
Great scene in my eyes! One of the best unmaskings….
Time to show more great catwoman-cosplays!
3 different cosplayers, 3 different catwoman-types!
In this case I don’t know who these great cosplayers are…sorry.
I always wondered how Batgirl (or any other masked superheroine) would react if someone (evil) would unmask her?
The Situation: Batgirl fights with a villain. With some dirty tricks he manages to unmask her! He says that he recognize her as Barbara Gordon…but after the shock she somehow gains the upper hand and beat the villain unconscious. But what now? He knows who she is, he could figure out names and addresses of friends and family. Everyone she knows would be in real danger. She could let him be arrested, but he could talk to some people (police and inmates) and her secret would be no more… She could leave Gotham City, quit crime fighting, but that wouldn’t help much either (friends & family would stay). And the villain would use his knowledge of her secret identity to hurt her. And there is no fancy, crazy gadget available to erase his memory or something like that….
I would say I’m a pragmatic man, the only available solution to me would be: Kill the villain! I know that members of the Bat family don’t “normally” do that. But, she doesn’t have another choice in my eyes. She must protect herself and her friends and family. And she saves civilians with her crime fighting. That kill would save many lives in the future.,,,
What about you folks? Do you see other options, that she could have? Let the discussion begin! 😉
In this episode Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) is introduced. She wears a batman costume as Robin runs after the unknown masked maiden. He grabs her mask, pulling it, stretching the material. And all that in public! It seems like her mask would rip completely, but she is lucky. He rips the lower rear of her mask, exposing only her hair beneath it….
Was it his intention to unmask Batgirl? We’ll never know for sure… But in my eyes a great unmasking (attempt) scene! 🙂
Here is the link to the episode:
For issue number 9 from “Masks off” it’s time again for Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)! She gets into a fight with Green Arrow, an arrow rips a little hole into her mask! He takes the opportunity and grabs her mask, stretching the material, ripping the hole wider to see the face under the full face mask! At the end Batgirl is partially unmasked….
A very good example for a sexy maskrip 🙂
It’s time for another article of my “in my opinion” -series!
You can find a lot of unmasking-related stuff on the internet. Clips, pictures, movies, TV-series, fan art…. And I have seen quite a lot I would say, but there are so few really good unmaskings. So my hunt for the perfect unmasking (or at least close to perfect) is still going on. So, what would it need to produce it?
1) A sexy and strong (secured) mask that really hides the secret identity: 95% of the videos I’ve seen don’t have that! They often have crappy eye-masks…they doesn’t hide anything, are unsexy (most of the time) and every child could pull it off easily. That is no fun for me!
For example: The batgirl mask in the “Birds of Prey” TV-series (can be found on the left side): It’s one of the better ones….it’s sexy, could (perhaps) even hide her secret identity. But Lady Shiva grabs it and pulls it off easily without problems. That is sooo lame! It’s a sexy scene, but could be so much better… Batgirl’s mask should give her safety and security…. Fail!
So, what is a great, perhaps perfect example for a safe and sexy mask? Batman’s mask! It hides the identity really well, is secured to his suit and it’s sexy too. (Especially the rubber version from Tim Burton Batman movies). Nobody could grab it and pull that one off without having some serious problems. Of course I know that those masks costs many bucks, but it’s a required investment in my eyes. The famous Batgirl mask from ReevzFX would be a solid (cheaper) choice. That one has at least a chin strap in comparison to the “Birds of Prey” version. And would prevent a swift “pull off” unmasking.
2) A hot woman/actress that actually can act (at least a little): The woman behind the mask needs to act in a proper way, when she is in danger of being unmasked, because that should be her greatest fear as a superheroine! When she is under the (right) mask, you only see her eyes and her mouth. She needs to deliver her emotions, that you believe it would be the worst thing for her…to be unmasked. When I watch many of these cheaply produced (but expensively sold) superheroine-clips…. I don’t know if I should start crying or laughing (or both) when the unmasking happens on the screen. That kills the whole atmosphere! It seems that some breast implants are the only needed qualification for a role in a flick for some producers.
3) A great unmasking fight/struggle: Ok, we have the first two points, the basic requirements for my perfect unmasking. Now to the toughest point! To get a great unmasking the heroine must be able to fight! If she is bound or even worse…unconcious, it’s not really sexy for me! And the struggle should take several minutes not seconds. The unmasker should need several attacks on the mask. WIth every try…the mask gets damaged a little more. For that you need a flexible, but strong material of course (therefore the rubber batman mask). The unmasker should stretch the material, ripping it, the heroine is fighting back of course. She kicks his ass several times, tries to finish him off, she is tough, strong and aggressive. But the unmasker isn’t a simple street thug, he knows what he is doing…. and the final unmasking due to the total destruction of the mask would be the dramatic climax. 😉
During the struggle they should exchange some lines about it. Like: Who is hiding behind the mask? Who are you really? Let us find out who the mighty Batgirl (or whoever) is? And the classics: “No! Don’t do it!” would be great as well. And she would express that she would kick his ass to save her secret identity…. (And the unmasker might be a woman as well)
Perhaps I will write a little story with Batgirl or Catwoman about it. I’m not really good at writing, but perhaps I’ll give it a try….
Now, enough written, time for some pictures… some guys helped me to get some cool picture-manipulations done, with favorite actresses of mine under the Batman mask that I would prefer. Two of the best pics they made for me are these:
P.S.: Of course the rest of the outfit except the mask is really important as well. For me a (more or less professional made) suit would be great! Such as the one in Birds of Prey, or in some of the great cosplays by fans.
How would your favorite unmasking look like? Feel free to share your thoughts about it!
Time for more great cosplay! Catwoman strikes again…. this time in the TDKR Catwoman outfit… (not my favorite one, but sexy²)
My opinion: WOW²!!! I don’t think it can be any better than this…what a great cosplay! Really well done costume, and damn: I have to say it: sexy as hell! 🙂
Cosplay by Ana Aesthetic
(her deviant page)