Meanwhile on my other blog…

For some time now, I have created videos for my other blog

Today I wanna make a post here, as a certain video is relevant to this blog as well!

In this video, a certain female thief wants to retrieve some stolen diamonds.

But a greedy female Cop wants to get her hands on them too!

And a female vigilante wants to catch the thief….

So, you have Catwoman and Batgirl in an underwater fight!

How about some pictures?

A trailer:

The music in the trailer is from “Batman Returns”.

(There is music in the video as well, but only in the intro and outro)

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button of the video on YouTube! 😉

Much more info on the video can be found here:

And to be perfectly honest:

There are no secret identity aspects in that video, no unmasking or such things.

But if you like masked women in rubber wetsuits who wrestle underwater…. then you will enjoy the video 😉

Do you wanna watch the whole video?

Well, you could join the VIP club on, but that probably wouldn’t make much sense for you as the other videos there don’t contain masked women 😉

Unless you count a scuba mask as a mask (in terms of a disguise).


So, right here on the blog, you get an alternative method to get the video:

You need a PayPal account and/or a credit card.

Send 4 Euro with PayPal to

… and you will receive an email with a link to watch/download the video (around 700 MB/1080p).

Please let me know that you want “Video 32”.

I will send it to your PayPal address …unless you provide an alternative to that.


Use the contact form on this page.

Masked frogwoman AND female ninja!

Thanks to the pretty active “participation week” I got some more material! This one… thanks to the user named “V” 😉

I edited this clip together, only around 2 minutes, but you can see one woman as a masked frogwoman (a female diver with a scuba hood incl. a mask) AND later she wears a full face mask as she beats up the “hero”.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Wow! That are great scenes! Both!

First the masked frogwoman in rubber and than the sexy ninja…. And don’t worry you will see her face at the end 😉

I edited the video and cut out all the “violent” scenes so that the video won’t be deleted for that reason. (the movie is pretty violent in the uncut version 😉 )

If you wanna know tht title of the movie:

LINK: Title of the movie
