Batwoman – and her different MASKS on the CW TV show

I am sure many of you noticed that Batwoman (Ruby Rose) has worn two different masks so far. First, we saw her in the Crossover with her “regular” mask and wig. And now, in the trailer from last week, she wore a different mask without a wig (the pilot plays years BEFORE the Crossover).

Where are the differences? Well, as I have a Dr. in ….maskoligy…..I will try to show them to you 😉

For starters, let’s me present her “regular” mask that she will wear from the ending of episode 1 (most likely):


(cropped pictures to show the mask/cowl)

There are at least 3 differences from her regular mask (pictures 1-6) to the mask she wears for most parts of the trailer (pictures 7-12). I believe that it is just a size-modified Batman cowl that Luke Fox made to fit Batwoman’s head.

The differences:

1) most obvious – Her regular mask includes a flashing red wig. Therefore I think her, the material on top of her head was removed, the cowl seems open, her wig is right on her real hair.

I don’t think her wig is “glued” to the top of her mask. Even it would make some things easier (for the actress).

2) The whole shape is different!

The modified Batman mask is much rounder as her regular one. It looks bigger to me (volume/capacity).

You can see the shape of her ear on the regular one (picture 2) and it fits better to her head in my opinion.

3) The eye section!

If you compare the mask around her eyes…you can see that the material of the modified Batman mask is flat. On her regular mask, it is shaped much different. It looks menacing (like it should be) and should provide much better protection for her if someone would score a hit in that area. With that shape, it should hurt to hit her there 😉

Things I would like to know about these masks:

1) From what material(s) are they made off?

I think that it is rather some “hardened kind of plastic” like Christian Bale’s Batman cowl. Personally I would love if it would be made out of thick rubber, that could be stretched a bit (for unmasking purposes of course 😉 )….but I don’t think it is.

2) Is the back section of her regular mask “closed” as well?

You can see that her Batman-mask is “closed” (pictures 7 and 11) at the back of her head.

Due to the wig, we couldn’t see the back of the cowl on her regular mask. Is it closed as well? In the comics she doesn’t wear a cowl, it “just” covers her face and some parts of the sides of her head. If it is not closed around her head…how it is fixed to stay on it?

3) Does she wear a “cowl of cloth” underneath her mask?

If you check picture 11, you can spot some cloth material that exits her mask on her cheek. And on pictures 2 and 7 you can see that this cloth material covers her neck from the top of her suit upwards. How far does that cloth material “goes” upwards?

……to be continued…..

What do you think about these masks?

Do you see other differences that aren’t on my list?

Feel welcome to leave a comment below!


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