Three masked women rob a bank!

Thanks a lot for this recommendation as well!

Here we have quite a long scene where three fully masked women rob a bank!

And they are quite young… teenagers more or less (even though the actresses were older than that… like mostly).



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Please leave a LIKE and/or a comment on YouTube!

Well, they really take their disguises seriously… well done!

The two who were in the bank:

Hood, full face mask, gloves, bandana, sunglasses, voice changer

And also clothing that doesn’t tell that they are women. Not sexy, but certainly very wise!

An A+ for effort 😉

Yeah, the security guards were pretty useless, and there were no attempts at unmasking them 🙁

But the three self-unmaskings are well done and nice reveals as you don’t have the slightest clue how they might look like.

The scene happens very early in the movie so even if you have watched the full movie you haven’t seen their faces beforehand.

I also like the scene where the bank woman gets close to the one bank robber and recognizes her by that armband. Nice tension 🙂

Here is the IMDB page of the movie:


The bad guy… and the masked lady who keeps him tied up in her basement [Blog exclusive]

Thanks a lot for this recommendation as well!

It was recommended a while ago… but since my video edits of this one weren’t welcome on YouTube, it got postponed.

In this one, a masked lady has a guy tied up in her basement and keeps him as a prisoner there!

Quite an unusual scenario…


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Here are the videos:

Scene 1 (watch this one FIRST!)

Scene 2

You can watch and also download the scenes there.

Well, I love the tension! How she hides under that mask so that her evil prisoner won’t find out who she is.

It drives me mad that he recognized her eyes and her voice and thereby found out who she is … even with the pretty good mask she used.

She was one of dozens of patients that guy had in the last weeks… so I find it really hard to believe that he would recognize her from her voice and the little of her that he

can see.

If that would work like that most superhero masks would be pretty useless 😉 … even a good disguise like the Batman cowl.

As I watched this movie I really hoped that the bad guy would be able to free himself and then unmask her in a nice struggle.

But he failed big time… 🙁

Nonetheless, I really like this scenario and the tension… as long as he didn’t know who the masked woman was.

Here is the IMDB page of the movie:


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here … or on the “Community” post on YouTube!

The Queen of Swords secret identity is in danger! A costume change under time pressure…

Today it’s time for one final post about the great Queen of Swords TV show!

This one is quite short, but it is certainly interesting 🙂


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Please leave a LIKE and/or a comment on YouTube!

Watch the video before you continue!

I love such “secret identity in danger” scenarios where a masked heroine gets under pressure to protect her secret identity from getting destroyed!

She is under big-time pressure to quickly change into her “normal” persona Tessa so that her nosy friend doesn’t find out that she is actually the Queen of Swords.

And the very nice “bonus” where she almost walks out with her night robe still wearing her mask… is great!

Imagine Vera’s face if she would have seen Tessa with that mask on… 😆

That would have been quite embarrassing…

So, we get a nice self-unmasking which is quite rare in this TV show… I guess there is only one more in it.

All in all a thrilling scene for me, and also a bit funny as well.

More Queens of Swords in the Hall of Fame:

Wanna know from which episode this is?


What do you think about this scene?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

Masked “Supergirl” from Indonesia … unconscious … and in danger of getting unmasked! Twice!

Time for another post with the masked “Supergirl” from Indonesia!

I wanted to post something else today… but that video got also blocked by YouTube.

To finally have a new video on the YouTube channel after 4 weeks I present two more scenes from this show.

Again, her secret identity is in danger as she is unconscious and a guy wants to take a look under that mask!


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Here is the video:

One episode ends with a cliffhanger as he is reaching for her mask from her right side.

Oddly enough the next episode doesn’t start exactly there, but seemingly his unmasking attempt is interrupted by the doorbell!?

With the woman he enters the room again and goes for her mask… again… and this time the woman intervenes by protest.

 I can only guess why she doesn’t want Supergirl to be unmasked… maybe she is a loyal fan and it’s about respecting her secret identity.

If I remember right …Supergirl’s secret identity and the guy are really close, perhaps he even suspected his girlfriend(?) to be Supergirl and finally wants to prove it.

Two nice “close-call” unmasking scenes that remind me of this one:

Knocked out and a hand is reaching for her mask!

Pulling on the braid of a scorpion [Black Scorpion]

This week I wanna present 2 more scenes from the holy Black Scorpion TV show.

In these episodes, the villains grab Black Scorpion by her braid, which is a dangerous weak point in her costume.



(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button of the video on YouTube! 

Well, I really like these “braid grab” / “wig grab” scenes as they are actually very dangerous for Black Scorpion!

Why? Well, what would happen if the villains would go just a little further with it?

With a swift upward yank they could easily unmask Black Scorpion as the wig is attached to the mask 😉

Love how Black Scorpion holds onto her mask in the first scene as she might feel the danger as he is pulling on her wig!

Also, if a villain would yank hard on the braid/wig in a sideway movement the wig could get unattached from the mask.

And I think the mask would just fall down when the wig wouldn’t be there anymore! 😉

So, she could only hold it in place with her hands… which would make her really vulnerable and an unmasking really easy.

Lucky for her the villains didn’t go further…

The second scene is also very interesting!

The villainess pulls on her braid and Black Scorpion carefully follows…

….because she knows that her wig and mask could easily be yanked away from her… exposing her secret identity in front of all these villains!

Damn, I would love a scene where such a braid/wig yank would have been done more slowly.

The villain would play with it, teasing Black Scorpion… threatening to unmask her, and so on. 😉

Episode numbers can be found in the video.

What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

Want more Black Scorpion?

Check it out here on the blog:

Masked “Supergirl” from Indonesia gets UNMASKED by villainess!

Time for another post with the masked “Supergirl” from Indonesia!

Again she battles a masked villainess in front of a guy they both love…. and this time Supergirl gets unmasked!


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Here is the video:

Again: That stunt double of the villainess! So… bad! The stunt double should wear a huge sign that says “stunt double”… it is SOOOO obvious 😆

But enough of that…

You can barely see that the villainess has something in her hand as it she pulls it back from Supergirl’s face.

The unmasking itself isn’t shown… 🙁

I like that Supergirl’s hair is hiding her identity here and she is somehow shocked by that unmasking.

Oddly enough the villainess then kicks Supergirl in the back…. wasn’t she standing in front of her?

Supergirl is knocked out, the perfect opportunity for the villainess to take a good look at that unmasked face!

But she just runs away with the guy…. ARGHHH! WHY?

Perhaps the explanation is given in the dialogue… I can only guess.

However, it’s really great how she realizes that her mask isn’t there anymore as she wakes up 🙂

Also, her relieved face as she re-masks herself is well done!

All in all it’s a good scene with some flaws in my opinion.

Again, it’s a shame that there are no subtitles (or a dub).

P.S.: I really hate the damn imp, or whatever that thing is!

He sadly shows up very often in this show…

Batgirl unmasked by Lady Shiva! – [Hall of Fame][Upgrade]

In the early days of the blog, I made this post.

It’s time for a proper upgrade as there is so little text in these old posts!

This is one of my favorite scenes that I have watched a hundred times, so it’s time to make a proper upgrade post.

Also, the video is on my pretty small Dailymotion channel, so many of you may have never seen the video or that old post.

In this TV show, Barbara Gordon is Oracle and is bound to a wheelchair.

As her old enemy, Lady Shiva re-appears in Gotham Barbara feels the need to put on her old (GREAT) Batgirl costume and can (shortly) walk again with the help of an experimental device.


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Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

This Batgirl costume (alongside the nearly identical one from “Batman and Robin”) is SO AWESOME for me!

The mixture with the (mostly) black leather and rubber is sexy as hell and I love every second Dina Meyer is in it (and Alicia Silverstone).

If I would live in that Gotham City I would become a criminal in no time or …even better… a cop who wants to arrest the vigilante. #BlackScorpionvibes

Or I would need to be rescued from evil criminals suspectingly often 😉

The cowl is nice but basically my only issue about the whole outfit.

It is cut open very high at the back of the head and …more problematic… has no chin strap and no neck coverage.

So unmasking her is way too easy as this video demonstrates.

Also, the cowl could simply fall off in a hectic fight… and that shouldn’t be possible.

It’s a fantastic tread that here we also have a second masked woman in the scene… Lady Shiva.

And damn… her mask is AWESOME and the costume is quite good as well.

It’s a shame that Batgirl here goes down so easily as that device is failing quickly. 🙁

An epic unmasking battle with these two where Batgirl isn’t paralyzed and is wearing a properly secured/upgraded cowl… is basically my holy grail.

Also a whole TV show with such a Batgirl as the lead character…. would be even more insanely-awesome-fantastic 😉

In this show Batgirl is just in one episode and some black and white mini flashbacks.

I do love that Shiva here immediately goes for Batgirl’s mask as soon she realizes that Batgirl is helpless!

That’s how a villain(ess) should do it! She has the opportunity to find out who Batgirl is and takes it. Perfect!

Not like most of the other villains who just run off and aren’t interested at all to find out who is hiding behind that mask.

Now the helpless Barbara Gordon is lying in front of her and she is ready to finish her off to get her revenge (most likely).

Then Huntress, who is sadly never wearing a mask or even a costume, shows up right in time to save Barbara.

She was too late to save Batgirl from the unmasking though. #timing

Due to the fact that Huntress isn’t wearing a mask, Lady Shiva recognizes Helena and runs off as she doesn’t wanna fight against her.

Or maybe she was afraid to lose and then be unmasked as well? 😉

All in all just an awesome scene!

Here, as a little bonus… two (edited) pictures of the “exposed” Barbara:


Wanna know from which episode this scene is?


What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

More from this TV show?

Check out the other Batgirl and Lady Shiva scenes in the Hall of Fame:

*Also updated the other Batgirl posts that are linked there*



Black Scorpion VS Aerobicide and her henchwomen [masked villainess]

This week I wanna present 2 scenes from a certain Black Scorpion episode.

In that episode, Black Scorpion has to fight a masked villainess called Aerobicide, a former aerobics instructor…

…. who is turned into an evil cyborg that loves to kill her victims by forcing them to overexercise…. (yeah…. really….)



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Here is the video:

Feel welcome to hit the LIKE button of the video on YouTube! 

Yeah, a classic “Black Scorpion gets knocked out by villain(ess) who then just leaves” scene for starters.

And actually… that is the second time that happens in that episode!

At the very beginning of the episode, she also gets knocked out by Aerobicide who then flees.

Nice touch though that the henchwomen actually wanna finish her off in this scene but Aerobicide decides against it.

Also really cool that Darcy and Aerobicde aka Suzy know each other. And Suzy wants to finish off Darcy as well….

It’s great that Black Scorpion then unmasks Suzy, even if the unmasking shot is way too short for my taste.

Really cool that here Black Scorpion unmasks a villainess, even though she knew already who Aerobicide really is.

Suzy didn’t find out about Black Scorpion’s secret identity though even though she fought both Darcy and Black Scorpion.

But ok… she is an “exercise machine” and not soooo clever.

Wanna know the movie title?


What do you think about these scenes?

Leave your comment here or on YouTube!

Want more Black Scorpion?

Check it out here on the blog:

Batgirl: Scales of Justice [Fan Film]

Today I wanna present a Batgirl fan film that just premiered this week.

I watched it yesterday and I think it deserves to be the topic of the weekly post here.

And this is a Batgirl film that wasn’t canceled! 😉

At least not yet… don’t know if DC/Warner will let it stay on YouTube or not.

In the past the fantastic “Batgirl: Spoiled” series was stopped after the second episode for example, even these episodes are still available on YouTube.

(That’s why I save every video I think is really good and that I wanna rewatch)

If you have a little over 30 minutes… watch it!


Official Synopsis: Following the murder of Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon must choose between her life and her aspirations of finding and killing The Joker, Jason’s murderer.


Preview pics:

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Here is the video (not my upload):

Watch the film and then continue!

Wow, that was a dark ending… not really surprising… if you know the comics.

Personally, I don’t like that aspect of the “Killing Joke” as it is such a trauma for Barbara and banned her from being Batgirl for a long time.

I think the movie is shot really well and the acting is quite good as well.

I mean it’s a fan film that was crowdfunded with a little over 2.000$ and is over 30 minutes long, quite a length for such a film.

Her costume is just okay… but I really like the Batgirl cowl they used. A quality cowl, especially if you just have such kind of budget.

Kendall Felix, who plays Barbara and Batgirl, also directed and wrote this film.

The short fight scenes here aren’t really exciting, but that is …again… a money issue I would say.

Not surprisingly… Batgirl has quite a lot of screen time here, but also Barbara as well.

I like the self-unmasking and the re-masking in this one.

Also that she tosses her cowl on the ground as she enters the apartment in the end.

Even that meant that she was standing unmasked in the hallway… quite risky. 😉

Funny that this fan film also has the trope of heroes standing around unmasked on rooftops at night.

I wouldn’t recommend that….

Another plus point is the music in this one, very fitting with a heroic tune as soon as the movie title appears.

What do you think of the movie?

Feel free to leave a comment!

Also, you should leave a LIKE on the video.

I certainly would like more fan films like that!

Masked “Supergirl” from Indonesia in a “Spider-Girl” costume …. in an epic self-unmasking battle!

Thanks a lot (again) to the one who recommended me this one a while ago!

More about the show in general in the first post:


In this one “Supergirl” (in her Spider-girl costume) saves the day but encounters some problems afterward!

An epic, bizarre self-unmasking battle is the result 😆


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Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

This is a very early episode of “Supergirl” where she runs around in a costume that looks a LOT like the early “Spider-girl” costumes from the comics and animated TV shows.

Quite bizarre already.

But what then happens inside her home is ….also… quite bizarre and pretty unique.

A heroine who desperately tries to unmask herself over and over again… That is quite a very rare situation!

Her mask is magic and the source of her superpowers. Most of the time…not always… it is secured in place by some kind of force and bad guys have a very, very hard time to unmask her.

Which is quite great by the way 😉

But from what I understand her mask has also some kind of own will or something like that.

I guess it wanted her to stay in her Supergirl/Spider-girl costume 😉

Really odd how she gets thrown around/jumps around the room 😆

Of course, the CGI with the magic mask looks quite bad (#blurry), but the sound effects are nice.

And it’s a nice reversed situation.

Normally masked superheroines don’t want to be unmasked and here she wants to unmask herself but has such a hard time.

A very good scene in my opinion.

What do you think about these scenes?

Leave a comment here or on Youtube!

Masked “Supergirl” from Indonesia VS a masked villainess (and a villain)

Thanks a lot (again) to the one who recommended me this one a while ago!

This bizarre Superheroine show is quite a rollercoaster.

It has 129(!) episodes, which are available on Youtube!

A masked superheroine in different costumes and solid masks is the lead character!

It has a lot of secret identity issues incl. unmaskings and unmasking attempts!

It even has a masked villainess that is in many episodes!

Sounds fantastic? Well yes…. BUT…. there are also some problems.

More on that later on…


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Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

I combined scenes from 2 episodes for this one. One episode ends just after the villainess unmasked herself and we see Supergirl’s shocked face. #cliffhanger

Here are the problems the show has for me:

– Obviously, the language issue if you are not familiar with it… no dub or subtitles are available

– The playlist of this show has 129 videos with episodes but they are …often… not in order… a total mess

– It’s a soap opera, a really over-the-top soap opera… that you can realize very quickly without understanding a word 😆

– Really bad CGI and a total overload of superpowers

– some really annoying characters like a magic micro-mini-human


But, it also has a lot to offer 🙂  (as mentioned above)

Now to the scene itself:

Supergirl knows who the villain is, I think she was/is in love with him as he was turned into this evil character.

So he is shocked to find her under the mask of his enemy… Supergirl.

He wants to protect her so he carries the unmasked Supergirl away before the villainess can find her.

It’s been a while since I watched (skipped through) these episodes and the language issue makes it a lot more difficult to follow the crazy storyline.

I like the struggle with her and that he unmasks her, even the camera should be more focused on her face.

But I certainly love the expression on her face as she realizes in terror that he unmasked her.

She should have put up more of a fight… but I guess the way she got smashed against the tree was still affecting her big time.

I love how the guy is tossing her mask on the ground as he isn’t exactly happy about finding out that his love was Supergirl the whole time.

All in all, a really interesting scene.

In other episodes, she is wearing a costume that makes her look like a version of Spider-girl, also really interesting!

And the mask is actually the source of her power, as soon she puts it on she turns into the superheroine.

That means an unmasking leaves her powerless AND destroys her secret identity, quite a combo.

I guess I could make …at least…. 5 more posts with scenes from this show.

I will think about it….

The hint where to find the playlist with the other episodes can be easily found in the video 😉

What do you think about these scenes?

Leave a comment here or on Youtube!


A double-masked villainess

I finally am catching up with the last season of a certain TV show and stumbled upon this scene.

Time to post it here!

We have a guy wandering around, but he isn’t alone. A mysterious masked woman is following him!


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Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

Yeah, a nice scene. I like that she is wearing two masks, even the cloth thing is most likely just there for comfort.

But in my mind, it is her backup mask in case someone yanks off her main mask 😉

It’s also good that the two know each other so the unmasking has a bigger impact as they have quite a history and now she is with the bad guys and is threatening him and his dog.

Of course, I would have preferred that they would fight and then there would be a dramatic unmasking after one or two failed attempts… but no luck 😉

And at least a glimpse of some sort of sexiness in this TV show. Zombie apocalypses are very unsexy after all 😆

Wanna know from which episode this is?


What do you think of the scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

A heist with two masked women in broad daylight!

I really like this video, and I also hate it! Why? More on that later on…

I stumbled upon this scene as I watch this show for a while and finally started watching it again.

We have two masked women in a heist 🙂


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Here is the video:

Ok, where to start?

I watched the episode and the blonde master thief was introduced. The police were never able to prove any of her thefts and she was planning something.

Of course, my fantasy imagined a great heist scene where she would battle some cops who tried to stop and unmask her.

I was really thrilled by the possibilities 🙂

Then she goes on a heist, and puts up a great mask …. and you might imagine how I reacted to the scene that followed 😉

I cursed at my TV as she was running away and unmasked herself for NO reason! DAMN IT! WHY????????

I mean the police already predicted she would show up there and that’s why all the cops were on the scene undercover.

But she is still masked and could escape. WHY does she unmask herself as she is running away?

That makes no sense at all. I mean as long she is masked she is still “safe” as the cops have no proof that she did it.

It would have been so great if Nolan (the guy in the security dude uniform) would wrestle her down and unmask after a fight… but NO, of course not!

It’s a real trope by now that masked women always unmask themselves for no reason.

That drives me crazy! Another wasted opportunity 🙁

I mean she is already wearing a nice catsuit (sort of) and the mask in combination with the cap is a great disguise… but they screw it up.

Also, it is quite odd that she is on a heist and is wearing these ankle boots with heels but… ok, not as crazy/unrealistic as a Catwoman with stiletto heels (TDKR)….even she was insanely sexy.

The second masked woman is just a little bonus as she is just a nameless henchwoman.

In my imagination, she would have also prevented the unmasking at a nightly heist (without a crew) and would then re-appear in later episodes 😉

Well, I don’t write these scripts…. hopefully, there will be more masked women in the show.

Wanna know from which episode and show this is?


Feel welcome to leave a comment on the blog post here or on the Youtube video!

What do you think about this scene?

The Queen of Swords unmasks herself… and a bad guy witnesses it!

I posted about the best mask-related scenes here some years ago… but I missed one scene that surely needs to be here as well!

This TV show is in my Hall of Fame and is certainly one of my favorites 🙂

Here we have an episode where Tessa finds out that there is a man who actually knows who killed her father.

Of course, she wants to know and actually saves this guy (as Queen of Swords) from the evil duo the Colonel and the Captain.

But then something really bad is happening….


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And here is the video:

In the past, I often mentioned how careless some masked heroines are when it comes to self-unmaskings in (more or less) public places.

For example, Batwoman unmasked herself on rooftops and alleys at night in the TV show. There was always the danger that someone might show up or would watch it from the distance.

I’m not a big fan of such careless behavior… as I don’t want anyone to uncover a secret identity out like that.

The Queen of Swords was more careful in general and here she thought it would be safe to unmask herself in her own home which is placed quite remote.

But, unlucky for her… the scumbag was peeping through her windows and saw how the Queen of Swords unmasked herself and he recognized the face of Tessa.

And that is such an enormous problem for any heroine with a secret identity… especially if it’s a bad guy.

With his knowledge, he approaches her when she is the most vulnerable. Tessa is alone, without weapons, and without her costume.

Her dress is also making it more difficult for her as it slows her down.


Quite unusual that the show really gets that dark and that they have a bad guy who actually wants to rape the heroine/her civilian self!

That never was a topic in shows like Black Scorpion, Batwoman, etc.

And here she really gets into a big dilemma, as she wants to know from him who killed her father, but also has to defend herself and take care of the fact that he knows her biggest secret!

The outcome is the only possible outcome for me. He knows her secret identity, he tried to rape her… she has to kill him, even if that means that she won’t find out who killed her father… at least at this point.

These scenes perfectly demonstrate the danger of losing a secret identity… and therefore I need to post about it.

These scenes are from episode 8 of Queen of Swords.

What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment below!

Scenes from a new Luchadora documentary – #2

Time for more scenes from the Luchadora documentary!

I made the English subs for the first part, as there is some important dialog.

The rest of the video doesn’t have much text, and it’s only some presentation of the female fighters, nothing you need to know to enjoy the scenes.


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And here is the video:

Yeah, some nice scenes for me! I like how she tries on the new mask.

Perhaps I should become a mask designer 😆

Again, she doesn’t show her face to the audience, quite exciting that she wants to hide her face like that.

I like the fight scenes in slow motion with the music, really well done!.

I guess the aspect that one of them is transported to the hospital was real, but hard to say… perhaps it was staged as well.

I included the two additional short scenes to show the fighter with the full face mask, sadly she is only in the movie for these seconds.

The end scene with the bloody unmasked fighter presenting the mask was a nice way to end the movie 😉

The unmasking wasn’t shown sadly…


Check out my other post about this documentary movie, if you haven’t already:

Here is the title of the documentary:


What do you think about these scenes?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!