Awesome edited videos with Batgirl, Spider-woman, Catwoman and Batwoman!

In April 2020 I already recommended you this Youtube channel and a certain blog!

It’s time that I present here some of my favorites videos that he did over the last months.

He made this edit of the famous scene where Batman yanks on Catwoman’s cowl but she stops him before he can unmask her.

In this version things do take a different turn:

I just love how he does the 2nd attempt and completely rips her cowl (and costume) away.

For me, it would have been “enough” if he would have just unmasked her….but others may favor this version 😉

This scene is one of my favorites from the animated series. It’s always great for me to have such an unmasking attempt. These are quite rare! I love how she is determined to not let him unmask her.

Another old favorite of mine is this scene where Robin nearly unmasks Batgirl:

I guess you may guess what happens in his edited version: 😉

Just love how her cowl totally rips off her face! For me, that is sexier than just yanking it off. The ripping sound of the fabric is well done.

He already did quite a few unmaskings with Spider-Woman and lately made a best of video:

Basically what I always wish would happen if I see a masked heroine in action!

Check out his other videos to see these unmaskings with more story to it.

About 2 months ago I made a post about a great Batwoman version in Batman Beyond:

He managed to make this edit as he now expands to making edits with comics as well:

As I mentioned in the post to that comic, I really love her costume and mask. The costume is sexy and the mask is a great disguise and is also a great template for unmasking, mask damage scenes, and more! Seeing him yank off her mask like that is pretty awesome. I always hoped he would go for her mask at one point, he was verrry close once (see my post) but never went through with it.

In this edit, he does unmask her and I love her shocked face and reaction to it!

There would be a lot more to post, but I’ll let you discover the other videos he made.

If you don’t know them yet, that channel will be a real treasure chest for you!

Check out his Youtube channel and subscribe!

Superheroine Reloaded on Youtube

And here is the link to his blog where you can find the uncensored versions, as some videos of him have some nudity and/or sexual content:

Superheroine Reloaded’s Blog (uncensored)

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

What do you think of the videos above and his other videos?



Catwoman, Batgirl, Poison Ivy and Batman in one movie [Batman: Hush]

Time for a post about Catwoman (and Batgirl) for a change!

I know this movie for quite some time but didn’t post about it yet. Normally I wanna post every scene with a masked, female character from a movie or TV episode.

If I would do that here I would need to practically post half the movie, which would be highly problematic 😉

So, in this case, I wanna post just my favorite scene.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

The Catwoman VS Batman storylines were always interesting for me. I just love their relationship as they are so attracted to each other, but at the same time, they stand on different sides of the law. Catwoman isn’t a black or white character like most ones. She often is a criminal but has her moral principles and even fights alongside the good guys from time to time.

The “Batman: Hush” storyline is a rather famous one and is a favorite of some of the hardcore comic fans. This movie is quite different in regards to the story, and some of these fans don’t like that. I know these comics, but I don’t really mind getting something different with this movie.

The movie has a LOT of Catwoman scenes in it, so I am already very happy for that fact alone. Plus you can also see Batgirl in it, also it is “just” the Batgirl Burnside version which I don’t like that much, due to her costume and cowl. The cowl is basically just a helmet that isn’t attached to anything or secured with a chinstrap. Ok, that’s at least better than the last comic book version where she only had a tiny eye mask….but I better don’t get started on that one 😉

I like this Catwoman version, and it’s also good that she actually is wearing her goggles so she is disguised pretty well. The fight with Batgirl here could have been (a lot) longer for my taste, but well, I get that it wouldn’t fit at that point as Batman is badly wounded and needs help.

Poison Ivy has an interesting role in this one and there are quite a lot of other villains and heroes to be found in the movie.

I really like how the thug tries to unmask Batman but gets zapped while trying. A masked heroine could use such a defense mechanism as well 😉

I recommend that you check out the whole movie, especially if you like to see masked women such as Catwoman and Batgirl 😉

Here is the IMDB page to the movie:


What do you think of that scene and the movie?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

“The Batman” teaser ….with some Catwoman scenes

Time to make a post about “The Batman”!

Yesterday a first -very long- teaser was revealed at the DC Fandome.

Before the teaser director Matt Reves talked about the movie and his vision on it.

Seems like he is very focused to make his own unique version of Batman, that is as much different than the version we saw so far.

That is not a bad thing, even I think he might have overdone it a little with some designs (Batman costume, Batmobile).

Of course that can only finally be judged when the movie is finally out in the theaters.

He also mentioned that they shoot only 25% of the movie so far and that Catwoman …isn’t Catwoman at the beginning of the movie.

Well, I really hope that she will become Catwoman with a stunning catsuit and everything as early as possible in the movie.

After watching all season of Gotham I have enough of watching Selina becoming Catwoman (very slowly) 😉

Knowing how little was filmed so far, this teaser is highly unusual. Normally such a teaser would be only 30-60 seconds, and normally they would include scenes from the whole movie as they often are finished with the shooting more or less.

Here it is:

Well, I am thrilled and worried at the same time about this one.

I never saw any movie with Robert Pattinson except the first Twilight movie, and that was a long time ago.

I will watch newer movies of him like “Swiss Army Men” and “The Lighthouse” in the next weeks.

So far I’m not thrilled by how he looks as Bruce Wayne…

…a solid hair cut would help for starters 😉

But well, perhaps he will change and evolve during the movie as he is only in his second year as Batman.

Slowly I get more used to his Batsuit:

It is very different from the ones we know so far from the movies. Will be interesting to see it in action.

The teaser offers a great, dark atmosphere with a good soundtrack in my opinion.

Gotham is a here a really dark place… in several ways.

And that fits perfectly!

We get to see an early version of Catwoman in the trailer:

(click to enlarge)

That is certainly a very….”special” cut of a ski mask! It looks very much homemade, but it’s a solid disguise at least.

Certainly that is a first, primitive version of her Catwoman outfit. Please let her get her real Catwoman suit and cowl as soon as possible in the movie!!!

I am a little afraid she presents that in the final moments of the movie as she disappears into the night. And then a new Batman movie comes out with a complete new storyline and we might never see her again in the real Catwoman outfit. ——– #nightmare

It will be very interesting how Batman and Catwoman and their alter-ego will come along in this movie. In the teaser Batman wants to stop Catwoman, so they fight each other!

But how will they find out who is hiding underneath these masks? Will they work together at some point in the movie somehow? Some pictures form the set point in that direction.

From the teaser it is impossible to judge how Zoe Kravitz will fit into that role.

Well, I hope we will get more pictures and info in the next months when filming finally continues!

Especially looking forward to more Catwoman pictures and the first glimpse on the villains of the movie (Riddler, Penguin)!

What do you think of the teaser?

Are you looking forward to the movie?

Leave a comment!

DC Fandome – August 22/23 + September 12/13

[Post 2 of 2 for today!]

The DC Fandome is on the next weekend (August 22 and 23), time to make another post about it!

*EDIT* News came in yesterday that most of the TV shows and everything besides the movie panels are moved to a second date: September 12th!

What is the DC Fandome?

2… 24 hours virtual cons, entry free, watchable across the globe with lots of panels on upcoming DC shows and movies….and much more…

Here you can fix your own schedule so you know when to watch something you are interested in:

Regular website:

Of course the Batwoman panel in the Watchverse is THE main attraction for me, no doubt!
It will have 40 minutes and the cast will discuss season 1 and give a sneak peek into season 2. I also expect that we see promo material of Javicia in the costume for the first time!

Besides that I am thrilled about the Wonder Woman 1984 panel and the “The Batman” panel (hope to finally see the Catwoman costume)!
And of course the other Arrowverse shows will have interesting panels as well!
I am hoping for some juicy trailers, interesting talks and great promo material!

I already made a schedule for the event…..well, I am sure I won’t get much sleep in these 24 hours….

 Which panels do you wanna watch?

Leave your comment below!


Batwoman, Season 1 on Blu-ray and DVD

Check out Alzi Production on YouTube!

A little promo post for a guy who really deserves it!

Check out “Alzi Prodution” on Youtube:

Alzi Prodution” on Youtube

He has made a lot of videos with Batgirl, Batwoman, Catwoman, Black Cat, Spider-Gwen and Spider-girl already.

He casts gorgeous women and puts them in sexy costumes and masks!

And of course they get unmasked sometimes 😉

Here are some screenshots from some of his videos:

(click to enlarge)

I linked his latest videos in my Fan films/Webseries section.

Ladycat and Robyn in “Bye Bye Birdy” [Lucia Films]

Today I wanna present a great “SHIP” video from Lucia Films. For those who haven’t heard the term, SHIP stands for “SuperHeroineInPeril”.

In this video we not only have a masked “Ladycat” (aka Catwoman), we do have a masked Robyn (female Robin) as well!

I watched the really good “Toxicity” video from Lucia Films some weeks ago and now I stumbled upon pictures from this new video and was immediately highly interested!

If you follow this Blog for a while you might/should know that I often have issues with a lot of these videos. Mostly I complain about the costumes that often look like they were bought from a supermarket which was selling them for Halloween for a few bucks.

Here we have a Ladycat that really has a fantastic costume! The cowl looks like real quality from a professional store. With the purple costume and the black gloves and overknee boots she looks like right out of the Catwoman comics from Jim Balent. This is actually on of the very Catwoman costumes I have ever seen in such a video!

And in addition we have a sexy, young Robyn on a mission to catch her! But Ladycat has some naughty plans for the brave crime fighter 😉

Official storyline:

When Robyn (Xiphos), the plucky sidekick of the famed hero Bats gets an alert to a museum break-in, she considers it a routine bit of crime fighting. Unfortunately for her, Ladycat (Mckenzie) is on the prowl and she quickly falls into a well planned trap to separate her from her caped crusader.
At the mercy of the feline themed deviant, Robyn is subjected to a slow, humiliating series of psychological and sexual tortures meant to break down her ability to resist. Will Robyn be able to hold onto her sanity and dignity?

Some Pictures:

(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)

More pictures (especially the ones with XXX content) on this site:

Extra pictures on Heroinemovies


The video contains (official description):

This film includes:
-1.15 hour runtime!

-Brief fight scene.
-Chloro Scene.
-Playful banter.
-LOTS of bondage.

-Forced Orgasms -Forced Molestation/Groping


-Partial Nudity.
-Fierce Resistance.

-Implied Voyeurism.
-Vibration Device.
-Incoherant Mindbreak.

-Masturbation -Predicament Peril
-Passage of Time



—–>>>>> “BYE BYE BIRDY” <<<<<—–

Lucia Films website

Some more remarks on the video:

Both actresses are doing a really good job in the video.  Catwoman is one of my favorites, and I love her costume in this video. It’s great to see how she is playing with Robyn and really enjoys that!

The secret identity aspects are really well done in this video. I won’t spoil it here, but Ladycat has some evil and naughty plans in store for the young crimefighter! The price of the video is totally worth it as you get 75 minutes of running time! And that’s 75 minutes of quality running time! I would like to write more about certain scenes, but….. again….I don’t wanna spoil it.

So, check it out….. I am glad I did!

Masks off! #39 – Catwoman with severe “Mask damage” …and more missed opportunities

[2nd post for today]

Time for another issue of “Masks off!”  !

This time it’s about Catwoman.

In the issue from this week, Catwoman ends up in a room with two grenades! (early in the comic)

She survives, but the explosion badly rips her mask, and so she runs around with it for the rest of the issue 😉

I wanna show 3 scenes with 8 pages. There are more, of course, but I won’t show the complete comic here.


Catwoman 015-023
« of 8 »

(use the arrow to navigate and click on the image to enlarge it)

You may know by now that I love damaged masks, so the comic starts really good!

But again, it’s a shame that no one uses this opportunity for an easy unmasking.

In the 2nd scene, where she fights against the woman, that woman has her hand on her mask once, and then she even grabs the hair that is exposed by the mask damage.

But….again, the villain doesn’t unmask the heroine (I would count Catwoman into that category, 51% heroine/ 49% villainess)!

Really frustrating…. well, perhaps next time.

This is the comic with more interesting pages:

Catwoman 015

What do you think of this scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!


Season 1 of BATWOMAN is………..ORDERED!!!

As I woke up one hour ago, checking a certain site as every morning…my pulse was accelerated through the roof.
Right now, I am so HAPPY, sooooo HAPPY!!!!!
So far, it seemed most likely that they would order season 1 after the pilot was filmed in march…but hey, I’m very superstitious when it comes to possible great news.
But now, all doubts are gone, as it is official:

Batwoman – Season 1 …is officially ordered!

A short teaser surfaced to confirm it:

We will get a TV SERIES with a MASKED HEROINE in the MAIN role!!!

And easy to say after only 2 TV series so far (Queen of Swords and Black Scorpion) this is clearly the first one with a “real” budget so far.

And these series are both around 20 years old. It was about damn time!

(And hopefully it will be the first one(!) who will get …a second season)

And the chances for more masked women (villainesses and heroines) are ….very high/near certain!!!
Did some say Batgirl, Catwoman, Huntress? 😉

Some images, mostly from the Elseworlds crossover event from december:

More details like:

– how many episodes?

– when does the series start exactly?

–  storyline?

…will be released next week (around May 16) as the CW presents their shows for the next tv season (fall)!

Later this day I will celebrate this news with expensive burgers and something special to drink. 😉

May 8th, 2019 ….. a day to remember.

(((or May 7th, if you take U.S. time)))

What do you think about this news?

Let us know in the comments below!

Catwoman’s first (real) appearance in the Gotham TV show [+ 2 scenes with Selina]

Ok, folks, back to the normal….”post on sunday” schedule!

In the last episode of Gotham (ever), we see a 10 years time jump in the future. And for that they choose a new actress as Catwoman/Selina Kyle. Since Camren Bicondova is still pretty young it would look weird if she would play a ten-year older self. So they choose Lili Simmons (you should know her from the TV series Banshee!) for playing the role.

For this video I included all the Catwoman scenes and 2 scenes with Selina Kyle.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

As I just saw this last episode of the series two days ago. I am pretty sad that it is all over.
I had high hopes in that series. It delivered a lot. I hoped for a VERY long run to see Selina and Bruce grow into Catwoman and Batman.
And at the beginning of season 4 Selina put on a mask for two episodes. I hoped that would be the start of her transformation into Catwoman.
Well….yes and no. She nearly always had her black leather clothes and her claws on the gloves. But no more mask and no real Catwoman outfit. ?

On the good side this first real Catwoman appearance on the show did soften my pain of “parting” a little.
I’m a pretty uncritical guy…but…………….
This Catwoman outfit….well, it looks like they quickly put it together without much thinking or money.
This cowl/mask…. I guess it is no coincidence we don’t get to see it for a real close-up.
This visor on the cowl……MY GOD!!!  That is not Catwoman!
No cat-ears??? WHY???? ? That is not Catwoman!
I guess they were so ashamed of that mask that they didn’t show it in a close up.

What is weird, she is never called Catwoman in the episode. Is that the reason her mask looks like that?
90% of the (at least solid) cosplayers can design a better Catwoman mask than this. ?

What is weird, she never is called Catwoman in the episode. Is that the reason her mask looks like that?

And she pulls off her mask in the middle of her heist……WELL, THAT is a great idea!!! ?
(seems to be some sort of ….disease under the masked women lately (in Arrow and now in Gotham), unmasking for no reason and risking exposure)
*Rant over*

Gotham is over. Arrow is over next year.
DAMN I do need the confirmation that Batwoman will get the OK for season 1. ?

Ok, two things I do like regarding her mask. It does cover her face pretty well….and…with that 4 press buttons it is secured at least a little (unlike other masks that a child could just pull off with 2 fingers…).

*EDIT, April 30*

Thanks to a friendly user….here is a picture that provides a better look at the costume:

(click to enlarge to full size)

Well, it was good there was this last episode with the real Catwoman…but that outfit is pretty different from any Catwoman outfit from the movies and comics. And the only thing that says “Catwoman” are the claws on these gloves.

What do you think of her costume?

And of the decision to cast Lilli Simmons for that role?

Leave your comment below!

Batman and Robin VS the Joker, Pinguin and Catwoman [Parody / Madness]

Well, with that headline you are thinking about the Batman TV show from the 60’s? Well, that’s wrong. This movie from the Philippines is some sort of much …..weirder, much …..insaner parody of the Adam West Batman TV show (which was a parody itself…more or less 😉 )

For today I wanna show you a short video which will…….surprise you with the strangest fight between Batman and Catwoman!

I never saw the whole movie, because it’s not available in any language I understand, but more important: It is batshit crazy! If you can watch the whole movie….well, then you are officially insane 😆

For you folks I edited the “best” part of it, in which the Joker, Pinguin and Catwoman try to escape after a heist, but Batman and Robin can’t let that happen!


(click to enlarge)

Sorry for the picture quality….but that is actually the best one available. Fits somehow to the movie…. 😉

And here is the video:

Well, that was rather…….ODD!

Catwoman throwing cats at him….both trying to strangle each other….and then the weirdest part!

Looks like Batman could easily unmask Catwoman from behind….or put handcuffs on her.

But what does he do instead? He bites her. He BITES her…and makes some animal noises. Hmhm…… WTF?!

By skipping through the movie I can (99%) assure you that he isn’t a vampire…I guess there is just no sane explanation for it 😉

Catwoman’s costume is kind of strange as well, doesn’t look like a cat, but not unsexy with these legs in pantyhose (even the picture quality is really bad).

And she has a much bigger mask than the original Catwoman from the US TV show.

A shame she isn’t unmasked in this scene.

Here is the IMDB-link to that insane movie:


Well, what do you think of this scene?

Let us know in the comments!

A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale [my first story for this blog]

So, my first story for this blog is ready! It was a lot of work, but work, that actually was interesting for most of the time. 🙂

On this story Catwoman “visits” a mansion at night to get some shiny things from the safe. But the handsome playboy (no, not that one) wasn’t sleeping too….

So, I came up with 16 pages! 16 pages incl. Catwoman in a sexy catsuit, overknee boots, bondage elements, extensive unmasking scenes, fight scenes, some sex scenes and more 🙂

Quite a long story, but you should take your time and read it.


Here is the extensive preview version with 11 of the 16 pages:

A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale

(PDF-file stored here on the page)

The full version can be found in the VIP club, here on Maskripper.

A big thank you for those who supported me to run this blog!

And please…leave a feedback and comment on this post!

News on the first maskripper story and VIP update

Hey folks, for today, just two things:

– The Maskripper VIP club will be updated on September 2nd.

– The Story that I’m writing for this blog isn’t ready just now, it will take some more days.


A little preview:

It’s about Catwoman (with special masquerade) who wants to rob a handsome playboy (no, not THAT playboy 😉 )

….but things doesn’t go the way she planned them.

And it is an adult story with fetish elements 😉

Catwoman and Batman – 1st fight (with unmasking) and a meeting without masks

[Some spoiler included! – if you didn’t and want to play the game in the future]

Time for some great scenes from the video games. In Season 1 of “Batman – The telltale series” Batman gets to the mayor’s office where some thugs broke into.

But Catwoman is there too! So a really cool and sexy fight starts. 🙂

Later we see them both as Selina and Bruce…and they have a very interesting conversation.

Note: I did play the game, but the video shown isn’t from my playthrough. But the results are the same…


(click to enlarge)

And here ist the video:

I really like that “tension” between Catwoman and Batman.

And the mask damage was nice as well as her (partly) unmasking, when her goggles fall off.

And the fact they the both know their identities shortly afterwards…kind of uncool.

But the dialogues are very well made….very allusive.

What do you think of it?

Leave your comments below!

Catwoman: New comic series and a new/better costume (…and copycats!)

Today I wanna celebrate the new Catwoman comic series that started this week. Some great news: Not only that there IS a new Catwoman series after years of absence…she also has a new costume!

And I really like the new one! The goggles on the old costume never worked for me… they didn’t look good… they broke some times….and she had them on her forehead much too often, which ruined the disguise completely.

Now she has a real cowl again! It does look much better and she has a much more “complete” mask in my opinion. And the rest of the costume looks pretty good as well.

A little back story of what happened before the pages I show down below:


The police try to arrest Selina (as they think she is Catwoman 🙁 ) for two murdered cops. She escapes them and watches the news where they say that Catwoman killed these cops.

She wants to prove them wrong. And has now a different costume, so she clearly looks different from the Catwoman that committed the murders…

Catwoman (2018-) 001-020
« of 7 »


(click on the arrows to browse through the pages)

Well, besides the cool new costume…I love the idea with the copycats. Seeing so many CatwomEn…. really cool.

And I wonder how Catwoman will handle that situation…perhaps the copycats attack her and try to unmask her 😉

That would be something! And another run-in with the police would be interesting as well.

But this time as Catwoman…please!

What is your opinion on the costume?

…and on the story?

Leave your comment below!

And here is the comic:

Catwoman 001

German Comic Con Dortmund 2017 [My 1st!]

*EDIT* Added another video…

As promised, I wanna share my impressions from my first comic con in Dortmund yesterday.

As I understand it we didn’t have comic cons in germany before 2015. And now we have the “german comic con” in 4 different cities throughout the year.

In addition there is the “comic con germany” that is just once a year.

As I heard it was very crowded on saturday. Last year they used 4 big halls, and the folks had enough space. This year they put the con in just 2 big halls…

Well, I was there on sunday. It was crowded, but not on a really annoying scale.

I was hoping to see some Catwomen, Batgirls and other masked, female heroines and villainesses.

There were lots of lots of women/girls that did cosplays from japanese mangas… and lots of Harley Quinn’s. And there were a lot of female cosplayers that “did” Star Wars and Game of Thrones.

But regarding masked women from DC or Marvel… well I saw/noticed one Black Cat, two Batgirls, three Catwomen, one Spider-girl (unmasked) and some masked assassin from the Court of owls. I hoped for more… and no Batwoman, no Canary, no masked Spier-girl/Gwen, no Spoiler.  Of course I was only there on one day and of course you can’t see every cosplayer.

I definitely need to improve on my handling of my photo camera and the “photographer” skills. But I will learn from that experience.

From the material I have I edited around 10 really short clips into one short video.

But let’s start with some pictures (nearly all masked women are in the video) :

(click on the picture to enlarge it to full size)

And here comes MY self-filmed video:

In the video you should find 3 Catwomen and one Batgirl (my favorite cosplay that day).

And if you look closely, you will find a second batgirl, without cowl (not facing the camera)

*EDIT* You can see that Batgirl and more great cosplays in this official video at around 0:40:


Well, actually these were my first Batgirl/Catwomen that I saw in “real” life. And that was a pretty great experience. I will try to attend more comic cons in the future. And I’m pretty sure that then I can present better picture/video material. It would be great if there was a con just for DC and Marvel.

But -after all- it was a promising start…

Thanks to all the cosplayers! Great Job!

Feel free to comment!

Did you visited comic cons in the past? What are your experiences?