Batwoman news, August 21th

Time for a little update on the eagerly awaited Batwoman TV show! We are now “only” 46 days away from the airing of the first episode on the CW (October 6th).

46 days is still a lot, but as I first saw a countdown over at, it was at nearly 300 days, so…. the number from today sounds so much better. 😉

What happened in the 10 days since my last Batwoman-news post? Well, not too much, but it is worth a new post for sure!

A new teaser trailer:

I love the dark vibes in this one. And Alice isn’t exactly happy about the news that ….a (new) Bat is watching over Gotham 😉

Some pictures I picked up in the last days:

(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)

Chicago set pictures 1-6:

Well, it looks like a prisoner transport went…wrong and someone may have escaped! I guess Batwoman will need to catch that villain/villainess.

Pictures with the unmasked Batwoman:

Well, the guy with the blue shirt is really lucky to get pictures with her in costume! The other guy on the 2nd picture is actually Camrus Johnson (who plays Luke Fox) …who equips Batwoman with her gadgets.

Gotham Gazette/Batman pictures:

Also interesting! Someone seems to miss Batman (who is vanished in this TV show)! But who? And why? And why that puppet?

Questions over questions!

“Come out and play Batman!” sounds pretty playful. It seems that Alice thought in the trailer for the episode that Batman would be after her. But she surely have noticed quickly that it isn’t BatMAN anymore….who is afer her.

Guess we have to wait to get more info about the person who placed that puppet there.

Feel free to leave a comment!


The masked (female) kidnapper and the boy

A nice user asked about a clip on Youtube, if I would know from which movie it was. The title already provided the actual (very common) title, but the wrong year.

I found out about the movie and the scene should be on this blog as well.

Story: Some kidnappers have kidnapped a boy from a wealthy family. But he isn’t as harmless as he has some evil powers….


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Only a short scene, but pretty interesting!

We have a sexy, masked kidnapper, some “mask-talk” and an unmasking!

Well, and I couldn’t resist like he did…..I would “peek” to get a look at her unmasked face…. 😉

Wanna know from which movie this is? Here you go:


What do you think about this scene? Leave a comment!

Batwoman news, August 11th

[2nd post for today!]

Time for an update on the CW Batwoman TV show!

57 days to the premiere on October, 6th…

A new teaser:

A new promo at for the new CW sunday:

New info on the Crossover:

– Crossover dates:
  1. Supergirl, December 8th, 8pm (Special Time)
  2. Batwoman, December 9th, 8pm (Special Day & Time)
  3. The Flash, December 10th, 8pm
  4. Arrow, January 14th, 8pm
  5. Legends of Tomorrow, January 14th, 9pm


    Looks like a massive cliffhanger over one month 😉
[Small spoilers ahead, scroll down to the next image to avoid them]
[Small spoilers ahead, scroll down to the next image to avoid them]
[Small spoilers ahead, scroll down to the next image to avoid them]
– Kevin Conroy (voice of the animated Batman) will play an old version of Batman in the Crossover (from another earth?)!
– Black Lightning will show up at some point in the Crossover

New info on the Batwoman show:

– Like in the comics…Kate will be jewish in the TV show (now official)
– Another villain for season 1: Magpie (a jewel thief…but as it seems without a mask?)
– Her red wig (and the real Batwoman costume) will be introduced in episode 3 (the all-black Batman-style costume in ep 1 and 2)
Some selected new images:
A Set and a slate (Damn, I would love to have one of those!)
(the last two pictures are from the pilot, these scenes were in part in the trailer)

The nightly visit ….by a masked woman!

How about a nightly visit by a masked woman? Sounds good? Pretty much a dream coming true!

Thanks to the friendly user who recommended it!

In this scene we have a rather old couple, getting ready to sleep. But suddenly two masked folks enter their home…what is going on?


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Well, certainly not the worst night for him 😉

Damn, many would pay to get such a nightly visitor! Ok, perhaps having that the guy taking pictures to blackmail you afterwards…

Sadly, a rather short scene….but with a nice unmasking and other interesting reveals. 🙂

Wanna know from which episode this scene was taken?

Here you go:


What do you think of this scene?

Leave a comment!

P.S.: Please consider joining the VIP-club on this site if you want this blog to continue.

Maskripper VIP Club: August

>>>>> I updated the VIP-Club with new material! <<<<<

2 new videos (nearly 30 minutes combined)

(as always- not from a movie or a tv-series)

+ My special “highlight-cuts”  with all the masked heroines and villainesses from Season 2 of ARROW (my favorite one)

(with great Canary action in episodes 1, 3, 4 and 5)

+ you will have FULL access to my 2 (self-written) Maskripper fetish stories (both over 15 pages)!

Catwoman – the masked scuba thief [PREVIEW VERSION]

A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale [PREVIEW VERSION]

Wanna donate some bucks, show your support for this blog (actually help to keep it running) and get good videos and fetish stories in return?

Batwoman news from the San Diego Comic Con

A little late, but here is my roundup for the Batwoman related news from the San Diego Comic Con!

Some promo material and more have surfaced 😉

(click on the picture to enlarge them to full size!)

And there were some videos!

A trailer for all the Arrowverse shows:

Well, sadly, nothing much new from Batwoman…only some frames around this scene:

…where Batwoman uses her batgrapple to go after the bad guys (and girls).

Interviews from the unmasked Batwoman and other Arrowverse leads:

And some new info from the producers of the show (with small Spoilers):

    1. – Alice will be the main villain for season 1 (no big surprise, as she is her arch enemy)- In episode 3 they will introduce an interesting villain that wasn’t on TV so far (besides animation), an enemy of Batman. It will be Thomas Elliot aka Hush!


    1. – Burt Ward (Robin from the 60’s Batman TV show!) will have a part in the next crossover


    1. – Supergirl and Batwoman will become close friends (like implied in the last crossover), and should have some episodes together in the future (starting in season 1 or later…)


    1. – The atmosphere will be similar to Arrow Season 1, pretty dark….which fits to Gotham of course 😉


    – And like in Arrow Season 1, they try to keep it as realistic as possible

None of the actors of the show were on the panel, since they were too busy shooting and couldn’t make it to the con (unlike the folks from Arrow, Flash, Supergirl etc.).
Other than that they didn’t revealed much interesting stuff.
As much as I like these facts… I did expect more Batwoman news from the ComicCon.
And especially some new video material from the show. And despite some frames in the video in my post above this one….there was nothing.
Many visitors at the Con had the chance the see the complete pilot. I am still jealous! 😉

68 days to go!

The adventures of a female art thief

Thanks to a nice user, we can watch these scenes. Scenes with a female, masked art thief and her heists and break-ins.


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

If there were some burglars like her…I would be a security dude at a museum! 😉

I like the fact that she really wanna protect her identity.

She even wears sun glasses to that mask!

Damn, I wish that security guard would have caught her, tried to unmask her, but in the end she would have gotten away.

A shame that her unmasking wasn’t shown in the episode, even all knew by then who she was (if you have watched the whole thing).

Wanna know from which series/what episode this is?


Please leave a comment below!


Massive Batwoman promo in the days before the San Diego Comic Con (SDCC)

The San Diego Comic Con starts officially tomorrow and I wanted to present all the promo stuff to you, that I saw in the last days.

I already bought my issue of the Comic Con special from the TV guide, of course the one with the Batwoman cover 😉 , it is on its way and should arrive next week.

Here is the promo stuff I found in the last days:

(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)


… and hey, there is more!

2 Batwoman posters!

(click on the image to enlarge it to full size)

As mentioned before the San Diego Comic Con starts tomorrow (goes until sunday)!

So I hope for a rather MASSIVE bunch of new pictures, videos and facts from the show in the next days.

The pilot episode is shown there on saturday…and we should read a lot about it on the weekend 🙂

Damn, I envy all folks who have the chance to watch it on the weekend!

I am really thrilled about the next days….

81 days left!

Masked witches in spandex and leather!

A headline you haven’t read that often I would guess 😉

Thanks to a friendly visitor of my blog I stumbled over this episode of a rather well-known TV series.

It has 3 sexy witches in eye masks and sexy costumes! Sound good? Well, here are some preview pics:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

(tried to upload it on YouTube, but it was blocked after a minute)

As you should know by now, I’m not the biggest fan of eye masks, since they are just not big enough to hide enough….but seeing three pretty women like these in such costumes…with these masks… rather interesting! 😉

And the aspect of their masks actually changing their thinking….is fascinating!

If they would wear these costumes all the time…I would have seen every episode…

Ok, the boy should make some adjustments to the costumes and masks, but his result isn’t bad for sure.

Here you can see which episode from which TV series it is:


P.S.: Funny how the episode titlte doesn’t fit at all!

They don’t wear tights…

What do you think of these scenes?

What do you think of their costumes?

Leave a comment below!

Batwoman news – TV guide Comic Con special

88 Days left until the first episode of the BATWOMAN TV show on the CW!

The Comic Con in San Diego is just around the corner (July 18-21), and we should get more news, videos and pictures soon.

Yesterday it was announced that the TV guide magazine will bring out a Comic Con special with 4 different covers.

2 Covers are of special interest if you are interested in BATWOMAN (and the other superhero-shows on the CW):

all 4 covers – click to enlarge


Well, you may guess which cover version I must get 😉

Very excited for this magazine!

It isn’t 100% clear when the magazine is for sale exactly…but I would say at the end of next week, when the Comic Con is running.

Unfortunately, since I’m not living in the US, I need to figure out how to get that magazine for a reasonable price.

Sadly, it is impossible to buy the really interesting foreign magazines here.

But one way or another…I have to get a copy! 😉

Masks off! #38 – Spider-woman gets unmasked…and more!

It’s been nearly one year since the last “Masks off!” post…time to change that!

I have known the “highlight picture” of this comic for years, but I never thought about posting it. I guess I just forgotto post it.

Lucky for us, a friendly guy reminded me of this scene…thanks a lot!

And this scene has a lot to offer! A sexy Spider-woman, some peril scene, and even an unmasking……an unmasking of a special kind!

A little background info: Peter was ordered by his newspaper to make pictures of Spider-man and Spider-woman (who seems to be a criminial), masked and if possible, even UNMASKED!

Check it out:

spectacular spider-man 125 14
« of 8 »

(click on the arrows to browse through the pages, and click on them to enlarge the image)

Well, this unmasking is a rare one!

Unmasked by accident/bad luck. It wasn’t his intention to unmask her. But as her mask ……falls off/slips out of place…. during the fight, he took the chance to take pictures of her unmasked face 🙂

I love the action and peril scenes with Spider-woman. We don’t actually see the unmasking, “only” the result…but nevertheless it is a verrrry interesting scene.

I like the ending as he destroys the pictures of her unmasked face as he realises she isn’t an enemy and actually saved his life.

In case you wanna check out the whole comic, it is:

Peter Parker the Spectacular Spider-Man v1 125 from 1987

What do you think about the scene?

Please let us know by leaving a comment below!

Maskripper VIP Club: July

>>>>> I updated the VIP-Club with new material! <<<<<

2 new videos (over 30 minutes combined)

(as always- not from a movie or a tv-series)

+ My special “Black Scorpion” edits from episodes 20-22 (the last ones)

(all scenes with Black Scorpion in it , +some extra sexy Darcy Walker scenes, -the recurring car chase scenes)

+ you will have FULL access to my 2 (self-written) Maskripper fetish stories (both over 15 pages)!

Catwoman – the masked scuba thief [PREVIEW VERSION]

A nightly visitor – A Catwoman tale [PREVIEW VERSION]

Wanna donate some bucks, show your support for this blog (actually help to keep it running) and get good videos and fetish stories in return?

A drive-by and a car chase with a masked female assassin!

Just a normal day in the week…

Cruising home in the sun with the jeep… a masked woman drives by… shoots at you… a car chase… an unmasking….well, just a normal day at the office!

Well, maybe not completely normal 😉

Thanks for the friendly user who recommended this one to me!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Hmh, a pretty unusal scene after all.

Would have been great to see her more …with the mask on. And I even think that it is a stuntman in the scene where “she” is shooting at the guys.

However it has a nice unmasking! Again a little for fighting and stuggling would have been great before the unmasking, but the unmasking itself is done rather well.

If you want to know where to find this scene:


What do you think of that scene?

Leave a comment!



>>>>>>>>>>> Maskripper is now on ……Twitter!!! <<<<<<<<<<<

Follow, like and retweet! ?

“Nightfox: Gravestone” is now available at

From time to time I check the new releases from video producers of our common “special interest”.  And not often I put up a showcase like this one….because, as some of you know, what I think about a big part of these videos. Many have very cheap costumes and no masks or little eye masks from the one dollar shop.

I was thrilled as I saw the trailer and some pictures from this one! Why? I saw another video with “Nightfox” two years ago (more about that one later) and I enjoyed that one very much. I really like her costume. Boots, a sexy pantyhose, that body (in both meanings!)…..and especially the cowl/mask. That is a real mask! It really hides her identity (which is very important to me), is has a chin strap (so it can’t just fall off) and it is made out of rubber. Such masks are pretty rare to find in videos. And of course it is a nice bonus that it looks like Batgirl’s cowl!

And as I watched the trailer, I found another great reason to watch this video. The villainess wants to see who is hiding underneath that mask! 🙂

Some promo-pictures:

(click to enlarge)


Nightfox steps into a trap of the villainous duo, “Gravestone”.  Unfortunately, the only thing they hate more than Nightfox is each other. When they worked together, the villains give the superheroine more than she can handle and easily defeats her and she becomes their prisoner.  The only question is, will they finish her off before they kill each other?

And here is the trailer:

Well that preview-frame from the trailer is showing a VERY interesting moment 🙂

The villainess is yanking at her mask!

I have watched the whole video by now and I can say: I like it! As I mentioned I really like the costume and mask, but other aspects are well done as well.

The fight scenes are solid as well as the acting. Score and editing are good. And the story isn’t bad either! Of course there is always room for improvement, but if you compare this video with the vast majority of the genre….it is definitely much better than the average fetish video. And that is the reason for this showcase.

 >>> Here is the link to get this video: <<<

“Nightfox: Gravestone” from

And if you want to see more of Nightfox….here is her first adventure:

“Nightfox: Killer Joke” from