A woman VS a masked female killer [Blog exclusive]

Another solid recommendation was this one, thanks to the nice guy who recommended me this one! 🙂

It’s only a short scene, but a very interesting and unusual one…


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


(was immediately blocked on Youtube, even though it is just 98 seconds long…. well, no promo for that movie then on my Youtube channel)

Watch the video before you continue!

Hah, I bet you didn’t see that ending coming (me neither)!

Quite a violent scene at first…

First that the woman actually gets stabbed (and killed) and then the masked killer is actually looking exactly like her!

Is it a twin? Is she dreaming? No, actually the whole scene is just in the imagination of the author who is picturing herself as the victim AND the killer in her own story!

Not really showing a lot of fantasy here madam writer… but certainly a very interesting twist inside this movie and thereby an interesting reveal as the killer unmasks herself.

I must admit I haven’t seen the whole movie, perhaps there is more to it…. but this is certainly the only scene with a masked woman in it.

Wanna know from which movie this is?


What do you think of that scene?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

A masked female jewelry thief in action

Thanks a lot for the recommendations of a nice guy! This was maybe the best of the many recos he made last month.

We have a masked couple who wanna rob a jewelry store!

But things don’t go as planned…


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

That didn’t go as planned…

It’s a good scene and I like that she wasn’t forced to unmask herself but that the detective rips that mask off.

It’s a solid reveal.

Of course, I would have preferred a hand-to-hand fight in which she would have been (more) dramatically unmasked… but you can’t have everything 😉

Wanna know from which TV show this is?

IMDB link

What do you think of that scene?

Leave a comment!

The masked female cat burglar who got caught!

Thanks to the nice guy who recommended me this one!

In this one, a masked cat burglar is stealing some art and gets caught by a security guard…

Let’s see who she will or will not get out of this one 😉


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

I like her two-part mask combo with a cap and ninja-type (lower) face mask, even a single full face mask would have been sexier.

And finally, a security guard who knows what he is doing. He catches her and keeps his distance with the gun pointing at her.

He orders her to put down her stolen goods and then immediately demands that she has to unmask.

A little odd that he uses the term hood here, but ok…it was pretty dark.

Instead of getting closer and letting her attack him, like in other examples…. he wants to see her face. 🙂

I like how he is thinking and how he reacts (“Wow!”) 😉

Unfortunately for him, he is then occupied with getting back up and she can get her sci-fi gadget to freeze(?) him.

Well, the effects certainly didn’t age well, but ok, no problem, after all, it’s a TV show from the 90s.

As you can see she isn’t one of the nice cat burglars, she is actually the villainess of the episode.

I like how she is excited as she talks on the phone. Very….. lascivious. 🙂

I only skipped through it to see if she would be masked again…. unfortunately not.

All in all a good scene with a cat burglar in a rather rare forced self-unmasking!

Wanna know from which episode this is?


What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment below!


A masked female killer in a craptastic movie [Blog exclusive]

Thanks to all those who recommended this one over the years!

I had my doubts about this one, but I’m rather low on material and so I decided to make a post about it.

This one is exclusively on the blog and not on my Youtube channel for two reasons:

1) I don’t wanna risk anything in terms of showing “nudity” on Youtube, as they are sometimes very strict. I don’t think this clip should be troublesome, but I want to be on the safe side, especially after what happened to my old Frogwoman Youtube channel earlier this year.

2) I think the scene has some interesting aspects, but overall it’s rather embarrassing, so I don’t want it on my Youtube channel 😆


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


The movie is from the category “so bad that it’s funny”.

That works for me if I’m in the right mood.

I mean you can already see in this scene that the “acting” is like the “acting” in a porn movie….. for the most part. 😆

The dialogues are really bad, and the heroine ….well…. isn’t really attractive or interesting for me.

The mask of the killer is good in terms that it is a great disguise. She really wanna make sure that her secret stays …secret.

What is really annoying here is that the killer in this scene isn’t always played by that actress.

You can CLEARLY see that they used a stuntMAN for it in some shots, which is really embarrassing as hell!

I mean the “action” doesn’t require a stuntman/stuntwoman at all in my opinion! And they couldn’t find any stuntWOman to do it?

I mean they just roll around on the floor a little bit. Every actress should be able to do that!

That is a BIG minus for me. It’s just hilarious when the killer is suddenly only half the size as seconds before 😆

Two aspects here are really well done in my opinion here.

I just love that there is an unmasking attempt in the first place. It’s great how she grips into the mask and tries to yank it off.

Such an unmasking attempt is sadly pretty rare to find!

The unmasking is done quite well too! I love the angry look on the face of the attractive killer. Certainly a pretty good reveal!

Overall I have mixed feelings about it. It’s a nice scene that could have been SO much better with some simple changes.

A better dialogue, a better heroine, no guy playing the female killer in some scenes….and you could have a GREAT scene.

A wasted opportunity…

The scene is from this movie:


What do you think of this scene?

Leave your comment below!

The male warrior and the masked female ninja fighter

Thanks to the nice guy who recommended me this one!

Now we all can enjoy these two interesting scenes 🙂

First, some preview pictures:

(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

Ok, it’s not easy to spot all the time who of these masked fighters is the woman who he unmasks in the end.

But it’s a nice unmasking, although she can’t fight back. It’s nice to NOT have her self-unmask like in the last 1000 scenes I saw 😉

I don’t really get why he unmasked her, as there were so many masked fighters, but perhaps he just got curious.

The way he had his arm around her upper body…he should have realized that it’s a woman. 😉

And her eyes also tell that.

The reveal to him that she also was the “masked” tied-up woman earlier in the movie is a nice bonus.

Even that white veil isn’t really a mask as it hides basically nothing at all.

So, perhaps you wanna know the title of the movie?


What do you think of these scenes?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!


Only 6 more days to get your copy of Arachna 2!

Check out my post about the sexy, masked heroine and her 2nd comic!

A masked female cat burglar wants to steal a painting!

Thanks a lot to the nice guy who recommended me this one!

I don’t know the backstory to this heist as I know only this scene and it’s from a Japanese TV show…


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

I really like her costume. She is wearing some sort of catsuit, don’t know exactly the material….but it looks very good 😉

I also like her mask, it disguises her perfectly and is a great protection against curious eyes.

A shame that she doesn’t get into a fight with someone.

Also, I really don’t like and don’t understand her self-unmasking on that rooftop.

She only escaped from the heist building and unmasks basically in public??? Yeah, it is night and it’s a rooftop, but that doesn’t make it a safe place to do that!

There are many skyscrapers around that place, everybody could see her with some binoculars. Perhaps even some folks saw her on that rope.

And also she still has to go down to her apartment and she could run into someone on the way while she is still wearing that outfit and carrying a painting with her (quite suspicious 😉 ).

Obviously, the detective knows her and they had some relationship already. And he was waiting in her apartment already. Lucky for her as she seemingly gets away with the heist…

In my version, she would have still worn the mask and he wouldn’t know who is under that mask.

They would fight and struggle, he would make several attempts of unmasking her before finally yanking that mask off her face…

I don’t know exactly from which episode this is, but it is from this long-running TV show:


If anyone knows the exact episode….let us know!

What do you think of that scene?

Leave your comment!


A ninja heroine falls in love with a bad guy [Blog exclusive]

I made some posts about the Supah Ninjas TV show already, but I missed two interesting episodes with interesting scenes!

I made a highlight cut out of 2 episodes for you folks as the guy re-appears later on in the season.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


Some good and some bad aspects here for me.

I like the ninja look that really disguises her perfectly. The early fight scene with him is really good! She unmasks him by hitting him and he compliments her on her eyes.

That she then decides to drop that mask in favor of that eye mask that covers perhaps 5% of her head…… is really annoying for me in two ways.

Not only does she give up the good disguise of her normal mask, she seemingly wants to show much more of her face to him incl. her blonde hair.

She tries much too hard to make more of an impression on him after he already made her a compliment for her eyes earlier on. He was already interested…..

So, she decides to basically unmask herself, even the “mask” is supposed to work as a disguise in the show. A classic trope with these tiny masks.

I really enjoy how they fight each other, I love the tension between them, it’s basically like Catwoman battling with Batman, only that here the man is the bad guy. (Ok, Catwoman is actually only “half-bad”).

The scene where he wants her to take off the mask but she refuses is very sexy for me, as I love such “mask-talk” scenes. Very sexy how he reaches for her mask and is about to kiss her at the same time. Sadly it’s only a dream…. with a funny ending 😆

What I really hate is that he then finds out who she is without unmasking her! That gives me major Batwoman TV show-flashes in a way…..

All that sexy build-up and then he just knows…. LAME!

How great would have been if they had continued to fight and he would have unmasked her as she struggled to keep her mask on.

And then with the ninja two-part mask…imagine him slowly yanking her mask down, pulling the headpiece off to fully reveal the woman underneath….

But ok, all in all, there is a lot of good aspects here for me.

The scenes can be found in episodes 2 and 9 of season 2 of Supah Ninjas.

What do you think of these scenes?

Leave your comment!

By the way:

Subscribe to my Maskripper Instagram account!


Masked female …..knights and warriors?!

Thanks to the nice guy who recommended me this movie (and others)!

Well, ok, in one case she is dressed as a knight for a big part of the movie.

The other woman isn’t exactly a knight, more like a warrior, but certainly a masked warrior!

This one is pretty different from the scenes that I normally post, but perhaps you like it…


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Watch the video before you continue!

Well, the helmet of the warrior isn’t exactly very stylish or sexy for my taste, but it is certainly a great disguise. Sadly most of the guys have way cooler helmets than she has.

But the whole premise of having such a female masked knight is pretty cool, basically the opposite of the sleeky, masked cat burglar.

Of course, I would have preferred her to be unmasked by someone else, but no luck.

The female warrior is also a nice addition to the movie as she is seen in two full-face masks!

After the reveal of the knight, she sadly doesn’t wear her helmet that much and runs and rides along “just” in the armor.

If you like to see men and women fight in medieval armour, this is certainly a highlight movie for you!

And judging that there it has just around 500 votes on IMDB it seems like a pretty rare movie.


Wanna know the title of this movie?


What do you think of these scenes?

Are such masked female knights interesting for you?

A masked villainess and her special gun

This one had a long road until it got here. Two or three guys recommended me this one and it’s finally time to have a post with scenes from this movie.

Thanks, guys!

For some reason I never heard of this movie, even it has a brilliant cast.

Yeah, it’s a movie for kids and teenagers in the first place, but still, it’s odd I never heard about it back then as it was released in the cinema or on DVD/Blu-ray.

So, what do we have here? A masked villainess in action!


(click to enlarge)

Here is the video:

I made a special cut for you folks.

I wanted that her face is only revealed with the final unmasking and cut some scenes out where she is seen in her suit but without the mask.

I think her costume is ok, even it’s not really sexy. Her mask is a great disguise and the voice changer is a nice add-on.

Ok, I haven’t seen the whole movie, only skipped through to the ending, but I checked if the villainess would have more appearances early on and she has only tiny scenes with that evil sidekick where she is only shown from behind/the side. And there are no interactions with anyone else before she appears in that scene.

And she is shown as herself in a dress before she transforms into the villainess. So, the helmet/mask is more for protection than for having a secret identity….as it seems.

I like the fact that she doesn’t unmask herself as it happens so often. Really cool that he smashes her mask in pieces and knocks her out with that punch.

Quite a rare unmasking…destroying the mask of the masked woman.

And finding Mary Elizabeth Winstead under that mask is certainly a nice surprise!


I prepared a bonus video for you guys to show how she transforms into the villainess and how she walks around in that costume without the mask.

Bonus video:

Really fantastic cast with Bruce Campbell, Kurt Russell, Lynda Carter, and more!

Wanna know from which movie this is?


What do you think of these scenes?

Leave a comment!

3 masked cat burglars rob a mansion

One last post for 2021!

I hope you had a good Christmas time in case that is a holiday for you.

I heard of this movie quite some time ago but for some reason, I didn’t post about it.

Some weeks ago it was recommended to me again and now it is time to make a post about it.

Thanks to whoever recommended me this one again!

So, what do we have here?

We have 3 (female) cat burglars in tight costumes and masks who wanna rob a mansion!

Sounds good? Well, check it out….


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

I had to cut out some stuff during the scenes, but don’t worry nothing with the cat burglars.

I only left out some seconds at the beginning as they were putting the masks on. I think it’s more interesting if you haven’t seen the faces before they are masked in a case like that.

But there were plenty of scenes of seemingly random Lucha libre wrestling in between and that was way too annoying to leave it like that.

So I cut these scenes out except one I missed.

Yeah, no English audio, but that doesn’t really matter as there is only very little dialogue.

Due to the missing English audio (or subs) I didn’t watch the whole movie. And from skipping through it seems like that was a good choice.

But we have a pretty long heist scene with 3 masked women and short moments of action as well.

A shame these guards weren’t able to put up more of a fight.

If I understood it right these chicks are actually villainesses as they here even kill one of the guards.

At the end of the movie they fight against the heroes of the movie, but I didn’t include that short scene because it is embarassing²!

As soon they fight against the heroes the women get replaced by male stunt doubles…and not even small(er) ones but pretty big guys! Every single person who watches the movie can tell that but somehow they thought they would get away with it. Insane.

And this movie wasn’t made in the ’50s or ’60s where they used male stunt doubles for women quite often. This movie is from 1992!

However, a really nice heist scene, that could have used a little more action and at least a close encounter where a guard was trying to unmask one of the cat burglars 😉

*EDIT* March 24, 2022:

A nice user wished to see the scene before they wear the masks and he recommended me a movie with an interesting scene.

So, here is the (unlisted) video as a Bonus for you folks:

(that is the first time they appear in these catsuits so, now you have every second of these women in catsuits)


Wanna know from which movie this is?


What do you think of these scenes and these cat burglars?

Leave your comment below!

A female masked assassin in a rooftop fight with 2 other women! [+He does it again!]

Just last week I posted about a scene from episode 1 of a certain TV show.

And now, I “have” to make another post about episode 4 of the same TV show! 🙂

In this scene, we have a fight with one man and 3 women on a rooftop. And one of the women is (fully) masked!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


SPOILER ahead! Watch the video before you continue!

Well, basically I could copy most of the text from the last post about this show….

But what a lucky dude he is…again he stumbles into a masked woman.

This time he has to put up a fight, but AGAIN….he unmasks a masked woman!

Guess the imaginary “Unmasker of the Year” award goes to Hawkeye this year 😉

Yeah, her mask isn’t exactly sexy, but I love a good mystery and she is perfectly disguised which makes the unmasking even better.

Yeah…again…the unmasking isn’t shown very good and the mask goes off way too easily.

But I love the annoyed expression on the assassin as her exposed face is shown.

Two more episodes to go, perhaps there is another scene to post…..

Wanna know from which episode this is?


What do you think of this scene?

Leave your comment below!

When a woman with martial art skills finds a costume….

These scenes have just aired a little over a week ago and I had to make a post about it!

In this episode, you actually have around 9 minutes of her in costume and mask, and I wanna show you the better half of it.

This woman finds this costume and mask and an underground auction that then gets invaded by some thieves.

She puts on the costume and masks…. and is ready to kick some ass!


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


Ok, I really like the action, even it’s too goofy for my taste. These goons have really bad aim and it’s a little too comedic for me.

But the stunt work is really good!

I do like the costume and her hood and mask are a perfect disguise.

A shame no one of these goons tries to unmask her.

And seeing her in this costume for that long is pretty cool as well.

The unmasking at the end is really bad as it only shows the last frames of it.

First, he would need to pull back the hood to grab into her mask that he would then yank off her head.

And of course, the unmasking goes down way too easy as she doesn’t resist.

These scenes were in episode 1 of the show (1+2 aired in the same week).

The costume isn’t used in episodes 2 and 3 and it looks like it wouldn’t be (at least by her) in the other ones.

But perhaps she will use it again….even I don’t think she will. 🙁

I will keep watching the show as it is fun.

If there will be more scenes with masked women in it….I will make another post.

Wanna know from which show this is?




Batwoman news:

In other news, Ryan Wilder showed up for the first time in the Flash “Armageddon” event.

She wasn’t in the first two episodes, but she appears in the late minutes of episode 3.

And judging from preview pictures….Batwoman will appear in episode 4 next week.

Seems like I will then make a post about it!

A female burglar and a female killer…… masked with fencing masks!

This one was really GREAT recommendation I got some weeks/months ago!

And finally, it’s time to present this one here…

Honestly, I would recommend that you watch the whole movie if you get the chance.

It has around just 80 minutes and most of the time you have one or two masked women in this one!!!

Such a “masked woman” screentime is just fantastic.

So, I had a pretty hard time editing videos for this one as I would upload a really big part of the movie if I would upload all the scenes with a masked woman in this one.

So, I focus on the two best scenes in the movie.

And if you can’t see the movie or wanna re-watch the best scenes…here you go:

Preview, scene 1:

(click to enlarge)

Here is the scene:


Watch the video before you continue!

Ok, let’s start with the maskS! Then actually she is wearing some sort of ski mask or so underneath the fencing mask.

She really takes her secret identity very seriously and I love that!

And damn, all that talk about her mask and that she can’t take off her mask but the kid is demanding it……it’s just fantastic for me!

In terms of “mask talk”, this scene deserves a Maskripper Oscar 😉 …. and I will actually make a “Hall of Fame” entry for it in the next few days.

In this scene, I am on the burglar’s side as she keeps her end of the bargain and unmasks herself….unlike the cheaty little girl.

But the girl did a good job in talking the masked lady into unmasking herself, pretty clever….now she knows how the woman looks without her mask(s).

All in all a great scene!


But I do have another one for you folks…..

Preview, scene 2:

(click to enlarge)

Here is scene 2:


Watch the video before you continue!

Well, another fine scene, not as good as the first one, but another nice reveal!

Sadly he is no challenge to her at all after she was stabbed (understandably).

It’s a shame that he never had a real chance to attack her and go for the mask.

But I do like how she unmasks herself and looks at him before he dies.

And the fencing mask is very interesting, you can see her face with the right lighting, but not fully. Never saw fencing masks being used like that in a movie or TV show.

 Again, I recommend watching the whole movie as you only then can understand the background story behind all of that. And you also get more minutes of the masked ladies 😉

I did find two interesting posters for this one:

(click to enlarge)

I especially like the one on the left. Sexy Bella Thorne in leather + two masked leather-clad persons in the background.

It’s a little odd that both folks in the background look like women….if you ask me. One of the burglars is a guy, so is he not on the poster? That would mean that Bella Thorne is on that picture twice! Once in the foreground without a mask and once in the background with a mask and slightly different clothes.

Quite odd, but I am 90% sure that there are three women on it.

And even more oddly, Bella Thorne is twice on the other poster as well! And the guy isn’t there as well.

Really, really odd!

And the wound on the woman looks quite fake and she doesn’t get a wound like that in the movie….even she does get hurt on that side of the face.

Here is the IMDB link:


What do you think of these scenes?

Have you seen the movie?

Feel welcome to leave a comment!

The “Nightwatchman” in action! – Scene 5

Time for another scene with the Nightwatchman in action!

I intended to post 2 scenes today…but the 2nd one was problematic. The audio switched to german every time, even I selected to use the English one.

Even there isn’t much dialogue in this scene, I want the damn program to work and that you all can watch the scene with English dialogue for the best experience.

But, don’t worry, I will upload scene 6 next Thursday, so you won’t have to wait for long.

And the BIG, last scene 7 will then follow on a weekend.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:


Watch the video before you continue!

I really like this scene big time! By this time I care about her in the show a lot and really rooting for her. She gets trapped in that room, the evil Guy of Gisborne is just outside the door, breaking it down pretty quickly. With the axe and the damaged doors he somehow reminds me a lot of a certain Jack N. in “The Shining” 😉 , especially as he is watching her through the damaged door.

You can see the fear on her face, she is breathing heavily through the cloth cover above her mouth. She now she can’t escape….he is outside the door and there are plenty of guards there as well.

A great setting!

As soon they rush in they would overpower her sooner or later and then would UNMASK her! Her life as well as her father’s life would be in grave danger as the Nightwatchman is a big enemy of the Sheriff. He would also find the woman that he loves under the mask….but she is in love with someone else…..

The way he sneakily attacks her with that dagger….wow….worthy of a real villain.

Of course, she survives that in the end, even she actually seemingly dies.

But that was revealed one episode later….providing a major cliffhanger.

As I already knew she would be in season 2….I wasn’t surprised….but imagining watching the show back then when it first aired….they surely tortured the audience quite well. 😉

Wanna know from which episode this is?


What do you think of that scene?

Leave a comment below!

The adventures of the masked Rubberwoman! – BONUS post

Well, some weeks ago I didn’t think I would make a third post about this TV show and this murderous Rubberwoman (official title, it’s actually latex)….but here we are.

After the Rubberwoman appeared in the first two episodes of the show, the show continued as an anthology show, each episode had different characters and different storylines.

But now in episode 7….the Rubberwoman returns alongside some familiar characters!

She doesn’t get a lot of screentime….but she has two nice scenes that I wanna present here.


(click to enlarge)

And here is the video:

Yeah, she isn’t masked for very long, but I LOVE two things about these scenes:

First the kiss with her hot girlfriend that kisses her passionately on the gag (right term?). Very sexy!

Love how her hands are on the sides of the mask while they kiss.

Also, the scene where she is laying in bed and then suddenly that latex hand appears is a nice surprise to see her girlfriend dressed up like this!

Even it’s a shame we didn’t get to see more of her as we only get that one side angle, but ok… still a really nice ending and her girlfriend looks awesome in that suit 🙂

I really like the overall storyline of this episode with the woman trying to make a video game about the murder house. Also, it was great to have some video game scenes in the intro of the episode.


I doubt we will see these two again on the show in these roles….but well, that’s what I said some weeks earlier after episode 2.

So….perhaps…..just perhaps…..Rubberwoman might return….again! 😉

Still don’t know which show/episode this is?


What do you think of these scenes?

Leave a comment!