Skilled assassin VS Blackbird and Grace [Black Lightning]

Black Lightning has only a few episodes left in its final season, but it still delivers good scenes with masked women!

And this one is so far the best of the season. We have a nice fight scene with a skilled assassin that fights Blackbird and Grace, who both have really good masks…in my opinion.

Earlier in the episode, the assassin tortured a guy so he would give up the secret identity of Blackbird, but he didn’t as he just didn’t know who she is.

She actually keeps her secret identity really well…..secret 🙂

But the assassin manages to find Blackbird and Grace….


(click to enlarge)

And here is the scene:

Watch the video first before you continue!

As I said before I really like these masks! They cover their faces effectively but still show the eyes and parts of the upper face. These “half masks” are a good compromise between these tiny eye masks (example: Black Cat) and full-face masks (example: Spider-Gwen) for me.

The fight with him is pretty long and I was quite thrilled as I watched it as I always hoped he would manage to unmask one of them or both. Damn, how great it would be if at least his hand would have yanked on one of the masks in an attempt to yank them off.

But still, this is quite a highlight for me as you won’t find many scenes like that! Not one but two really well masked women in a long fight with a skilled attacker….rare stuff!

He is still out there to hunt down Blackbird…so I hope for more action scenes with him and other masked women in the next weeks. 😉

That is the episode with this fight scene:


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